Now that we’re well into 2010 (is it really almost the end of January?), I thought I’d take a look back on some of the cool happenings that, in many ways, made 2009 JEFbot’s biggest year since its debut in late 2007.
The first and most important reason is, of course, you readers. Although I love writing and drawing this strip, if its readership hadn’t expanded beyond the handful of friends and family members it started with, I don’t think I would’ve made it this far. You folks, coming back to check out this site week after week, spreading the strip through word-of-mouth, linking it to your own websites, tweeting about it, emailing it around, and making the comment section more alive than webcomics with audiences twice that of JEFbot’s, have truly made this webcomic as successful as it is. With your help and enthusiasm, JEFbot’s pageviews have gone from thousands, to hundreds of thousands, to literally millions of pageviews in 2007, 2008 and 2009, respectively. So a huge thank you to all of you awesome readers!
And just for fun I thought I’d list the top 10 commenters of 2009, who’ll be familiar to any of you who have read or posted a comment over the past year or so. A big thanks to these 10 and everybody who has ever left a comment on a JEFbot strip or blog post. I’m asked all the time by other webcomic creators how I have such a big, active community of commenters and while I do reply with a couple of theories on the matter, I mostly think it’s due to some sort of magic. Here’s your top 10 commenters of 2009, in order of quantity of posts:
Spanky McBubbles
Michael Cornacchia
Stan Yan
It was fun to see this list for me. If you guys dig it, let me know and maybe I’ll put out another one mid-2010. Or maybe quarterly?
Looking back on 2009, I’m also proud of the progress of my art and writing. While I still have so much to learn, when I look back at jefbot and the Cornfather’s character designs in 2007 compared to 2009, I can see I’ve come a long way, even if it didn’t feel like it at the time. And while I’m extremely happy with many of the strips in 2007 and 2008, I think pushing myself with longer story arcs in 2009 certainly helped my storytelling abilities. Some of my favorite strips and storylines in 2009 include:
• JEFBOT.111_Bushidō
• JEFBOT.131_Bot Be Buggin’
• The Introduction of Abraxas (JEFBOT.134_Abraxas)
• First appearance (kind of) of cel and The Last Arcade Storyline (JEFBOT.137_Seeing Red)
• The Beach storyline (cel and bot on a date!) (JEFBOT.157_Social Distortion)
• Musashi’s abduction (JEFBOT.190_Epilogue: Good Night, Mu)
• Mini Popbot storyline (JEFBOT.194_Popbot Knows Best)
• The biggest Christmas Bat strip ever! (JEFBOT.201_The Christmas Bat III_part 1 of 2)
I’m sure I’m missing a few but these are my favs off the top of my head for what I feel are the strips that pushed me and the strip forward last year.
One of the things I love about having a webcomic is that it’s truly International; for the most part, anyone can get this strip anywhere in the world. I correspond with many readers in the remotest of places on the globe which sometimes just boggles my mind. Unfortunately, many of those places aren’t represented here, the Top 10 Countries/Territories that read JEFbot:
1.) United States 2.) Canada 3.) UK 4.) Germany 5.) Australia 6.) Netherlands 7.) Sweden 8.) France 9.) Denmark 10.) Poland
While I’m happy to see part of my heritage represented here with Germany, I was extremely disappointed to find that Japan is only #22 on this list! Being half-Japanese, I’m going to have to get that number up in 2010. Translating the comic might help. Any of you readers know Japanese well enough to help me convert these strips to Japanese from English?
Anyway, wrapping this up before I have to split this post in two, thank you, thank you, thank you, to all you readers. If you’re reading this right now that means you’re one of the people that have made this webcomic so much fun for me to do. 2009’s going to be a hard year to beat, but at the rate JEFbot is growing, I think we have an amazing shot!
Wow! Long blog post, but it was nice to come across something new to read from you. I could honestly say that I have no idea how I came across your web comic initially, but I’ve been hooked ever since. (I’ve been following now for probably over a year. 😛 )
Double wow on being your #1 commenter. I would’ve surely thought someone else would get that honor.
And once again, Jeff, thank you for making this my favorite web comic strip to read, and for just being your awesome talented self! I, and I’m pretty sure all of your loyal followers are looking forward to what 2010 holds for Jefbot and the rest of the Jefbot cast! 😉
however you found your way here, I’m glad you did Spanky! your comments and thoughts about the latest strip or blog post are always a joy to read. when the comments were tallied, i wasn’t surprised in the least that you were the #1 commenter since you’re one of the most active readers on the site. i’m truly honored that JEFbot’s your favorite webcomic.
yes! lots of exciting stuff planned for bot and co. in 2010! happy you’re looking forward to it. 😀
-hug- We love you ‘Bot. I think I found you through nemu-nemu lord knows how long ago. And I’ve been coming back ever since. It helps that I can relate to a lot of the comics. The nerd dating, musashi, and abraxas are all great strips. I can’t help but love the comic. You write and draw so wonderfully. I can’t wait to see where it goes. n.n and when you get famous you have to be nice and still talk to us. (and FYI I’m going to see if I can find Uncharted tomorrow when my roomie and I go get her a copy of Mass Effect 2)
awwww… here’s a hug back, DJ! so glad nemu-nemu brought you over here to my nerdy little corner of the web, cuz i’m happy we connected through JEFbot. nice to know there are people out there that can relate to my world, and i’m not just in this geeky existence by myself. 🙂
and re: ME2 – i *just* received an email from Amazon saying my shipment has gone out which means i’m not gonna get it for another few days! ARRRRGHHH!!! and re: Uncharted – you’re gonna love it!
Congratulations on a Wonderful 2009! It has been fun to see your strip progress so dramatically from the first strips. I joined in somtime last year, but then I went back and read all the strips from the beginning, so I know what I’m talking ’bout!
I think one reason your strip is so successful and we all like to comment so much is because you make us all feel like we are your friends, not just some random people who happen to read your strip. It is a nice feeling to come back and see what you said in reply to a comment. And while you are full of awesome, you seem like an everyday geeky guy, not some hard-to-reach celebrity. Keep up the good work and the down-to-earth-edness and you will continue to amass followers who love you and your work! 😀
yea what she said XD
’tis true what Shanna says here. You get in touch each of us whether it be through comments here, twitter, or email– you always take the time.
And looking back, I joined the mailing list here 11/25/08, so I’ve been a faithful follower for well over 2 years now. 😀
2010= Year of the ‘Bot? Me thinks so 😀
Couldnt say it better.
you ARE my friends, Shanna! heheheh. i swear, it feels like i spend more time with you guys in cyberspace via this strip than i spend with many of the friends i see “in the flesh”! 🙂
i really appreciate you saying i’m an “everyday geeky guy,” too, since that’s exactly what i am! heheh. i’d hate for there to be some artificial wall built up between me and readers since, after all, this interactivity is what makes “webcomics” so cool, and different from traditional comic strips.
so thanks for the great comment – i always enjoy seeing what you have to say and i love your enthusiasm (i can’t wait to show everyone your creation – soon!).
Loved your blog. You make me proud. 🙂
awwww… thanks, Mombot. that means a lot to me.
Whoa, I cant belive Im listed here. And above Sonitan and Foxmouse? Sorry guys, not intentional.
Except this guy named *Maryz*, whatever that may be, everyones comments are funny, interesting and I never forget to red them. Kudos Y´all.
So, good luck with that popularity gaining (not only in Japan) and thanks.
not true, Maryz! your comments are always among the best! heheheh. thanks for coming on so strong on the site last year. it’s always fun to hear a new voice with a new perspective make itself heard in the comments, and yours definitely came through in 2009, and i thank you for that.
and thanks for the luck! i’ll take all i can get. 😀
Hey, I’m number 10! That’s kooky. I didn’t realize I left that much mindless dribble all over your site. Supa sorry, send me the cleaning bill, yeah?
Congratulations on a great year, dood. I think I remember following a link from “Girls With Slingshots” one day out of curiosity and I’ve been hooked ever since. You’re an extremely talented, funny, and a friendly person, it’s no wonder why your readership keeps going up!
Geez! I guess I’m not busy enough. I’m kind of embarrassed that I made not only the top 10, but so high on it.
Rock on, Jeff. Jefbot is quite possibly my favorite webcomic.
Congrats on another excellent year! I’m proud to be in the Top Ten! If I’m going to spend time online… I’m glad I can do so reading an amazing Web-comic like yours!
*stares at top ten posters list with huge eyes*
I made it to the top ten?!!!!
*glomps jef*
That’s cause you’re such an awesome person, artist and so much fun to post comments to!
I would also say that I think 2009 has helped with your acting career, has it not? Hope you get more acting projects this year as well! Lots of hugs from little island of Puerto Rico (am I the only one? *smiles*)
Congrats to all the top ten people!
I guess I just need to comment more XD
Thank you to you for making this webcomic and well done on all the internationalness, what did New Zealand rate?
Sorry I’m a bit late here, but I’ve been so busy lately that I haven’t been able to do more than read and comment on the comic. I love this comic for it’s slightly skewed sense of humor and for the great characters. (You know who you are!) As mentioned above, it’s also nice that you’ve made this an “interactive” comic by establishing an ongoing dialogue with us in the comments. Also, I like the stuff that you show going on in the background. (i.e. Musashi getting more and more intoxicated with CF in the “Beach” arc.) And last, but certainly not least, is the marvelously (and consistently) high quality of the art and my constant amazement that you are able to sustain it for such long periods. (A lot of artists seem to have to go on hiatus every few months because they lose their backlog of comics rather quickly. The only times I can recall that you’ve missed comics are when you’re working. (i.e. The “Grey Skies” guest strips.)
Keep up the great work in 2010 and I’ll keep reading and commenting!
why am I not on this list, especially with my many many personality’s!!!
And I want a cookie!