A relevant question from our mystery creature, no? Luckily for jefbot, it seems to be an “ask first, bite later” type of monster.
Man, it’s been a crazy past couple weeks, y’all! (Which is why I’ve been away from the site and Twitter the past few days.) But all that work has paid off as I was able to finish three new prints for my appearance at this week’s Anime Expo (my first time at this convention) in Los Angeles! I should be getting these prints back from the printer today or tomorrow so I’ll post ’em on the site later this week if I can. Thanks for all your patience while I’ve been getting ready for this con, and if you’re in the Southern California area, come on by the BOTbooth (#1510) at Anime Expo! I’ll put up more details on the site soon, but here’s the important stuff:
Anime Expo
L.A. Convention Center
July 4-7, 2013
Booth #1510
what? WHAT?
yup! YUP!
and, hey! you grabbed the first comment so you get the Shades of Firsting, theBean! (been a while, hasn’t it?) wear them well – these will illuminate any beasties which may be lurking in the dark:
Thanks, I’m kinda shocked the firsting happened! that thing is so scary looking, but he’s wearing the colors of good…or at least the side Jefbot is on.
I have a feeling he will make a good wallpaper though…just saying 😉
heheh. wallpaper’s a possibility, theBean. we’ll see. 🙂
and congrats on the Shades!
Your picture is perfect for your comment.
ha! agreed. those big eyes, open mouth. theBean’s comments should always have a “shocked” tone to them. ;D
Okay, with the trees on its back, are you implying that the creature I will heretofore be referring to as “The Mother Mu” actually IS the cave we were all speculating about in the previous strip?! Because that’s a whole ‘nother level of jacked up!
the “Mother Mu” isn’t actually the cave, JOE, but i like that your brain went there! however, those branches are coming out of its back, which is pretty jacked up in itself.
I missed that. Wow. I’m torn between “cool!” and “weird!”
The two are not mutually exclusive…
i love “cool” and weird, Shanna, so i’ll take that as a compliment! 😀
Is this a new ally…? Musashi’s mentor, perhaps? Or something else?
all good questions, JGT – the answers to which will be revealed soon…
Rabbit. That is the only creature I can come up with when I wonder what the F that is.
I have no idea if I should be worried or not,since blue is the ‘neutral’ or calm colour. I hope jefbot has some good answer to that question, besides the inevitable girly scream.
without prolonging the mystery too much further, DAS – yep, it’s a mutated rabbit. and, double yep: it is the “neutral” color, which would seem back up why it hasn’t just chomped bot’s head off from behind.
That is one weird rabbit. Is that an ear off to its left (our right)? I thought it was a tail at first. I was going for dog (see below) but didn’t see the ears so decided that couldn’t be it. Plus the nose is wrong for a dog. It is right for a rabbit though!
yep, that thing on its left is an ear, Shanna! it just looks weird cuz it’s a shredded ear. methinks this creature has been through some rough times. times which we may be hearing about soon…
jeebus christ. totoro went scary o.o
heheh. wait ’til you see the equivalent of the Catbus, dj. 😉
(Insert girly scream here)
You’re in luck Jefbot! White markings seem to mean good, and that text box looks benevolent. So once you’re done freaking out you’ll be safe….for now.
Yup. I was just about to point out that Mother Mu’s got the same clan/tribe TRON disc markings, so it’s clearly friendly. Just…an intimidating shade of friendly.
How many tribes are we going to see? Just white and red or is this going to be like the Green Lantern mythology and we’ll see a whole slew of ’em in the future?
Also it has two eyes instead of one and no visible machine parts. Both of those are potential signs that this creature is friendly.
good theories, GB. let’s hope for bot’s sake that they’re correct.
while similar, they aren’t exactly the same markings, JOE, although, you’re right in that the colorings are very close, which does give the creature an “intimidating shade of friendly” vibe. heheh. as for how many “tribes” there are and/or what that exactly means will have to remain a mystery for now.
hopefully bot will perceive what seems to be behind those markings, GB – once he gets over his mind-numbing shock and fear, of course.
“Little human” isn’t technically an insult, so . . . I think this large, um non-human chaotic good.
Hey—maybe s/he can give Mu a jump start!
that’s true, Sarah W – “little human” could just be a description and not meant to insult or demean bot. chaotic good seems a safe bet for now.
Hope you’ll tolerate this surprise, JB. I’m back!
wooHOO! happy you’re back, Anime fan! 😀
Me thinks Bot is going to need a clean pair of undies. :O
heh. i wonder if he packed any in his backpack, TCG?
It does appear to be friendly(possibly another run away like Mu), but my main question is what the hell is it?
yep, it could be another runaway, Fijiman. hopefully, we’ll find out its story soon. as for what it is, we’ll get a better look at it in some forthcoming strips.
Good to see you’re back. Did you take lots of pictures?
White markings…. was this the one that “rewrote” Musashi like he tried to do to that bird thing?
could be, blackjacket42. could be…
I answer would be “Peeing my pants.” Cause I think that’s what I’d do if something like that came out of nowhere.
maybe the scent of pee is what’s keeping it from eating bot, TPC!
Oh look, BOT’s new steed.
Does it come with seatbelts?
Is it manual or auto?
So many questions….
Oooooo… I like where you are going with that steed comment. That would certainly help their situation, wouldn’t it?
it certainly would, Shanna! we’ll just have to wait and see if this creature doesn’t mind being sat on.
yeah, maybe it’ll be the equivalent of Appa for jefbot, Graypatch! seatbelts would be handy… 🙂
Would you look at that! A polite Blue eyed being that’s interested in conversation.
Keep your cool Jefbot and answer truthfully.
good advice, Maryz. methinks this creature could sniff out a lie fairly easily.
OK, *that’s* a big one. Hmmmm, what could it have been before the aliens/evil entities converted it into a cyborg thingy? I was going to say a dog since the creatures seem to grow when converted, but I don’t see dog ears. Well, luckily for Jefbot, Musashi and Miyuki, it doesn’t appear to be an evil/red version! Is their luck changing? One can only hope!
yes, if this big beastie is, indeed, on the “good” side, let’s hope it means bot’s luck is changing for the better, Shanna. on the other hand, if it’s on the “bad” side, i think bot’s luck just ran out!
Bring a change of shorts, Jefbot. I know I’d need one about now.
yup. he probably should’ve just worn some Depends before he started this adventure, Bender_Sastre.
Will thing ever stop jumping out and scaring the living daylights out of Jefbot? Hmm… Probably not
doubtful. i think bot’s going to need to get his heart checked for damage if he makes it back from this adventure in one piece, ZodiacMage. 🙂
“Just passing thru…or maybe out…”
heheh. passing out may be bot’s best option at this point, reynard61.
It can speak.
It has white markings.
My principle holds.
Now I can panic even more because it possibly knows how to kill tactically.
That is a freaky bunny by the way but I love how you drew it.
(My artsy side has been recently reopened
so I’m in love with everything right now.)
thanks! glad you like the freaky bunny, ROM! always fun to have your artsy side reopened. love is good.
as for whether that thing can kill tactically – i bet your guess is right; it at least seems smarter than the red growlers.
Test comment
tested and approved, midnightarcher.
I’m still going with growler Totoro!
let’s hope it’s as benevolent as Totoro, Natalie! jefbot could use a break right about now.
My wonder is what inflection was used with the “Liitle Human” comment. a curious one or a more menacing tone of “What the Hell Do you Think you’re doing Here!?
good question, dragonsword. i’ll say the inflection is more the former than the latter. (although there is a bit of the latter in there, too.)
Saw you at AX!!! Caught back up on you comic and I love the new story arc! Thanks for the Jeffbot button!
WOOOOOO! thanks for coming by the BOTbooth and catching up on JEFbot, Wiikid6! also happy you’re digging the latest storyline. AX was fun! (i’m still recovering, actually.)
YAAAAAAHHHHH! *accidentally unleashes a magic missile assault* SO SORRY! That thing scared me.
you need to teach bot how to launch some magic missiles, KB – he could use those skillz!