Yeah, my site got hacked last week by some evildoers trying to put malware and Viagra ads and whatnot on my site, but fortunately I was able to take it down before anything really bad started happening. Unfortunately, the hack disabled a lot of my permissions – the first few days I wasn’t even able to access the Admin pages of my WordPress/ComicPress at all, which meant I almost lost a ton of comments and posts when trying to reconstruct the site. Fortunately, I figured out a way to export all the missing data so I don’t think much was lost at all. BUT, if you see something missing (I know I still have some images to re-link) let me know in the comments here.
This isn’t the final version of the site – it’s basically just the bare bones, BETA version while I add new artwork and functionality to flesh it out in the coming days/weeks. Since things have been insanely hectic at work and with life in general, I figured I could keep the site running as a work-in-progress instead of keeping it offline until I had time to finish it. Let me know if there’s anything you’d like to see implemented on the site while I’m still at this stage. I’m finding a bunch of cool widgets/plugins and stuff I’m thinking about adding, so now’s the time for requests! I suppose this reconstruction wasn’t all bad: I’ve been wanting to move the site from jeffschuetze.com to jefbot.com (it’s a bit easier to remember, no?) for years now, so if you find your shortcuts to certain strips or posts need to be updated, that’s why. Also, the “Back” button finally works as intended, so that’s nice, too.
I’ll keep this update short, since I need to get back to work, but before I stop typing, I wanted to give a huge “Thanks!” for all the support while the site was down – it was nice to be able to take comfort in knowing you guys were still out there while I was figuring out what to do and how to do it. As always, you all are the best.
Look for a new strip this Friday! Looking forward to writing and drawing tonight rather than updating PHP and HTML code.
woooooah… its so shiny….
thanks, steve! should be even shinier in the coming weeks. 🙂
Good to see the site back up and running. Hope nothing like that happens again anytime soon.
i’m glad too, Fijiman! and by rebuilding it from the ground up, there shouldn’t be any more problems for a while. *knocks on wood paneling*
Well Hello and Welcome to the Brand New BOTiverse!
Missed you Oh Exhaulted One! So glad we’re back.
feels good to be back, Pixie. i was having withdrawal pains/pangs this whole week!
Glad to see you got things running again. Very nice!
PHP, huh? Too complicated for me. I have enough trouble as it is with JavaScript and CSS.
this is basically just a template i’ll be modifying over the next few weeks, Insectoid. i’m not an expert in PHP by any means, so i can’t give enough thanks to guys like Frumph giving us creative types tools like ComicPress/Comic Easel, which makes putting comics up SO much easier.
Woohoo jeffbot is back, now i don’t have to read the first book to get my fix. Glad things are back
i’m happy you have the book to fall back on, Kendra! hoping you won’t have to rely on it for a JEFbot fix again anytime soon. 🙂
Hey there! This is still ShadowShuffler, just tired of that username…
So Roman is the name, but people call me Rom.
Glad you got the site back up! Things look pretty good here.
Programming is impossible for me. I just stick to the built-ins/templates, you know the biz.
I once had a WordPress before, and I have encountered the Viagra hack. Nothing exactly got me off the admin purposes, but for certain reasons (with a long story that can maybe be told another time) I got banned from that account. So I moved on to Blogger a year later, with a completely different setup.
I’m okay with WordPress though, it’s more sophisticated. It just costs money for internal memory…
I like “ROM!” ShadowShuf… er, ROM! heheh. always thought Rom the Space Knight was cool, so i totally approve. 🙂
i’m a fan of WordPress/ComicPress as i’m not fluent in PHP and they have a lot of options i can wrap my brain around. i was on Blogger for a while, too, but i haven’t been back there in a loooong time. i should check back and see what’s going on.
Good to see you back! I was getting worried you’d be down forever!
aagh! don’t even say that out loud, TPC! a week was bad enough!!!
lol i forgot to do it but i was gunna copy paste wat it said underneath the comic name wen u searched it, it was like viagra pills and wat not. that was super hilarious, glad the comics back though 😀
ugh, yeah. when Google descriptions of the site start getting infected, you know it’s getting bad, MrSnow! luckily, i was able to pull the plug before Google deemed JEFBOT.com a “malicious site.” that would’ve been crappy.
Wow, nice new color scheme.
I do feel sorry for you though. Hackers are a pain in the butt and only exist to ruin our lives (or spy for different governments.) Though why the heck is your site constantly targeted? annoying hackers….
i think hackers just target WordPress sites in general, GB. i’m hoping the hacks haven’t been targeted at my site specifically. i don’t think i’m a big enough fish yet! but, agreed: hackers = pain in butt.
Oh, it’s so pretty! Can’t wait to see the non-beta version; bet it’s going to be even shinier.
Yes, jefbot.com is much easier to remember…and *spell*! Can’t tell you how often I just typed “Jefbot” into Google to find the old site.
the non-beta version will come on slowly and sneakily – like a ninja, T, since i’ll probably just upload the changes as i do ’em. that’s the plan, anyway, and my plans haven’t been going smoothly, lately. buh.
and, yay! “jefbot.com”! can’t believe it’s taken so long for that to happen. we’ll see how it goes – it’s a new server so i’m hoping it’ll be stable.
I like shininess but miss the green. 😛 Maybe you can finally get the bot-shop back up and running (:
the green AND the BOTshop are in the works for the new version of the site, dj! 😀
seconded, TCG. at least the mean ones.
WTF JB!???!!!this is the second time u got hacked. u need to do something about it. seriously. like hire a ninja assassin or something