Welcome to the new and improved JEFbot.com!
This is the fourth major update to the website since I launched it as a meager blog a few years ago (I know at least a few of you remember those days). The site and the strip have come a long way since then and both have needed some important upgrades since 3.0 went online last year. There are a couple more tweaks that need to be done and a couple more pages that need to be completed (e.g. the “new readers” page), but once they’re finished, I can get back to concentrating on the strip. It would be nice to get a buffer of comics going so I’m not racing to the deadline every week.
I have to thank Tyler Martin and his awesome ComicPress 2.5 Theme for making this site easy to update and customize, Matthew Arevalo for hosting it, and all the readers for coming back each week to check out JEFbot! Thanks, all!
Oh, and if you notice any glitches be sure and let me know. Other than that, sit back, relax and enjoy the new site!
Your site is looking really cool! I’ll have to check out ComicPress 2.5.
Clicked on “new readers” to try and figure out how to get a cool JefBOT avatar when I post a comment and hit a 404 page.
Still I love it. 😀 I’ll keep poking around!