JEFbot readers with a good memory and an attention to detail will remember that “a concentrated mix of chemicals and sugar” from a discarded soda can were part of the key ingredients to bring the Space Microbes – and thus, the Angry Scarf – to life! (JEFBOT.271_Origin Story, Panel 6.) So it would make sense then, that soda would provide fuel for the Scarf after it had been depleted by a weekend of nonstop gaming. But now that the Scarf has been seemingly rejuvenated, what will bot do with it next…?
For those new to the strip, check out the beginning of this storyline, here:
• JEFBOT.356_There Will Be Scarf
I still think he’s hallucinating… 😉
After-midnight zombie power FTW?
that bot’s hallucinating is still a possibility, Insectoid, so i’m not going to dismiss your theory outright.
and hey, now! check you out, achieving the Shades of Firsting and stuff. wear these when you’re drinking some Mountain Dew Code Red, just to look cool:
Mmmm… Mountain Dew. 😎
breakfast of (gamer) champions, everywhere!
OR, maybe that alien life-form that he dropped that scarf on all those pages back, finally grew and took over the scarf!!
those dastardly alien life forms!!!
He didn’t drink anything for two days?
Always seem to be a little shy of those shades.
well, bot’s been drinking water this whole time, dchorror, but couldn’t seem to quench his thirst – probably due to the mental link he shares with the Scarf.
and, the Shades of Firsting are very elusive! but that challenge is why they’re fun to get. 🙂
This is never a good idea. Soda bad when mixxed with foriegns, E.T.s or otherwise.
AGREED!!! But, I can’t wait to see the next strip in the storyline!
yay! see ya Wednesday then, Ky! 😀
true that, Anime fan – if coke can dissolve teeth or pennies in weeks, imagine what it could do to a sentient scarf!
It couldn’t. the tooth looked like it was started to pickle when the mythbusters tested that, and the penny was unchanged, if a little dirty.
that was “busted” Descolada!? i guess the Scarf’s unstoppable then. 🙂
Wouldn’t the scarf get all stick and soggy from drinking soda? I know mine do when I spill stuff on them…
you’d think so, LadyArtemis, but something about the Scarf’s structure keeps it from getting sticky or soggy. it could be the next big trend in fashion fabrics, if only the clothing companies knew about it! 😉
I need some of that for my husband’s shirts. I’m sick of washing tomato sauce stains out!
I think it’s called scotch guard. Or you could silicon all his shirts with Camp Dry…though that might be a little extreme
seeing as how the combination of space dust/microbes/scarf fabric/chemicals is pretty rare, it might be less expensive to invest in more napkins/towels to protect your hubby’s shirts, LadyArtemis!
I love how CF is basically unphased by bot’s mental lapse. That’s a true friend who really gets you LOL
Right?! It’s Like “Yeeeeaaah, you’re a whack job…Want Pizza for dinner?”
Ahhh real friendship. And yes I would love pizza for dinner.
mMmm… pizza.
heheh. it’s true, ESQ: real friends love you despite your foibles/psychoses.
I wonder what Jolt would do . . .
yikes. that might be dangerous, Sarah W! hope bot doesn’t have any Red Bull around…
Yes way!
The fact that Scarf lets Jeffbot know what it needs is kinda neat.
The unfocused Cornfather, the fridge and the background lightning, the pshhhh effect and scarf drinking and Jefbots expresions… Man, you are good!
hey, thanks for that, Maryz!
and yes, the Scarf and bot share some sort of mental/psychic link, so one can feel the needs of the other. bot just didn’t know the “thirst” desire was coming from the Scarf, and not from himself.
Hope the Angry Scarf doesn’t bust into a “Feed me Jeffbot” song anytime soon.
now you’ve implanted that song in my head, TPC!
Feed me all night long… you can do it!!!
let’s hope this storyline doesn’t end up as dark as that one did.
*stumbles in after weekend celebrations*
Gooood Morning Boteers, Harem Members, Mancubs, Newbots, The Exhaulted Family and the Exhaulted One!!! *oxygen tank!*
I had forgotten about the soda but yes I could see why the Scarf would want it. I’ll be honest, I’ve never had Dew Code Red. Not sure what the big D is. And Jef can finally satiate his thirst.
Can’t wait to see what happens on Wednesday. And I have to admit, I will miss the 3 a week when they come to an end. But I’m sure this has been a crazy month for you
wow, quite the greeting, Pixie! gooood morning, yourself!!!
and you should try Code Red. SOOOO good. i think it’s my favorite of the “other” Mtn Dew flavors. sometimes i make it myself at fast food places by adding a little fruit punch to regular MD. yum.
yeah, this month’s been crazy – this MWF schedule has made it so i haven’t had any time to prepare anniversary stuff. but it’s gonna happen, even if i have to make it happen late.
Bot, imagine giving the scarf some Monster, or a 5 hour energy. Or that energy drink called Mana that looks like the blue potions from Zelda games 😀 I loved code red, but when you want enough sugar and chemicals to make your eyes pop…
I’m loving how detailed the fridge door is, and of course this story!
thanks, Descolada! glad you’re enjoying the art and story!
and, yes: bot’s going to have to do some experimenting to see if the Scarf responds to anything besides Code Red…
Sticky soda and yarn do NOT mix! Good thing there is the alien component in there to use up all that sugar. As a yarnie, I just can’t help having thoughts like this. 🙂
Poor little scarfy is thirsty! I love the infusion of color as it reenergizes. I can just picture the “Aaaahhhhhhh. Burrrrrpppppp!” at the end of the can. 😉
Do you think you could post a pic of the actual angry scarf sometime? I’d love to see it!
heheh. yep, there’s some sort of alien non-stick component doing its work on the yarn, Shanna. if i come into possession of any, i’ll be sure and send some your way. 😉
and that would be crazy if the Scarf can burp since jefbot isn’t able to! there would be much jealousy, methinks.
good idea re: pic of Angry Scarf. i’m sure i dug it out of a box when i moved, but i can’t seem to find it… DUN DUN DUUUUNNNNNNNN!!!
Of course the scarf goes for the caffeine!!! Look out Jefbot… I think you’re headed into another 72 hour gaming bender!!!
another 72 hours without sleep!!? that would be baaaaaad, FunnyShaffer!
Feed me Seymore!!! Now it’s going into the Little Shop of Horrors! At least its not blood I guess… That would have been bad!
let’s just hope the Angry Scarf doesn’t try to take over the world like Audrey 2, Slave1!
recharging… I’ve seen worse power sources than sodas but then again those simple sugars would explain why evil scarf has a limited operating time
good point about the simple sugars, jiro. and jefbot’s well stocked on soda – although sometimes Code Red is hard to find!
Hard to believe that it’s been almost a year in real time since the scarf’s last drink of soda. Awesome as always, Jeff.
time has just been flying by, Fijiman; i swear i’m gonna blink and it’s gonna be JEFbot’s 10th Anniversary. (gods willing!)
to quote a line from one of my fave fanfics:
“The gods are not only willing, they’re practically insistent”
The madness!! THE MADNESS!!!!
and the madness should only get worse the more sleep deprived bot gets, TCG!
Are those olives or capers in the refrigerator? If the Cornfather likes to cook, I can definitely see him having capers available. Plus, the Scarf might like to start on solids soon, preferably with something small, hehe.
Looking back at the 271 Origin Story, I wonder why Jefbot was laundering the Scarf anyway? Who puts a scarf in the washing machine?
olives, Kim; the Cornfather doesn’t cook very often and neither does jefbot. i don’t think either of them would even know what to do with capers. 😉
i put my scarves in the washing machine all the time!
Awesome strip as always! 🙂
Drinking the whole pitcher and then putting the empty container back in the fridge. Ah, the bachelor way of life, good times. 😉
thanks for the “awesome,” skekTek!
and funny you noticed bot putting the pitcher back – in Real Life, when the Cornfather and i were roommates, we had separate Brita pitchers for just this kind of thing! heheh. (he was always better at keeping his filled.)
I love ‘Bot’s expression in the last panel…manages to show all of his disbelief with that little sideways-mouth thing that a lot of people actually do. 😀
Great strip! I like that the Scarf’s getting its color back…wonder if it’ll perform when Cornfather returns.
thanks for the kudos on that last panel, T!
and we’ll be seeing if the Scarf is revealed to the Cornfather in Wednesday’s strip. 🙂
I wonder what would happen if the scarf got into Cornfather’s stash of vodka…
yikes! that could be very, very bad, Maddgodd81. very bad, indeed…
I guess we can call the Angry Scarf the Extreme Scarf, or at least the Extremely Angry Scarf. At any rate, I suppose Mountain Dew has MP-restoring qualities.
heheh. yes, the Angry Scarf is extreme, Striker. or maybe even X-TREME!!! it’s totally DOIN’ THE DEW!
i blame cel.
for no other reason than because she hasn’t been featured in forever.
and the frakking hamster. him too. they’re all in on it…
that would be some conspiracy if cel and Mu were behind all this, acolyte!
oh, since i’m sure you’re one of the few people that i’m sure would understand…
i finished season 3 a few days ago…
That’s not abnormal, really.