Those on my Twitter feed might remember me shooting a short film a few months ago where I was dressed up as a lion, rolling around on a bed with a cat. Since I haven’t had many opportunities to dress up as animals in projects I’ve acted in (thankfully), you can correctly assume that this is that film. It’s the second in a series of shorts, made by the guys over at scratchframe, entitled, Craigslist Masterpiece Theatre™ which are all based on real ads on Craigslist. For this short, You Were A Cat, the ad listing was as follows:
this last weekend I met you at a Halloween party. You were a black cat and I was a lion with a sphinx head. We really hit it off and I really enjoyed speaking with you but for whatever stupid reason I didn't get your name when I left. I would love to see you again. please contact me
I had a great time shooting this thanks to the awesome cast and crew, and it was a blast reuniting with a couple of my peeps from Grey Skies on this project, namely the director of the short, Andrew Dickieson (Grey Skies’ camera and steadicam operator) and costar Anne Griffin (Grey Skies’ “Annie”). Drinking all the alcohol from the party scene after we wrapped also helped instill good feelings about the production.
If you’d like to see more shorts in this season of Craigslist Masterpiece Theatre™ or would like to know more about scratchframe and their projects, check out the following links:
OMG ‘bot that is hilarious. 😀 loved it. I want a kitty like that. Love the Bob Seger BTW. He’s awesome and lives in Michigan.
Are you going to keep us posted about Grey Skies?
thanks, DJ! yeah, that cat was pretty cool. knew all its lines and hit its marks most of the time. 😉
i’m pretty sure Andrew Dickieson, the director, is from Michigan. could be why he chose Bob Seger for the “mood music.” i’ll ask next time i see him.
and yes, i should have some Grey Skies news soon! rumor has it there might be a screening here in L.A. as early as next month…
But there should be a showing HERE because it was filmed here 🙁 You’ll have to get it posted on the web for us that don’t live in LA
at one point, the producers were thinking about having the premiere in Clare County, MI, but i’m not sure if that’s still happening, DJ. it’s still possible, though: the viewing next month is technically a “press screening” and not a “premiere.” at least i think that’s still the case. i’ll post more as i find out.
I love their layout for that part of the site so, so much. Epic mimicry.
yeah, the scratchframe guys did an excellent job with that, MM. 🙂
You were absolutely adorable in this, and this was just all sorts of awesome. I will without a doubt have to go over to the sf website to check out their stuff. I loved all the music they used in the short. I know Bob Seger was used last, but what were the other artists used throughout the video?
I totally would have hung out with your character in the movie, as I have friends who are a part of the furry community. (And might I add, some of the nicest people you will ever meet.) And that cat had me laughing out loud, because whenever I talk with my cat (who is actually sitting on my lap, laying her head on my left arm while I’m typing, while the rest of her is sprawled out across my lap.), she always closes her eyes slightly like that. (Yes, I talk with my cat, and she meows back. I’m an odd one, I know. 😛 )
This was witty, and looked like tons of fun to make. I’m really looking forward to seeing what else they have in store for the rest of the Craigslist ads. I go on there just to read all the outrageous and outlandish stuff people post. Good times!
thanks, Spanky! yeah, it was a lot of fun working with the people at scratchframe and the 3rd episode is up now, so check it out when you have some time. the director of my short, Andy Dickieson, is the chubby guy in that one. not sure what other music they used in “You Were A Cat” but i can ask Andy.
nice to hear you describe my character as “adorable” and not “creepy.” heheh. i don’t have friends in the furry community (that i know of!) but it seems like a mostly fun and harmless group. at least the ones that have emailed me since that short came out. 😀
You’re NOT odd Spanky!!!
I talk to all my cats all the time!!!
And I got!!!!
*cuddles with cats*
~Cats are like potato chips. You can’t just have one.
~The more cats, the merrier.
Got 4 cats, was what I was trying to write. Silly keyboard 😛
you’re not odd for talking to your cat, I have intelligent conversations with my cat all the time.
i concur, DJ: in fact, i have intelligent conversations with inanimate objects all the time, so i really can’t judge when people talk to pets.
Awesome, funny, weird, and sexy all at once. Brilliant!
ooh, i like all of those adjectives, Shanna! thanks! 😀
Jeff…dood…that was
AWESOME!!! You kill me bro!!! It was definitely weird, but that’s ok :P. Good job amigo!
thanks, bud. weird is good!
bestiality n furry in one video? dat is so…………i’m speechless….i think that pussy cat has the hots fur u jb….
now thats jigoo material
ha! yes, i’m definitely casting a wide net in the furry/beasty crowd, JF#300. heheh.
yes…go crazy with each other…right now
unfortunately, i couldn’t post the NC17 version here, JF#300.
i kid!
I love the bit with the string. Hilarious.
if you like the string, you should see the parts that got cut, Sharra!
not kidding!
This video…it changed me. Changed me in ways I cannot describe.
not sure whether to say thanks or apologize, Stomphoof, so i’ll just flip a coin and say… thanks! 😉
LOL! Funny, that Pixies song at the party in this was just playing on my MP3 player — it I would’ve watched this moments sooner, it would’ve been — like — in STEREO!
coincidence!? i think not, Stan! i’ll email you where they ordered that costume from. 😉
Haha! I wondered what happened with that lion costume. Too funny. 🙂
Being that I’m NOT subscribed to any of the so called “famous” social networks, obviously I’m thankful that you posted this on the site.
Being the crazy cat lady that I am (ha! puertorican vicorian goth crazy cat lady!! Try to beat that, world!! *evil laugh of doom*) I got to admit… that I’m taking you with me!!
Obviously you’ll have to share with my other cats… and Memo is my baby, so don’t scrath him. You can cuddle, though. Cats are adorable! *love* Hummm. I gess you can sometimes be qualified as well.
*evil laugh of doom*
That put a huge smile on my face the entire time I watched it. I also laughed enough that my cats looked at me like I was a crazy person.
Bravo, that was awesome!
(And what a sweet-natured kitty! Neither of mine would have put up with that.)