In real life, the Cornfather’s counterpart has made many jokes over the past couple of years about selling my geek loot on eBay. At first his jests were met with laughter, but as time goes on and the jokes keep coming, I grow more and more suspicious of his intentions, and as my suspicions grow, so does my inner rage. If I were to come home and find all my treasures sold, however, would I meet that realization with a homicidal fury or a sigh of relief? I wonder…
UPDATE: Yep, that’s Anpan in the “Keep” box, from my webcomic buds over at nemu*nemu. And yes, I do, in fact, have an Anpan plush. I keep him next to my computer desk and feed him pizza.
At least he’s admitting to it, at least jokingly.
I lost a LOT of comic book statues, comics, and prop replicas to an ex-roomie.
Oh well, who needs a Superman/Doomsday bookend set and an Icons Darth Vader saber replica anyway, just to name a couple…
dude, i need all those things!!! actually, no, i don’t. i’m going to just stop myself and say i don’t. yeah. feels good.
anyway, your roommate needs to be rounded up by the nerd police and made to pay for his crimes. that totally sucks.
This happened 13 years ago.
Trust me, the Karma Police have really worked him over.
No worries.
Now, let’s see what the Karma Police to to the Cornfather….*evil grins*
Run Cornfather… RUN!!!! Never let in on the fact you’ve been quietly liquidating a pack rat’s baubles! They’d never have KNOWN!
it’s true, Tanya: jefbot has so much stuff, the Cornfather totally could’ve gotten away with the thievery. amateur. 😉
I spy an Anpan doll in the keep box!!!
RUN CORNFATHER RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!! (unless you can magic it back)
yep, that’s Anpan, Steph! good eye! 😀
I dig that you are keeping Anpan but Im kinda sorry you arent keeping Number 5. At least I think that is Number 5.
Cornfather should have known better than to stay in the room after second panel. Ill just hope for his sake that he will turn all profit he made over to Jefbot or this may get ugly…
And your reaction would definitely be furious sigh.
yep, Anpan gets to stay but the robot has to go, Maryz. it’s basically just a random robot head, but was thinking of R.O.B. from the original NES when i drew it.
and yeah, hopefully for his own sake, the Cornfather hasn’t spent the loot from his ill-gotten gains yet…
gotta love barely supressed rage. it is funny that i feel both sympathy and understanding for jeff. must come from having a packrat for a father.
by the way? is my bit for cornfather’s latest e-bay item still the leader? : )
your sympathy and understanding are much appreciated, cogwell! and thank you for alerting me to the Cornfather’s bids; he shall be dealt with immediately.
kill him! that all i got to say…kill him.
glad you’re on my side, t_d. 🙂
Hehe reading this strip, was like reading the comment The real Cornfather made on Tuesday. Awesome! I sense another Jefbot revenge strip in the near future? I love that 3rd panel, as it’s the calm before the storm. Another awesome one!
PS: Aww on having us click on the heart to pop up the moment Cel and Jefbot kiss. Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside!
happy almost-Valentine’s day!
Thanks for pointing that out Spanky! Too cute! <3
Um… I’m almost scared to say anything because of a previous tech challenged comment, but… what little heart to click? I see no heart… anywhere… oh well… very entertaining, as usual!
Its a Jefbot logo in left upper corner of the page. Jefbot likes to play with the O in it changing it acording to events, celebrations, hollidays and somesuch.
yup, yup. what Maryz said, Alana.
yep! in addition to the ribbing MC has given me on an almost daily basis, that comment was the inspiration for today’s strip, Spanky. and jefbot and the Cornfather have been getting along so well in the strip lately, that maybe it’s indeed time for a little revenge. 😈
I spy a Nemu-Nemu doll! At least Cornfather didn’t get his mitts on that.
awesome that so many of you recognize Anpan, M/T! if the Cornfather had sold that there would’a been hell to pay!!!
Oh noes! Not the “I snuck in and got rid of your stuff” moment! My mom did that to me before. ><
She did that to you or your stuff?
My stuff really. Though I wouldn’t doubt she tried on me once in awhile as well.
I think my mom DID try to do that to me once (or twice!) >___<
welcome, Jason! so you’re the crazy guy i’ve heard so much about from NathanC! 😉
wow, i feel for ya, dude. for better or worse, i’ll always be thankful that Mombot never got rid of my junk (so far).
She has also told me that she used to vacuum my legos up because I wouldn’t clean them up. 🙁
Ha! It’s like watching that show “Clean Sweep” where they have to make piles… I always think it’s funny, because the “keep” pile is always four times bigger than the “sell” pile…
It’s tough to let go… But The Cornfather better get the hell out of there, before you grab on to his neck and don’t let go! Excellent strip as always Jefbot! I love how you keep The Cornfather’s eyes shut for two frames… He is so righteous.
ugh. along with Hoarders, i think i’ll stay away from Clean Sweep, Funnyshaffer. getting rid of stuff? that sounds horrible!
Jefbot is showing remarkable restraint in panel 4. I would be selling Cornfather’s organs on eBay at that point. (Or maybe just going the Hannibal Lector route….)
Hey, if the sale of organs go through let me know. I may need some fresh liver to feed my cats 😀
we’re in agreement about bot’s restraint, Stonefoot. that he didn’t rip out the Cornfather’s jugular with his teeth by the 3rd panel is proof that he’s some kind of zen master.
Way to go getting a 24 reference in there =D
Jefbot angry, Jefbot smash!!!! He’s gunnar go Hulk
Why would you want to sell Anpan O.O
no worries: note that Anpan’s in the “Keep” box, DJ! 😀
hmm… is “JEFBOT SMASH!” part of his Powers of Scrawn? guess we’ll find out, DJ…
I always knew Jefbot had a darkside just dying to get out…Now that it is unleashed it can’t be contained. Run Cornfather…while you still can. If you can get the stuff back from eBay, do it…take the negative feedback!! IT’S YOUR ONLY HOPE!
to paraphrase the great (albeit short-lived) Darth Maul: “at last bot can reveal himself. at last he shall have his revenge.” do not stoke jefbot’s dark side, NathanC!
Finally you’re letting your Japanese/German killer out! Welcome to the Dark Side little bro…
AHAHA I have been trying to convince him for a while now that the dark side is better! I know you have been at it far longer, but maybe it just took team work. More must convince Jefbot that the darkside is the ONLY way!
i’ll never join you! the dark side’s just quicker, easier, more seductive!
hm. actually, that sounds pretty good. maybe i will join the dark side. 😉
you have trained me well, sis-tuhhh.
I really would. My toys are sacred items that keep the darker inner me calm as a clam. So, no one should touch them… unless they want to unleash the beast.
*glares at baby sister as she comes far too close to my toys*
*baby sister glares back but walks away*
*baby sister knows better by now*
*evil laugh of doom*
do you do work-for-hire, Sonitan? would be good to know in case jefbot does an inventory of his boxes, finds things missing and needs use of your services.
Actually the only reason I keep half my junk is cuz I don’t even know what to do with it… I could sell the games at a gameshop but they’d probably give me that BS of store credit…
same here, Steve. i’d actually love to get rid of a good chunk of my comics from the 90s, but the comic shop i go to doesn’t buy comics from that decade. same thing with some toys i’d like to unload: no one’s interested in buying right now.
None of the shops I hit today are interested…. they have storage units filled to the brim with comics and toys from that era.
I’m working out a route on Google Maps right now to get some more out for my new site. I’ll keep asking around for ya.
thanks, dude. i guess i’ll just have to keep them with me in my apartment, for now. i’ll try again in another 10 years. 🙂
Hahahahahahaha!!! Very funny, bot. Especially since this was a real conversation. I’m still recovering from the He-Man battle axe you beat me with. 😉 Again, great work as always!
sorry ’bout the battle axe to the head, MC. i was expecting you to counter with your sword of omens.
At least you give the Cornfather warning before you kill him, which in my opinion is pretty generous!
You’d better take that warning and run while you can, Michael! You may still be bigger, but Jefbot’s got RAGE on his side!
Yes, I was just about to say… this comic strip is the proverbial “shot across the bough”… right?
now that you mention it, that was pretty generous of jefbot, wasn’t it Shanna? he must have been in a charitable mood. 🙂
and yes: (rage+power of scrawn) > power of chub
I envisioned a completely different 3rd and 4th panels. Which made me wonder about the possibility of a ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ style run some day…
i bet you’d be even happier if i just made jefbot controllable with twin sticks and an action button, 11teen. 🙂
No twin sticks needed… it was just a thought to have a vote on how a comic might end, a la Jason Todd in Batman. But if that historical reference is any indicator, things are not looking good for the CornFather
Unleash the scrawn! (that sounds dirty)
“UPDATE: Yep, that’s Anpan in the ‘Keep’ box, from my webcomic buds over at nemu*nemu. And yes, I do, in fact, have an Anpan plush. I keep him next to my computer desk and feed him pizza.”
Anpan luvsh Pizza an’ I luvsh Anpan! 🙂
ish true that Anpan ish extremely loveable, r61!
Ohhhh~ Anpan makes a cameo~! 😀 I think this is his first solo cameo! Mind if I post to the nemu*blog? 😀
of course, Kitsy! thanks for letting me borrow him for the strip! 😀
Hiya peeps,
Newbie here aka 1st time poster…
Just wanted to say, have been loving your work from the moment I 1st read it, JB… (Found it a few weeks ago…. Been tempted to post before this, but haven’t struck up the will to do just that, until now… 😉 )
I’m quite surprised nobody has picked up on the movie reference you make the last panel…. {What with you being an Actor & all…. ;)}
I dunno what it was referred to over there in the US when it was released, but here {down under… yes, yet another Aussie is going to haunt your comic… :P} it was called “Mystery Men”, starring Ben Stiller as Mr Furious, which is who ‘Bot above is emulating quite well it would appear…. 😉 {Like I said, I’m quite surprised nobody has picked up on that bit…. ;)}
Cheers & Thranx
welcome, NovaCatt! glad you found your way to the site and decided to post a comment!
that movie you cited was known as “Mystery Men” over here, too. and while bot is certainly channeling some fury in this strip, he wasn’t directly quoting from it. at least not that i know of. it’s been a while since i’ve seen the movie, so if it’s a direct quote i’m surprised that bit of dialogue is still rattling around in my brain. 🙂
i find it amazing/astounding/awesome that a good percentage of JEFbot readers are in Australia. can i ask how you found my webcomic, NC? i’m just curious if it was from an ad or if there’s a JEFbot reader down under that’s getting the word about the strip out. thanks!
Hiya Peeps,
It was via an ad(*) that I found your fabulous comic, jb 😉
If some of my fellow Aussie’s have been spread the word of JefBot, I unfortunately haven’t seen it… ;(
It only took me about a day (well, more like a few hr’s :D) to get caught up on all the previous ep’s in the archive just after I clicked on the ad for your comic…. 😉
(* = if I remember correctly, it was on the “Legend of Bill” comic’s site amongst all the other ads…)
Cheers & Thranx
I think I might do the same thing were I in the same position, Bot.
good to know, E. if the Cornfather’s counterpart ever does sell my stuff, i’ll know who to call.
damn typos
Y’know the fonts and the way the speech bubbles running into each other were enough to have me in stitches! After I read through the first time, I went back and read them out loud in different voices and busted out laughing again! Ahhh…
By the way, this is SonikkuWii under a new account. I signed up on Gravatar, but my avatar doesn’t seem to be showing…Ah, well. I got my comic up and running! Only a few posts in though. Anyways, awesome comic as usual and I’m going to make sure to comment more often like I used to!
glad you enjoyed it, Sonik… err… GooManTyler! and reading the strip out loud, especially when there are other people around, is exactly the way to experience JEFbot. when you start getting strange looks from your family/friends, you know you’re doing it right.
looking forward to hearing from you more often, again! 🙂
Tell me, Jeff. How can you live near somebody as annoying as the Corn Father (that goes for the cartoon one and the real one)? I would have either performed homicide or just avoid him at tall costs!
you must not know Michael, Lax, otherwise you’d know he’s not annoying, he’s just italian and loud (is that redundant?). heheh. and know that if you find the Cornfather annoying, that’s only because i write him that way. the real guy and the cartoon guy are actually quite different.
Bot’s stuff was on sale and I didn’t know this!? Shame on you Corn Father shaaaame!!
i would like to think that, had you known about the sale, you would have notified me, Nat. you wouldn’t have bid on anything, right? right!?
It all depends on what’s there Jeffy. (; Such as Batman, you’d never get that back.
YOU HAVE UNLEASHED THE RAGE CORNFATHER RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE! Nerds the world over will desend upon you like vultures!
Couldn’t imagine what I would do is someone sold off some of my stash. Still have my old Sega Mega Drive and watch all my games like a Hawk whenever someone is near them for fear that somone will take ma babies.
if i only i could command millions of nerds like that, Liam! heck, i’d settle for 10.
oOOoooh: sega mega drive. *drool*
We shall come to your aid, and then when your back is turned we’ll loot the loot.
Man, I even find it hard to throw away sheets of paper that have doodles in them, I keep ’em in a box because I’m too lazy to sort ’em. So I feel you, I FEEL YOU!
Oh, that’s wicked.
heheh. yep! good eye!