I know a lot of you readers are Star Wars fans (especially of the Original Trilogy!) so those of you in the L.A. area make sure you go and see Patrick T. Gorman’s The Star Wars Trilogy in 30 Minutes, on Saturday, August 15, in Beverly Hills. It’s a great, fun piece of theater and is definitely not to be missed!

If you haven’t seen or heard of this show, basically, it’s the entire Star Wars Episodes IV, V and VI movies performed live, in 30 minutes, by an extremely talented troupe of fast-talking and fast-moving actors. Lightsabers are replaced with wiffle bats, folding chairs become X-Wings, and each actor plays multiple roles (see Michael Cornacchia, aka The Cornfather, play Jabba the Hutt and Admiral Akbar, among other characters!). The whole thing is absolutely hysterical and one of my favorite things I’ve seen in a theater, ever. Really. When it was playing in L.A. six years ago I must have seen it over 20 times, and it never got boring and I never stopped laughing.

Also, by buying a ticket you’ll be supporting a friend of the show, who recently underwent several brain surgeries, and doesn’t have health insurance. These two shows will help with those bills, so go see both shows if you can and bring friends. You won’t be disappointed, I guarantee.

And check it out – I was asked to create the poster for the show, and jumped at the chance at this honor! I thought a riff on the classic Return of the Jedi poster would be fun, which you can see above.

If you’re interested in seeing one or both performances, I suggest reserving your tickets now, in case they sell out. Tickets are only $10 and are available by calling 323.805.9355 or e-mailing tickets@starwars30.com and letting them know the time of the show you’d like to attend. Check out the official website for details (StarWars30.com) and to see video clips and read the acclaim this show has garnered (even from Mr. Lucas himself!).

I cannot praise and recommend this show enough. Go see it!

August 15, 2009 2pm/8pm
K.L. Peters Auditorium
Beverly Hills High School
241 Moreno Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(on campus parking is free)