Today’s strip is not only a callback to JEFBOT.146_The Power, it’s also an example of where JEFbot, the webcomic, is at its most fanciful: there’s just no way the Cornfather’s counterpart in real life, Michael, would be able to figure out that remote before I would, especially since I’m a pretty competitive person when it comes to those things. Although… I suppose there is a tiny chance he could beat me to it, since I’ve noticed he’s the type of person that actually reads instructions, which is quite possibly how that rascally Cornfather figured out the remote before jefbot did in today’s strip.
hahaha! Hilarious! Will you guys be mud wrestling for the remote in the next strip?!
i was thinking perhaps American Gladiators-style platform jousting, Fig. 🙂
I love love love! Jeftbots “grr face”, because I do the same thing! (Well except I tend to wrinkle my nose up a bit.) Again, giving props to Fringe in using the apple with the fetus seeds inside.. awwwwwwwwwwwwwesome! I’m laughing still as I type this, because He-Man was given a little belly and little plant thing, with Cornfather quoting him–and stealing Jefbots thunder. (Love CF’s face in the last panel as well.) This was another amazing one Jeff!
thanks, Spanky! loved Fringe’s season finale and can’t wait for it to come back in the fall. and yeah, i just couldn’t resist giving he-man/cornfather that belly. looked too funny to me. heheh.
Lol. Nice!
thanks, Nate!
Love it! Your blog was as funny as the strip. 🙂
arigato, Mombot! and it’s true about Michael and instructions: he actually reads them. weird, i know.
you ARE fanciful!
it’s true. i don’t think i’d be doing this strip if i wasn’t. 😀
“Hell YES!!” Love it JEFBOT!!! 😀
thanks, JP!
This made me laugh so hard. I could hear your voice in my head… AND the timed commercial break from Fringe is one of my all time favorite things. Dollhouse does it too. Hmmmm, both are back next season… coincidence? I think NOT
man, i totally didn’t give Dollhouse a shot (even being the Whedon fan that i am) since i didn’t care for the first two episodes, and heard it doesn’t get better until the 6th or 7th. i figured it wouldn’t be renewed, but now that it has, i may have to catch some reruns, eleventeen.
Hahahahahahahahaha!!!! This is great, bot. Really funny! I love the “Oh, Hell No!” But nothing beats the slightly larger tummy on He-Man. Way to go!! 😀
i’d say his shape was inspired by yours, Michael, but you’ve lost so much weight recently, you and the Cornfather look nothing alike now!
“Oh Hell no!” I LOVE IT! That remote has taken control of both of you… I completely understand… But could you please turn on my lights now?
okay, your lights are back on now, funnyshaffer. let me know when you need me to change the channel on your tv.
I love the stomach on the he-man too and the whole Oh hell no thing. XD
it appears that no one can resist the cornfather/he-man’s belly, DaughterJudy!
The Cornfather as He-Man? No. Just… *HELL* no…
ha! okay, it appears that people can resist the belly. heheheh.
I think you just don’t want to see the Cornfather in those brown, furry shorts…
heh. that could very well be, JK.
Yay for the Cornfather!! HE reads the DARN MANUALS!!!!!!
*evil laugh* *glomps Michael and runs away*
Awww… jefbot is a sore loser!! XD So I’ll say it for Michael:
But still, jefbot’s face make me feel for him.
*hugs jefbot and runs away*
ha! i’m sure the Cornfather will appreciate you finishing his yell for him, Sonitan! and yeah, after being shown up by CF, i think jefbot needs that hug. 🙂
He-father! Heee! And not spaghetti legs for once! Yay!! *grin* Wish fulfillment lives.
yes, “He-father!” heheh. i like the sound of that, Murrday. and while he doesn’t quite sport Cornfather’s normal “spaghetti legs,” i did make them quite a bit thinner as compared to “He-bot” – check it out. 🙂
the gut on he-man is what made this comic for me 😀
yay! another pro-belly, person! heheh. thanks, RR!
Lawl! xDDD Haha loved this one Jeff.
thanks, Nat! glad you liked it!
cornfather should just shove the remote up jeffbot usb port….lol….that’ll teach him to mess around with Cornman….master of the universe