Special thanks to readers, “Anno Nym” and “henning” for helping me out with the translation for the scent of the “cologne.” I decided to go with “Hundekäcke” because it just sounded funny.
And if you’re confused, be sure to hit these strips up:
• JEFBOT.80_What Sexy Isn’t
• JEFBOT.81_Made For a Woman
• JEFBOT.82_The Smell of Fear
Great surprise episode! 🙂
glad you liked it, janonymous!
I LOVE the label, Jeff! God, this storyline kills me.
thanks, stan – when the “Reich Gärt” is available in the botSHOP to buy, i’ll send one over. 😉
Excellent! The label rocks. And my favorite, “But it’s made me a lot of new friends
in the locker room at the gym, for some reason.” Girls love a body that smells clean and fresh…
He lives to prank another day!
yep! actually, there’s ONE more strip to come in this storyline, skipper, so who knows? you might come back on friday to a webcomic called, “Xinda.”
Deodorant is good. She should keep it…and use it. Wow, everyone’s up so early for this one.
Super Funny, bot! I love how “normal” you make Xinda. Proving once again that this strip is NOT true to life. 😉 Seriously, great story line, great colors, and your expressions are better than the real thing! I just love it. Keep up the good work and congrats on all the podcasts and guest strips that have been coming your way!
xinda is the normal one in the family – jefbot is just too chicken to write about “the others”. ps. michael, michael, michael…
well, i suppose everything’s relative. and in a world of angry scarves, death-defying birthdays and German deodorant/colognes, xinda could indeed be called “normal.”
Made for a man but strong enough for Xinda.
That is an AWESOME label.
thanks much, shan!
LOL! @ John K’s comment
“Hundekacke?” LOL. This storyline is too funny.
Lol XD Looooove the comic Jeff!
Very funny 😀
… and Hundekacke is written with an a and not an ä,
but this kind of spelling the word is cute ^^