Here it is, the final chapter in the epic “Strike!” saga. Well, 3-strips-long is the longest storyline so far in JEFBOT, so by that standard, it’s epic. Hope you’ve enjoyed the journey. Actually, I shouldn’t say “final” since it’s looking like this strike may go on for quite some time and I may just have to return to the subject in the future.
If you’d like to support the Writers Guild or find out more about what’s going on, check out the following sites:
Great! Totally worth waiting up for. Glad to see support for the writers. Love your new site!
I don’t “get it,” but I “get it” on a larger sense and therefore love it. 🙂 Color me a fan. (As if my weekly visits didn’t already make that clear.) Gosh, I hope you needn’t make another strike strip. Please let it be over sooooooon. XO
anonymous, i’m glad you’re up! always makes insomnia easier when there are others to share it with, as i’m sure bon can attest!
bon, yeah, that’s kinda the risk making these strips so specialized, but i’m glad you “get it” anyway! i always love your comments and the fact that you’re always around in the wee hours with me. yes, let’s hope my next strike strip is about it ending.
I love your epic – I want another one! Are the the Donuts from BUDS?!!! I can’t wait to see you tomorrow – I give thanks for you! Let the Games and Rubbing Begin!
Hil-AR-ious! I totally”get it” but I’m not sure if I should be happy or sad about that. Good work!
Ya, I’m with bon…I think I “got it” in the larger sense!
I love the new site too!
Happy Thanksgiving!
I don’t think Leno needs anymore donuts anyway… Great job! I would say I’m going to NY to look for work but Broadway is on strike now too!!
warrior sista!, no, unfortunately, the donuts are from the inferior krispy kreme shop. buds rules. um, not so sure about the games but yes! let the family rubs begin! man, that sounds weird…
anonymous, yes, you should be happy about that. embrace your nerdocity.
laura, thanks! hope you and your family have a happy thanksgiving, too.
funnyshaffer, i really don’t need anymore donuts, either… hope you can still take that ny trip.
First time here. Good Stuff! I WILL be back again.
This is fantastic. I love the colors, the expressions, the jokes…I just love EVERYTHING about JEFBOT!!!! Keep em coming, man. Oh and we all know the fifth cylon is Starbuck. Gobble Gobble.
Yes. Making her a fake and the REAL Starbuck is a dude being held in a Cylon prison!
hero stew, welcome aboard! glad you’re here and hope to see you again very soon.
mc, well thanks, man. we all know that at the very least starbuck’s a bionic woman. could that be the real origin of the cyclons!? gobble.
hero stew, welcome back! a dude played by dirk benedict!? my world just imploded.
I’m just reading through these today for the 1st time – got the link from Wil Wheaton .net. Great work. I’ve only gotten into webcomics this year – Wil Wheaton is the reason I even know about them – and yours is the best so far!!!!
was tempted to post the name of the fith here since it’s been a while and this is now known but then i’d have to look up the spelling
Haven’t identified there’s contest submitting site before!