Blogging about my adventures as an actor on the set of the horror film, Grey Skies.

We just finished our first week of shooting and, although it’s been hectic and crazy like any other film set, it’s also been an absolute blast. Today the production gets a break though, and the Internet connection seems stable, so I thought I’d blog a bit about what’s been going on this past week here in Clare County, Michigan.
For the most part, they’ve been shooting this movie chronologically, so the first few days had us actors getting to the set early to shoot exterior scenes of our characters arriving at the house. The past couple of days had us getting to the set a bit later in the day though, to shoot night scenes and some interiors. Now that all the exposition about a group of friends vacationing in a remote cabin by a lake has been shot, the real fun can begin: ALIEN ABDUCTIONS!
We actually finished a few scenes a couple of days ago, where a group of us is searching the house for a missing friend with flashlights after the power has gone out, and we find out that the circumstances of her disappearance are… strange. I won’t spoil anything, but the way the aliens take us one by one is pretty cool and creepy. We also filmed a scene yesterday where my character, Brian, is taking pictures in the woods when he hears something that sends him running back to the house. It was one of those shots where the camera swoops around the actor 360° while they are getting increasingly freaked out, and being the actor in such a scene was a huge thrill. I haven’t seen the footage yet but I’m hoping it turned out as well as in my head.

Another cool thing is that a couple of reporters from Michigan newspapers have visited the set, one from The Morning Sun and the other from The Clare County Review. Both articles were featured in their respective papers, one of which had a picture of the cast (including me!), right there on the front page. I’ll try and post a picture of that next time I see the paper lying around the set. The article from The Morning Sun is online now, which you can find by clicking here. It focuses mainly on how husband-and-wife-team, Stacy Jorgensen and Mark Reilly, were able to get this film into production. When the other article in TCCR goes online, I’ll post about it here. Someone also photographed a bar with “Welcome Grey Skies!” on their marquee, and I’ve heard there have been other sightings along those lines as well, so it appears we’ve made a bit of an impression here in Clare.

Other than shooting, I’ve mostly been rehearsing lines, sketching, writing and hanging out by the lake or sitting by the campfire which one of my roomies, Production Designer Kevin Parson, makes every day outside of our cabin. I’ve actually gotten pretty good at making fires, myself; there’s so much wood and dry kindling in the forest thirty feet away, that collecting and lighting it is fairly simple (most of the time). While I sit by the fire every chance I get throughout the day, most nights the cast and crew come over to hang out around the bonfire at our camp for some beer and to decompress after the shoot. Especially since we’ve transitioned to later call times, wrapping at 1 in the morning, then hanging out by the fire ‘til around 4:30am happens almost every night. Although I miss my 360 and PS3 and HDTV and DVR, I’m afraid I’m getting drawn into this lifestyle, and the transition back to life in L.A. in a couple of weeks might be a bit more difficult than I would have assumed.
For daily updates check out my twitter feed at:
Man i wish i was up there! Not only to meet and hang with you and the cast, but i love getting out into nature like that. Is there any place to fish up there?? That would be awesome!
Also, any ideas on when the movie will hit theaters? i am SO watching it if for nothing but getting to see your acting ability.
here`s hoping your good times last! 🙂
Nice ride!
The comic is not visible to me…
Does this film just have production funding, or do they have a distributor signed on too?
That”s awesome. I can’t wait to see the movie, and yell out “I READ THAT DUDES COMICS”.
Nevermind my last comment. The article that you linked to answered it. So all us peons will have to wait until it screens at the fests, picks up a distributor, and then either comes to a theater near us or hits DVD release to see it.
Of course, the way the producers are leveraging your audience, I’m sure we’ll get some teaser clips popping up here.
Again I love reading the updates about your adventures in movie making, and the time spent in another state. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with us all! Love the pics you share on the blog (as well as all the ones on your twitter account.), especially like the one of you with the fire you built behind you. (handsome! 😉 ) The more you talk about what’s going on on set, the more eager I am to wanting to see this movie once it’s finished and ready to be shown to everyone!
you’re new nickname is Softcore Schuetze.
@SonikkuWii I have relatives up there. There are a few decent sized lakes up there with plenty of fish.
@jefbot I wish I could come up and visit the set that would be AWESOME
Acting, aliens, cabins, bonfires, and jefbot! Couldn’t have a better movie!
That’s a pretty awesome mustang y’all are rollin’ in