
<update> Well, I’m still sick but getting better. Thanks for all the great comments and well wishes – they seriously make me feel better than any amount of acetaminophen, occillococinum or zinc lozenges ever could.

So, about this week’s (read last week’s strip here, if you haven’t already) webcomic: drawing the Michael Maul character hyper-animated was a lot of fun. So much fun, that, as you can see, I had to do a special, double-decker strip this week to contain it all. It just didn’t seem right to limit his fight choreography to 1 or 2 small panels. JEFBOT Trivia: this is but the second time I’ve done a double-decker strip. The first time was… (if you know the answer before you click the following link, give yourself a cookie) this strip. Anyway, I had such a good time that I’m now trying to figure out how to incorporate lightsaber battle sequences into all future strips.

Alright, I’m off for another swig of cough syrup. See ya soon and thanks again for the support. You guys rock ‘n roll. <end update>

I’m a little sick as I write this, so I’ll add more to this post when the NyQuil wears off tomorrow.