Extra points if you heard jefbot’s last line come out in a Russian accent a la Ivan Drago from Rocky IV.
And I’m sure most of you understood the Cornfather’s reference to “not being a dick” being Wil Wheaton’s “thing” but for those who don’t, “Don’t be a dick” (or what has come to be known as “Wheaton’s Law”) is a general guideline put forward by Wil Wheaton for living one’s life online or off. Great motto, especially for us denizens of the Internet.
This makes me smile. Jefbot was so over it, but he really wasn’t. Look at those disturbingly red eyes! Ahhhh! And they were getting on so well! I wonder if Wil wins whether Jefbot will throw a tantrum…
yes, you know bot’s rage has been reignited when his eyes glow red, Maia! as for whether Wheaton or bot wins, well, we’ll soon find out as this storyline nears it’s conclusion!
oh, and is this your first Firsting? if not, it’s been a long time, probably due to the competition being so intense over the past couple months. regardless, the Shades of Firsting are yours. wear them well! 😎
You know that rocky got nutting on wheaton/jefbot. But who rocky?? lol Good job as usual. Question being; Will Jeffbot actually get over his anger? or getting stomped at kong bring back the HATRED OF WHEATON!!!!!.
yes, Rocky ain’t got nothin’ on Wheaton or bot – at least not in the arcade, Will B! heheh. and as for your question: my lips are sealed. you’ll find out who gets the focus of the Nerd Rage next strip!
After ‘bot says “I must break him” you can almost hear “dun dun dunnnnnn” and then maniacal laughter “mwahahahahahaha”…because ‘bot’s an evil genius!
yep, sometimes the strip could really benefit from sound cues and animation, ESQ! (i’d love to see the camera zoom in while the quarter comes up in bot’s hand in that last panel, while your “dun duns” and evil laughter plays.) and yes, evil geniuses rule. >:)
And a deafening cheer goes up from The Harem, mingled with the distinct sound of Sonitans Evil Laugh Of Doom! ^_^
You never disappoint us, do you? Well played.
Most certainly, Angela dear.
*diabolical laugh of doom*
Saw this site & thought you might be able to make some use of it: http://www.villainsource.com/index.html
I’ve certainly found it rather interesting.
Why, thank you dear. I will mostly get plenty of ideas for later diabolical use.
*evil laugh of doom*
oop. too late.
don’t give Sonitan more evil ideas, AdM! she’s diabolical enough already. 😉
but yeah, jefbot could get a few tips from that site, if he continues on his current path of revenge.
WOO HOO Jungle Goddess appeasment time!
hooray! glad to hear the cheer go up (and the sound of Sonitan’s *evil/diabolical laugh of doom*) for this strip, AdM! i’ll try not to disappoint as we near the final stretch of the current storyline. 😀
Break him, do it – you won’t. >XD
Awesome as always. Makes me want to go to Funspot again real soon.
so many paths this could lead to, IA! will bot break Wil? will Wil break bot? neither? stay tuned!
ooh, Funspot! wish one of those was around here.
The red eyes of DOOM are awesome 😀 Like an evil mastermind
uh-huh. bot always means business when he flashes those red eyes of doom, Eddie. heheh.
Woot! I was praying the DK challenge would be re-ignited! Good luck, bot…
yep! there’s no way i’d let this storyline close without a DK challenge being thrown down, Tiana!
So after all these years there still remains a challenge on the table . . .
‘bot may finally have a chance at closure. And Cel will kill him.
that’s exactly what’s at stake here, Sarah W – bot’s insistence on an irrational revenge that might bring him closure, or a chance at a relationship with cel that would be destroyed if he continues down this path. hmmm…
I can see the fire in his eyes. This will be a battle worthy of song.
I trudged through the archive since last week when I found the comic and I am finaly up to date. Woo!!!
Too bad I can’t get a fix of 25-50 comics a day anymore. Boo!!!
But having seen so many comics in quick succession I could actually pick up how your art improved. Loving the GEEKNESS…
yes, the fire of bot’s rage is definitely burning brightly, Pako!
and sorry you aren’t getting a big, daily dose of JEFbot anymore, but thanks for going through the entire archive!
and yeah, some of the art in those old strips are hard to look at for me. i wonder if i’ll feel the same way a couple of years from now when i look at the current batch? one can hope! 🙂
A broken Wheaton is the only worth Wheaton.
*diabolical laugh of doom*
I certainly love the last panel. It could go on a T-shirt or a button. With the following: “I WILL break you.”
*love* *love* *love*
Utterly enjoying how the darkness has returned to this strip. Yep. The goddess of victorian darkeness – aka MUA!!! – is very pleased.
ha! how’d i know you were gonna love jefbot’s turn to the dark side in that last panel, Sonitan?
hmmm… you guys have given me a lot of great feedback on images for shirts/BOTtons that could be taken from this entire storyline. i might have to make a new BOTton pack with the top requests on ’em.
although i fear Mua, i can’t make any promises on whether or not she’ll be pleased with the outcome of the storyline. here’s hoping!
hmmm. is it me or does jb seems to have a redder eyes everytime he is fired up or raged up?
nope. not just you, jf#300 – when the rage burns in jefbot’s heart, his eyes glow red for some reason. 🙂
lets have “eye of the tiger” playing in the background and jefbot doing a series of training shots.
are you saying it’s time for a MONTAGE, t_d!? http://goo.gl/zpCui
RED EYES! Its the dreaded red eyes!
On the more positive note Jefbot seems to control his nerd rage, whats good news for Cel. Will however should thread carefuly, as nobody knows what Thinking-Rageing Jefbot is capable of. This is the first time this particular variation makes an appearance, right?
i think you’re right, Maryz – normally when bot’s eyes burn red, he’s screaming or losing it, but in this instance, he’s eerily calm. we shall see what he’s capable of in this state in the next strip!
Game on!! Death to WW!!!
woo! game on! not sure if there will be any “death” happening (except maybe to some pixelated gorillas or italian plumbers) but there will definitely be a challenge thrown down soon, TCG.
Yes, the Harem is happy (we haven’t heard from Pixie yet, but I’m willing to bet she’ll agree). Love it! Go Bot, kick his butt! Even if he isn’t a dick. 😉 Fear the Bot!
In the first panel, I sensed a subtext of “Well Bot, fame (that could have been yours) calls. Gotta go.” Or was that just me reading into it something that wasn’t there. I guess that would be a bit of a passive-aggressive dick move, so maybe it *was* just me imagining that.
ha! yes, Wil not being a dick definitely complicates things, shanna, but as of now – jefbot has some breaking to do!
and Wil was being genuine in that first panel, so there was no subtext going on. but if there had been, bot’s rage would’ve burned even hotter!
i’m happy the Harem’s happy! 😀
i think the voices in his head are nolonger keeping him calm and sane
indeed. looks like the voices are driving him in the other direction now, Drakeye. 🙂
Let the battle begin! …or continue… My money is on Jefbot!
glad you’re on jefbot’s side on this, Funnyshaffer!
whatever you do, don’t kill the poor man.
while there might be some breaking going on, rest assured, no deaths are planned for this comic anytime soon, dj.
Love the wielding of the Quarter.
glad you loved the wielding, Anonymous!
May the inner nerd rage triumph
My poor gravatar was unused. This is why I try not to borrow other communication stations.
i know what you mean. Michael (the Cornfather) used my laptop once to comment, and now his name is the default autofill every time i open this url from that computer. 😛
but what if bot provokes Wil’s “inner nerd rage,” rinthia? whose nerd rage will triumph!?
LoL I don’t think I’ve ever hated someone that much.
give into your hatred, Eptha! okay, probably not a good idea to carry around as much hatred as bot has for Wil all these years.
I just wanna say, I literally went to bed about six minutes before this strip came out. SO DAMN CLOSE! D:
Actually, I jest, for I had no idea what the time zone difference was. I, in fact, went to bed an hour and six minutes before the strip came out.
an hour and six minutes is pretty darn close, Ryurei. but yeah, competition’s tough for the top spot.
-sigh- let it go bro.
Think of how this will affect your moral standing, yes I did just get off Fable III… sadly I have no money to run my country.
absolutely right, Anime fan: “letting it go” is exactly what bot needs to do at this point. for his own psyche and for his relationship with cel. but will he learn that lesson before it’s too late?
and i still haven’t finished Fable II, yet. i take it Fable III’s good? better?
Yes! Finally the challenge will come to fruition.
yep! challenges will be thrown soon, Ember!
My how the tides turn in ol Jefbot’s mind. Hahahahahaha….very funny, bot. I love the dialogue and how you make it all come full circle with a single quarter. Way to go!
thanks, MC! indeed – just as the quarter “plinked” at the top of the arcade cabinet several strips back, so shall a quarter be “plinked” again at the top of another cabinet soon!
I am back now. This should turn out to be very interesting.
I missed the internet and all the things I can do with it.
glad to have you back, Fijiman! yes, i’ve been kind of “unplugged” for the past week (obviously, since there hasn’t been a new strip for several days), so i know what you mean.
Yeah. I love my grandparents, but not having access to the internet or Xbox sucks.
a hammer and a chainsaw may be needed.
also, some acid.
kind of a “JEFbot meets Saw” twist to the storyline, John? i like it! 😉
I have returnadead from the wild sweet sweet streaming data,florescent lights, and lines of code how I miss thee….oh yeah you guys too. Glad to come home to Jefbot putting on the gloves life is good ^_^
Dude….*switches Prophet to Decaf* take a deep breath and relax.
You know that decaf is an abomination to a perfect creation, right? (perfect creation aka coffee)
*evil laugh of doom*
Well DUH! Boricua here. El Cafe Bustello…Ese e!
And Diet Coke…Oh no no baby! I am a Coca Cola junkie. It IS my crack. Shame on you
Why? It has all the caffeine and none of the guilt.
regular Coke and Dr. Pepper all the way! woo! *takes sip* WOOOO!
mwhahaha I don’t drink coffee. I DRINK DIET COKE SUCKERS!!! YARGGGGG! * continues rampage foams at the mouth*
happy to see you’ve returned from the wilderness safely, Prophet! hope you soaked in enough nature to last you awhile. also happy you missed us. 🙂
*Pixie Squeal of Delight!* HURRAY!!!!!
Ok but don’t completely destroy him. Think of us that love you both…think of your MOM! She will never forgive you. *waves* Hi Mombot!!!!
Yeah the Holiday….Interesting. Not bad just…interesting.
Black Friday was AWESOME! Got my Wii online and several other things I needed.
And YES love the Rocky reference. I just saw something that reminded me of it on a show called Bully Beatdown on MTV 2. Funniest show I’ve seen in ages!
OK ok I’ll say it! Nerd Rage is the HOTNESS! Oh and I can totes appreciate the way the background in the last panel also darkened to accentuate the rage. Bravo Sir.
Are you high, Pixie dear? I have NO love for Mr. Wheaton. As a matter of fact, I can’t stand the guy. I rather have bot Break him several times!!!
*diabolical laugh of doom*
The only worth Wheaton is a broken Wheaton.
*runs away laughing manically*
Now now, listen to me for a second. I’m not saying don’t crush his spirit. (Personally, Crushed spirits, broken dreams and souls are my favorite meal with a heart broken tears chaser!) What I’m saying is let him live to rue the day. Think of the Princess Bride…”To the Death! No…to the Pain.”
And yes I still has some love for the Wheaton. Childhood crushes and all….
besides MomBot loves them both!
Ah, ok. For a scare there I thought you were preventing me from the bleasing of crushed spirits.
*diabolical laugh of doom*
you’re right: Mombot would never forgive me if i “destroyed” Wil in the strip, Pixie! heheh. actually, i’m not sure who she most wants to win at this point. 😉
we’ll have to exchange friend codes on our Wiis, although – do any worthwhile Wii games support online multiplayer, these days? i have an unopened copy of Monster Hunter Tri and have been dying to try it out. you along with any other readers wanna give that a go and do some monster huntin’?
never seen Bully Beatdown, but i just got the cable going in my new place, so might have to set the DVR to check it out.
ha! glad you find bot’s nerd rage HOT, since his rage will be stoked even more in the next couple of strips!
So, is ‘bot a dick for trying to break Wil, which would make ‘bot violate Wil’s rule (which I’m guessing he wouldn’t have wanted to live by anyway when he hated Wil), or is this making ‘bot be a hypocrite, since he doesn’t hate him anymore and should really live by Wil’s rule? Twists your head in knots, like the whole John Connor being the offspring of folks from two different times thing in the Terminator.
A better question: does anybody care?
(spoiler: the answer is no.)
wheaton still being alive enrages me, and is summoning the hulk.
Amen to that. take the Hulk out, by all means!!
yeah, jefbot’s totally breaking Wil’s rule and being a dick, Stan. not that he cares at this point, since his hatred for Wheaton is back on.
Okay, thanks for the clarification, dick 😉
Is Jeff on a temporary vacation or is he just really busy with life this week? Also, will there be a new strip tomorrow?
sorry there, Fijiman – was moving all week and my computer and drawing tablet have been boxed up, so no strips this week. next week, the strip will be back on track!
pokes the bot…. “You still alive bro?? Hang on gotta go get a bigger stick to poke you with”
still alive, Will B, but just barely. today’s literally the first day i haven’t had to move anything from my old place. completely exhausted, but will be setting up my computer and Cintiq this weekend so i can get back to getting the strip up!
For those wondering, he’s literally just moved house and the poor dear’s utterly exhausted. Give him an chance to rest and get himself sorted.
Any grumblings will be dealt with by the Harem… and you don’t want to piss off fiesty geek girls!
Fiesty indeed. Not sure about the geek part, though. I’m diabolically victorious goth, as far as I know.
*diabolical laugh of doom*
Throw the grumblers my way. I have evil ways to deal with the lot.
*swings evil doomsday devices of doom*
i think “diabolically victorious goth” could be a tiny niche of the geek culture, Sonitan. or maybe not. heheh. either way, i’m glad you and your evil doomsday devices are on my side. 🙂
I’m “ecclectic alternative” & a proud Geek Girl. I have a lot of goth friends, many of whom are geeks. You can definitely be both. ^_^
“Geek” is one of the highest compliments I can give a person.
You know we love your diabolical gothic ways. ^_^
thanks for posting this message about my whereabouts, AdM. i’ve been wanting to put out a blog post all week and just haven’t had a chance. will be doing that later today, for sure. glad to know “The Harem” has been keeping order in these comments!
No problem. Glad to help. ^_^ You had enough on your plate this last week. *hugs* Get some rest.
*Hangs the Following Sign*
Hello, and Welcome to the JeffBot complaint Department. This Department is “manned” by the girls of the JB Harem. You have been warned.
*skips off to tuck in the Bot and make him some hot cocoa*
Jefbot will end up having to create a “Harem Cast Page” with all our infos.
*evil laugh of doom*
I rule the evil Harem.
actually, i just might do that, Sonitan! you, Angela della Muerta, Pixie and shanna are the closest thing i have to forum administrators (and so much more, really), so it might be good for other readers to know a bit about you all. (as if they don’t already.) 🙂
Aww! You’re the sweetest! ^_^
Oh, the heady rush of power!
I promise I wont let it corrupt me. Our organisation promise to be benevolant dictators… with the definite exception of Sonitan. But think of that as diversity in the workplace – you’ve got to have a little pure, unadulterated evil. ^_^
Today, a Harem Cast Page. Tomorrow, THE WORLD!
thanks for the cocoa, Pixie – after this week, i can totally use some, and i think i’m starting to come down with a cold. 😛
and thanks for setting up the complaint department! as i mentioned to Angela della Muerta above, it’s nice to know the site was in good hands while i was away.
So how do we join this “Harem”?
Hiya Ember! Is this your first post? Well All ya have to do is be an avid fan of our Dearest Botness.
I’ve posted before actually, I just don’t do it regularly. And of course I’m a fan Jefbot, who wouldn’t be?
I forgot to put in my mail again “-.-
where is new comic?
*directs your attention to the comments that have been previously posted by certain Harem members*
Don’t make us have to feed you to Sonitan. She likes to play with her prey.
<< hands angela bigger stick. Know he tired so you poke him. Make sure he still alive. Don't want Sonitan mad at me i a regular.
*diabolical laugh of doom*
Nonono. Feed ’em my way!!!
I certainly LOVE to play with the preys!
*maniacal smile of doom*
sorry for the delay, all! explanation to come in a blog post soon. (or just read the last several comments from Pixie/Angela della Muerta/Sonitan above this one.)
bottom line: new comic next tuesday! 😀
I can’t help but notice that Bot’s hated towards wheaton seems a lot like the same as Sheldon Coopers from Big Ban Theory……. Wow Bot + Sheldon + Will = Geeking Awesomeness!
Do I get double points for automatically *saying* “I must break him”? The Russian accent was dubious, at best, would that negate the points?
In my defence, I didn’t know points were at stake, or I would have tried taking steroids and acting lessons to improve my impression. Bleach and hair gel may also have been involved.
I draw the line at being oiled up, though.