Last week I was invited to sit in as “3rd chair” along with show regulars Bryan and Josh, on my favorite video game podcast, Just Another Game Site Podcast. I know a lot of you readers are gamers, so check it out when you have some free time, or subscribe to it through iTunes if you’d like it automatically downloaded every week.
The coolest thing about getting asked to do the show for me was being invited to talk about video games, and not to only pimp JEFbot (which I did a bit. heheh). That I’ve been following the show since its inception and Bryan and I have formed an awesome friendship (read: bromance) since he interviewed me for the JAGS site last year, just made it all the better. Doing the podcast was pure fun, and the three of us having a good time (alcohol consumption during the recording contributed a wee bit, sure) talking about video games comes through.
At two hours and thirty minutes, it’s a pretty epic podcast, so clear out some free time when you’re ready for it or divide your listening time into bite-sized chunks. We talk about a bunch of games like Red Faction: Guerilla, Professor Layton, GTA: Chinatown Wars, Killzone 2 and Dungeons and Dragons Online, we also talk VG news, and all weigh in on Sony’s (failing) PS3 strategy, and I was honored to cast the deciding vote for the MegaMan vs. Bomberman Face Off. All good stuff so check it out by following these links:
• Just Another Game Site Podcast (contains adult language – kids under 13, get your parental units’ permission!)