Check out the guest strip I cooked up for my friends over at nemu*nemu this week by clicking here!
This strip was inspired by the art and humor of what is probably my favorite nemu*nemu strip, Brain Surgeon. Plus, I couldn’t resist drawing my favorite character, Anpan, in his lab a la Dexter’s Laboratory (one of my favorite cartoons) and Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog (one of my favorite musicals). So definitely check that out along with the rest of the nemu*nemu archives: it skews a bit younger than JEFbot, but the work Kyubikitsy (aka Audra Furuichi) and KimonoStereo (aka Scott Yoshinaga) are doing over there has made it one of my favorite comics on the web.
And since you’re going to be over there already, might as well check out the nemu guest strip I did last October, Flower Power.
It was absolutely adorable, and epically awesome! <3
thanks, spanky!!! and thanks for leaving a comment over on the nemu*nemu site. your assessment of the “dr. horrible” influence was right on! 😀
Beautiful work!
thanks, Stan!
adorable. just like you.
i’m as adorable as anpan, the magical, stuffed pup!? SCORE!
I loved it! Spanky was dead-on in her praise for your guest shot!
thanks, reynard61! glad you agree with Spanky; she leaves some of my favorite comments on this site. 🙂
Hehe, hey now! Shh. I’m gonna get a fat head! 😛 *hugs reynard61 and Mr. Jeff*
I follow both comics. Its fun. along with xkcd and a softer world. CHYEA
Thanks again for such an awesome guest strip! (AGAIN!) 😀