Hey all, I’m on vacation in Northern California until Sunday, so forgive any lateness in replying to comments or tweets this week. Also, today’s strip is the epilogue for the Abraxas vs. Musashi storyline, which means I’ll be starting a new arc next Tuesday. Hope you’re here for it!

CONTINUITY ALERT! Longtime JEFbot readers may remember that the “Wii Fit” video of the Cornfather that jefbot mentioned in today’s strip was a reference to JEFBOT.94_What a Feeling. Go back about 60 strips and check it out!

You only have until
next Tuesday to leave a comment on this or any other June strip or blog post to enter the drawing for a free BOTton! Details here. Free shipping (US/Canada) + Free BOTton with the purchase of any JEFbot tee expires at the end of the month, too! Check that deal out here.