When I first saw the Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace 3D standee in theaters, it must have been the first time that a major Star Wars property held no sway over me. Even when I saw the 3D trailer, I had no longing, spark or tingle to see it, which is kind of strange. I’ve just been burned by the Prequel Trilogy so much (I’ve watched them multiple times, hoping I just misjudged them. But nope, they actually get worse with each viewing) that they have no power to bring me to the dark side any longer.
Of course, this is all said with the acknowlegment that when the Original Trilogy is released back into theaters (with or without the 3D), my butt will be firmly planted in the largest theater in town, munching on a big tub of popcorn with a huge smile on my face.
Wait, there’s at least Finding Nemo this fall! After that it can be over.
ah, yes! i’m sure Nemo’ll look pretty awesome in 3D, GardeBlaze, since computer animation looks great in that medium. cases in point: How to Train Your Dragon and Toy Story 3. both rad.
and check you out: you just achieved the Shades of Firsting! wear them well: these block Jar Jar and Ani from your view should you happen to go see Episode I in 3D:
Just another added gimmick and they call it a new idea. I remeber they kicked around the idea of adding smells to certain movies by piping in scents in theatres. This didn’t get much support. Also, I saw a comedy routine where they were adding the sense of touch to the movie experience by having an usher do to you what has been done to the characters. Worse idea but at least this wasn’t actually considered in reality ( hopefully ). I personally don’t get the full effect of 3D anyway because I can’t see with both eyes simultaneously. Therefore, I must take people’s words that there’s something special about it.
i’ve heard about that “Smell-O-Vision,” but have never actually experienced it in a theater, Rainey – i did have a John Waters Movie on LaserDisc, tho (i think it was Polyester, but i’m not sure about that) that included a scratch-n-sniff card filled with nasty scents that you would smell along with the movie. was fun (and disgusting.) 🙂
You know…bad as Episode I was…I still think Titanic in 3D is far worse. There are scenes in Ep I that will look great in 3D, where the only good thing about Titanic is getting to see Leonardo diCrapio die, over and over.
I think I’m with you there on the Titanic 3D. When I saw that poster in the theater, I think I stared at it in disbelief for about a minute before I finally said, “Wait? What?”
when i saw the Titanic trailer for the first time a few weeks back, i was kind of shocked at how “cgi” many shots of the ship look now, Striker.
yeah, the only scene in Titanic that might look cool is that whole sequence where the ship breaks in half/propellers come out of the water/etc., but it takes a loooooong time to get to that part. i’ll be interested to see how it does at the box office – i’m sure Episode I will still make a ton of money, but i don’t know anyone who’s excited to see Titanic again, Leohtulf.
Jar Jar in 3-D? The world is coming to an end…
maybe this is what the Mayans knew was coming, Insectoid…
This must be one of the main signs…
I don’t have stereo-optic vision, so for me, the extra expense of a 3D movie nets me a fuzzy, dark, 2D image. Hooray.
Can’t wait for the craze to die.
ugh. that sucks, Sarah W! i remember when digital projectors started replacing film projectors in theaters – in many, the image was darker and i could sometimes see the pixels. things seem to have gotten better now, but i understand your desire for the 3D craze to die.
I. Hate. Jar Jar. He can go die in a fire for all I care.
Also, converting movies to 3D is probably a bad idea. I hate forced 3D.
And that was my post by the way…
yeah, jar jar is totally cringeworthy, TCG, but you know who has replaced him as “most hateable” when watching the prequels? young anakin. he grates on my nerves more and more with each viewing. just thinking about him annoys me. grrrr…
Good point. I still laugh thinking about the POD races though. You know, where the guy crashes and explodes behind Anakin before he moves out of the way to avoid the crash. ><
3D movies always give me a headache. If I have the option to see a movie in 2D vs 3D I just go with 2D. No need to spend a couple extra bucks to see the movie in headache-vision.
Side note: Episode 1 in 3D is the worst effin’ idea ever. In a perfect world, no one will see it and George Lucas will finally see the error of his ways…but we do not live in a perfect world.
i get those headaches too, sometimes, Jules – especially when i forget to wear my contacts and have to put those 3D glasses over my prescription ones. lame.
oh, if only George would see the error of his ways. but seeing how he keeps ruining the original trilogy with his tinkering, like you said: it’s not gonna happen.
i share your *twitch* Shay!
Yeah everything is not better in 3D… just like everything is not good in life. BUT there is one thing that will never become not good: CHOCOLATE!!! just wanted to share that thought, since I am literally an chocolateholic… it is actually not that bad!
agreed, DAS: chocolate is and will always be good. we can all take comfort in that universal constant.
Beauty and the Beast in 3D actually kinda intrigues me because Disney kept talking it up for the longest time because of the way the original film was archived and how it was actually going to be better than lame, cheap post-converted 3D films and then…nothing. Then The Lion King hit in 3D and Disney was all “oh yeah! Beauty and the Beast 3D! This was totally the plan all along! Ha-ha!*”
*- in this fictional quote, Disney is being portrayed by that ringleader dude from Moulin Rouge.
i remember Disney talking 3D B&B up, too, Joe. especially since it was released in Australia a year or two ago. i guess they’ve just been sitting on it, and like you said: it took the “cha-ching” of The Lion King 3D for them to finally bring it out. i’m hoping to see B&B at Disney’s theater in hollywood this weekend!
The greatest part of seeing Beauty and The Beast in 3-D was going to that selfsame theater, watching the live performer come out on stage, and having my mother (a miracle in itself that I got her to come) mutter beside me, “A Latina Belle?”
It took a lot not to burst out laughing after that.
I want to see Star Wars when they re-release it since I’ve only seen it once in the theater when they re-released it in the 90’s. Don’t really care to see the others in 3D. Wonder what changes Lucas is going to make in the 3D versions? If he makes any I’ll do Darth Vader’s NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
yeah, i’ll definitely see 3D Star Wars, Empire and Jedi in theaters, too, TPC. and i heard they’ll be the same as the blu-ray versions, which means we’ll still get Greedo shooting first and the Hayden Ghost Vader, with the added “bonuses” of blinking ewoks and an extra Vader “NOOOOOOO” thrown in during the luke/vader/emperor battle. blegh.
To answer The Cornfather’s question: yes, Hollywood is out of ideas. I don’t remember the point exactly when they ran out of ideas, but it might have been around the time when I learned a lot of 80s properties (i.e. Footloose, Red Dawn) were being remade. It may have even been before. I’m not sure.
yeah, hard to pinpoint exactly when it happened, Striker. but i bet every generation feels like the current and previous generations have run out of ideas, so it could be relative.
Disney has a history of re-releasing their movies every generation so the kids can see them on the big screen. It works for them.
Lucus on the other hand is throwing anything he can agaist the wall to see what will roll back to him with a few more bucks stuck to it. He should be put out of our misery.
And painfully.
That makes sense. The people who are taking their kids to see Beauty and the Beast were kids themselves when they first saw it. In that way, Disney is smart.
and you can get the original versions on DVD and blu-ray, without Disney changing crucial scenes, Striker!
i heard Lucas recently said he’s not making “blockbusters” anymore, Anonymous, and that Red Tails will be his last big movie. outside the horrible SW prequels and equally horrible fourth installment of Indiana Jones, i’m not sure what other “blockbusters” he’s putting out, so you may actually get your wish.
No, really, it IS a great experience to see a Disney movie in theatres. When I was little I didn’t get to go to the cinema that often, so I ended up watching these movies at home when they were released in VCR video. Now I’m glad that I can watch classics as The Lion King or Beauty and the Beast as I have never watched them before… I can’t wait to hear those beautiful Disney songs with a theatre acoustic!
P.D.: Sorry for any wrong English grammar, I’m from Spain :_D
you’re absolutely right, FinalFlan! seeing movies in theaters is preferable to seeing it at home. i saw a beautiful showing of Pinocchio (one of my favorite Disney movies) at the El Capitan theater in hollywood a couple years ago, and it was breathtaking.
and hello to Spain from the USA!
Great comic. Totally agree with your point of view. I am kinda tired of all the 3D. I was hoping it was over after watching “The Last Airbender”. The idea of a movie based on the series is great. Just needs a different cast, script, and director. Just scratch the whole thing.
i watched The Last Airbender movie before i watched the tv series, Destructur25, and thought it was okay. but after i watched the series, i thought the movie was absolutely horrible. why would they take all the stuff that was cool and throw it in the trash!? it was the final straw for making me hate M Night.
NOW is it a job for a roundhouse kick?
absolutely, Infamous Nefarious! kick jar jar and anakin for me!
Hmmm… How to say this…
I have heard so much about how Episodes 1, 2 and 3 are soooo BAD it just got old for me.
So yeah, they dont live up to the hype. They arent as good as other three. But there is plenty of good stuff in there that people overlook because they are too focused on the bad things. And it opened an entire new timeframe of the franchise and some of those comics and books and stuff is pretty good. Everybody can find their favourite stuff there if they try to ignore marks of Lucas´ greedy bad taste. Not everybody likes the same things, but as far and between they may be, you can find yours even in those three movies.
And no, End of the Republic and Clone Wars period period arent my favourites, but than again, Empire Era isnt either, Im Old Republic Era guy.
sure, i could pick out a couple things i liked about the prequels, Maryz, but as a whole, they’re absolutely horrible. they’re just bad films. and i’ve seen them many times trying to give them a chance so it’s not like i’m just being a hater. and really, George Lucas doesn’t need anyone giving him a pass for turning out such horrible stories. if he had just paid a better screenwriter and hired a good director, things would have turned out much differently. (well, presumably.)
Good Morning Boteers!
YES Hollywood is out of ideas. Hence the remakes of EVERY good movie from the 80’s. I want to slap every studio exec on the nose with a newspaper and scream “NO! Bad!”. Maybe that will make them stop.
Original Trilogy for ever!!!! And not the remasted enhanced CRAP! I’m talking the ORIGINALS! For instance, the first time I saw Hayden Christiansen at the end of Jedi, I was pissed. WHY the HELL would they do that?! What so Obi Wan died as an old man and they left him that way is ghost form but not Anikin?! WEAK SAUCE! Please stop shoving the second trilogy down our throats. They sucked, you made a mistake, live with it, get over it and move on. PERIOD!
*blinks* OOps…how did this get under me? *hides soapbox for another time*
*looking at soapbox in hand*
….Now how the hell did this get under my dog’s bed?
Pixie, is this yours?
g’mornin’, Pixie!
and the crazy thing is, now they’re making remakes of things that just came out a few years ago! i mean, i’ll of course be going to see it, but did we really need a reboot of Spider-Man already!? ugh.
and stay on that soapbox, Pix! i’ve been annoyed by all those things you pointed out, too! how did Lucas think those were good ideas and how did no one tell him “uh… no.”
Huh, Had the same reaction when I saw the standee just before I watched Game of Shadows. It’s a crime that a really bad movie like phantom menace gets reshown only coz it’s 3d!
well, we’ll see how well it does at the box office, Jiro. i would like to say, “let’s boycott it!” but unfortunately, if the 3D prequels don’t do well in theaters, they might cancel showing the original trilogy in theaters, which would suck.
Jar jar is bad enough in 2D. He can only be worse with an added dimension. But I’m not a huge fan of the 3D movies, even good ones. I got my husband a 3DS for Christmas and he is totally in love with it. I, on the other hand, can’t look at it for long. It hurts my eyes.
nice present, shanna! if my eyes are tired, i have to turn off the 3D effect. but when my eyes are rested and the 3D’s good, it looks pretty cool! i’m lovin’ Super Mario 3D Land, right now. 🙂
I actually thought you were joking when you said Ep I was being rereleased in 3D…
Same here. I was HOPING you were… then came your blog. Bah!
oh, how i wish i was joking, G-Man0091.
Mesa enjoyed dis comic (dont kill me!) 😛
I loved seeing Avatar in 3D. Avatar is probably the most visually pleasing movie I have ever seen, 3D just made it “pop” so much more.
Also speaking of Star Wars, are you playing The Old Republic Jefbot?
meesa did enjoy your comment, MissB. heheh.
and, yeah: i enjoyed Avatar’s 3D, too. probably one of the best uses of it, actually, and that was one of the first breakouts!
sadly, no – i’m not playing the SWTOR MMO. i heard bioware’s developing a mac version, so unless i build a gaming pc in the near future, i’ll have to wait ’til then. i take it you’re playing it?
Phew, I totally thought I was gonna get e-mugged or something for posting a favorable Jar-Jar comment lol
Yes, I am playing SWTOR! I have even retired my 6 year old WoW account. RIP *tear* I sure hope you are able to play it soon. Its probably one of the best MMO’s ever! The story-line is amazing, and the game play is great as well. No shocker coming from Bioware, honestly. (on your way to buy that PC yet? :P)
I HATE 3D! I can’t wear the glasses as they interfere with my regular ones. I came out of Avatar with a massive headache, same with Immortals. And as for Phantom Menace? I DON’T CARE what anyone else says, I LIKED JarJar Binks! That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!
ha! i know a lot of people who liked jar jar, KB, so you’re not alone. as i mentioned in a comment above, i have more hatred for ani (he’s so annoying!) than jar jar. 🙂
DO NOT WANT!!!11!!one Jar Jar needs to die.. in a fire. Now Empire on the other hand… *warm and fuzzy feeling*
agreed, Senso: i’ll be first in line for seeing Empire in theaters again! 3D or not. 😀
I’ve got this on DVD and thought you might be interested in this, especially the 1st one, if you’re a Jar-Jar hater like Senso and Jason.
BTW, bot, what’re your thoughts on SOPA and PIPA?
I’m tired of Disney. They haven’t made a movie I really loved in a while. I didn’t even watch Tangled. As long as they put Alice in Wonderland out I’m not complaining. Jeff! (: I finally got my new computer, its soo fanccyy. <3
ooOoh – congrats on the new computer, Nat! 🙂
and you should check out Tangled; it’s way better than the trailers made it look.
Agreed, though I don’t recall seeing the commercials myself. Great movie!
@jefBOT have you ever thought of putting a “random” button on the website? because that would be awesome!
i’ve thought about it, DAS, so i’m glad to hear your vote for it. on the next site redesign, i’ll probably put one in. 🙂
Well, to anyone who may care… or not… I already saw Beauty and the Beast in 3D. 5 times already, that’s how good it is. Love the dance sequence and the “be our guest” sequence was such a blast I’m gonna be horribly depressed when the movie leaves the movie theater (home 3D TVs are never as impressive as the wonder movie theater).
So, whoever complains about it, well, is your choice. Me? I’m going to watch it again later this next week.
Be our guest, be our guest…
😉 xoxooxox
Amen! I’m so over the 3D!!! Love the last frame.. the tongue is hilarious!
I cannot WAIT for this 3D thing to be over. Making something 3D does not give you an excuse for your movie to be shit.
Hear, hear!
I hope its over 3D sucks ass