Looks like I’ll be taking the “semiautobiographical” out of the description of this webcomic for a bit…
Since I’m flying out of town this Saturday (September 12) to shoot a movie in Michigan for three weeks (WAH-HOO!) I’m going to need some help with the site from the JEFbot community, and that means guest strips! Although I’m also going to be emailing a few of my webcomic peers, part of what convinced me to do this was some awesome comments and emails I received from a few of you readers out there, generously offering to supply a guest strip while I’m away. So YES, please send them in! I’m excited to see how the world of JEFbot and the characters within are interpreted outside my own brain. Check out the requirements below if you’d like to submit a strip:
• Keep it Rated T for Teens, which means no explicit language, nudity, illegal drug use, etc. Use common sense with this one.
• The artwork should be 900 pixels wide. The height can be whatever you’d like, just keep it within reason.
• Explore anything but the current (jefbot+cel+beach) storyline. Even though the guest strips won’t necessarily be canon, I have plans for what happens with cel and jefbot, and it might get confusing if there are alternate futures going on.
• Send the strip to me in RGB, jpeg format. Can be black & white, but still send to me in RGB.
• Deadline: I’d like to get at least one or two this week, before September 12, so I have some time to put up a strip before next Tuesday, especially if I find myself without wifi. However, I’ll be accepting them the entire month of September.
• Email the strip to me with “Guest Strip” in the Subject header by clicking here.
• If you have any questions, feel free to email me, although I might not be able to answer once I’m in Michigan.
That’s it! Now go to town with those pencils and pens, mice and styli, and let me see what you come up with! While I can’t guarantee that every strip submitted will run, as long as you adhere to the rules, I should be able to put yours up on the site. And thank you in advance to everybody who sends in a strip. You’re really helping me out here!
i wanted to send a guest strip…but the conditions imposed is very strict jb…cant we go and just do what feels like fun?
which conditions are you feeling restricted by, JF3? did you want to do a Rated R JEFbot strip or did you want to do one in the current storyline? otherwise, it’s totally open to whatever you feel like doing. the rest is all formatting guidelines.
Congrats on the movie role. So happy for you! I won’t be submitting a guest comic since, well, I can’t draw worth a crap. 🙁 Hopefully your other strip followers are more talented in that arena than I am and can pick up the slack while you’re off being a movie star. 😀
ha! you should just sketch something out and see what happens, Shanna – the humor in comic strips is more about the writing than the art most of the time. just look at XKCD. 🙂
Hm, I’ll be submitting something, then… now I just have to think of what to draw…
thanks, Read! 😀
sweet, I’ve got an idea I’ll be sending to you shortly 😀
awesome, evandiaz. thanks!
hmmm….i got an idea JB…but i’m not sure if its going to be approved by you but i’ll send it to you when i’m finished with it
i’m sure it’s gonna be rad, JF3 (even if i have to blur or put black bars over things. heheh). can’t wait to see it! 🙂
Sure, announce this when I’m out of the country with limited internet access. I’ll see what I can manage when I return to the US. Cheers!
dude, i’d love to see what you’d come up with, 11teen. do it. do it NOW!
Ooooo Can I submit something? I just don’t want to send an comic without you expecting one from me.
yes, please do, Tystarr. submit away!
Did you get mine yet?
yep! I’ll let you know before it runs, Tystarr.
Mine is officially sent! 😀
i didn’t receive it, SonikkuWii. 🙁 send it to me again by clicking this link. thanks!
It has been sent again, jbot. Let me know if you get it 😀
Oops. Fixed a typo. Sending once again 😐