I can’t remember the last time I saw so many people react so emotionally to a speech the way the audiences have reacted to the speeches of Hillary and Obama during the DNC this past week. Needless to say, the whole thing has been fun to watch, especially when the Cornfather’s around. I can’t wait to see what happens at the RNC in September.
Ha! Funny, JEFbot. But also too true. I’m still wiping my eyes from Hil’s epic speech. Great work, man. I love the colors, the dialogue, and the expressions. Now GET SOME SLEEP!!!!!!
Your strip is spot on. Although I didn’t cry, Mike went on about all of the crying. Great strip. Oh, and I love how you included Hillary’s tangerine pantsuit.
i’m with you cornfather!
Xinda, you found it! You finally found your avatar.
Or me!!! I loved her speech. Great job Jefbot, Mike I understand…
This strip made me cry with LAUGHTER…so good JEFBOT!!!
The Cornfather is a sensitive soul