Yeah, I’m pretty excited about this, the final season of Battlestar Galactica. Can you tell? Although I may not have donned a helmet to watch the premiere last week, I was completely psyched to see what was going to happen after last season’s bizarre, thought provoking and revealing finale. The premiere didn’t disappoint, and the show remains my favorite series currently running. Really, the writing, production values and acting on this program are so good, I would give a pinky toe to be a daggit on it. Maybe two.
Beautiful! It speaks clearly without words! Great!
Well at least you were not sitting in the cardboard Viper this time. 🙂
Love it! So strong and serious, and still just so funny! Love the wine!!! Excellent job.
haha. maybe the helmet makes you immune….
i thought it was a top hat!
why won’t you watch torchwood or dr. who?
i love the reflection, you are a genius!!!
why didn’t i get to go to disneyland!!!
BATTLESTAR GALACTICA!!!!! I love this strip, JEFbot. It makes me want to run out to get some wine, a new suit, and a television helmet. Once again, you are the master of all things webcomic!
I may not understand it, but it’s BEAUTIFUL work, Jeff. Wow!
(And PartyGirl, I thought so too, at first glance!!)
Gorgeous! And glad you’re having good TV dates. 🙂
Lovely work!!!!
That’s what you’ll get dressed-up for? Zing!
….Do you know how long it took me to read those backwards words! (Forever) took a while trying to read Season. That makes me feel sad. 🙁 And I’m in honors. (Can you tell?) 😀 Anyway Jeff, great comic keep up the work!
P.S. No more backwords words.!
jAnonymous, that’s what i was hoping for! thanks.
fig, true dat.
funnyshaffer, thanks. it was a good vintage.
anonymous, i’m immune even without the helmet, actually.
partygirl, i don’t blame you since that would fall in line with the progression of the panels. kinda makes the strip work even better (maybe?).
unfavorite, i’d like to. if i have time in my schedule and space on my dvr, i’ll try and watch at least one of those in the next couple of weeks.
#2 jefbot fan, heh. glad you liked it.
anonymous, if you are who i think you are, it was kind of a last minute thing. but i have a season pass so let me know when you feel like going!
michael cornacchia, you can borrow my tv helmet. it’s awesome.
bon, thanks! yes, good dates are hard to come by.
mary, well, thanks!
lor, yep! that’s what it takes!!!
natalie, heheh. i think you’ll be safe from any mirrored words for the next 5-6 strips. after that, no promises.