Woot! Totally worth the wait. *adjusts Shades a little* Yeah, it’s funny how far we’ll go to impress someone we like. One would think that tendency would have gotten bred out by less-successful incidents like this!
Entirely possible…especially with that smile cel gave him. *romantic sigh* And that last shot looks kinda like the famous Spiderman kiss, just tilted a bit.
Currently on too many hours awake, ignore any incoherence. 😉
Believe me, I sympathize…I can’t begin to tell you the number of times I’ve been just seconds too late, or walked away from the computer for a minute and came back to five comments.
heheh. well i’m glad you think jefbot not breaking his neck is a good thing, Kim! this strip would be quite different if it only consisted of jefbot in a hospital for months on end. 😉
indeed, Sarah W! glad you’re sympathetic to jefbot’s act of bravado in this one! and if you look closely, you can see he not only landed on some gravel, but some glass, too. that he didn’t “scream like an eagle” either means he’s keeping up appearances for cel, or the pain hasn’t hit him yet. maybe both. 🙂
i tried something like that first time i tried free running on a building
leared you have to get the tuck and roll right
ended up skidding on my knees shreddign my jeens and then smacking my face into the roof 1 broken nose a chin scar and 6 moths later it tried and smack into the wall and landed on my friends car never tried again.
but Bots the man! much better at it than i was
dude! been tempted to do some free running, especially after playing games like Assassin’s Creed and Mirror’s Edge, drakeye, but i’ve never actually done it. so kudos to you for actually doin’ it and even bigger kudos for knowing when to stop. 🙂
You know how in cities they have those large parking lot buildings?
Good area to practice park-our, which can really help with free running if you get good at the stuff. (try not to get loose clothes, they can get in the way.)
woo! thanks, Pixie! i love that you’re lovin’ these double decker strips, especially since this one took a bit longer than usual. and hopefully, jefbot’s learned to grab his shoes as quickly as cel.
looks like at least a few of us are in the “no sleep” club this week. let’s try and catch up this weekend.
Sleep is for the weak!
It’s now 09:45am, I’ve been up doing housework all night! Currently taking a break from scrubbing floors! I think I’ve gone a bit mad… okay, “madder”.
Oh lil naughty Bunny Girl, I’m almost *coughocugh* years old. I get sleepy early!
Man I remember partying all weekend, waking up, having a cuppa coffe and being ready to go to work. Now?? I just want my bed, my dinner and my dogs. And if Hubby Bubby is around hey that’s fine too…
Yeah, barefeet, frakking ouch. But he did impress cel and I’m sure that was the goal all along so I call it a win! Now he’ll just have to hide his limp till his feet heal. “Oh nothing, I’m fine, no gravel buried in the feet here, no sir! Hhunngghh…”
If you don’t have a stunt double… or shoes. Nice job Jefbot! I think this is evidence of what he’d be willing to do for cel. 😀 I love the landing sequence. It’s totally no fair that cel has shoes on though. No wonder her jump was so smooth! Great strip!
Poor ‘bot! He took quite the tumble! And stabby things in the feet are not fun, I hope he’s up to date with his tetanus shots.
He’d better win a whole lot of brownie points for that! Preferably ones which can be exchanged for actual brownies… or sexy times… I think sexy times would be better than brownies, maybe.
There’s so much I like about this strip. Really great work. ^_^
Well now he is just like John McClane…in the first movie John had stepped on glass in his barefeet and was really hurting…and bleeding…I’m thinking ‘bot is both, at this moment. Ah the crazy things we do for love…if it isn’t one kind of jump (marriage) it’s another… *sigh*I love how the starry night background looks!!! And extra points for the Die Hard reference!!!!
yep – i’m happy you picked up on the glass-in-feet reference, ESQ! we’ll see if bot can withstand the pain and bleeding as well as John McClane could. 🙂 we’ll see how bad it is next strip.
“the crazy things we do for love,” indeed! now i have the 10cc song in my head.
I love it, bot! So awesome. Die Hard all the way, baby! I love the background, the panel where bot is flipping on the other roof, and Cel’s reaction to it all. Really good, man. It’s worth the sleep that you missed out on. 😉
The strip is AWESOME! I couldn’t tell if that was glass in his foot (I also don’t have my glasses on yet; my toddler stole them)… Very impressive! And he learned a lesson: Keep your shoes on if Cel still has clothes on 🙂
So my question is why did cel do it, goat ‘bot into doing it, then not actually expect him to do it? What did she expect him to do?? I think cel’s in league with the aliens… IT’S AN ANTI-BOT CONSPIRACY!!!!!!!!!!!
cel did want jefbot to follow her, psy, but after his showing in the previous strip, she didn’t have much faith that he’d actually do it. OR yes, she could be in league with the aliens. 🙂
to find the romance between cel and bot after all the alien blasting, rooftop jumping and barefoot mangling in the past few strips means you’re as big a romantic sap as i am, Maryz. 🙂
I’m surprised that ‘bot didn’t fracture his heel or ankle or shoulder with that landing. But, yeah, that’s probably gonna hurt for a good while. (Assuming, of course, that his ‘toon physiology is the same as Real World human physiology…)
jefbot’s definitely lucky he didn’t break anything during that landing, reynard61, but he will have to deal with the glass and gravel embedded in his feet. and i’d say his ‘toon physiology works a bit faster than real world physiology, but yeah, he’ll be in pain for a bit. 🙁
true that, Insectoid. if he had landed that jump, imagine the respect jefbot would’ve gotten from cel! but then again, he probably wouldn’t have gotten that little moment they’re sharing in the last panel, either. 🙂
Go to http://en.gravatar.com/ and use the same e-mail address with your post that you did there. The image you loaded (or created?) at Gravatar will show up as your avatar here (or anywhere else that links to them). (Mine is an image of a rubber stamp that I got a long time ago.)
they put all kinds of stuff on the rooftops out here, Bl4ckw0lf. you can usually find gravelly objects, glass and other assorted, nasty stuff up there.
and yeah, Stonefoot’s instructions on getting an avatar are right on the money.
we’ll see how much damage jefbot took in the next strip, steve. and funny, although John McClane was a white guy, the “terrorists” totally had german and asian dudes among them. so maybe jefbot’s the enemy and not the hero here? 😉
thanks, KazeSGFX! yeah, cel has definitely had some training before as she has skillz. maybe she could give jefbot a lesson or two the next time they hang. 🙂
She always seems to know just how to motivate him when he needs it, even if she doesn’t really believe in him at that time. Is she psychic? Because if she is, she wont be reading MY mind!*dons tinfoil viking helmet of uselessness*
Hell, if you could tell me where he gets his suit that would be epic because Magneto has always had one kick ass costume if you ask me. Until then, I will just stick this my tinfoil top hat of uselessness.(see, I can change what mine looks like, but Magneto could probably do a better job) Come to think of it, Magneto is probably my favorite comic book character, and I don’t even read comic books. Web comics yes, comic books no. Don’t know why.
cel believed in jefbot at the arcade, Fijiman! (he just needed a little “power up.” heheh.) but yeah, i think she doesn’t realize just how motivating she can be to bot. now let’s hope she doesn’t suggest he do something really dangerous!
i definitely think you should don the *tinfoil viking helmet of uselessness* to keep out psychic rays. and send me pics when you do. 😀
Would if it went for the fact that I am far too lazy to even take care of the 1700 odd some pictures and videos I already have on my camera and I don’t think we have any tinfoil in the house at the moment.
The whole sequence of the jump, and then the final panel, makes such an impression that we forget the first panel by the time we get to the end. Rereading this strip, I realized that panel 1 is awesome in itself. And Cel in panel 1 is awesome. Is Cel a ninja? If she isn’t, then I’ve never seen one. (Unless you count Jubei-chan) But then you can tell ninjas are around because things happen and you DON’T see them.
hey, thanks for rediscovering that first panel, Stonefoot! it’s definitely one of cel’s cooler moments, methinks. (even if it wasn’t that big a deal for her.)
cel definitely has ninja-like skillz and she has disappeared on occasion. hmm…
Glass in foot..ommigott….that REALLY hurts, and bleeds like mad. Believe an “experience-expert’ here.
At least Jefbot has gotten “hero” status in Cel’s mind now.
yeah, expect some blood in the next strip, JurgenS – i’m an “experienced expert” too, and i can attest to your glass-in-foot “bleeds like mad” assertion. but once the bleeding stopped, it was all good! 😀
Wow – glass shards and little drops of blood. Ouch. If cel was ever unsure of jefbot’s devotion, those doubts are long gone now. Kudos to him for taking the plunge. +1
Lol! Talk about living down to expectations…poor ‘bot! But he did impress cel, at least a little.
thanks for the lol, Tiana! and yep, bot might’ve gotten a bit dinged up, but if cel’s even a little impressed it was totally worth it.
also worth it? these Shades of Firsting which you are very familiar with: 😎
Woot! Totally worth the wait. *adjusts Shades a little* Yeah, it’s funny how far we’ll go to impress someone we like. One would think that tendency would have gotten bred out by less-successful incidents like this!
maybe this trait continued to survive and evolve due to the “endearment factor” cel displays in that last panel, T. 😀
Entirely possible…especially with that smile cel gave him. *romantic sigh* And that last shot looks kinda like the famous Spiderman kiss, just tilted a bit.
Currently on too many hours awake, ignore any incoherence. 😉
‘s okay: my sleep deprivation allows me to sync with your words, and i understand you perfectly.
Y’know, I stayed up extra late Sunday night/Monday morning… and then realized that it was Monday not Tuesday 🙁 I COULD’VE HAD THE SHADES!!!!
Believe me, I sympathize…I can’t begin to tell you the number of times I’ve been just seconds too late, or walked away from the computer for a minute and came back to five comments.
i’ve been a day off this whole week too, Ky! gotta remind myself tomorrow that it’s thursday, otherwise i might forget to do the strip.
Wow, it’s just like the opening scene of Hitchcock’s Vertigo! Well, sort of… jefbot didn’t break his neck. 😉
Which is good, of course!!!
heheh. well i’m glad you think jefbot not breaking his neck is a good thing, Kim! this strip would be quite different if it only consisted of jefbot in a hospital for months on end. 😉
HAH! now thats comedy!
never let it be said that this comic strip is above pratfalls and slapstick, Liam! 😀
Considering the man is barefoot, I’d say he did really well — I can feel the scrunch when he lands.
If I tried this, I’d scream like an eagle and drop like a rock. Gravity adores me.
indeed, Sarah W! glad you’re sympathetic to jefbot’s act of bravado in this one! and if you look closely, you can see he not only landed on some gravel, but some glass, too. that he didn’t “scream like an eagle” either means he’s keeping up appearances for cel, or the pain hasn’t hit him yet. maybe both. 🙂
Go JohnBot :D:D:D
woo-hoo! “welcome to the party, pal!” 😀
i tried something like that first time i tried free running on a building
leared you have to get the tuck and roll right
ended up skidding on my knees shreddign my jeens and then smacking my face into the roof 1 broken nose a chin scar and 6 moths later it tried and smack into the wall and landed on my friends car never tried again.
but Bots the man! much better at it than i was
my friend learned not to park in the ally directly under the first jump
dude! been tempted to do some free running, especially after playing games like Assassin’s Creed and Mirror’s Edge, drakeye, but i’ve never actually done it. so kudos to you for actually doin’ it and even bigger kudos for knowing when to stop. 🙂
You know how in cities they have those large parking lot buildings?
Good area to practice park-our, which can really help with free running if you get good at the stuff. (try not to get loose clothes, they can get in the way.)
good to know, Anonymous – jefbot may need to practice his free running if he wants to keep up with cel in the future. 🙂
hahaha…yipikayay mofo…i love die hard…
yeah, Die Hard is just awesome, jf#300. too bad the sequels never lived up to that first one.
The comic is AWESOME! I’m loving the double decker comics. JB should always put his shoes on! got zero sleep again last night… Going back to bed
woo! thanks, Pixie! i love that you’re lovin’ these double decker strips, especially since this one took a bit longer than usual. and hopefully, jefbot’s learned to grab his shoes as quickly as cel.
looks like at least a few of us are in the “no sleep” club this week. let’s try and catch up this weekend.
Sleep is for the weak!
It’s now 09:45am, I’ve been up doing housework all night! Currently taking a break from scrubbing floors! I think I’ve gone a bit mad… okay, “madder”.
Oh lil naughty Bunny Girl, I’m almost *coughocugh* years old. I get sleepy early!
Man I remember partying all weekend, waking up, having a cuppa coffe and being ready to go to work. Now?? I just want my bed, my dinner and my dogs. And if Hubby Bubby is around hey that’s fine too…
Yeah, barefeet, frakking ouch. But he did impress cel and I’m sure that was the goal all along so I call it a win! Now he’ll just have to hide his limp till his feet heal. “Oh nothing, I’m fine, no gravel buried in the feet here, no sir! Hhunngghh…”
yes – jefbot may not have stuck the landing but he did impress cel, so… uh, “mission accomplished” i suppose, Jed. heheh.
If you don’t have a stunt double… or shoes. Nice job Jefbot! I think this is evidence of what he’d be willing to do for cel. 😀 I love the landing sequence. It’s totally no fair that cel has shoes on though. No wonder her jump was so smooth! Great strip!
yeah, i guess you could say jefbot is… *puts glasses on* …head over heels for cel. *cue The Who*
and i agree: jefbot totally would’ve made a more graceful landing if he had shoes on. …or at least that’s the excuse he can give cel. 🙂
Is Cel an alien looking for a way to return home?
And don’t jump buildings with your bare feet!
Or you might have a glass in your feet!
true dat!
cel definitely wants to get to that crashed ship for more than just curiosity, Sk1nn4h, but i’m sworn to secrecy. 😀
Poor ‘bot! He took quite the tumble! And stabby things in the feet are not fun, I hope he’s up to date with his tetanus shots.
He’d better win a whole lot of brownie points for that! Preferably ones which can be exchanged for actual brownies… or sexy times… I think sexy times would be better than brownies, maybe.
There’s so much I like about this strip. Really great work. ^_^
thanks, AdM! glad you liked the strip so much!!!
and yes, let’s hope that bot doesn’t contract anything from all those “stabby things.” heheh.
brownie points that can be exchanged for actual brownies? sounds good! much better than if cel just gives bot some skee-ball tickets. 😉
Brownies taste best when you’ve earned them. Also when they’re fresh from the oven. Omnomnom. ^_^
Well now he is just like John McClane…in the first movie John had stepped on glass in his barefeet and was really hurting…and bleeding…I’m thinking ‘bot is both, at this moment. Ah the crazy things we do for love…if it isn’t one kind of jump (marriage) it’s another… *sigh*I love how the starry night background looks!!! And extra points for the Die Hard reference!!!!
yep – i’m happy you picked up on the glass-in-feet reference, ESQ! we’ll see if bot can withstand the pain and bleeding as well as John McClane could. 🙂 we’ll see how bad it is next strip.
“the crazy things we do for love,” indeed! now i have the 10cc song in my head.
I love it, bot! So awesome. Die Hard all the way, baby! I love the background, the panel where bot is flipping on the other roof, and Cel’s reaction to it all. Really good, man. It’s worth the sleep that you missed out on. 😉
thanks, MC! glad to know being all zombie-like from lack of sleep isn’t all for naught. 😉
The strip is AWESOME! I couldn’t tell if that was glass in his foot (I also don’t have my glasses on yet; my toddler stole them)… Very impressive! And he learned a lesson: Keep your shoes on if Cel still has clothes on 🙂
thanks for the awesome, Kypress! and yes, absolutely: bot needs to learn to be ready to move when cel’s around. heheh.
Haha! Nicely done Bot! Love the dialog as Bot is rolling and hurting and such. Made me smile. 😀
glad you liked that bit of dialogue, TCG – i imagine bot saying hitting those words with a Ren (of Ren and Stimpy) voice. 🙂
…and in BARE FEET, nonetheless. That was much more than I would have achieved.
yeah, jumping from the rooftop seemed like a good idea at the moment, Stan, but jefbot’s feet won’t like him much later. 🙂
AMAZING! I LOVE the first frame- Cel looks so badass!
The fact that you screamed, “Yippee Ki-yay!” is outstanding.
thanks, dude! cel is badass!
So my question is why did cel do it, goat ‘bot into doing it, then not actually expect him to do it? What did she expect him to do?? I think cel’s in league with the aliens… IT’S AN ANTI-BOT CONSPIRACY!!!!!!!!!!!
cel did want jefbot to follow her, psy, but after his showing in the previous strip, she didn’t have much faith that he’d actually do it. OR yes, she could be in league with the aliens. 🙂
What kind of sappy sod am I when i think the last panel is totaly romantic?
to find the romance between cel and bot after all the alien blasting, rooftop jumping and barefoot mangling in the past few strips means you’re as big a romantic sap as i am, Maryz. 🙂
I’m surprised that ‘bot didn’t fracture his heel or ankle or shoulder with that landing. But, yeah, that’s probably gonna hurt for a good while. (Assuming, of course, that his ‘toon physiology is the same as Real World human physiology…)
jefbot’s definitely lucky he didn’t break anything during that landing, reynard61, but he will have to deal with the glass and gravel embedded in his feet. and i’d say his ‘toon physiology works a bit faster than real world physiology, but yeah, he’ll be in pain for a bit. 🙁
Fists with your toes, brother trucker (best theatrical-to-tv dub ever)!!! Fists with your toes.
i wonder if the “fists with your toes” technique helps get over a bad parkour landing as well as a bad plane flight, Sean Luke?
Not just without a stunt double, but with bare feet…? Awesome 😉
true that, Insectoid. if he had landed that jump, imagine the respect jefbot would’ve gotten from cel! but then again, he probably wouldn’t have gotten that little moment they’re sharing in the last panel, either. 🙂
Hahaha, Yeow! I love it though!
thanks, ZAD-Man! yeah, i think jefbot’s going to need some advil and maybe a hot soak after that spill he took. 🙂
Say, do they put gravel on the rooftops out there? And I want an icon, how do I get an icon. . .
Go to http://en.gravatar.com/ and use the same e-mail address with your post that you did there. The image you loaded (or created?) at Gravatar will show up as your avatar here (or anywhere else that links to them). (Mine is an image of a rubber stamp that I got a long time ago.)
Mine is really me.
always loved your avatar, Pix. 🙂
Awwww *blush*
they put all kinds of stuff on the rooftops out here, Bl4ckw0lf. you can usually find gravelly objects, glass and other assorted, nasty stuff up there.
and yeah, Stonefoot’s instructions on getting an avatar are right on the money.
ooohh and without shoes…. that looked really painful actually.
I don’t think John McClane was japanese, german, and italian though. Unless I missed that episode of who do you think you are starring john McClane…
we’ll see how much damage jefbot took in the next strip, steve. and funny, although John McClane was a white guy, the “terrorists” totally had german and asian dudes among them. so maybe jefbot’s the enemy and not the hero here? 😉
Oh and I think it’s über cute that he walks on the backs of his jeans…the shredded pant legs hehehe!!
most of my jeans have those shredded pant legs, too, ESQ (so i’m happy you find that “über cute.” heheh.)
Cel would be an awesome Ninja. Bot? Not so much 😛
Excellent work Jeff, keep it up 😛
I think she might secretly be one.
very possible, Fijiman!
thanks, KazeSGFX! yeah, cel has definitely had some training before as she has skillz. maybe she could give jefbot a lesson or two the next time they hang. 🙂
Considering how much I love Die Hard and the phrase you ALMOST wrote in the third panel, this has to be one of the best strips you’ve done!!!!
ha! yes, it’s a good thing jefbot didn’t have more “hang time,” Hairo, or i might’ve had to bleep something out in that third panel. heheh.
and glad you liked the strip so much – always happy to hear from fellow Die Hard fans! 😀
All for love right?
absolutely, dj!
hey – new avatar! weird, but i dig it.
Elven love interest in DA2. He’s a little angsty, hence the love/hate thing. Romancing him is complicated -.-
She always seems to know just how to motivate him when he needs it, even if she doesn’t really believe in him at that time. Is she psychic? Because if she is, she wont be reading MY mind!*dons tinfoil viking helmet of uselessness*
Maybe you’d be better off shopping in the same place Magneto buys his hats?
heh. good suggestion, AdM!
Hell, if you could tell me where he gets his suit that would be epic because Magneto has always had one kick ass costume if you ask me. Until then, I will just stick this my tinfoil top hat of uselessness.(see, I can change what mine looks like, but Magneto could probably do a better job) Come to think of it, Magneto is probably my favorite comic book character, and I don’t even read comic books. Web comics yes, comic books no. Don’t know why.
cel believed in jefbot at the arcade, Fijiman! (he just needed a little “power up.” heheh.) but yeah, i think she doesn’t realize just how motivating she can be to bot. now let’s hope she doesn’t suggest he do something really dangerous!
i definitely think you should don the *tinfoil viking helmet of uselessness* to keep out psychic rays. and send me pics when you do. 😀
Would if it went for the fact that I am far too lazy to even take care of the 1700 odd some pictures and videos I already have on my camera and I don’t think we have any tinfoil in the house at the moment.
I hope Jef has a lucky fool packet in his wallet. 😉
if a “lucky fool packet” makes one lucky, then jefbot just might have one, Anime fan! (at least he didn’t get zapped or land short of the rooftop.)
The whole sequence of the jump, and then the final panel, makes such an impression that we forget the first panel by the time we get to the end. Rereading this strip, I realized that panel 1 is awesome in itself. And Cel in panel 1 is awesome. Is Cel a ninja? If she isn’t, then I’ve never seen one. (Unless you count Jubei-chan) But then you can tell ninjas are around because things happen and you DON’T see them.
hey, thanks for rediscovering that first panel, Stonefoot! it’s definitely one of cel’s cooler moments, methinks. (even if it wasn’t that big a deal for her.)
cel definitely has ninja-like skillz and she has disappeared on occasion. hmm…
Glass in foot..ommigott….that REALLY hurts, and bleeds like mad. Believe an “experience-expert’ here.
At least Jefbot has gotten “hero” status in Cel’s mind now.
yeah, expect some blood in the next strip, JurgenS – i’m an “experienced expert” too, and i can attest to your glass-in-foot “bleeds like mad” assertion. but once the bleeding stopped, it was all good! 😀
Wow – glass shards and little drops of blood. Ouch. If cel was ever unsure of jefbot’s devotion, those doubts are long gone now. Kudos to him for taking the plunge. +1
devotion points were most definitely scored here, Angela. remains to be seen if cel is able to reciprocate that devotion or not in the future.
One word: Classic!
This is a classic case of what guys do to impress the girls they’re crazy about. Broken bones? What broken bones? As long as it makes her smile right?
thanks for the word, Jiro!
and you’re right about guys doing crazy things to impress girls – we’ll see how well jefbot’s able to mask his pain in the next strip. 🙂
Sorry for double posting but I forgot to add that Cel looked so cool in the first panel. Totally Parkour style roof hopping!
i appreciate that, Jiro! there’s definitely more to the mystery of cel, as that first panel illustrates. 🙂
Ouch no shoes!!!!