This poll inspired by the strip: JEFBOT.471_Fan Worshipfulness. If your favorite Leia isn’t listed below (Bespin Leia, Boushh Leia, etc.) write your choice in the comments, and I’ll add the option to the poll if it gets two votes or more.
EDIT: 11/24/2012 – Poll Closed. Wow! With 387 votes, I’d say we got a good sampling of opinions on which Leia is the favorite! I’m very surprised (and delighted!) that Hoth Leia came in #1 by a pretty decent margin. Also surprised that Endor Leia got pretty close to besting Gold Bikini Leia and that Bounty Hunter Leia did so well, even after being added so late. Thanks for all the votes, folks. Now on to the Cereal poll!
EDIT: 11/14/2012 – Added Cloud City and Bounty Hunter Leia.
Vote for your favorite Leia!
- Hoth Leia (Episode V) (28%, 107 Votes)
- Gold Bikini Leia (Episode VI) (20%, 78 Votes)
- Endor Leia (Episode VI) (17%, 64 Votes)
- Speeder Bike Leia (Episode VI) (10%, 39 Votes)
- Bounty Hunter/Boushh Leia (Episode VI) (9%, 33 Votes)
- Cloud City/Bespin Leia (Episode V) (7%, 27 Votes)
- Star Wars Leia (Episode IV) (7%, 26 Votes)
- Baby Leia (Episode III) (3%, 13 Votes)
Total Voters: 387

Eww, 3 votes for baby Leia? Really?
and i put that in as a gag, TPC! methinks the voters are using that choice as such, too. 🙂
I had to vote for the “original” Star Wars Leia primarily because of the hair. I mean, how can you beat the goofy buns-on-either-side do?!?! But it was really a toss up between SW and Hoth.
while Hoth and SW Leia are my two faves, i’m flabbergasted “gold bikini” Leia isn’t blowing the competition away, Shanna! kinda cool, actually. 🙂
Going against convention here and picking speeder bike Leia. A lady in camo on a bike? winning.
oh, how i wanted a speeder bike when i was a kid, DJ. with Leia or without. heheh. especially since i used to camp with my family a few miles away from where they shot the Endor scenes in Jedi!
You don’t have my favorite on the list…Leia-as-bounty hunter. A princess with the stones to go rescue her man from a powerful gangster? Pure win.
just added her, Disgrace, so vote away! loved her voice when she had the helmet on.
Speeder Bike Leia. Having ridden a motorcycle, I’m partial to biker chicks…
even speeder biker chicks, r61? or especially speeder biker chicks?? 🙂
Endor. Long hair gets to me. :O
ah. valid reason, TCG.
You know, seeing that Disneyland already has a Star Wars ride and has had several shows or performances with Darth Vader, Storm Troopers, ect. it wouldn’t suprise me if Princess Leia showed up at Disneyland.
Ya, I went to Disney World when I was about 8 or 9 and went on Star Tours. My mother literally had to pry my fingers off the armrests.
Star Wars Leia. AKA, wearing all white and no brassiere Leia.
We’ll call her perky or bouncy Leia.
I go for Speeder Leia, gotta love a girl who wears Cammo!