I’ve mentioned it before, but the influence of going to a Christian school when I was a kid still stumbles around the halls of my mind, as evidenced by this strip. If you didn’t get the reference in that third panel, click here and count yourself lucky that you didn’t recite this phrase (either aloud or silently) every time your elementary school brain thought of something “bad.” As a kid interested in the “evils” of videogames, television, dungeons and dragons and “the force,” it was basically a mantra that was on repeat 24/7/365.
Yep, mark Xinda’s words, jef. You’re gonna end up *begging* her to help you. 8D Man, I starting to believe I would get along with Xinda as well. But then again, my “evil” side only comes out when any of my beloved toys are in some kind of danger (mind you, that being protected by electric field cabinets and trained rabid pirahnas there are really very seldom ocassions when my toys have been in any kind of danger *LOL*)
And riiiiiiiiiiiiiight, being the silly thing that you are you gotta call mommy to get Xinda out of your back.
Xinda, forget about jef, lets get Michael on our own 8D (I must be in those days of the month or something)
*marches down with Xinda to search for Michael and show Jef what true revenge is all about*
yikes! i believe you and Xinda would truly be a force to be reckoned with, Sonitan! as far as jefbot begging Xinda for help: maaaayyyybe. heheh. probably not for a while, though.
No need to apologize, Jeff. The quality of this strip belies your illness. Solid work, man!
thanks, Stan. comments like yours make me feel better already! 🙂
I see you sister is evil just like mine…
so sorry, jh3. i feel your pain.
In my family… I’m the Xinda. loved the color and tone to match the words. You’re like Michael Jordan; get sick, score 56 against the Knicks. Nice work.
thanks, man. seriously, through the fogginess of my cold, i wasn’t sure how this one was gonna turn out. your compliment gives me some relief.
Luke…I am your father. Meh, the dark side is the dark side, right?
Cold “cure”: put a bottle of Yukon Jack in the freezer. Take a shot every hour or so. When you wake up, you will have a headache, but your cold will be miraculously gone. And possibly your job.
not sure if i’ll be trying your “yukon jack” cold cure, estiveo, but i swear, the nyquil shots i’ve been taking every night can’t be much worse. those things knock me out faster and harder than any whisky ever has!
a. he really does rat on me to our momma-san b. i offered you chicken soup from greenblatts on sunset (the best) c. its not my fault that momma & poppa sent me to azkaban elementary & guantanamo bay finishing school for girls (not all of us could go to VC) d. i did the yukon jack in your tea “cold cure” & casually hallucinated, but it worked.
a.) i only rat you out when you’re about to put someone in danger, whereas you rat me out because you want to be the golden child. b.) when you offered, it wasn’t the soup i was wary of. c.) i hear azkaban and guantanamo are very nice in the spring. d.) you should try a nyquil shooter with a tylenol pm back. 😉
Hey Jeff ..got the t-shirt today. Thanks! You received the book yet?
i had the book sent to my parents’ house and haven’t had a chance to pick it up yet due to my illness, but should be picking it up tomorrow, though. can’t wait!!! how do you like the shirt?
Aha. another DIABOLICAL moment from Xinda. Xinda is way cool….wish i can be her sith apprentice. lol…hope you get well soon. take care jeffbot
thanks, man! i’ll see if the position for Xinda’s apprentice is open.
Unleash the evil! I love the coloring and shading here. Really sets the mood
thanks, dude. someday, Xinda may unleash jefbot’s dark side, but not today!
Dude, the art in the first three panels is gorgeous. Really nice work man.
And thanks for the blog post about the Iron Giant, loved it. I want one now, the things that have been made that no one has told me about, I feel cheated. Thank you for spreading the good work of Iron Giant Toys. lol
glad you liked the artwork, Daniel! and yes, that Iron Giant figure is AWEsome. get one on ebay if you have to. 🙂
Xinda’s eye looks evil, cool in the last panel. Awesome work.
heheh. glad the “evil” came across in that last panel, jane.
Darth Xinda: Revenge of the Sithter!
ha! “sithter” is the perfect term for her, reynard61!
This has been one of my favorite storylines. Awesome artwork, and really funny! Xinda rox! And hey Jeff, I was a Christian school kid, too. I relate brother.
Dude, get well! You’re more valuable to us alive =P
glad you’re enjoying the storyline, Milas! awesome that you can relate as a fellow Christian school kid. heheh. and thanks for the well wishes, too. 🙂
This strip gets best lighting, from me. Great inner monologue/Xinda. Even if you didn’t speaka da English, each facial expression perfectly conveys the message. I don’t think I could choose my fave, but the eye-pulling is classic Jefbot.
Whoops. Sorry you’re sick. Feel better. Get well.
i’m feeling better and thanks for the “best lighting” award! i’ll try harder for the “best eye pulling” award next time. 😉
I thought there was only room for one evil sister in the world… mine! But I guess not…. excellent strip Jefbot! Love the detail!!!
after reading these comments, it seems there’s a whole armada of evil sisters out there, funnyshaffer! :-O
I laughed out loud in a stream of guffaws for this strip was brilliant! A great hark back to my Bible readin’ days too with the ‘get thee behind me…’ Great work! Illness certainly doesn’t DIS-able you in your comic genius… feel better anyhoo! 🙂
i’m feeling a lot better, thanks, kelleebelle! and glad you got the Bible reference. wasn’t sure how many readers would get that, but it seems i shouldn’t have been concerned.
Jeffbot, I know your pain: six years in Catholic school and two sisters.
ha! you do know my pain, BenPanced! seven years of Christian school and two sisters, here.
I kinda want Xinda’s evil help now… just because.
The title of today’s strip is Japanese for “goblin” right Jefbot? Or something like that. I think it applies well.
you got it, Jax! oni = demon or goblin in japanese. so think twice before asking for Xinda’s help… 😉
Xinda Vader, bot!!! This strip totally reminds me of Vader trying to convince Luke to join the Dark Side. Man. I love the shadows in this one and your color shading. There’s a real sense of dread here. Great work, bot. Oh, and I also love the Bible quote but I thought it was used more for demons rather than older sisters. 😉
demons, older sisters, what’s the dif? 😉
Xinda, thanks for visiting our SubCulture world. Yes, we are indeed like you ‘bot-heads, only nerdier. Come visit us again. We like it when girls come into the store so we can gawk at them.
don’t be fooled, Stan! beware!!!
i’m beginning to think that i like xinda more than i like you.
it’s all fun and games until you get shiv’d by a butter knife, g.
I dig the xinda appearances as well. She’s the perfect foil.
perfectly eeEEeevil, kfreeman13! 😉
These strips just keep getting better and better! No need to apologize for the late strip, better late than never. Kick that colds bum, and get better soon! And here’s to hoping that Jeffbot does indeed get his revenge on The Cornfather. (With or without Xinda’s help.) 😉
thanks, SpankyMcBubbles! i’m feeling better and should have this cold kicked before the weekend (fingers crossed). as for whether jefbot will get his revenge… well, let’s just say he’ll get a little bit of satisfaction in the next strip!
Lol. Love all the comics Jeff, you did a great job.
thanks for the kudos, Nat!
40-something comments? I’m jealous, even if half of them are Jeff! Y’all come down to our neck of the webcomic woods too! LOL
I went to a Christian school from birth until I was 14 so I totally feel your pain. Every now and then some repressed memory or scriptural reference or wacky Christian song will pop out of my mouth and my husband looks at me like he wants to run away. 😉 (On a side note, I recently found out that the curriculum and texts my school used were created by Pensacola Christian College which is one of those colleges that chooses not be regionally accredited so they can impose their wacky extremist views without fear of reprisal from accrediting bodies. Not that I’m bitter that I was taught evolution was just a trick played on us by the devil…)
Btw, my 14 yrs trumps your 7 but I only have one sister so I’m not sure who wins this round. 😉
As a veteran of parochial school, I know EXACTLY what you mean!
you know jeffbot. everytime i read your strip i seem to hear the voices of your characters. either i’m goin nuts or perhaps an example of a good comic. usually if i read a comic and i can imagine their voices its a sign of a good comic. FYI i really enjoy your comic.
mombot in my opinion sounds like M in James Bond.
xinda sounds like a DIABOLICAL Sith lord.
Cornfather sounds like Don Corleone.
still cant figure out dadbot and lor’s voice.
oh yeah. you sound like Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender
Yeah I totally agree with the “what’s the diff” comment from earlier on. Older sisters ARE the devil!
Great strip bot, this one had me ROFLMAO!
Xinda, time to come back to Arkham, your day pass is up….
I am much more evil than that pitiful Xin! I have already put into motion my plans for world domination, and in 12 years, 3 months, 27 days, 4 hours and 13 minutes, I will rule this world. And nothing shall stand in my way! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Xinda as the Phantom Menace…Come to the dark side Jefbot…