Okay, so jefbot kinda deserved what he got in this strip, especially when you consider who he was teasing. What did Principal Vernon say? “Mess with the bull, you’ll get the horns.” Guess jefbot didn’t learn that lesson from The Breakfast Club.
And thanks to the real-life Cornfather for his help with this strip!
Gotta love the slapstick! This was awesome. 🙂 It is Xinda at her comic best.
Poor Jefbot (while he was clearly asking for it) – that was the same side Cel got him on.
Am I really first? Wow! Yay me! 😀
thanks, shanna! we haven’t seen jefbot’s sister Xinda in a while, so glad you liked the strip!
and you’re right about that side of bot’s face – just when it was starting to heal, too. 😉
yep, first! 😎
2nd! Hysterical! Love the dialog and action scene in the 3rd panel. Totally cool. And, that’s another reason I don’t want to get on Facebook.
what are you doing up at 4:47, sis!? and re: facebook – i don’t blame you. 🙂
Facebook is a total waste of time.
And really , why is it so hard to remember that apple puts “i” in front of everything and that “e” means electronic, how can people not get it? 🙂
And hardcovers are the best, love them and for ever will, especially the smell of new book.
Yeah I’m a little weary of buying anything that has the word PAD in it…I deal with it enough thank you.
I’m a little weary of buying anything with any lower case letter in front of it these days.
and i totally agree with you on hardcovers, Eddie – i love ’em! i have a huge collection myself, and know what you mean about the smell. heavenly!
And poor ‘bot got a faceful o’ spine. Ow. O_o~*
Seriously, man glad to see the comic back among the living. The only comedy comics that’ve never let me down (creators AND comic) are Caf-fiends, Nemu-Nemu, The Book of Biff, and your own stuff.
Everybody else is just too frickin’ bitter, or vanishes. Glad to see you and project ‘bot still fall under neither category!
wa-hoo! luckily the strip was only down for a week, Holaved, but i’m still dealing with viruses and malware trying to infect the site every day. sucks.
thanks for putting me in such esteemed company – i love nemu*nemu and Book of Biff (not familiar with Caf-fiends but will have to check it out). no plans on getting bitter or vanishing, so hope you’ll enjoy JEFbot for many years to come!
Hehe, I love this strip. However, doesn’t Xinda already know what a kindle is? http://www.jeffschuetze.com/2009/12/22/jefbot200_the-christmas-pact/
yes! glad to see you questioning the continuity, Maia. Xinda does know what a Kindle is, but (just like in real life) she hasn’t gotten one yet (the rest of the Schuetzes ended up discarding her Christmas “pact” last year), and confused the name of the device in this strip. i considered having her reference the Nook instead of the Kindle, but it just doesn’t seem to be as ubiquitous at this point. what’ll probably happen is i’ll change what she wanted in the “Pact” strip to avoid any discrepancies. any suggestions? 🙂
Have I mentioned that I Love Xinda?! She fills my black little heart with glee and carmel!!!
OMG this made me crack up. Mostly because I took one of the local free papers, Rolled it up, taped the ends down and placed it on my office shelf at work. I call it the “NO, NO BAD DOG!” stick for the guys I work with.
Xinda and Pixie seperated at birth?!
Is anyone else pollen b***H right now? Cause I think I’m dying!
i’m happy you relate to Xinda so much, Pixie! (er… i think.) heheh. and yeah, that rolled-up paper weapon sounds like something my evil sister would make. hope you haven’t had to “WHOMP!” anyone with it! 🙂
Jeff do you have a FB page?
That he does! (Hope you don’t mind me giving it out, Jeff.) http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=851660570&ref=ts
nope! i don’t mind at all, Spanky, thanks!
and i don’t get on Facebook much, Pixie. i’m much more a Twitter-guy, but so many of my friends are on FB, i think i’m gonna hafta spend more time there.
Oh I don’t know twitter yet. I’m waiting til I have a better cell phone. Besides, who would follow my wickedness?
Haha you can just see Xinda’s anger growing until she finally whomps JB with the book… all while he’s drinking some oj. This made me laugh so hard! I feel bad for JB, because he’s gonna end up with brain damage if he keeps getting hit in the face/head. *hugs for JB*
What is that little egg thingy behind them? When I first saw it, it reminded me of a Ewok in egg form. Loved this one!
He already has brain damage…
Hmm… He deliberately baits you (which he knows you won’t take lying down) and then hands you a weapon. I think you’re right.
Looks like a critical hit to me there. :XD
ha! yes, you caught him drinking the orange juice, Spanky! now whether it has vodka in it or not is the question. maybe that’s why he’s willing to risk a “whomping” by teasing Xinda like that…?
the “egg thingy” is a “daruma” – a buddhist figure that represents good luck and perseverance, and something you’d probably find in many japanese homes. my sister and i made them in japanese school when we were little and Mombot still has ’em in her home! 😀
Ha! Nice work, Jeff… AND Michael!
thanks, man! and i only gave Michael a bit of credit to make him feel good and as a common courtesy. he really doesn’t deserve it. 😉 kidding, MC!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!*snort* HAHAHAHA, omg…aren’t siblings precious? Pfft. I wouldn’t know, I’m an only child 😛 LOL
As am I. Which meant we got more goodies growing up 😀 Downside: Not being able to blame a sibling for something bad that you did. 😛
happy you got such a great laugh out of this one, ESQ! funny, my sister Linda considers herself an only child, too. 😀
The pun! It hurts! Literally!
Oh, got another one:
I guess you can say
they’re well red.
Pun very, very intended.
… Sorry. Way too much free time lately. I seem to have become a walking meme.
keep ’em coming, Alexander! i’m still digging your Caruso puns. 😀
speaking of puns, this strip was almost called “EyeBook.” heheh.
The bruise…it’s not going to heal anytime soon, is it?
heheh. not likely, Shion. 🙂
Perfect punch line and the art in Panel 3 is brilliant in particular. Who thinks of tilting bookcases? Hat’s off, sir.
glad you liked the “punch”line, Timothy! pun intended? heheh. and happy you liked panel 3 – i was trying to give the scene more immediacy and shock value by canting the drawings. also: i thought it looked cool. 😀
Wow great strip bot. I have an ereader thingy on my computer. It was free but still. The only reason I want a Kindle2 is because of an xkcd strip about it being the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
i love xkcd, DJ! and funny, i was just reading an article in Time magazine by Stephen Fry where he laments that his friend, Douglas Adams, was not around to see the iPad as it is “the closest thing to his Hitchhiker’s Guide that humankind has yet devised.” good article.
and, hey – your avatar ROCKS. Abraxas, ftw!
I love Stephen Fry. He has a show, QI, that is simply fantastic.
I think this summer I will actually sit down and finish reading the series. Now that Eion Colfer has ‘finished’ the series part 6 of three XD I love Eion Colfer and I can’t wait to see what he has to say about the characters.
Glad you like the icon, I made like 5 others. All Abraxas because he needs more love, especially now that you have your own Night Fury.
Then I guess Xinda’s got you for two (making devil sign or rock on sign with hand, rotating)…for two months you’re hers…the same amount of time the principal had Bender.
well it seems Xinda’s already “cracking skulls” so what’s two months? 😉
I love this strip, bot! Xinda smacking you in the face is hysterical. Well drawn, man. I do LOVE Xinda’s version of Facebook. But I ain’t signing up for it. ;). Again, stellar job, bot.
glad you liked how this one turned out, MC. and thanks again for your help! 😀
So much for that bruise healing…
yeah, was hoping to be done drawing that bruise by now, but it looks like i’ll have to keep it going for at least a few more strips, Kerubim. 🙂
HAHAHA Awesome. This one made me laugh a lot, from the first panel. Poor JB though, he is never going to get rid of that shinner!
thanks, Slave1, i’m happy you dug all the panels! and yeah, i think jefbot’s gonna need to spend some time in a bacta tank to finally get rid of that black eye! 😀
OUTSTANDING!!! I’m still rolling on the floor laughing my a– off!!! That was BRILLIANT!!! You go served by Facebook!!! Excellent job Jefbot! (One of my favorites this month!!!)
yay! happy this one gave you an ROFL, Funnyshaffer!
WOOT!!! You did it JB!!! You finally killed TCG! I’ve been trying to do that for almost 20 years!
ooh, it’s like i’m an assassin. where’s my reward, S1?
TCG, dead!? looks like Xinda claims another victim. 😉
I stayed up until 3:30 but passed out. Nice one, Spanky!
That bruise isn’t going to fade anytime soon.
Don’t provoke her, Jeffbot! Your face is too pretty to be permanently bruised! D:
i understand the value of sleep, Rinthia, so i don’t blame you for passing out. 🙂
and yeah, that bruise is gonna be there for the next couple of strips at least. “pretty face” (debatable – especially with Xinda whomping it) or not! heheh.
And I see orange juice! 😀
looks like jefbot’s the only one who wanted any!
This brings back the days when I used to fight with MY brother. Books were always my weapon of choice since I was almost always carrying one. Ah, good times…
ha! “good times” indeed, Sharra. and the book seems to be an improvised bludgeon of some sort, as Xinda’s usual weapons-of-choice are knives, forks and spray deodorant. 😉
*Warning: D&D reference* She must be pretty high level to have enough feats to have become proficient in all those weapon groups. *End D&D reference*
glad you like it, sis! (don’t hurt me.)
So Xinda, much adored one, which of you is oldest? I can;t remember, I’m sure it was mentioned somewhere.
I am a bit torn here, As the future Empress of what is now being refered to as “Hell” I adore your “I’ll call it whatever the heck I want and you will like it” bravado. But being the Baby (Tattoo says “Spoiled Brat”) I feel for bendito Jeffbot. My sister kicked my butt on several occasions for merely existing. Like it was my fault *twitch* No, really I’m all better now *twitch twitch*
Hmmm…never met your sister, Jeff, but I think I’m in love 😉
be careful what you wish for, Jeff. be very, very careful. 😉
Your sister is awesome, great pun and good force. sorry about your face.
thanks, Animie fan! yeah, my sister’s pretty cool – when she’s not taking a swing at your head, that is. 😉
yeah, in the words of a character from a book i just finished ( Joseph Finder ) Killer Instinct is the book. “No better friend, no worse enemy.”
You are aware that in Asia (mainly China and Japan) there is a concept called “saving face”? Well you’d better learn it soon or you won’t have much of a face left to save…
P.S. I’ve put in a Friend request on the link that Spanky posted above under my real name. Hope you don’t mind.
yeah, i think it’s too late for jefbot to save any face at this point, r61. 😉
and re: facebook – i don’t mind at all. in fact, we’re fb friends now!
That makes me very happy! 🙂
To bad she didn’t hit him on the other side of his face, then he’d have a matching set!
I wonder what book she hit him with? Hope JEFBOT stands in front of a mirror so we can read the title.
knowing Xinda, she probably aimed for the previous bruise just to cause her brother more pain, Foxmouse! heheh.
and although it’s not clear what book he was hit with, i like to think it was something like hardcover editions of “The Art of War” or “Fight Club.”
HA! Nice! I gotta remember that the next time someone says facebook.
although i do not condone violence of any sort, let me know what happens, Steve. (and videotape if possible!) 😉
Looks like he got ANOTHER black eye
Also I love how the background’s tilted when she hits jefbot
yes! a black eye on the black eye, IDTMRB! heheh.
and glad you liked the “tilted” background. was hoping to give a kind of “off balance” feel as jefbot got whapped!
OUCH! that’s gonna hurt; but truth be told JB had it coming. Never mess with someone that has SO much killing intent, specially a sister, and SPECIALLY Xinda.
Great comic as always JB 🙂
jefbot should indeed know better, nicobot. a huge mistake, one he probably won’t make again (well, at least for the next several strips). 😉
awww… thanks, Annie!
Surprised that Maryz havent commented yet.
looks like Maryz was at a family retreat, Eddie. he didn’t tell you!? 😉
Brilliant. My favorite strip in a while (no disrespect to the other strips!)
glad it’s one of your favs, Kev!
Hey, is that a daruma doll in the background?
I LOVE this strip!!! I’m still laughing!!!!!!!
glad you see the humor in it, evilbot! 😀
it’s a hard lesson in life but sometimes it just pays to get your mouth shut!
ah, so true, t_d. a lesson jefbot learned too late, it seems.
oh dear, poor Jeff, looks like you’ll need to redraw the nasty bruises again XD
seriously, Leithal! i’ve let the “scrapes” on bot’s face heal but i’ll do the dance of joy when i can stop drawing that dang bruise!
Finaly back from the family retreat! Dont take me wrong I loved it and it was a big fun family gathering and celebration of my mom gettingher university degree, but its good to be back.
That must have hurt. He already had a painfull spot there and Xinda just had to assault it.
Facebook is evil. In and out of Xindas hands. Thats all Im going to say about this strip, there is not enough space here to list all thats wrong with it.
Finaly it seems you had to be burried alive by background boxes for readers to get some ineractive background to enjoy. Not only background is becoming more detailed in latest strips, it has rocking bookshelves reacting to wind pressure from Xindas punches. Kudos
i’m glad you had a good time at your family retreat, Maryz. and congrats to your mom on her degree!
and yes, Xinda just had to go for the weak spot. jefbot’ll be lucky if he can even use that eye for the next couple’a strips. 😉
i mostly agree with you about Facebook. i don’t get on it much but i keep getting dragged back into it by friends. i’ve totally been sucked into the Twitterverse, tho.
and nice to hear you’ve been liking the backgrounds! ever since that “beach” arc, i’ve been getting faster at drawing ’em, though they’re still one of the most time-consuming aspects of doing the strip.
Just think if all facebook notifications arrived to you in that fashion. Owwww…. DX
if it was Xinda doing the notifying, jefbot and most of Xinda’s friends would be dead at this point, Ahero. 😉
Now if you did all Emoticons or JefBot & Cornfather goes to an ASCII Art Gallery heh.
Great strip you fit all the social media and technology gaps in a concise strip, punctuated by what they should do to all those apps on Facebook these days, slap it upside the head with Pride & Prejudice & Zombies
heh. i like the idea of an ASCII Art Gallery, Kurt!
and glad you dug the strip! yep, Facebook apps should get slapped by P&P&Z or even Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. 😀
Xinda to a Tee!
you know it, The Doctor!
I could swear the title of the book is “Solon”, is this true?
good one, Xin
O.o So much pun!
one word. Pwn’d.