I took the New Readers page down for maintenance a few months back and haven’t had a chance to update it and get it back up until now. So, besides the summary of what this strip is about and cast bios, some new stuff you’ll find includes links to some favorite JEFbot storylines and a place to put my guest strips for now. To check it out, click the “New Readers” button at the top of the page or click here.
Now I just gotta that “Links” page back up.
I just recently finished my own ‘new readers’ page.
It strikes me as funny how now that ‘new readers’ page is pretty much NEEDED for any comic, as sort of an ‘explanation’
I say, I say BACK IN MY DAY we didn’t give no peoples them fancy new reader pages! We made them figure it out by themselves! (no wonder no one read my comic…)