Witness this armed and fully operational website! It’s been a long time coming, but it’s finally here. Read on.
Note a few improvements over the old website, like how easy it is to navigate through back issues of the comic now, either by clicking on the arrows to the top right of the comic or by clicking the “archive” link below the title. Also, there was some confusion with the old site since the comic commentary wasn’t linked directly to the comic. That has been rectified. Some have also expressed disappointment that since the launch of the webcomic, I’ve abandoned my blog posts. Well, rest assured, my blogs about all the silly, meaningless minutiae you’ve come to expect from me, including updates on my journey through Hollywood and all the reports on Giant Squid (ah, Architeuthis, you vex me so!) sightings you’ll ever need, shall commence once again.
I have to take a moment to thank Mr. Matthew Arevalo, who either saw potential and something he liked in the JEFBOT strip, or just took pity on it and decided to throw some charity my way – regardless, he has graciously donated server space to host the webcomic you see before you, and for that and all his help getting the new JEFBOT site up, I am grateful. Thanks, Matthew.
So that’s about it. I’ll continue to work on this site so expect new features in the coming weeks. For now, enjoy the new space and email me if you find any glitches or have any suggestions for improvements.
Love the new site. Nice layout, and easy to use!
great! glad you dig.
Ah! I love it! “Sith Happens…” Truer words were never spoken in regard to kids’ parties!
Jeff, wtf is up with the Christmas bat!? Lol I have to show my friends! Oh you are all cursed because I did not ring the bell!~ Mwahahahaha xD
natalie, welcome! now you know exactly what’s up with the christmas bat! and oh, commenting on this site lifts the non-bell-ringing curse. heheheh. thanks for visiting! – send me your email and i’ll put you on the mailing list.
i didnt curse wtf stands for wensday thursday friday !
(just in case my mom looks at my comment) we use it in science class lol :XD
NOOOOO my poor curse, gone forever! T_T
and I don’t know how to make an e-mail on the laptop so I don’t have one. I wonder if Gaia’s emotions work? :dramallama:
:wahmbulance: :burning: :cheese: 😈 :domo:
I hope they show up
Awwww only two of nine of the emotions showed, that sucks.
jeff i will eat ur soul 😈
natalie & april, i totally dig the 😈 icon!