The “cornbread” and “bathroom” incidents mentioned in today’s strip are quite real, and given permission, maybe I’ll be able to share them with you via a JEFbot strip someday. As for now, jefbot’s Warrior Sister will be in the strip in a mini-arc for all you Xinda fans, which might lead to a bigger storyline that I’m not sure exactly how I’m going to tell just yet.
I’ve also been thinking about hitting a few more comic conventions before the end of the year, so I might be setting up a poll to see which cities would be most beneficial to see you guys!
shades of firsting!!!!!
Okay I have been waiting months, going on a year, for a chance at that and this may be my last one for a while as my new job has hours not conducive to being here when you post… love this comic though. I remember getting kicked out of walmart repeatedly in college for various incidents involving everything from stuffed spiders to condoms…. not at the same time though… I don’t think… but yes it was almost like a rite of passage. Most memorable was playing football using tickle-me-elmos…
woo-HOO!!! the Shades of Firsting are indeed yours after all this time, Psynapse! these will shield you from sibling sneak attacks should the need arise, so wear them well:
also: congrats on your new job! can you tell us what it is? and i’m kind of afraid to ask about your “walmart incidents” but i think we can piece a bit of it together through your hints. maybe it’s better that way. heheh.
Haha yes. I am an Environmental Health and Safety technician for a biotech company in Seattle. Specifically I manage hazardous materials and waste and help maintain and oversee laboratory safety. And usually after getting kicked out of walmart we would go to the only other place open in the boonies of North Carolina at 1am… WAFFLE HOUSE!!! MUAHAHA… that’s one thing I miss… there are no Waffle Houses in Washington… none… I checked… I have been without Waffle House for over 3 years now man!… also I’ve lost a lot of weight in the last 3 years… but I don’t think they’re connected… >.>
aw, man. now you got me hungry for waffles. we’ve got an awesome waffle house down here in Hollywood called Roscoe’s House of Chicken & Waffles. unfortunately, i think they’re closed right now. *sigh* of course, i am kind of on a diet right now, but you said waffles and weight loss aren’t connected, right!? 😉
oOoh: “Environmental Health and Safety technician for a biotech company”!? sound awesome! congrats again. i loved Seattle. can’t wait to return!
I know! I hate that I missed you while you were here. I live in Tacoma. But I’m talking about the “Waffle House” chain… mmmmm hashbrowns… dude… why do you have to live all the way down in Cali?? I would so make a late night food run with you!
heheh. come to L.A. and we’ll make that late night food run! (although we don’t have any proper Waffle Houses here, either.) and hope you can make it to next year’s Emerald City Comicon – this year was a blast!
Yes! Epic comic crossover! Psynapse teams up with Scrawn in the search for greasy food at ungodly hours!
ha! of course, if i keep making late night greasy food runs, i won’t have the Power of Scrawn for much longer.
You people are getting skinnier?!?!? NO! Come to Tampa I need to feed you!
Haha I’m not that skinny to begin with, Pixie…
the way i ate this weekend, Pixie, i won’t need to be fed for at least a few days. 😛
Awesome! I’m in EH&S also! But I am a fed rather than in private industry. I deal with office, lab, and field safety. Also radiation, biosafety, chemicals, our environmental management system, ergonomics, … You name it, I do it. 😛 The government’s policy is definitely doing more with less.
Oh yes… we have a manager who’s over everything and she just consolidated hazwaste and safety equipment management under one umbrella so you’d be my boss at my job.
Oh and shielding form sibling sneak attacks is much appreciated. I have 5 sisters and 1 brother… all younger… well my stepsister is only 2 months younger but still… my first shades of firsting! I’m framing these!
wow! with all those siblings, it sounds like the Shades have found the perfect owner. and best yet, the Shades come with their own “frames”!!! 😀
sometimes i just can’t help myself, Psynapse. and your setup was just too good to pass up. 😀
Guess you could say I brought it into focus for you?
Hey! Pot to kettle: we have confirmation of blackness!! And how dare you launch the same tvtropes entry at me! You could at least find another one that would work… 😛 pun thief…
ah, but it’s so much easier (and funnier!) to just steal your link, Psy. ;D
Adama stare… I haz it…
AAaaiiiEEEEee!!! not the Adama Stare! alright, i concede.
and with that: g’nite! 😀
Ahahaha…, how many of there are true???
pretty much all the incidents mentioned are true, ZAD-Man! the parties involved might not have been banned, but they perhaps should have been. heheh.
Haha, wow, nice…:D Those could make a nice story arc of their own….:D
indeed. maybe someday, ZAD-Man!
I want to know the “cornbread incident”, must be hilarius 🙂
And What she do with a paintbrush in your room?
yep! Xinda’s BACK, CE! and exactly what she’s doing with that paint roller will be explained in the next strip. 🙂
Interesting. I can’t wait to see more Xinda’s evil ways. That paint roller in her hand looking rather ominous indeed. I can’t say that I’ve ever been banned from any place, though I I’ve done my fair share of things that SHOULD’VE incurred a ban at the least.
There was a time when a sibling and I might’ve accidentally turned on 3 display model fog machines a store had set out, and caused a looting frenzy when the resulting fog covered 10 aisles with a dense fog… Or the time we staged a lightsaber duel in the toy aisle because we were bored. Or the time we convinced them our mentally handicapped half british half syrian friend was lost and had them call for Seymour Aziz on the intercom.
wow! your shenanigans make my family’s stuff look almost quaint by comparison, Descolada! let me know the next time you stage a lightsaber duel so i can watch. 😉
and, yep! that paint roller’s a hint of things to come.
I got banned form the Irish equivalent of WalMart for being dressed as a ninja while recording a little movie. Some people just don’t understand…………Aprat from BOT and most of his family though 😛 Great strip Jeff. The comic just keeps going from strength to strength 😀
were you able to finish your ninja movie, Kaze? if so, you should totally link it here so we can check it out. heheh.
and thanks for the kind words about the comic!
Well there was never any real structure to it 😛 Just taping some stuff we were doing while bored on a summers day 😛
Xinda’s giving this “We are the Borg… you will be assimilated” vibe. Or maybe it’s just the sci-fi geek in me.
she’s been telling me i’m becoming “one of them” since i was a wee lad, jiro, so i think the “Borg vibes” you’re feeling are spot on. 🙂
You know what they say: “Restraining orders are thicker than water.”
bloods thicker than water, restraining orders float on both, shotguns reshape all of the previous.
let’s hope Xinda doesn’t know this, Anime fan.
ha! but are restraining orders thicker than blood, Sarah W? in Xinda’s case, i’d think not.
Let ’em pile up and we’ll see . . . 🙂
-sigh- reminds me of when I hit my first bulls eye. My brother basket tossed me till I threw up. Ah, fun times.
having siblings is so much fun, Anime fan!
Well, our next comic book convention in Minny is coming up in October, I believe. It’s called Fallcon, but really, I don’t think it’s big enough to be worth your time (sigh)
darn. thanks for the info, theBean.
It’s Xinda!!!!! I haz a warm fuzzy spot for her in muh black lil heart!
Oh…she has a paint roller…Oh….Jeff darling, I’m frightened for you. And you’ve been assimilated, resistance is futile. *geek girl SQUEE*
Love the details in the last panel bebe!
I feel fuzzy 4 U 2! welcome to Xindalandi!
Sometimes I feel as evil as you…. but I must fight for Justice, and not give in!
Xindaland? Is that some kind of twisted pointy object oriented theme park?
All it has is Dark Rides…
as a certain Calamari might say: IT’S A TRAP!!!
*SQUEAL!* I want to go on the “It’s My Work so F Off ” ride FIRST!
*gets a dagger shaped Balloon and is excited!*
Guuhhh make that “World”….Stoopid work making my brain all gooey and stoopid.
work does that to my brain all the time, Pix.
woo! be ready to shield that spot of yours should Xinda come after it with a fork (or paint roller), Pixie!
Ha ha ha ha. Leave it to Xinda to be proud of you for getting banned. 😀 I’ve never been banned from anywhere, but I did get kicked out of a bar on my 21st birthday.
I don’t know if you remember a while ago I had a dream that I met you and Michael, but instead of an actor you were a rock star. Well, last night I dreamed that Jeff Scheutze was really a pseudonym for my friend Dave Geiser from grad school. My conscious mind never noticed the superficial resemblance between you, but I guess my subconscious did. “Wow Dave, how did I not know you could draw?” Dreams are weird. 😛
if there was anyone that would actually be proud of jefbot for that, it would have to be Xinda, shanna! and that’s awesome that you were kicked out of a bar – sounds like you kicked off being of drinking age in style. heheh.
and i was trying to keep it a secret, but now that your subconscious has figured it out, i suppose i can tell you that i am, in fact, Dave Geiser. but now i’m going to have to Men in Black “flashy thing” you so you don’t tell anyone.
I LOVE IT! How did you know I wanted to repaint your bedroom? Love the Strip!
thanks, Xin! wait… you want to paint my bedroom again!!? AAACKKK!
PS. You & Cool Hand are the only ones I’ve threatened to Stab in the face with a fork, and Ted, but that goes w/o saying….
you must’ve threatened Lor with a fork on at least one occasion, no?
XINDA! Now we have to bring back Abraxas and Musashi for good measure and to be fair.
Actually……where did Musashi go? what happened after the aliens?
Musashi was taken by the aliens during the beach party. Cel has not been heard from since the the last major arc when she left to go inspect the crashed alien ship before the Feds got there.
When? I don’t remember that, all I remember is Cel running out after she heard Musashi was kidnapped by Aliens..
May I suggest re-reading the comic, starting at the beach party arc?
Yes. Yes you can. And I’m about to do that.
woo! hope you enjoy it, G-Man0091. see you when you get back. 🙂
nice synopsis, Fijiman!
Abraxas will make a cameo in the strip soon, dj. as for Musashi? well. not quite yet. just remember: MUSASHI LIVES! 😀
Heh, that’s pretty sweet. As an older sister, I’ve been known to congratulate my brother when he something happens, good or bad.
i hope your congratulations are a little less threatening, Jaeh. 😉
Wow! No one in my family has ever been banned from an establishment for any reason. This is where our Asian heritage parts way, Bud. All I can say is, “WTF?!” Well, I can’t wait to hear more back story on your familial bannings.
while the family incidents are real, the only ones that have resulted in true banning have been the ones committed by Linda, so maybe our Asian heritage still skews similarly, Stan. (especially if you happen to have an evil sister.) 😉
She used to be evil, but since we grew up, we seem to both seem to be on the same side… as long as it doesn’t involve board games.
Awesome! As the older sister of my family, I’m always proud when one of my siblings follow in my geeky footsteps (example: my youngest brother getting into the Dresden Files books and the Star Wars EU, and my sister being as nerdy about Harley-Davidson as I am about…well, everything else). I don’t think I’ve ever glomped anyone for that, though now that’s on my list of things to do. 😀
i’ve only just recently realized how geeky my family is, too, Tiana; my mom loves and watches science fiction shows, my sister Laura adores bad SyFy movies, Linda follows Doctor Who religiously and my dad makes crazy gadgets! so proud. 😀
That’s not a sharp pointy object in her hand!!! What is this injustice!?!?!?
What are you talking about? Just look at her fingers, those nails are clearly deadly weapons.
this is true.
to paraphrase Alan Rickman in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, the fact that the object isn’t pointy just means it’ll hurt more, TCG. 😉
Why do I get the feeling that there’s a scene coming up with you telling Cornfather that your name is Locutus? 😛
Anyway, great strip. I remember the first time I was banned from a restaurant… good times. The CLOWNs at a certain fast food eatery that shall remain nameless (get it, clowns, fast food; yeah clever, right 🙂 ) got my order wrong THREE TIMES IN A ROW, and then got all uptight about a couple of burgers smacking a manager in the face. So they banned me, but decided not to press charges. B)
Then me and my big sis decided to give them a math lesson…
Revenge Arithmetic-
1 brick + 1 big plate glass window + 1 bag of stink bombs = Sweet Vengeance MWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!
And that’s why I NEVER want to work in fast food, so that I can forever complain when my order is screwed up.(although it’s usually someone else in my family who’s meal is screwed up)
i worked at a fast food joint for a semester or two in college, Fijiman, and yeah: it sucked. i rarely complain at those places cuz i know how horrible the working conditions are (and i know what horrible things employees do to the food of those that complain.)
And don’t forget all the idiot customers you get.
heheh. hopefully jefbot will at least gain some cybernetic implants for his assimilation, Maddgodd81.
that was quite the revenge you and your sister enacted! i guess the Klingon proverb about revenge being a “fast food dish, best served cold” is true! waitasec. i might be misquoting that a bit… 😉
If I didn’t know any better, I’d just say bot just joined the Dark Side. (Insert relevant Star Wars quote here)
sometimes i think the Dark Side may be stronger, Striker. (insert rebuttal for the Light Side here.)
Acceptance from Xinda instead of hostility. I suggest just rolling with it…
Yeah, just go with it…
Especially after the HundeKacke incident…
heheh. good reference, G-Man0091! hopefully jefbot hasn’t forgotten.
acceptance from Xinda is a bit disconcerting, 11TN.
Dun, dun, dun… (Dramatic music…) it just felt right. Hilarious!
I love the expression on your face in the last panel. Excellent.
thanks, dude! i enjoyed the music.
Lor and Mombot should appear out of nowhere chanting that, John K.
I got banned from a pet store because my roommate stole a ferret as part of his plan to steal my girlfriend from me. Joke’s on them, though. I married her, and the pet store went out of business. Huzzah!
revenge is sweet although painful at times, E. A. Setser! especially when it involves ferrets (as evidenced here, then here.)
Every great conflict in the history of isolated historical conflicts can be traced back to ferrets. True story. You can look it up on Wikipedia just as soon as I write an article about it.
Also, you can just call me E. A. Using my full name feels too formal and stuffy.
Love the strip, ‘bot! (punctuates last panel with Dramatic Chipmunk)
I wonder what Xinda’s been doing with the paint roller…
everything’s always better (and funnier) with that little critter, Insectoid!
Well, i guess the saying is true right, blood is thicker than water. Woot more Xinda in the comic 😀
i second the woot, nicobot! it’s been fun drawing Xinda in the comic again. 🙂
wait… why is there a paint roller in her hand….?
in bots room…. uh boy…
we’ll find out soon, steve! but “uh boy” is an appropriate pre-reaction. 🙂
Has Popbot done nothing to get banned from any place, or could you think of nothing that would fit in the panel? Aside from that, awesome strip again.
although i more often think of my dad as crazier than my mom in Real Life, Fijiman, i couldn’t think of anything crazy he’s done while in public. so maybe the disruptive DNA flows from my mom’s side of the family…? something for me to ponder.
Im intrigued as to what was she doing in Jefbots room with wallpainter roller.
Longer storyline with Xinda as regular? Fantastic news man. Though Jefbot doesnt seem to be very thrilled about having her claws ner his hearth. How did she know about the ban already anyway?
Anyway they are making faces! Kudos!
She was in his room so she probably heard everything he said.
the walls have ears, Maryz
we’ll find out what she’s planning on doing with that paint roller in the next strip, Maryz! and yeah, the next few comics will sow the seeds of a possible future storyline, but it probably isn’t something anyone would suspect.
and Fijiman and supersonic cucumber have it right: Xin heard Corn and bot talking from the other room.
I notice how to add to the surprise you have her fingernails stabbing into him. 😛
Hm, so I guess you gave her spare keys to your house?
good eye, Z – yep, she couldn’t help but stab him a bit with her nails, even as she’s being kinda affectionate. 🙂
and as far as the spare keys go, she doesn’t have them quite yet; the Cornfather let her in while jefbot was getting banned from the coffee shop.
Might I ask what is up with the paint…roller..?
…awdear. ‘___’ *duck an’ cover*
good question, Petoxi, and one that will be answered next time. but your advice for jefbot to “duck an’ cover” is sound. 🙂
I’m not sure whats more unsettling. Xindas public display of affection, or the fact that shes holding a paint roller.
I’m going with both.
i’ll agree with G-Man0091, Maesonic: both. although if Xinda shows up to your place with or without a paint roller, it’s time to get unsettled. 🙂
Good one. Only thing that puzzles me is why did it take so long to be banned..I mean, Bot has to have it in his DNA
maybe it’s a suppressed gene that only gets expressed later in life, supersonic cucumber. you know, like the X-Men. 😉
I believe that she just stabbed her bro with her nails…
indeed. he’s probably bleeding under his shirt, sk1nn4h.
The only person I fear more than Xinda would be my own evil sister: former teen street fighter, expert with switchblade, was trained by the United States Army, proficient with an M-16A2 as well as the Beretta M9, and has Medusa stare and dragon breath first thing in the morning.
But once you get past all that, you find that she’s really got a heart of gold… that she ripped out of someone’s chest. Luckily, she’s decided that I am somewhat useful, and hasn’t killed me. Yet.
yikes! evil with training definitely steps up the fear factor, Maddgodd81! maybe Xinda and your sis should meet? of course, if they teamed up, there’d be no stopping them…
and your last statement mirrors my feelings for my own evil sister. 🙂
I’ve never been banned from anywhere that I still genuinely wanted to be.