After a long hiatus, Abraxas is back! Can it really be since June of 2009 that we last saw jefbot’s favorite pet ferret (not counting guest strips)!? Hard to believe, no? Anyway, we know Abraxas has had a certain taste for electronics in the past, but never has the situation been so dire. Now that it appears communications have been cut, how will jefbot and the Cornfather get out of this (literal) mess?
First! Once again! I wonder how long will it last.
I am so glad he didnt cange his Xinda-ness. Just going to show where Jefbot got him from, eh?
I bet Cornfather wishes he doubed Abraxas will give it to Jefbot as well. As for you, the moral is to not feed your pets electrical apliances with peanaut butter. They have a bad habbit of remembering the things you wish they hadnt. Kinda like girlfriends.
Maybe Abraxass will get them out by shredding those boxes and their contents one by one. To Jefbots great horror and CFs humour. And just when Jefbot was going to sell it…
Facial expresions arent as suprelative as in laast strip but that makes them no less great. KUDOS!
Just got from bike, first time I was out on bike in March 😀 And its kinda nice surprise to find a new strip when I got home. 😀
BTW piatok jak furt, prides neskor zo roboty do mesta?
first again!? most impressive Maryz. once again, the cool glasses are yours: 😎
yup! Abraxas is back, with his “appetite for destruction” intact. and you’re right – although he was probably corrupted by Xinda initially, jefbot is not exactly innocent in this matter as there was the incident with the peanut butter to consider.
and yes, if Abraxas begins shredding anything else – especially anything collectible – jefbot’s gonna have a coronary. heheh.
I love how you blurred Abraxas’ tail in the second panel and how you did the head blur in the last panel. You captured the movement very well. I’ve seen the move performed many times with my dogs and their toys.
Wonderful job as always, and I can’t wait to see how this turns out!
thanks, Melody! glad you dug the special effects. in this case, the use of blur in the 2nd and 4th panels (if you look closely, you can see i used it a tiny bit in that 3rd panel, too). while not entirely necessary, i think it provided a good sense of movement and speed, especially when it comes to Abraxas, the speedy little bugger. 🙂
Ha! Abraxis makes a long-awaited, and very IN-CHARACTER return! LOL!
yep! he still hasn’t lost any of the destructive tendencies he learned from Xin. 🙂
Aww! Welcome back Abraxas! Your “meep” was missed! And it is hard to believe that we haven’t seen the furry little guy since June. That’s 9 months! Has it really been that long?!? I guess time flies when you’re having fun. 😀
The facial expressions in this strip are yet again, amazing. Love that last panel, and the motion blur of the destruction taking place. I’d be afraid of what Abraxas was going to get into or do next. Those two are really in a pickle now, and I’m really curious now as to how they’re going to get out of this mess. Cannot wait for Friday’s strip!
yeah, i can’t believe i haven’t drawn Abraxas in nine months, Spanky! feels like three months, max. okay, maybe four. but nine!? crazy.
and yeah, jefbot and the Cornfather are definitely in a pickle now – and it doesn’t look like the ferret’s gonna be of any help at this point, although another solution may present itself friday – if i get my on-the-fritz laptop back in time to draw it, that is. heheh. *sob*
abraxas needs to go back watch all the episodes of “lassie” all over again.
glad you got the lassie vibe, t_d – totally what i was going for, without making it into a complete lassie parody.
OH…..Naughty ferret! I love him.
me too, Pixie. his naughtiness must be what makes him so loveable. 🙂
I kinda did figure that Ferret would be the death of you one day.
makes sense, Liam – Abraxas did spend some quality time with Xinda before she gave him to jefbot… was it all an evil plot!?
Abraxas’ Raawr and the CF’s look of defeat. Clever in its simplicity.
thanks, 11TN! sometimes simple’s underrated.
Oh noes! The phone is dead! It’s okay. It was an apple phone anyways. xD
An Apple phone….just an apple phone?!?!?! You have lost your freakin mind. iPhone is the best phone ever created and it is the god of phones and deserves to be worshiped for its wonderful gaming, after all, how else do we play Dragon’s Lair, Myst, and Secret of Monkey Island….BLASPHEMER !!!!
I don’t know where you live Slave, out here in Los Angeles, the iPhone gets NO phone service. Don’t get me wrong, it’s an amazing phone. You just can’t call anybody on it. #AT&TFail
I live here in LA too and work with JB. I only said the iPhone rules…notice I said nothing about AT&T. They definitely suck!
yeah, AT&T sucks in my area, too.
AT&T is an EPIC slice of FAIL made entirely out of SUCK!
*blinks* Oh look shoes!
this may be the craziest thing you’ve said yet, TCG! Nathan was speaking the truth about you after all! 😉
I dunno man. You were freaking out pretty well the other night when you heard my daughter whimpering because she wasn’t feeling so good. Me thinks my opinion isn’t a scary thing at all. Kekekekekeke
over my xbox headset your daughter’s whimpering sounded like the mewling of a dragon hatchling, TCG! was freaking out cuz i needed to know where i could get one, too! 😀
I’m happy! Our favorite ferret’s back! 😀
woo-hoo!!! and he’s still up to no good. heheh. 🙂
YAY! He’s back. I’ve missed that little bugger. Hopefully you’ve never had an animal do that to your electronics. XD my mom lost a USB cable to my cat years ago she was pissed cuz she couldn’t move pictures off her camera XD
We still have a stereo remote with all the buttons chewed off by a former rabbit pet. It still works (kinda) but you have to use your fingernail to squish those chewed-flat little buttons. 😛 Rabbits also seem to LOVE electrical cords. They must get some kind of high off the jolt.
i’ve had hamsters chew up and make nests in furniture and a cockatiel that would fly around, nibble and poop on everything (plus, his feathers and dander would get into all my electronics). also had a cat that clawed my original xbox, but no animals with Abraxas’s particular hunger, DJ, thank the gods. 🙂
CF never should have dis’ed Abraxas. Not only does he understand, but he has a mean streak! If CF had been nice, maybe the phone would have made it to Jefbot in one piece! Or maybe not – this is Abraxas we’re talking about. I think Maryz is right and that he has a bit of Xinda in him.
Hmmm. Now how are they gonna get out of this mess? MOMbot to the rescue? Musashi arrives with a hoard of well meaning aliens? (unlikely) The earth goes for a hat trick and sicks a big earthquake on LA, causing the boxes to fall free? Cel makes a much-anticipated return, waltzes in and frees them? Since Jefbot’s hand is free, perhaps he could start moving boxes with it (sorry, I know that was just WAY too logical! 😉
It’s good to see Abraxas again.
it’s impossible to tell at this point just how much influence Xinda had on Abraxas before she gave him to bot, but he is a naughty, naughty ferret with a taste for wires and circuit boards, if nothing else.
ha! if L.A. experiences the “big one” before friday, i may just have to rewrite the ending of this storyline, Shanna. it’d go something like this:
panel 1: earthquake shakes bot and Corn loose from boxes.
panel 2: both sigh relief.
panel 3: ceiling falls on their heads.
if i get my computer back in the next day or two (it had a major malfunction and i had to take it in for repairs), your questions might get (at least temporarily) answered. one of your scenarios is pretty close to the mark, actually. 🙂
Oh wow! It looks as though Abraxas hates AT&T as much as I do!!! So even though you’re stuck under a ton of collectables with The Cornfather, it’s better than being on the phone with customer support! …I do LOVE the iPhone, but I too have been dangerously close to ripping it to shreds with my mouth because of dropped calls!
i’ll be sure and lend you Abraxas when you decide to leave AT&T, Funnyshaffer. 😉
hey! haven’t seen you in a bit, Jeff. glad you’re lovin’ it. 🙂
XD hahahahaha!! poor JB & CF, their only hope of freedom has been destroyed by the urge for (eating) electronics of an animal. Still..awww abraxas looks very cute wile destroying technology ^^
cuteness is his saving grace, nicobot. i think jefbot (and the Cornfather for that matter) would’ve gutted him a long time ago, otherwise. or at least made Xinda take him back. 🙂
yeah that’s true XD…i bet that when JB & CF get out of there JB will be incredibly angry at Abraxas and “he”(don’t know it he’s male or female) will make a sad puppy face and he will forgive him^^ (also because he now has an excuse to upgrade to the 3GS)
Maybe this was jefbot’s plan all along. Now he has an excuse to upgrade to that 3GS…
i like the way you think, Sharra. as soon as i wrote this strip, i was pondering how i could justify an upgrade to the 3GS in the real world. i may have to buy a tech-eating ferret, methinks.
Don’t let Xinda hear you say that!
I sympathize. I’m regretting now that my video card is apparently “The Little Videocard That Could,” because I have absolutely no excuse for buying a new one (and with it a new motherboard, processor and more RAM). Maybe I need a ferret too.
Hehe, Just saw Michael on GREEK. Kinda funny seeing him in a show 😀
Which episode?
s3 e5
don’t tell Michael, but i missed that episode. 🙁
If you dont want him to know you might want to consider not postng it on the internet. Especialy if its a site that he checks often. That is if you werent going for comedy effect, ´cause this sure was funny.
I watched it and didnt catch him. Will have to try again.
And ya’ll thought I was Kah-raz-zy when Akira & I drove all night to get you that stinky ferret!
if this is who i think it is, the thoughts of you being kuh-razy started way before your threats to get me a ferret! 😉
YES!!! THE RETURN OF ABRAXAS!! The art in this strip was stellar bro. You did a great job with the blurring effects and such. I am very happy to see Abraxas again, I missed that little bugger. However, if all he’s going to do is destroy iPhones, I think it may be best for him to go on another 9 month hiatus.
thanks, Slave1! glad you dug the art and the return of bot’s pet. and don’t worry, Abraxas is an equal opportunity destroyer; when jefbot gets the iPad, i’m sure he’ll wreak havoc on that, too.
The art is this strip is amazing. Did you create a new way to add shading and highlights or what?
thanks, Ty! i’ve done this technique before – basically using gradients with the shading – but it does take longer so i don’t use it that often. glad you noticed and dug it!
Could get slightly more dangerous yet, they’re in a room filled with (If jefbot is as fastidious as I am with his collectables) very dry boxes, and that shredded phone is sparking up something fierce….
heheh. yep, those boxes are pretty dry, Jwlynas. but fear not – no crispy corn or bot to be had in this storyline. 🙂
I find it amusing that he chose to destroy it right in front of them.
i liked that too, Kerubim. heh. he couldn’t have done it in the living room or behind a box. No, Abraxas had to get close enough to give jefbot and the Cornfather hope, only to dash those hopes in a flurry of fur and gnashing teeth.
Hahaha. I love it. Also, ferrets rule. And they work in mysterious ways. Just you wait and see, this is part of a larger plan involving Steve Jobs, a GPS tracking beacon, and the Illuminati…. JUST YOU WAIT!
i KNEW steve jobs had something to do with this, Chris! especially with the iPad’s release imminent! if any technology-destroying ferrets start popping up in your area, be sure and let me know.
now that we’ve seen Abraxas again…can Musashi be far behind?! or is that story still a ways off? yeah, i’m still harping on that one. 🙂
Mu’s storyline is still a ways off, but i’m glad you’re still harping, Jed! i’m as anxious to get back to the little guy as you are.
I spose the ferret could be cringer…. No wait he’s just eaten the phone… man that thing has some strong jaws…
yeah, with those jaws i think it’s safe to say Abraxas is already in Battle Cat mode, Steve. 🙂
Ha! Fantastic. I’m glad you stayed in the realm of reality and didn’t have Abraxas dial your iPHONE, bot. Although…I’m not sure if even matters cause the REST of the strip doesn’t seem to be in the realm of reality either. 😉 I love the shadowing and facial expressions in this strip, too. But you better get The Cornfather outta there soon. If he’s anything like his real life counter part, he’s going to have to use the bathroom. And I know Jefbot wouldn’t want his comic book pages to be used for toilet paper. Great work as always!
HAHAHA you cant use comic books as toilet paper!!! I bet CF is out of there in the next strip after a comment like that! LOL
Oh…That is just evil! I may have to come down of my Throne and give you a seat for a few seconds there Michael! Bravo!
no comment.
*caresses his blackberry* it’s okay baby… not everyone appreciates you like I do… actually I’m looking at getting an HTC Hero when I’m eligible for my upgrade. So yeah. Again, great strip… and a hi-freakin’-larious plot twist.
gracias, Psynapse! ooh, yes, the Hero’s lookin’ pretty good. if you end up getting it let me know what you think. if AT&T’s service gets any worse, i might just have to abandon my beloved iPhone when my contract’s up.
Hahahahahaha! Good evil ferret
heheh. yeah, Abraxas really needs to go to ferret training school. or get an exorcism. 🙂
Methinks Xinda will be involved somehow, thus leading to Jefbot being in her servitude for life. Or her husband will come along instead and something ALMOST as bad will happen.
if Xinda appeared on the scene while bot and Corn were helpless and trapped, i think the ensuing panels of the strip would be rated R for violence, NeoDarklight. i do have a couple strips written with Xinda in mind for the future, though, so stay tuned!
JB and CF will eat their way out of the mess, one Pokeball at a time, using Abraxas as a shovel along the way as revenge for the phone destruction.
if they start eating those pokéballs, let’s just hope there are no pokémon still inside ’em, Alexander. 😉
And Abraxas inadvertently gets revenge for jefbot by destroying the phone that could not record the aliens. However, not at the right time x(
4 panels of awesomeness 😀 way to go!
true that, GMT! although now it appears a good thing that bot didn’t upgrade to the video-enabled 3GS after that incident.
not sure which is worse:
1) the Road to El Dorado reference here
2) The fact i got said reference
3) no one else commented on it
4) i see nothing wrong with myself now
refresh my memory on what exactly i referenced in that movie, acolyte. not that it wasn’t, uh, entirely intentional or anything. 😉
the whole “find a pry bar” scene, when they’re imprisoned on cortez’s ship.
NOOOO!! I finally read the whole webcomic and there’s no more so now I have to wait like the rest of mankind….. 🙁
Jefbot……MOAR PLEASE!!! 😀
Lol. I hate that. You spend all that time reading through a comic’s archives, and when you finally get to the end, you feel so disappointed cause you’re used to just flying through it, then you start shaking from withdrawls and start trying to stalk the artist in an attempt to make them post a new comic hourly.
… or maybe that’s just me.
Sorry Mookie. Sorry Tim Buckley. Sorry Jeff Sheutze (sp?). Sorry Brian Wilson. Sorry… um… everyone. >.>
Bah. Schuetze. I was close. Please don’t smite me.
You arent alone in this. At least this humble fellow addict has same sentiments.
Hear hear! Checking the comic is the highlight of my Tuesdays and Fridays.
Badness knows it’s not having to get to work!
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH! That was exactly how I felt! seriously =P I was considering the stalking part as well :/ but then I realized something- I live too far away 🙁
Can’t wait till the next Abraxas expirience comes 😀
awww… thanks, guys! knowing you enjoy the strip so much helps me through the late nights writing and drawing more than any coffee, dr. pepper or red bull ever could. and if i could turn out more than two strips a week and still maintain my sanity and health, i totally would!
domo arigato, Cocostix et al. 😀
damn….precious iphone
the pPPreeeccioousss…