Thank you all for the supportive, flattering comments and emails you sent my way yesterday for the debut of JEFBOT. They certainly made the launch of this webcomic an easier, more exciting and fun launch than I even expected. Wow, I am completely humbled by the response you sent my way. Really, thanks. If you missed the first strip, check it out out by clicking here.
Okay, onto the second strip: The Angry Scarf! This is another strip that unfortunately, is true. So, very, very true. Longtime readers of the previous incarnation of this blog, or friends that have seen me so adorned, will remember one of my sisters giving me an abnormally long scarf for my birthday awhile back. Well, now the origin of that born-from-the-twisted-depths-of-my-sister’s-soul yet oh-so-comfy neck garment can be revealed. Enjoy.
Knowing your sister, I’m surprised it wasn’t longer.
:-O you better pray she doesn’t read this.
Ohmygod, I have made literally hundreds of Angry Scarves like your sister and give them away as gifts all the time!!
Nice! Secret Assasin Angry Scarf.
And you don’t have to explain EVERY joke in the strip. Trust us…we’ll get it 🙂
yes! it’s the jason bourne of scarves! not explaining every joke am i? just giving a little commentary track for those that are following along this week. once these go in the comic archive, the strips will stand by themselves, comment-free.
Jeff, I’m enjoying reading your strips with my morning cup of coffee! Syndicate immediately!!!
I loved the angry scarf! I can only imagaine what I would knit, ha!!!!!!! Sorry about Taco, he was adorable. Good luck, Jeff!!!!
big thanks, you guys!
I like the commentary! Keep it! 🙂
I’m going to kill you! (also I’m seriously considering killing cornfather too – for his longer comment – whats that about!?!?) Guess what you’re getting for Christmas – li’l bro… (something for the balcony) ps. you sent me this web thingy!
and another thing – when are you going to write something about your “other sista” like maybe a p– p– story? or Knottsberry Farm urine story? Something fun!!
i’m scared. for you, too, cornfather. pray for mercy.
I ain’t afraid of your sister. Bring it on, Scarf Lady!!!! 😉
BTW, I like the commentary.
there is no mercy for thee evil one, your time will come, so fast, so furious that you won’t even know you’re gone… (poof)
okay…now I’m scared.
HAHAHA. I loved this one!
domo arigato to you and fig for the Successful Launch Celebration Dinner last night, c! you guys are the best!
I think I need your sister’s number….
HysTERical! I love everything about this webcomic. The expressions are just to die for, the color, the content, the comedy. I’m totally coming back for more.
wow, that’s quite a compliment. please come back anytime!
To be angry is easy. But to be angry with the right man at the right time and in the right manner, that is not easy. ·