Don’t get me wrong – I love the new, third generation, Retina display and A5X-enhanced iPad. It’s just that, unless you’re looking at high definition content – of which there wasn’t a whole lot available when it launched – it’s difficult to notice the differences at first (unless you’re looking at text, which looks amazing.) Anyway, today’s strip is less about disparaging the new iPad or commenting about Apple geek fanaticism, and more about how amazing the original iPad and iPad 2 still are. The displays and functionality of the previous generations still hold up, and I found it’s only once you get used to the Retina display (just as on the iPhone 4 & 4S) that you notice the difference when going back to the previous models’ screens. And even then, it’s not like those screens look bad. I mean, generally, everything you’re viewing on the Internet is 72dpi anyway, so more pixels really aren’t going to help there, and in some cases, it makes the Web look worse.
So what do you all think? Any of you have the new iPad or are you content with the previous models, not having a tablet whatsoever, an Android tablet, or *gasp* a Windows Tablet PC? Sound off in the comments!
Have an eeePad Transformer (first) and looks nice enough.
Does not mean I am not going to buy the new iPad in a few months 🙂
yeah, the Retina display is awesome, but as you mentioned with your Eee Pad, most things look nice enough with a regular display, PureShadow.
and check you out: by grabbing the first comment, you just claimed the Shades of Firsting! wear them well: they’re equipped with Retina lenses:
Darn it! So close!
only 5 minutes separated you from the Shades this time, ShadowShuffler! will you accept the Inviso-Shades of Seconding? here:
Thanks! Am I holding it?
I hear that this new iPad is heavier than the last one. I’ll just stick with my iPad 2. Although, I like how the new one is “square-er”. I don’t know why.
Strange how the first two people who answered this were “Shadows”.
you’re actually wearing the Inviso-Shades, ShadowShuffler. they look good on you!
yeah, the new iPad’s a tad heavier and thicker than the iPad 2, but not so much that you’d notice. still, if you already have a 2 – unless you just can’t bear to be without the Retina display – i’d say wait for the 4th gen version.
and to your last point: hmmm… seems there’s some Shadow conspiracy afoot!
Just read some comments from Batman Be-Yawned.
What I Liked: Mathematical! You’re an Adventure Time Fan!
What I Turned Away From: You’re watching MLP? Look, I’m not saying bronies are wrong, it’s just… Some advice: Watch only when you are sure you won’t be discovered. (If you’re not so open about it.)
I got discovered watching it on my b-day, and it didn’t turn out so well. Stopped watching since January. hmph.
Celestia is a place I don’t feel happy visiting anymore. 😐
yeah, i’m about 4-5 episodes into MLP. i’m enjoying it so far, but it’s not on my must see list, yet. since you stopped watching it in january and celestia doesn’t make you happy anymore, are you saying it doesn’t hold up later? or did you “getting caught” sour your enjoyment? since i have limited time to watch stuff, i gotta know what’s worth staying with and what i can give the boot to! (although i think i’m stuck with MLP for now, since some friends want me to discover its joys.)
Whoop, sorry for late reply!
Yeah, my joys were greatly soured after getting discovered… But I don’t exactly watch for “it’s joys”. It actually made me a nicer person.
i can see how watching it would make you a nicer person, ShadowShuffler – there are some great lessons to be learned watching that show! (sometimes i feel like AJ, trying to get everything done by myself; someday i’ve gotta let friends & family help out with getting some BOTstuffs done.) 🙂
I hate the Transformer Prime pad.
Mostly because when I’m trying to get information about my current favorite cartoon, Transformers: Prime, I get news about that, and I keep thinking, “if only Asus’s lawyers had gotten their heads out of their asses and not come up with a name that would get them sued into annihilation by Hasbro…”
But then, I’m evil.
so Transformers: Prime is good, Geoff? i keep seeing it come up as a suggestion on Netflix, but i haven’t even checked it out for fear i’ll get sucked into another show before i watch the ones i’ve already started.
and i heard the next iteration of the Transformer Prime Pad is going to be called the Magnus Prime Pad.
kidding! 😀
I don’t have a tablet or a smart phone. Can’t afford them, don’t see a need for a tablet at all. A smart phone would be nice for some apps but for the most part I don’t feel a dire need to have them. Plus I get a rash when I’m around anything Apple related.
yeah, if you don’t already have those addictive gadgets, i’d say just keep them away for as long as possible, Jereme; they’re so integrated into my daily routines now, i fear i’d suffer severe withdrawal pains if i gave them up.
Closest I had was an iPod Touch (3rd gen), but the WiFi stopped working after a couple months (I was its third owner), and it wasn’t very useful after that. Since I have my laptop with me 80% of the day, I have no need for tablets yet.
those iPod Touches are kinda like iPad Nanos, ZAD-Man. and that sucks that the WiFi went out, but yeah, if you already carry your laptop around with you most of the time, a tablet isn’t a necessity.
Ah, Apple products. I don’t have any since they’re to expensive for a college student like me, maybe one day though…. (probably not)
years ago, Apple’s products were priced at a premium, GB, but now that they’re the market leader their prices have come way down, especially when it comes to their tablets and phones, where the competition can’t really compete on price for comparable products. but being in college and all, you’re smart not to contribute even more to your student debt! (took years for me to dig my way out of mine.) 🙂
Oooh…shiny! Lol!
Maybe someday I’ll get an iPad. I’ve just barely conceded to touch-screen phones, though…the thought of trying to type a Nano novel on an iPad makes me shudder. I like real keys under my fingers…
I got an iPad hoping I could use it as a writing device, along with all the other things I wanted it for, even got myself a little bluetooth keyboard for it and got Pages for the iPad but, it didn’t work all that well so I gave up. It is nice for taking notes as long as you get a nice stylis, but not so good for actually writing.
i agree with you and TPC, Tiana – i rarely use my iPad for writing anything longer than a quick email or 140 character tweet. but then, i was talking to one of the screenwriters for the latest Mission Impossible, who uses his iPad for writing all the time, so what do i know.
Ipad, to to big for conventional pockets yet to small to be real computers. What is the point of this thing?!
it’s not meant for pockets, Zolen, it usually just sits around on my bed or counter at home or i’ll throw it in a backpack or carry it by hand if i’m on the go. it’s more a device for the consumption of content like books, movies, tv shows, comics, games and more (with a little content creation thrown in.) i’ve never taken my laptop to bed with me, or sat with it on my chest while on the couch, but i do that with my iPad every night. if you’re like me, you won’t even know what you’ll do with it until you get one, since there are so many ways you can customize it to your taste with the thousands and thousands of apps. it’s not a necessary thing (yet) but it is an awesome thing!
My daughters’ elementary school bought us an iPad. (All the kids get to use one; my kids just get to use one at home because they homeschool, and we will have to return it on demand). It’s been months, and so far we do doodlybop with it. The one online thing I really want to use it for is, which teaches reading. You can pay for the alphabet part of Starfall as an app, or you can go someplace with Web access and use the entire site for the cost of connectivity. So basically we can get in the car and go to a coffee shop for my K student to do her reading prep games or we can stay home and use the desktop computer we already have. Big whoopee doo.
As summer progresses, because we school year round, I may try to scan my older student’s history lesson, etc., into our computer and export it to the iPad. This would allow us to have school outdoors in the fresh air without my having to haul a big load of books. But we aren’t there yet and I don’t even know if I can put this stuff on the iPad without paying more money for licensing the copy or something like that.
Meanwhile the kids play with the camera function.
Oh, well, at least we didn’t pay for it.
Another new strip about a wonderful piece of technology I wont ever buy… You are evil. Not that I need this tablet or anything, but the crazy look in Jefbots eyes makes me WANT it. Ever thought about making advertisement of some kind from ground up?
ha! if only i got some corporate sponsorship for making these tech/gadget/gaming/movie/etc. strips rather than just for the love of all of it, i’d be a wealthy geek, Maryz! but then, if i didn’t actually love it, i wouldn’t be writing strips about this stuff. if bot starts (non-satirically) wearing a shirt with the McDonald’s “M” on it instead of his normal symbol, it’s time to start worrying. 😉
I have zero tablets. Amazing, I know. I have a netbook, and am happy with it. Not to mention that I can hardly afford to get one. I-pads are expensive.
yeah, iPads are definitely cool, D25, but if you’re happy with your netbook, stick with that, at least until you have some disposable money to pick up a tablet. at the moment, i feel like tablets are meant to supplement a desktop/laptop/netbook computer, anyway, so the the iPad can wait.
I borrowed my SIL’s iPad to see if I needed one and promptly became addicted to The Lorax . . . But other that that, I’m afraid I’m hopelessly addicted to keyboards.
I was told that there’s a keyboard peripheral I could use . . . but I already havea laptop. And a Netbook. And a phone (with keypad) . . .
the Dr. Seuss interactive storybook, Sarah W? if so, i downloaded that, too, when it was on sale a few weeks back! had totally forgotten most of the story so it was great to read through that again. 🙂
and, yeah – while i have a keyboard for my iPad, i feel like it’s really not meant for that. the iPad’s meant for touch and like you said – you already have a laptop. seems other people keep wanting to make their tablets into laptops, which defeats the purpose, imho!
Not the storybook, the physics game with the marshmallows—seriously, give the app a try and then curse me for the Time Suck . . .
ooh, i’ll check it out, Sarah W! (and then we’ll see if a curse is in order.) 😉
I have no tablet. I just have my little android smart phone and a big Kindle (B&W) for reading. Please don’t shun me. 😉
I viewed this strip more in the sense of laughing (good naturedly) at the i-___ fanaticism. I have a mac laptop (old) and a 2nd generation iPod Nano, so I have managed to stay off the Apple must-have-every-new-gadget bandwagon. My extra money goes to yarn and fiber rather than technology. (again, please don’t shun me)
heheh. i could never shun you, Shanna! with an android and a kindle, i think you’re ahead of most of the people in my department at work. 🙂
and yeah, while i know many friends who are total apple fanboys, (and pc fanboys and android fanboys, and xbox fanboys etc.) i pretty much just like whatever the latest and greatest is. while i do prefer some companies and brands over others, i feel you must be somewhat tech-agnostic to play with the coolest stuff.
have fun with that yarn and fiber. having had first hand experience with your creations, i know whatever you make is gonna be awesome!
Goooood Morning BOTiverse!
Ok I admit it, I don’t get the the Apple Fanaticism. I mean I have an Android Phone, An Android tablet…because they are what I can afford. So i don’t get the “must wait in line for days to be the first to have the iSore or whatever the next thing is called” I have a friend at work who has almost exclusively Apple everything. And i’ve tried the ipad and I just….eh…..I don;t get it. Now if someone wants to buy me one, then I’m not going to turn it away. I guess what I’m saying is I don’t feel the need to Have to Have it.
I agree, pixie. But then again apple makes excellent products. Right now i have a dumbphone coz my iphone3gs got stolen, and an ipad to read and watch vids.
Got my hands around a nokia lumia 800 and the feel was so fantatstic, MS needs to tune a few things but im ahppy with look and feel. Cant wait for the price to down.
agreed: apple makes excellent products, Jf300! that said, i’ve been playing with the cyan Lumia 900 every time i go by the Microsoft Store, and – except for a few nitpicks – i really dig it! haven’t played with the 800 yet, but i’ll try and check that one out next time. sorry ’bout your iPhone; i loved my 3G.
I find statements like this interesting. I have an iPad and an iPhone but I’m no where near an Apple enthusiast nor do I have Apple Fanaticism. In fact, every computer I’ve ever owned was a Windows one. For me it’s just how good the product is. From what I gathered Android phones and tablets are really nice pieces of technology but the iPad, I feel, is still the superior product. That said, if I ever found a phone or tablet that worked better than what Apple has I’d go out and buy it when I needed to get something new.
I really like the Kindle Fire (just got one for my nephew and I loved playing with it at Best Buy) so that might be the next tablet I get when the iPad runs through it’s cycle.
i’m right there with ya, TPC – it’s really about whatever works best for your needs. a few years back i was pretty much exclusively PC. now, i use a PC for work and Apple at home. when something better comes along or my needs change, i’m sure i’ll be into that. whatever works!
moOooooorning, Pixie! i get the apple fanaticism – they make great products – but i completely understand why people are happy with their android and windows phones, too, as a lot of those gadgets are great, too. and i’m jealous of you not having the need to “Have to Have it”! while i’m getting better at not buying and collecting everything i want these days, i still struggle with the desire! 😛
I still have the first iPad and it works fine for what I do, read Kindle books, surf Facebook and a few other sites, play Draw Something (which I assume you would be awesome at) and Words with Friends, so I don’t need a newer iPad. . .yet!
Plus, it’s hard to justify spending all the money to my wife when she knows my old iPad works just fine.
that’s exactly what i was going for with this strip, TPC – the original iPad is still an amazing piece of tech! in fact, it’s better than many of the new challengers that have come around since its debut. hard to believe it’s a first gen product.
as far as Draw Something goes, i do play it, but not often. it’s fun but i don’t really see the point, since many people i know are just writing the word out now, just to advance levels. BUH. (it is more fun to play on the iPad, though, rather than my iPhone.) 🙂
meh, not interested in spending that much money on a tablet when I could buy a whole new computer instead
yeah, depends on what you plan on using it for, Oz. if you want to write, program, create artwork, make music etc. – a desktop or laptop’s the way to go. if you want to use apps, watch videos, play casual games, websurf, read books/comics, etc. – a tablet can’t be beat!
My wife and I both have Kindle Fires. I like it…especially when I take it to work. Boss leaves for lunch? TIME TO WATCH FRASIER!
ha! that’s the best commercial i’ve experienced for a kindle fire yet, Joe!
An Android. Formerly Verizon Droid 2 Global – Reformatted with Cyanogen Mod 7.2
Its my pocket PC because it is Sans Service.
nice! sometimes i wish i had more time so i could mess with those android mods, Kariou! or at least jailbreak my iPhone and experiment with it a bit. 🙂
Yes! So true- I did the exact same thing….
it’s an easy mistake, Funnyshaffer!
I have the new Asus TF300 pad, which I am upgrading to the new TF700 in August. I love it, too – so pretty.
I don’t fault people for liking Apple products. They are nice. I’m also not one of those people who are going to jump on the Apple hate train because of China blah blah blah. You guys have your stuff, we have ours. I mean, I own an ancient iPod, and it still works to some degree. It was my favorite device for awhile, but my phone is now my MP3 player.
Being a DJ, I get all my music from channels that are not iTunes. So it’s no big deal not to own anything Apple for me at this point.
i applaud you, McClaud – so many apple fanboys immediately take to hating on anything android, and so many android fanboys immediately take to hating on anything apple. it just makes no sense! if a person likes something, that’s cool! doesn’t mean what someone else likes is lame. can’t we all just get along…? 🙂
and that’s awesome that you’re a dj, btw. i’ve always wanted to learn the ways of two turntables and a microphone.
Nowadays it’s more like four channels and a microphone.
I do it as a hobby, and not a job. If I DJ somewhere, sometimes I do it for free, but most of the time, establishments want to pay me so I take a little money.
There’s a million DJs out there right now, though, since you can buy a Newmark controller and run Virtual DJ on your PC. I see dozens of kiddies on their laptops using cheap mixers/controllers, and very few pros on real turntables with vinyl with a real mixer. Maybe when the David Guetta/Tiesto fad wears out, we can sit down and talk business. I’d like to have another Old Skool Underground DJ. LOL
yeah, i can’t remember the last time i actually saw real turntables at a club, McClaud. i usually see MacBooks on stands, these days. even been seeing DJs spinning with iPads, lately.
I laughed a whole lot harder than I should have. This is so you Jeff. I’ve never been able to tell the difference between things, unless its a drasticly. I was thinking about grabbing an iPhone 4S for graduation but yesterday I saw an announcement about the 5. I hate technology sometimes, can’t they just wait? Oh and have you ever used a Kindle Fire? I was thinking about buying one of those too, I have about 30 books on my list to read.
I got my nephew a Kindle Fire and after playing with it a lot in Best But I’m thinking of getting it, really nice piece of technology.
glad you got a laugh out of this one, Nat! this one’s definitely all me. heheh. and i’ve messed with the Fire a bit, but not enough to give you a well considered opinion. depends on how much money you have to spend on it and what you’re going to use it for (besides reading.) i’d do as Timothy did: go down to Best Buy and give it a try. then go give the iPad a try and see which one suits your needs better. 🙂
Well I’ve used a Fire for a while and I seem to like it. If I fall in love with the iPad I’ll bug to use your’s. (;
i have it with me all the time, Nat, so if you see me in the neighborhood, give a call and if i have it, you can totally come over to play with it.
Hey Jeff! Will you be joining us in Phoenix for Comicon in a few weeks? Hope to add a few more ‘bot’tons to my collection! 🙂
absolutely, Steve! i’ll be bringing some new posters and shirts, along with some new BOTtons. see you there! 😀
The only apple product I use is my 160 gig gen 3 iPod classic. I love it. If I wanted apps, I’ll stick to my droid based smart phone. I want my music player to play music. that’s it 😛
If I do get a tablet, I’ll probably end up with a Kindle fire,
ever since i bought an iPhone, i’ve rarely used my iPod classic anymore, either, DJ, but it still works and i love it! i have a little speaker dock for it, so i’ll use it occasionally when i’m at a hotel or by the pool or something. otherwise, it sits on my bookshelf, just chillin’. 🙂
I know that feeling all too well my friend, the feel of a brand new technological item, the power of its capabilities outweighing the old, the ability to make the others around you jealous.
I hope that didn’t just make me sound narcissistic.
If your really looking for something worth spending your money on: I recommend getting an Asus ROG G74SX gamers laptop. You can do everything you can with an i-pad and you can play all platforms of games on it. I bought one for 1,647$ and so far it has not yet failed me. the very first game i played on it was Skyrim and on full quality. Not even a bit of lag.
I was able to log into my xbox live account with it no problem. And yes it will even Play Wii games.
Trailer link for laptop
Statistics of laptop
IF your looking for an all-rounded piece of technology this is definitely a must buy for you.
Anyways love the comic. Hope to see you on xbox some time.
nope, doesn’t make you sound narcissistic at all, Heavycannontank!
and, man – that laptop sounds amazing. sadly, JEFbot has taken up most of my gaming time, lately, so i’m afraid i wouldn’t be able to make the purchase worth it! i can still look at it lustily and drool, though. 🙂
hope to get on XBOX Live the next chance i get! see you there.
I got my iPad mainly because I wanted a way to play a piece of Classical Music while being able to read through the score without having to use separate media. (i.e. Lugging around an .mp3 player + lugging around score books.) When I first got it, the iPad could still only do one or the other under IOS 3, but I recognized that; once the right combination of software came along; I would be able to do this. Eventually, in the Spring of 2011, it all came together with IOS 4, ITunes and Cloud Reader. (Ironically, a comic book reading app.) Oh, and it makes a great webcomic-reading/web surfing tool and video player as well! And it’s “only” a 1st Gen machine! So am I happy with it? Darn right I am!!!
neat way to use the iPad, r61! see, this is why it’s hard for me to point out exactly what a person might like about it – there are so many ways to use it, that the way i use it isn’t necessarily going to apply to the way someone else might use it. right now, i’m loving it for watching videos and reading comics, but i also use it for a ton of other things – tracking nutrition, playing quick games and websurfing among them. and i’m still using my Gen 1, too! it’s awesome.
I have a netbook and a flip phone. It’s not the hinges I’m fond of, it’s the buttons. I love buttons that can actually be pressed. I could never give up the physical keyboard. I just never got the touch screen craze.
i understand, Irene – a touchscreen, as multi-use as it is, can never replace “real” keys for typing. as much as i’ve loved all the phones i’ve gotten after it, i still miss how fast i could type on an old StarTAC flip phone i had, years ago!
I still have my original ipad. While I’m sure the display of the new ipad is absolutely beautiful, I’m not going to drop close to 800USD just to have a prettier screen. The original ipad still works for what I want it to, although I haven’t updated a singe app since the new ipad came out. I don’t blame developers for wanting to push their apps to use the latest and greatest technology, leaving older models behind, and honestly I don’t really mind all too much. Comixology, kindle, simple notes, email, and safari still work great. And that’s really what I use my ipad for. I need to the money for a new Samsung Galaxy S3 anyways. 🙂
agreed: if it ain’t broke, why replace it, Saeed? well, except for that beautiful retina display. heheh. but i agree: that 1st-gen iPad is still pretty amazing, and i’m still using all those apps you mentioned, too. let me know how that new Galaxy is when you get it!
Ah, the hordes of fanboys. So silly. 😛
sadly, the ever-growing horde cannot be stopped, TCG.
I got a New iPad with some store vouchers I had saved up from a promotion a company I deal with had given me, so it only cost me £79 ($127) cash!! Wheee! I think it is great and is a match for my iPhone 4. I love the interconnectivity between the two and the matching retina displays are great for photos on both. I find the iPad so easy just to grab, use and not have to sit around waiting for my PC to boot up.
WOW! that’s a great deal, rodlane! mmMMmm… so much retina display. your eyes must love you right now. 🙂
and what you mentioned is one of the very best things about the iPad – that you don’t have to either boot up or leave your desktop on all the time for small tasks. when i need some info, am looking for an address, or just want to kill a bit of time, i just pick up the iPad. (until they put some Wacom technology into the screen, though, i still have to draw and color this strip on a traditional computer, however.)
I do not own a tablet of any sort… Nor do I own any type of high tech cell phone. I have a cheap $15 pay as you go phone and a standard HP desktop computer. They are enough for my needs. Don’t really see what all the hype is about these ipads and iphones personally.
when you get one, you may just see what all the hype’s about, Pashakitty! until then, be glad you don’t have to deal with all the costs, data plans and upgrades of a modern smartphone. $15 sounds pretty good!
I had a 1st generation iPad until a few weeks ago and just upgraded to the newest one. I love it. I honestly can’t see that much of a difference in the definition (same thing with HD TV, though I think maybe my eyesight just isn’t good enough to notice the difference?).
But it is definitely faster than my old iPad. Both with applications and with the Verizon 4g internet. I can’t stop using the damn thing.
nice! that’s pretty much what sold me on getting an iPhone 4S, MichaelHaneline – i still thought my 3G looked beautiful and most of the apps still worked, it’s just it started to not be able to handle some new apps, and just seemed to be getting bogged down with multiple programs running and surfing complicated websites. more than even the retina display, i love how snappy everything happens on the 4S now! the awesome camera sold me on it, too.
No tablet yet. Maybe 10 years from now (unless I can get my business idea off the page and into effect).
good luck with that business idea, KB! now seems to be the time for entrepreneurs to really be hitting it big.
Sorry to burst your bubble, put this corporation exists for the solely purpose to shit on the heads of their customers…
Overpriced, outdated hardware, wrapped in some shiny aluminum cases, programmed with incompatible software to ensure your apple-addiction to waste even more money for upgrades (which are mostly just a few inches wider screens)…
Do yourself a favor and resist the lies of apple-salesmen…
Their products aren’t nature-friendly, children are misused to produce their components in various 3rd-world countries, and their program-codes are mostly plagiaries from private, independent programmers…
To be fair, apple is not the only firm that acts in that way, but surely the worst of them…
uh-oh. sounds like you’re an Apple hater, so i won’t engage you too much, Malkav, but it sounds like you’ve been misinformed so: i use PCs at work and at home, have used Android and Windows phones, and Apple products compete quite well with all of them. they are not overpriced, outdated or incompatible. do you think it’s an accident that most smartphones on the market look like iPhones? do you also think it’s an accident that every tech company is trying to build their own version of the iPad? and Apple is surely not “the worst” of the companies that use Chinese laborers – they’ve actually done the most to improve the conditions of their workers than any company including HP, Dell and Samsung, so i’m not sure where you’re getting your information. (you know Google’s being sued by Oracle for stealing Java code and appropriating it in Android, right?) don’t drink the haterade! if you like PCs, or Androids or Linux, more power to ya! doesn’t mean Apple products aren’t awesome. i use both Windows machines and Apple all the time, and liking one doesn’t mean the other has to suffer.
nuff’ said
Honestly Iam a Person that its always skeptical about the ” new model” especially if its just an upgrade. Because how many changes could you make in over year right? I’ll Walt u till I best the report first
very true, Keisha pm – i’m trying to figure just what Apple can do to make the iPad 3 even better, besides maybe making it even thinner, or upgrading the camera. maybe incorporating holograms!? heheh. who knows?
I’ve always said, with this whole 3DTV craze, “call me when you guys can do holograms, because THAT’S when I’ll upgrade!” I’m a little bit curmudgeon-ey when it comes to technology (and oddly sentimental when it comes to MP3 files…I have an AC/DC song with a skip in it that I think I downloaded from Napster that I refuse to replace).
oh, the fun that will be had (and not just with tv type entertainment) when cheap holograms come to the masses, Joe!
psst, when you took the mirror image of the store worker from panel one for panel three you forgot to change his nametag and placket.
ugh. thanks for the catch, Erica! i’ll try and fix that during my lunch break today. 🙂
I had an iPad 1, and as a photographer, when i saw the display capabilities of the 3….it was a no brainer! I jumped on that thing the instant i could! Granted it is heavier than the iPad2, but it’s STILL much lighter than the iPad 1 that i had…anyway…it’s amazing, and the next time i swing through LA i’ll bring it by for you to play with! 🙂
ooh, i’m sure your photography looks awesome on the new iPad, DJC! when my buddy brought his new iPad over for me to look at, the first thing i did was to surf over to the NASA site and download the new high-res “Blue Marble” image – looks so good on that retina display!
I really honestly don’t see what all the fuss is about, it’s just an oversized ipod.
I assume it’s the fact it’s oversized.
it is an oversized iPod, Jiro (it basically functions the same way) but that size makes all the difference when it comes to usage – i’ve never read a book, edited video or watched entire films or seasons of tv shows on my iPod/iPhone, but i do that all the time with my iPad.
Since Starbucks banned him, JB hasn’t been able to get his coffee.
true dat, Anime fan. and in Real Life, i’ve recently been weaning myself off of coffee, which is making me all kinds of grumpy. 👿
dam hella embarrising, sall good though wen all that new stuff is slammed togather its like a muesum of kool stuff u cant afford so everything else looks good by association