As I mentioned in my blog post for the previous strip, there are a few bugs I’ll kill on sight, and silverfish are among them for some feasting they did on my comics a few years back. Other bugs that have broken the truce for one reason or another and are fair game, include: moths, cockroaches, mosquitos, wasps, fleas, bedbugs, ticks, etc. I’m starting to think that I like spiders living with me because of the way they deal with all these other creatures. Hmmm.
We seem to share a similar attitude of how to treat bugs, my K.O.S list is almost identical ^_^
(well.. with the difference that I like most wasps since quite many of the wasp types eat other bugs and thus get a second chance at life (despite that many of them stings))
i’ve never been a big fan of wasps, Anna Nymous. i think they’re fascinating to look at, especially close up, but i’ve always had a sense that they’re evil.
After a run in with a brown recluse who took a chunk out of my leg, only those big garden spiders are safe around my house. Oh, and mayflies…they drive my cats crazy, which provides endless entertainment for me.
I really like the detail in the first two frames; and as always, the dialogue is very funny!
thanks, Milas! yowch, sorry about your leg. that’s it, brown recluses are on the kill list!
Silverfish freak me out to no end. And I’ve had cockroaches fall in my hair and chase me down hallways.
silverfish are definitely freaky, Jae. they’re very ancient creatures so i respect them, but i just can’t abide them getting into my books and comics. and i have to know where you were when you were being terrorized by cockroaches like that!
LOL! Silverfish broke the nerd code! Ha! Great and disgusting visuals, Jeff!
heheheh, yep, they broke the nerd code so they get the force choke (or the force stomp, as the case may be), Stan! thanks for the compliments. 🙂
Dude, I totally keep spiders alive in my apartments so that they eat all the other bugs.
In my very first apartment, years and years ago, it took me a long time to unpack. One day I thought to try. I pulled some boxes away from their corner, and lo and behold, there were four or five seperate spider roosts. I grabbed a cloth and was about to destroy their little commune when I noticed something – they were not freeloading. Bug corpses were scattered everywhere, soldiers around towers of death. I had never had a bug problem, I realized, and perhaps these fellows were why.
I slid the boxes back and went about my business.
nice, Kate. i do the same thing, as long as those spiders aren’t black widows or brown recluses, they can hang out in my apartment all day. 🙂
Awesome JefBot. Those things are evil and just plain ugly looking. They are right there on par with EarWigs. THOSE things are beyond grose.
agreed, DaughterJudy. i hate earwigs; i remember digging in my mom’s rose garden when i was a kid, and an earwig painfully pinching my finger, and i haven’t forgiven them since. plus, they’ve always reminded me of the creatures Khan put in peoples’ ears in Star Trek II. they aren’t on my kill list, but they’re close.
Silverfish are the WORST! And don’t mind the Cornfather, he just hasn’t learned from experience yet if he doesn’t know that silverfish are one of the prime evils.
yeah, they totally suck, Eptha. i’ve put silverfish packets in my comic book long boxes and around my bookcases. i hope that’s enough.
Love the detail of the hardwood flooring, the silverfish and Jefbots chucks! Gotta love the ooey gooeyness of the squish as well! Silverfish make me shiver whenever I see even one, why they even exist is beyond me. Love Jefbots expressions, and yet again I have to say : another great strip!
yeah, one wonders why they’ve been around so long, Spanky (according to the ‘net, they’ve been around over 300 million years!). and glad you liked the “squish” – that was fun to draw. 🙂
I really felt the SQUISH…and they deserve it if they ate the comics!!!
seriously, Jeff! no one messes with the comics!!!
You did the right thing Jefbot! Silverfish will destroy everything…. soon they could rule the world! Don’t listen to The Cornfather… a truce was most certainly broken!!! Excellent job as always!
yep, i’m sure they’ll be right there beside all the cockroaches and the sentient machines after the nuclear holocaust, funnyshaffer.
I agree – you did the right thing, Jefbot! Great strip!
thanks, Mary!
For some reason – I’ve only ever come across one that was on my schoolbag randomly one day XD – I think silverfish are kinda cute. =)
hmm, did you blame the silverfish for eating your homework, Ruby? 😉 y’know, i consider a lot of bugs “cute” but not when i catch them munching on my paper stuffs.
Fantastic, bot! I love your facial expression in the last panel and the way you drew your shoelaces in the first panel. 😉 Seriously, another funny AND true webcomic by the webcomic master, JEFBOT! PS, I’m losing a little weight, so the Cornfather might have to be a touch skinnier. :p
i think it’s great that you’re losing weight Michael, but fat’s funny, and i think The Cornfather has to stay as-is. 😉
6 days till “ferret”
tell me you’re kidding, Xin. tell me. please. now.
silverfish are usually attracted to filth.
i’ve got a lot of clutter, bidget, but not a lot of “filth.” i really think the smell of aging books and comics attracts and drives them crazy.
Sounds like someone needs to make a Bat house. 🙂 That way you can have 2 lines of defense for the bugs you don’t like. Bats first and if they get past that line of defense your spiders will kill them.
heheh. i like your line of thinking there, Ploute! not sure my roommate would, but whatever. bat/bothouse!
I always let spiders live. Flying things I usually leave alone unless they are cockroaches. They’re just too hard to catch. Cockroaches are kill on sight (unless they are the very big ones because they usually live outside anyway). Other small insects and lizards I take out if I find them in the house.
oh man, have you been to hawaii, Mandraco? the cockroaches there are *huge* and they’re everywhere! and yeah, lizards get a free pass – they’re cool and they eat bugs.
Silverfish aren’t on my “official” KOS list (I’ve only seen four in the 20+ years that I’ve lived in my apartment), but all have ended up going down the kitchen sink drain — via the garbage disposal! MWAHAHAHAHA!!! (Why yes, I *am* a sadistic S.O.B. Why do you ask?)
i approve, reynard61. you do what you have to do to make sure they don’t crawl back up.
i dont have problem with spiders. just those critters that eats things that i treasure. silverfish and cockroach are my main enemies. there is no truce, there is only WARR!!!!!!!!!!
also third panel is probably the best rage panel i’ve seen before. really can feel the rage emanating from jefbot….
keep up the good fight.
FYI true story: a smaller variant of the cockroach family once crept into my ear and died there. and that is why i have a loss of hearing on my left ear. also the start of the never ending war against cockroach and cockroach lover.
oh, man! sorry to hear about the hearing loss. i’ve always heard stories about stuff like that happening, and i’m even more enraged right now than jefbot is in that 3rd panel!!! glad to hear you’re a part of the silverfish/cockroach slaying army.
I am sad.
LOVING the bug gutsy goo and the textures in this strip!
But sad for the bug. *pulls off hat and has a moment of silence*
Okay, now I’ve over it. 😀
heheh. yes, don’t mourn the silverfish for too long, Takla. i’m sure there are thousands in the walls ready to take its place. 🙂 and i’m happy you loved the goo!
Although I know they are useful, I really really hate spiders.
are they on your kill list, eleventeen? or do you just hate them from afar?
Man has entered the forest!!! Great job dude and those bugs are disgusting.
thanks, man. yeah, i used to see them even more often in sherman oaks. probably cuz it was hotter over there.
I found a silverfish in the shower with me this morning. No, I didn’t step on it.
but tell me you washed it down the drain or scooped it up and threw it in the toilet, Anonamouse. right? right!?
Yes, the truce must always be observed. But what about an alliance?
I’d love to have a swarm of the world’s largest beetle at my beck and call. They wouldn’t be my minions, they’d be my comrades!
not saying it wouldn’t be totally awesome to command a beetle army, but i’d only consider an alliance if they upheld the truce. as long as they’re eating my stuff, there will be no peace, Foxmouse.
There’s got to be a way to have an alliance… didn’t you see “Joe’s Apartment”?
heheh. i haven’t seen the movie, Stan, but i remember the commercials. not sure i wanna be Joe.
Strange, I’ve never seen a silverfish before. Maybe it’s a regional thing? I live in the southeast. Birmingham actually.
i think they live all over, Dustin. and according to, the southeast has a special family of silverfish, the “subterranean or naked” silverfish! if you find one, let me know. 🙂
Moths are actually on my safe list, unless they’re those annoying little flour moths that reproduce like mad and get into all your food. I don’t mind roaches, either, though on the rare occasion I see one, I definitely get to cleaning up so they’ll go away.
A big one that’s on my kill list is ants – the little ones we get in the urban/suburban Southern California areas aren’t so bad, since they’re opportunistic and will go away once you remove the food (though I still don’t mind killing them because they’re all genetic dead ends anyway). But the huge size-of-your-fingernail ants that are up in the mountains will just come strolling on in whenever they feel like it, whether there’s food or not, apparently just to annoy you. And it’s so dry there, god help you if you’ve got a sweating glass or bottle of water near your stuff. XP I’m a counselor at a summer music camp in the San Bernardinos – it’s fun, but you definitely can’t be an insectophobe. (Or an ursophobe, but that’s another story entirely.) One time last summer the sleeping bag of the kid in the bunk above me got swarmed by ants because of a little bit of -dried tree sap-.
I love this strip but I wish I hadn’t read it at lunch.
silverfish is the cutest bug..
(the only bug i can stand, actually)
how could you?..
I usta have a truce with bees. They broke it, while I was on a rescue mission.
Yesss…. silverfish deserve to die…
The silverfish who invaded my baking bowl!
Seriously, do you know how creepy it is to be about to crack an egg into a bowl and see a bug crawl out from under the butter?
I just found this comic and am trying to read through it, but I had to comment on this one. Spiders are good, yes, as long as they don’t eat you. The little ones like to drop from the ceiling and say “hello” occasionally. My #1 kill bug however are CRICKETS! Not really the little black ones we see outside, but the BIG NASTY BROWN ONES THAT JUMP ON MY FACE AT NIGHT! May you never know the terror of reaching up to scratch your face at night only to get a hand full of icky bug instead.
Working through the archives slowly but surely (dang grad school and all their ‘pressing assignments’, bah!). Great job educating the unsuspecting public!! I can’t believe I’ve been so naive about the Silverfish threat! I used to have a Silverfish ‘pet’ that lived on my bedroom ceiling as a kid, but now I can’t help but wonder if it was just using me to get to my precious books…hmmmm, could they be that devious?… >.>
hell yes, they could be that devious, Rynxx! you should have squished that pest when you had the chance! think of how many generations of silverfish you could’ve ended right there. ah, well. good luck with grad school and thanks for making your way through the archives! 😀
working my way through achieves too though a couple months later than you rynxx lol. found it from gws. it’s really great. reason i’m commenting even though it’s old is that i too have a truce/agreement w/ bugs. and yes some types live while others are kill on sight. lol
Spiders, I leave be. We have a truce. They remain generally out of sight/off of me, I allow them free boarding/ free life when I -do- find them. All other insects die on sight. Most certainly silverfish. Damn things, leave my precious books alone >_>
Jumping spiders actually are your fuzzy, cute little house friends. Highly predatory on the bugs you don’t want and are as interactive as a Praying Mantis.