When you boot up Wii Fit for the first time, perhaps Nintendo should consider displaying some sort of warning before letting you step on the balance board and watch your skinny Mii avatar gain all the weight your body holds in the real world. Specifically when friends and/or family are around.
Yeah…that was how my friend and I found out he was obese.
The worst part was he was using my Chuck Norris Mii.
…poor, fat Chuck Norris.
too funny, joe. i bet even fat chuck norris can still kick ass.
Omg! Are you kidding? Thanx for the warning!
even with the warning, i’m still going to make you try it!
I’m studying serious game design right now and we talked about this exact problem–it doesn’t account for muscle mass at all. I’m surprised it ever got past the playtesters.
that is seriously AWESOME lisa. where do you study?
That’s hilarious. Utterly hilarious.
thanks, PTG! i’m happy you found it so.
Oh man…poor Cornfather. Eff that stupid game! Eff it right in it’s stupid ear!
heh. actually, i think he did eff it, cuz he hasn’t tried it since.
Yeah, that’s not terribly reinforcing… It’s like cyber-bootcamp! And who wants to get pushed around by a computer?! LOL.
yeah, it’s a bit off-putting at first, but watching your mii lose weight with you makes it all worth it.
This is excellent! That machine lies! I know it does personally… But it also gives you an amazing workout! So it’s a tradeoff! I love the color and detail Jefbot! rock on!!!
P. S. I’m in perfect physical condition WiiFit! So there!
you’re absolutely right about the amazing wii fit workout, funnyshaffer. i was completely surprised when my muscles were sore the next morning.
me want a wii!!!
And, that’s exactly why I didn’t step on it!
oh, but you will, lor. you will…
ps. cornfather, jefbot knew that your mii would do that!
not true. NOT TRUE!!!
As if I needed the confirmation of my firm conviction that I will NEVER step on one of those demonic things!!!!!
in a weird way, it is kinda like a ouija board, skipperdee. except you put your feet on it instead of your hands.
I want a WiiFit, so mayne I can no longer be MiiUnfit
although if you never buy it, your mii will never gain weight!
Wiifit says I’m obese too! I’m 5’8 though, and it doesn’t count muscle (which I have a lot of). It makes me sad 🙁
yeah, that’s bogus. they really need to figure that out and adjust for muscle.
Yikes! I didn’t know that’s what happens with Wii! Great strip Jefbot!!! and thanks for the warning!
you’re welcome. but you of all people have nothing to worry about, mary. 🙂
I think it assumes that most WiiFit users don’t have a lot of muscle mass or they’d be using real exercise equipment. Incorrect, but understandable. I don’t own it, but the friend I’m about to move in with does, and she has the same criticism. I’ve been hearing about it since it came out, and you’d think that by now, they’d have updated it ot either ask a basic “how often do you work out?/what kind of exercise do you do outside of wiifit?” question, or ask for measurements. Even without that, it should come with the warning that BMI is not correct for everyone and does not account for muscle mass, to please not be offended if your Mii accidentally ends up fatter than you are, and to talk to a doctor if you have real concerns about your weight. I mean that part is basic for every exercise &/or diet program I’ve heard of; I’m shocked that the WiiFit reportedly doesn’t have anything like that.
i wonder if it’s possible for Nintendo to patch the software, J.? i know xbox 360 and ps3 games get patched all the time. i assume they could do it on the wii, but with its limited storage space i wonder if they actually would, unless there was a huge outcry.
Oh, haha, I’m not that concerned about my weight. I go to a gym regularly, which is why I have the muscle I claim I have 🙂 It makes perfect sense that it doesn’t calculate muscle mass, because Asian beauty is thin, not toned. It does have an area where you can put in outside excercise, but I don’t know what it does with that information. I just wish it would account for my childbearin’ hips.
This WOULD be funny if it weren’t true or maybe it’s even funnier cause it’s true. Regardless, this week’s JEFbot is off the hook!! Great job, bot. I also appreciate your creative compassion with the “enormous” label when in reality, the Wii labeled me OBESE and then pantsed me! :0
umm, yeah. after i showed it to you, i actually changed it right before i uploaded it. sorry, michael. awkward.
I think you spoke too soon Michael XD Either I misunderstood what you said or he jsut changed the label
Hysterical comic!
thanks, tomix! and yep, you’re right on with assuming i changed it. in the last panel, if you squint, you can see how i had “enormous” instead of “obese.” in the end though, i decided to be accurate with the game. forgot to tell michael, though…
Heheheh, I got the obese mark too when I tried it.
But it’s all muscle baby!!
Well, except the beer belly >_>
the beer belly’s just masking all the coiled muscles underneath, right Mr Mojo!? 😉
maybe the cornfather will get some implants in the future, bbcb. but for now, that’s just the way he is.
Great strip Bot! And Cornfather, don’t worry about the fat little Mii, I’d get the same results if it were me…er…Mii
i have a feeling the cornfather’s going to get over his “fat little Mii” very soon, eptha…
Damn straight jefbot!
My belly is a mass of beer fueled awesomeness 🙂
It creates that sad little Playmobile looking man of shame. I thought I was doing “alright” until Wiifit. (and the muscle mass thing mentioned above is not the problem for me :))
I love the Wii Fit. When I had time I would exercise on it religiously, but for the past few months I haven’t had time, and every time I step on it my weight goes up ever so slightly. NOT a good sign!
when my dad got on it, after the balance test it asked if he often tripped over his own feet!