Between my computer failing, the website hack and now my eye being infected with something nasty – all within the past few weeks – I’m starting to wonder if the universe is conspiring against me putting out the JEFbot comic on time!
Here’s the story: I woke up on Saturday with a small irritation in my eye. Felt like an eyelash or some debris was stuck in it. Well, by Sunday that irritation had swollen up my eyelid to unnatural proportions (although it did look kinda cool) and I was starting to wonder if I had pink eye, as had happened a couple years back. By Monday I had WebMD’d the symptoms and diagnosed myself with a stye (or more specifically, an internal hordeolum which is more fun to say) which isn’t contagious, so I decided to just power through it and go to work, then come home and work on the strip. Bad idea. By the time I returned home from the office, the stye was pretty irritated and even more swollen, and after I had worked a few hours on the comic, it was downright pissed. Around 1:30am, when I began contemplating taking double shots of vodka to dull the pain, I decided it was time to give in and let my eye have some rest, which resulted in the non-comic you (don’t) see today.
So, big apologies. My eye looks a bit less swollen today, and I’m trying to keep it closed (the act of blinking seems to bother it further). If it gets worse, I suppose I’ll have to go to the doctor and have it checked out – something Mombot thinks I should have done 24-48 hours ago, no doubt. I’ll keep you guys posted but I don’t think it’s serious. Hoping I’ll be back to drawing by tonight or tomorrow, but a new strip might not be up until Thursday or Friday.
Owwie! I hope you feel better soon! 🙁
thanks, Anemone! my eye’s actually already feeling much better than it did last night. now just trying not to provoke it further.
If you squint and turn your head sideways it kind of looks like a…um never mind. Get well soon good sir.
ha! we share the same dirty mind, Javis; when i was editing that photo, i cropped out my eyebrow at first, which made the image even more, um, “suggestive.” i put it back in to keep the site kid-friendly. 🙂
Oooh 🙁 Keep an…er…eye on that. I’ve had a series of 3, in quick succession after getting some ivy in it when felling a tree a month ago. Seems to be settling a bit now, touch wood.
We can wait. Get sorted first 🙂
three styes, Gaz!? ouch. i’m having trouble keeping it together with just one! glad yours seems to be under control now, though. 🙂
I’d leave sympathies, but I’m not sure you could read them. 😉
heheh. today’s much better, Tony. yesterday, seeing out of that eye was all blurry cuz of all the gunk in it. was totally gross. i really shouldn’t be reading with it today, though. i’m supposed to be resting it!
It seems like something I had years back. My eyelid got so swollen it hurt to blink. It went away on its own, so I never found out what it was. At any rate, focus on getting better. We’ll be here when you’re good and healthy. 🙂
yeah, sounds like the same thing, Striker; the past couple days it hurt to blink, but today it’s more a dull ache. kinda itchy, too. how long did yours take to heal?
It’s been a while since then, but I think it was a few days. No more than a week, for sure. I don’t think I went to the doctor for it, but definitely see one if it doesn’t get better.
At least it’s not orbital cellulitus like I had as a teenager. my eye was swollen shut in three days like I’d gone up against a prize fighter. After surgery the infection had gotten to something like 1/4 inch from my brain.
YUCK! I had this happen a few months back (shortly after starting the McCafe job, actually). SUCKED! Have you tried using the compresses yet? They helped relieve a lot of my issue. (And, hopefully you’re keeping that eye closed and just using the other one! Get an eye patch if you have to!!!!—actually, get an eye patch anyway. Then you can Pirate JefBot~!)
I want pictures of the Piratical Bot!
Really hope you get better soon, but WebMD is no substitute for a doctor bot! At the very least go and find some spirit healer or medicine woman round the streets of L.A. or chinatown (You know that happens over there)
I respect you even more for letting us all know. So many web comics go away and no one knows why, it understandable that life happens but thank you for respecting your loyal fans and letting us all know. that you again you da man 🙂
I don’t SEE what the problem is jefbot, just close your bad eye, & use the good one! 😉
ps. Does this mean I can come over and paint? Popbot said he’d drive me over!
And Jeffy, Honestly this is beyond a stye! I’ve had stye’s B4 and they never ever looked like that, you could go BLIND! and then where would we all be? GO TO the Doctor!!! (Ren/Stimpy voice) >>>> iiiiddddiot!!!!
The doctor will do 2 things: 1. tell him to put hot moist compresses on it and 2. give him an ointment that makes it slightly less annoying but burns like hell if you get it in your eye… I hate doctors sometimes…
Dam Sam, if a Dr. doesn’t tell him to do it, (warm compresses) he won’t do it. Plus, time off from work etc.! and he’s probably using his eye at work and he should stop and let it rest. I told him to squeeze the pus out of it then put a compress on it.
My Sentiments exactly….but you said it all big sister lovingly. My first reaction?
“Jeff I love you but are you HIGH?! Get your a$$ to a DR! At least let them TELL you what it is!
OYE GAWD FABID you should go blind!”
ack! pink eye! get well soon Bot!
Had this happen to me once before. If I remember correctly, it’s a clogged pore. A warm/a little hot wet rag for a little while for a few days should clear it up. I was about 15 – 16 when it happened to me, so I may be remembering a little off.
Health is more important than a comic, though the comic will be missed, so you need to take care of yourself. Go to the doctor and get a note and I’m sure everyone will excuse you for a week or so. 🙂
Yeah.. my wife has one of these right now and seems to get at least 1 a year. The best way to get rid of them quickly and negate some of the pain is a hot moist compress. In other words, turn on the hot water, let it get very hot, put a washcloth under it for a few seconds, wring it out, now put it up to your eye. Do not burn yourself, but get it as hot as you can stand. I know it sounds both painful and ridiculous, but it really does work.
*hands on hips, foot tapping* And just what do you think you’re doing young Exhaulted one? Why didn’t you go to a Minute Clinic? Get an Antibiotic or something?
Ok ok…get some wash cloths, soak them in water, ring them out til they are still damp, put them in a ziplock and then in the fridge. NOT the freezer! After about 20 minutes, take one out and put it over the oogey eye. Leave it for about 20 minutes, then nothing for about 20 minutes. Repeat with a NEW cloth out of the ziplock! If you use the same cloth you will just be reinfecting it. This will help with the swelling and it’s incredibly soothing.
As far as the strip goes, we’ll wait if we have to. Just get better.
But he’s a bachelor living on his own…do you think he owns more than one washcloth? LMAO!!
<3 u Jeff!
ESQ, he has 2 green washcloths.
*gasp* I am amazed…
i believe we call that “PITAN = pronounced pee tonne” here in Borneo. wait till you get it on both eyes….lolz…
hey JF isn’t that chinese for century eggs?
Time to break out the pirate patch! ARRRR! Seriously… why are you online responding to comments on this thread?! You might as well be working on the strip if you’re doing that 😉
I think this is higher powers trying to stop you from powering past our SubCulture strip in numbers of updates in the archive. Seriously, folks, if you need to get your nerd fix, come on over
Feel better soon, Jeff!
A friend of mine once told me that in her culture, they believe you will get a stye if you watch a dog pooping…
In Puerto Rico it’s if you tell a pregnant woman no. If you refuse a pregnant woman anything, yer screwed!
Well, HELL, if THAT’S the case, my husband should be mortally wounded by now… lol 5 months to go and he’s told me “no” on a lot of things… Like that steak… and sushi… and my other wierd 3am cravings 🙂 (He’s usually at work for them though.)
So, any news on the eye yet?
EWWWW!!! Good luck with that, and get to the fraking doctor already! It could get really infected, and THEN where would you be?
Ok…eww. Secondly, I hope you feel better! I think my dad used to get those….something about moist, warm compresses…and yes you shilly sit, you should have gone to the doctors daaaaays ago! *nag nag nag*
Oh if all the Harem Members join in we can nag if at least 4 part harmony!
That would be superb!
Pixie & ESQ, do you think it would be weird if I joined your jefbot harem?
oh honeychild, you know you’re the queen bee (wait, I’m the queen heh) you’re the Empress…being related to the artist AND being subject matter in the strip…oh hecks yes, you’re the leader!
I’m not sure how I missed this post since I checked a few times for a new strip, but anyway. That doesn’t look like a stye to me either. A stye is usually a SMALL sore swollen place on your eye – NOT YOUR ENTIRE EYE!!! Yikes! Well, I’m glad you are recovering.
He probably rubbed it…you know men and rubbing…*sigh*
That’s a stye, no doubt. Warm compresses several times a day helps. Don’t rub your eye or try to squeeze it!
BTW – loved you in Grey Skies! You need to update your IMDB, though.
I had styes in both eyes at one point. I went to an opthamologist. He ended up slitting open the infected part of one of the eyelids (from the underside), scraping out the infected area and then deliberately let it scar shut (I think he used some form of cocaine as the anesthetic!) . I should have had him do that to both lids, as the one he scraped was swollen up from the surgery for a couple of days, but has never given me trouble since.
Unfortunately, the other eyelid has gotten styes on and off for the last 20 years! Never as bad as the original infection, but annoying all the same. The staph sort of hide out in the glands that keep the eye wet and come out when i am stressed.
So go see an opthamologist and see what you can do about getting this dealt with permanently.
I would much rather have no comic over an ill Bot. Get well soon, soon to be Pirate Bot. 🙂
I’m WAYYYY late to this, but one thing that does help… get a teabag with black tea (it can be flavored tea as long as the base is black) and get it wet with hot water. take the teabag out of the water and pat it mostly dry so it’s just damp and not SOAKING and then put the teabad on the stye with your eye closed. The black tea will draw out any infection.