Well, the bad news is: I’m still unemployed. The good news is: I’m still doing the Emerald City Comicon in Seattle this weekend! I’ll write a more in-depth blog post in the future about my job-hunting adventures and struggles to stay afloat, but for now, know that I appreciate all the well-wishes, concern and enthusiasm flowing in. I know it’s been a long time since I’ve updated the site or posted any comics (way longer than I had planned), and I hate that that’s the case. I definitely haven’t given up on the comic and think about it (and you readers!) often, and hopefully I’ll have some good news to share in April. For now, I’m excited to set up the BOTbooth at this convention, meet readers new and familiar, sell some BOTgoods, pause the job-hunting and just get back to JEFbotting for a few days! I’ll have some new prints I’m premiering at this convention and, of course, a new ECCC BOTton for JEFbot readers that come by the booth (while supplies last!). Here are the details:
Emerald City Comicon
BOTbooth #809
Washington State Convention Center
800 Convention Place
Seattle, WA 98101-2350
I’M sorry to hear you still don’t have a job.Hopefully you get one soon.
Do you get the shades of firsting? I am unsure about this though…
nope, the Shades are only for comic posts, HITD. hopefully, i’ll be giving them out again in April!
thanks for the sympathy, balorth! i’m still job-hunting away. hopefully i’ll catch something, soon! 😀
Good luck, and happy to know you are still around 😀
yep, still alive and kicking, HITD! thanks for the luck!
Sorry about the job situation. I’m really happy you’re around and will be at ECCC! I’ve been looking forward swinging by the botbooth 🙂
thanks for the sympathy ’bout the job, Fenmere. i had a GREAT time at ECCC so i hope you did, too. were you able get a BOTton? i ran out pretty early so only had a few left by the end of saturday.
Sorry to hear the job hunt is not catching yet. We were discussing going to ECCC and then saw that tickets were already sold out. Maybe we’ll do another family trip down to Rose City in the fall.
yeah, i heard this year was the first one that ECCC sold out ALL of their dates, GB! was happy for them, but disappointed to hear a lot of BOTregulars couldn’t get in. 😛
I was about 2 days away from stalking you on twitter to see if you were still alive. Glad to hear you are not giving up on the bot adventures and I do hope the job search proves fruitful incredibly soon!
heheh. yep, still alive and kicking. HOPING to get back to JEFbot, soon! (which means i’ll hopefully get some job leads soon, too.) thanks for hanging in there!
I’m the proud owner of bot merch now… I’m in this for the long haul haha
wooHOOOoOOOO!!! thanks, f_f!
Can’t wait to find you at ECCC
was great seeing you there, Kendra! 😀
Sorry the job search is going slowly. Will be happy to see you at ECCC we are coming Saturday. Excited to see you again.
was happy y’all came to the BOTbooth, Kris! thanks for the support!
Good luck on your con! 😀
thanks for the luck, ROM! seems to have worked ‘cuz it was a great con!
Hopefully, you make some connections at the Con, maybe get a foot in a few doors.
that would be ideal, E. A. – i’ve actually made some connections at these cons that i’m hoping will pan out in the future.
Why won’t anyone hire you? they should have by now.
Thank you THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for finally getting back to making comics soon
i think the problem is i’m holding out for a job in a field i REALLY want to be in, Duke – namely, animation. i’ve been branching out with the resumes, though, since things are starting to get dire, but holding out hope i can still find a job in a creative field.
Why not bring jefbot to cartoon comic publishers like Kaboom, get published, then work up some hype until you get hired.
If only the world was that easy though.
true, the world isn’t that easy, but i like your optimism, ROM! truth is, i meet a lot of people at these comicons who could help JEFbot get published or help to get me a job at an animation studio, so it’s very possible doing these conventions will lead to something great! *fingers crossed*
Best of luck with it.
Quick question, sorry to bug you about this, but why are there still no updates? I ask because it’s nearing the end of May now.
still working on getting a job, going to classes, doing small jobs and working on merch for conventions which doesn’t leave me much time for updating, Duke, but hopefully this will change soon!
yoo bot! Nice to hear from you. Sorry to hear about you still being unemployed, keeping my fingers crossed that you will get hired soon 🙂
(sad because i live so far away from america and i cant come to eccc, though if i could i would buy everything you have!)
thanks for those crossed fingers, DAS! and, hopefully, we’ll meet at a convention someday!
-checks JB- Oh hey, the picture changed… Crap, now I’ve gotta think of a funny comment. Um. What do you get when you cross a terrier with a stimulant?
Please don’t do that experiment!
i concur!
heheh. i’m afraid to answer your riddle, Anime fan, but happy you checked back on the site! hopefully, i’ll have new pics to put up, soon. 🙂
It was great meeting you today bot! Hopefully the missing bot’tons turn up eventually 😛 also wish for a productive/lucrative rest of the weekend for you. 😀
was awesome to FINALLY meet you face to face, DJ! i actually found something on the second day i had brought up for you but i’ll have to save it for the next time we meet. and, yeah – the rest of the weekend was (thankfully!) lucrative. pretty sure it was my best ECCC yet!
btw – i’m diggin’ your new avatar.
I couldn’t afford to go to ECCC this year. All I have been able to do is walk around the ground floor getting 3DS streetpasses. But at least I finished The Yoshi’s New Island Puzzle. I’ll have to hit the botshop when I get things paid off and all. Good luck with the job search.
i love filling out streetpass puzzles at these cons, RedChrisMS! (even though i forget to check my 3DS sometimes during show hours due to all the excitement.) i filled out all my pink pieces and only have a few missing regular pieces now. hopefully, i’ll see you at next year’s ECCC!
Fingers crossed for Emerald City for you.
thanks, Maryz! was a good con this year. great even!
I’m sorry you are still unemployed, but I’m glad you are still conning! I was concerned that might be on hiatus too. I hope you sell lots of good BotStuff, despite the strip being on hold. 🙂
i was afraid i might miss ECCC this year, Shanna, but thankfully i was able to make it! really would’ve been bummed if i remained unemployed AND couldn’t hang out with my seattle BOTpeeps! was a lot of fun; hopefully you and i’ll be able to meet face to face at a con near you soon!
I regret not making it to Emerald City this year but do plan to attend next year. After all, there were things I wanted to do last year while I was there but couldn’t due to time constraints.
i’m hoping to make it up again next year, Rainey, but i’m kind of at the mercy of my job situation. if i do make it, though, i’m gonna hold you to attending the con!
Any chance we’ll see you at Phoenix ComiCon in early June this year?
ABSOLUTELY, Steve! been getting ready for Phoenix ever since ECCC ended. hope to see you there!
Wish you had been at Salt Lake this weekend. I was hoping to see more of my favorite web comic artists. Twas an amazing con, and now 3rd largest in the country
i wish i had been there too, Treezoo! i still might do the Salt Lake Comic Con in September – i did it last year and had a blast. you going to that one?
WHEN WILL YOU BE BACK? Sorry to yell, but the story is too exciting! It. Is. Memorial day! I love this comic, I want to read more. Xo
thanks and hoping to be back soon, j1011! can’t give any concrete dates (for fear of not being able to meet any deadlines right now) but if i can carve out some time to get back to the comic in the next month or so, i’ll do it. 🙂
I do hope you come back within the next few months. :/
thanks, ROM! i hope so, too. i totally miss writing/drawing JEFbot and this whole community. hope to be back soon.
Hey JB! So glad you’re still okay. I was a little afraid something had happened, and while it sucks that you are unemployed, at least you’re still alive. Good luck and I hope you get a job soon. 😀