So now that bot’s had a taste of the brute strength of the “Dark” side and the control of the “Light” side, which will he choose to end this confrontation once and for all?
New readers might want to check out a couple strips back to compare bot’s trip to the Dark side.
Sorry for the late strip! A mix of an exhausting week and a comedy of errors prevented this one from going up on Friday. Going to keep this short and publish this JEFbot before something else happens. See you Monday!
Um, I see nothing here?!?
maybe the strip was shy today, TCG?
and, hey! you just managed the Shades of Firsting! is this your first time??? can’t be. hmm. regardless, they are yours. wear them well – and let me know if they are illuminated by Red or Green when you don them:
This is a first. For once the strip was posted when I was awake. xD
I think they’re red, btw. 😉
So is Bot starting Owling, or is he monkeying?
heheh. yeah, usually the strip’s posted in the wee hours of the morning on a week day!
and i see the Dark Side has your allegiance. 🙂
also: monkeying. although i do love owls. hmm…
Nevermind. It just showed up. I’ll take those shades by the way. 😉
congrats! they’re yours.
damnit, almost firsted! Ncie strip XD
so close, Deviemn! looks like you and Jason (that crazy guy) got here in the same minute!!!
Monkey man XD
his prehensile toes will come in handy if he becomes “Monkey Man,” dj!
Doomscarf’s Mind: Sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t. I’m gonna lose him to Goodscarf!
Side note: Does the good side allow him to make his scarf form wings or something that actually makes him fly? xD (hopes that if so, it ain’t gonna be butterly wings) It not wings, i bet it’s gonna be Scarfcopter!
ha! would be funny if the Angry Scarf were schizo like that, Sk1nn4h. might not turn out well for bot, though, if he were caught in the middle of that internal struggle. 🙂
and if the Scarf could get jefbot airborne, that’d be pretty awesome! (but it looks doubtful. at least right now.)
is it me or does this remind anyone of a dog chase at cat up a tree
well it reminds me of that now, drakeye! and it fits with the theme, so: cool!
jeffbot spiderman “dude chill out” hawian shirt guy hulk “GRAHH HULK SMASH”
if bot’s Spider-Man and the bully’s Hulk, maybe they could form an Avengers-like team, drakeye? (if they can get over their differences, that is.)
I guess The Force is real.
if a ghost appears and tells him to ignore the targeting device and use the force well know he went mental
some might say bot’s a little mental already, drakeye. (i don’t think that, of course.)
of course it’s real, Lor! i use it every day! (especially when i need traffic lights to change more quickly.)
When the eyes glow brown, you know that he’s been seduced by the chocolate side of the force. (Come to the chocolate side, we have brownies, and fudge, and… Other Things!)
but, but, the Dark Side already has cookies, Stonefoot! now you’re saying there’s an even more delicious side!!!? *gasp*
Now if he can hang upside down like Spidey that will be SWEET. But at least now maybe he’ll consider using the Light side more often.
hanging upside down would be sweet, Angela! and yes, now that bot’s tasted more of the Light Side, at least we know he won’t go over to the Dark Side completely.
lol…light side power is to jump away? give me the dark side anytime
maby thats not the light side maby thas the hidden tigger jutsu
Haha…plausible…but not in tune with the character progression of JB.
ooh, “hidden tigger jutsu” sounds pretty badass, too, drakeye!
well, some might call it “jumping away,” jf#300, but i prefer to call it: “scarf slinging”!!! (which is a pretty cool power, imho.) 🙂
PWN his ass, and pwn it hard.
now that he’s gotten himself up in a tree, we’ll see what – if any – PWNing bot can do, Eddie!
wait, so the dark side makes him strong and the light side makes him agile? if thats so, GIMME THE EVIL SCARF!!!
well, the Red makes him stronger while the Green gives him more control, Anonymous. depends on what kind of strategy you’d want to employ against your enemies.
the light side is pretty strong too, as it would have to lift him up onto the tree. perhaps not as strong as the dark side, but still strong enough to do some damage in a fight all the same. I personally would take the extra control that the light side gives over the extra strength of the dark side because I feel like the extra control would be more useful in the long run, presuming that the differences were that big to begin with, which they don’t seem to be.
the power of yoda super speed jumping for the win
heh. but does that mean one would have to use a cane at all other times, drakeye?
you’re right, Ryurei: the Light Side is strong, too. maybe not as “brutally” strong as the Dark Side, but at least you could remain in control and not fly into a rage if you kept in the Green Zone.
There’s no arguing the point with the retard, just beat some sense into him, show him he can’t pick on everyone and do as he damn well pleases
bot’s gotta be getting tired, John, so maybe you have a point. he really needs to shut this down as quickly as possible.
Haha, love how he goes all cheery in last panel! And Brutal honesty in second panel just prooves what I was saing earlier – light side can destroy its user.
Now Jefbot just has to hope Baldy doesnt have a chainsaw handy.
thanks, Maryz! glad you liked the cheeriness in the last panel and the brutal honesty in the second. and actually, you’re right: maybe bot shouldn’t have been so honest. 🙂
and yeah, if baldy has a chainsaw, bot’s in huge trouble. heck, if he only has a match and some dry newspaper, bot’s still in huge trouble.
Why does there always have to be sides? Lightside, darkside, flipside, flopside, inside, outside, etc.; they’re each on the same (corresponding) continnuum, so why isn’t there ever a middle?
Come to think of it, is there an opposite for sunny side up? It can’t be sunny side down, cause that just sounds silly.
Anywho, I’m glad to see Jefbot got his mental clarity back.
i happen to agree with you, Whistle-Tall: there’s gotta be some happy medium between the Light/Dark, Red/Green. maybe jefbot will find it?
and i always get my eggs “over medium,” where the sunny side up egg is flipped over to cook it a little more thoroughly. 🙂
and hooray for mental clarity! probably not gonna last long since bot’s been up for a few days straight…
I don’t like this T-shirt man. CFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCFCF. (: He needs to help Bot out!!
you’re right, Natalie! where’s a trusty roommate when you need ’em?
Hmm… 😎 It seems to me that JB’s going to be doing the hero thing more often, especially if he can figure out how to switch modes at will.
In other news, it seems that the Homestuck Japanese Translation Project is picking up some serious speed since it got a new member that is in Japan as an exchange student who just so happens to be able to manipulate flash files, as well as two other flash manipulators. We might be able to see Japanese con goers wearing the fabled candy corn horns as early as 2013!
we’ll see, NeoD – if bot can get out of this mess (relatively) unscathed, maybe he’ll have a future as a superhero in front of him!
and great news about the HJT Project! hope it all works out. (i’m very intrigued about the “fabled candy corn horns.” we need pics!)
In all things… there must be balance young padawan. Both light and dark can be harnessed accordingly
i think bot needs a little help finding that balance, Jiro Maeda!
I’m just sitting back and enjoying the thwips. Great use of onomatopoeia ! 😀
glad you liked the sound fx, Sarah W! definitely a little Spidey homage there.
“The Force is strong in this one.” Jefbot is looking pretty comfortable and monkey-like in that tree. Was he a big tree climber in his youth? Glad to see he likes the power of the light side.
he was a good climber (and balancer), shanna! must’ve inherited it from Mombot, who climbed many, many trees growing up in Hawaii, during her youth. 🙂
Where is the STRIP????????? 🙁
Don’t murder me JB’s frightening sister. But, its on vactation! lol
don’t engage her, Anime fan! RUN!
click here for the explanation, Xin. short answer: it’s your fault.
Happy (late) birthday. Please don’t murder all of us.
I vote for a medly of both.Too much light is too light handed. Too much evil and people end up dead. We want beaten up, not eviscerated.
yep. i think you’re on to something, Anime fan. bot might need a little of both to get out of this mess!
OK! We have seen him fight in “greenmode”. Im bored! Can we go back to having fun again!!!???
figures you’d want jefbot back in “Red Mode,” Slave1! at least he didn’t get hit in the face while he was in “Green Mode”! 🙂
Aww, poor Hawaiian Shirt Dude, he just wants to pound ‘bot…
BTW, I got some news. So I was helping to raise money for The Wayne Foundation by agreeing to shave the Bat Signal into the hair on the back of my head if we raised $1500 in one week, and WE MADE IT!!! So I’ll be posting a pic soon. And if anyone has a little extra cash, and they want to do a good deed, help us put and end to child trafficking (aka child slavery) by donating whatever you can afford at . Thanks!
not sure what kind of superhero bot/Scrawn would be if he just gave up and let Hawaiian Shirt Guy pummel him, Maddgodd81! heheh.
and i’m not familiar with it, but from what you’ve said here, it sounds like The Wayne Foundation’s a great cause! congrats! definitely show us those pics. 😀
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving Mr. Bot!
happy Canadian Thanksgiving back atcha, Kenshi!
for some reason i thought it was the goggles doing the glowing. Forgot that it was his eyes doing that. looks way better with the goggles anyways!
hope you had fun at the con there jeff. Been forever since i was at any nerd con (i was at a gun convention the other day.) i aughta think about going to the next comicon or something.
yep: it’s bot’s eyes that actually glow, steve, but i agree: they look even more awesome with the goggles on. maybe bot’ll get ’em back since they weren’t actually broken, or anything. just knocked off. 🙂
yeah, the Alternative Press Expo in San Francisco was fun! might be doing WonderCon in the same city next year. you should definitely get to a comic con: they’re at least as fun as any gun cons i’ve been to!
No, no. Life must be a balance BETWEEN the Light and Dark. For it is in the Balance that we learn who we truly are.
That, and both sides come with some nifty stat boosts and gear.
My suggestion? Reach down from there, grab his ankles, and bounce him on his head until he stops struggling. 😀 That should be safe enough from the tree.
I imagined Jefbot dropping fruit from the tree onto Mr. Hawaiian Shirt. Of course, maybe a video game reference doesn’t fit well with this story line.
Awesome… Go to the light… Or, er, something like that ;-)~
You gotta wonder about this guy’s sanity.
“Oh, hey, there’s a man with glowing eyes and a PREHENSILE FLUPPERDOODLING SCARF! I better go pick a fight with him.”
In that situation, my dog could take care of himself, thank you very much, and I will be running away. Very far, very fast.
’cause seriously, that’s messed-up kinds of scary.
Please tell me the fire department is on the way!…