I’ve mentioned before that JEFbot will get less autobiographical with this storyline, and while that’s true, this strip doesn’t quite mark the turning point since the events in this strip pretty much happened at a beach party I was at last year. Sounds crazy, but a couple of strange, glowing lights appeared in the sky and zipped around for several minutes while a bunch of us gathered to watch. Now, I’m not quite ready to say they were E.T.s or alien craft or whatever, but, to this day, none of us could explain what we saw that night. SpOOooky.
And no, this isn’t a tie-in to Grey Skies. This arc and what happens over the next few strips was plotted out several months ago, and you can bet these aliens are going to be playing a big part in future strips. The JEFbot Universe just expanded a bit. 🙂
Nice crossover with grey skies ‘bot. ^^ can’t wait to see what they look like from your imagination ^^
while i’m not saying there won’t be a future crossover between the aliens from this strip and the movie-aliens from Grey Skies, today’s strip isn’t it, DJ. starting to plan out how to condense my time on the movie set into something fun for this strip, though! 🙂
hmmm…I’ld say their taste was a bit lacking…or they are VERY kinky….personally would have rather beamed up Coral…but hey, thats me…
heheh. their proclivities for small, furry things will be part of the mystery surrounding these aliens, Hans. (although i’m not ruling out “kinkiness” as part of the aliens’ master plan). 🙂
Hahaha this is great! Love the night sky background ya got going on in this one! I can’t stop laughing at the last panel. CF and Mu both belching at the same time, and sooooooo damn drunk. I could literally hear the “BELCH.” when reading it. Still love those little drunky bubbles popping around CF and Mu. This was well worth the wait, but now all us JB fans have to wait until Tuesday to see what goes down in the next strip! Can’t wait! 😀 And I’ve had something similar happen to me yeaaaaaaaaaars ago when I was out walking with a cousin and a friend of mine late at night. To this day we can’t explain it. And nice to see that JB’s universe is expanding!
glad you got such a kick out of the tandem burp in that last panel, spanks! and: i’ve mentioned it before but your comment just makes me ache to do a 3rd strip each week. someday! and, wow, i’d love to hear about your “close encounter.” 🙂
The green glow’s awesome and I dig everyone’s different reactions to it. (Musashi’s so cute with the Cornfather.)
thanks, sis! green glows rule.
Cue Ray Stevens voice:
“We got Jefbot in a UFO, too good for the human race.
We got Jefbot in a UFO, we’re gonna book ‘im into Outer Space!”
YEAH! i love ray stevens, Murrday. i’ve always liked guitarzan but your version of “i saw elvis in a u.f.o.” might be my favorite now. 🙂
A UFO or a hot air balloon from Colorado? Ha! I LOVE it!!! The green glow is AMAZING! Thank God, it was something worthy of destroying the moment after your first kiss!!!
thanks, man! yes, it’s too bad that “balloon boy” incident didn’t happen in southern california so i could’ve tied that into the current storyline. 😉
Woot! This is an interesting turn of events. Judging from the tears, it more than makes up for that lost kiss for Jefbot lol…
true that, speearr! at least for now. once the light (and thrill) from that green glow fades, i’m sure ‘bot will be reflecting on what could’ve happened on the end of that pier, had the visitors not shown up.
I don’t think it’s a UFO, I think the green hue is coming from Cornfather’s belch!
ya know, when i was drawing this strip i was afraid of that looking like that was the case, John, which was the reason for the pronounced, green glow on everybody (including the Cornfather) during the coloring stage! it’s a pretty funny black & white panel without the color and dialogue, though. 🙂
Love it! Worth waiting for! 🙂
thanks for waiting, jAnonymous!
I was at party and can verify the UFO’s. They were CRAZY
was hoping someone that was at that party would have my back on this, Evan! actually planned to draw you and mark in the background of this strip but ran out of time. definitely a CRAZY night…
The simultaneous belch is gold.
wish i could manage even a solo belch, Jeff. glad you liked the simultaneous one from this strip, though!
Neat. Maybe he’ll get his ability to fly after all :P!
ha! things are definitely going to go in strange directions from here, Drakey, so you never know. he might even get that lightsaber…
Can’t wait to see the direction you take this!
i got a lot of stuff planned for this strip, Tim. hope you dig it!!!
The only thing i could think about whil reading this comic was
CANT WAI– oops. cant wait for tuesday!
HA! duck dodgers is RAD. might have to have a strip with: “JEFBAAAWWWT IN THE 21st (and nine years) CENTURYYY!!!” 😉
Ha! Fantastic! Aliens?!?!?! I love everyone’s expressions in the last panel: Cel’s is scared, Jefbot’s is excited, and the Cornfather’s is drunk! I can’t wait to see what it is. I think it’s Sarah Palin.
Omg! Cel knows the aliens! Look at her eyes! She can’t believe they’re back! She thought she was done with them.
you’re the first one to posit that cel recognizes the aliens, Annie, and you know what? you just might be on to something. 🙂
Hey, no harm in doing crossover’s with Grey Skies, Jeff 😉
no harm in it, just not yet, Stan! 🙂
I disagree with FunnyShaffer, this wasnt worth interupting the moment…
Yet, I think Annie may be onto something about Cel. Or, maybe Jefbot is just sleeping in his chair on beach surrounded by electronics ever since he came to party. That would suck if he only dreamed about that kiss, right?
I like cameo of coral and Asian dude. Evan, is that you by any chance?
And Jefbots reaction is… Predictable? Funny, this is one of those moments when you remind yourself, that you realy shouldnt be surprised, since it makes sense as it is and yet you werent expecting it. I never pegged Jefbot for UFO beliver.
Im not sure if Aliens are best thing you could come up with, I liked how – to an extent – realistic this webcomic is so far. But you have a habit of pleasantly surprise me, so Ill wait and see what youre planning for us.
nope, i haven’t strung you guys along all this way to have it all explained by a dream, Maryz! that would absolutely suck. and no, the asian dude isn’t Evan, but maybe Evan will make an appearance in the future… 🙂 “it makes sense as it is and yet you werent expecting it” – awesome! and yeah, i realize the introduction of aliens is going to be a stretch for some, but i hope you’ll come along for the ride and let me know what you think along the way! i won’t completely abandon the “semi-autobiographical” side of this strip but yeah, there’ll be a lot more fiction thrown in here, too.
Oh god, I hope they bring back ELVIS!!!!
ha! if the aliens immediately start blowing up landmarks next week and a drunk randy quaid blows up the UFOs with a fighter jet (or biplane), you’ll know this strip has jumped the shark, ZipZip509. 😉
OMG! HAMSTER(or gerbil, I forgot ^_^;) BELCH, IT TRULY IS THE- oh hey look aliens
This is what happens when we let JEff book up movies about aliens… Look out for Grey Skies allutions! *LOL*
Awwww, Musashi is truly himself when he’s with the Cornfather. Jefbot lost him forevah!
*evil laugh of doom*
*starts coughing because air intake it’s short right now*
Man, it suxs to be sick >_<
Awww, how soon Jefbot forgot his murderous thoughts of the previous strip at the sight of any of his interests. *LOL*
if these are the same aliens as the ones i encountered on the set of Grey Skies then expect jefbot to show up all goth’d out in eyeliner and black nails in the next strip, Sonitan! heheh. and now that Musashi is picking up all of the Cornfather’s bad habits, i think it’s time jefbot takes him back, don’t you?
and sorry you’re sick! get better reeaaall soon, k!!!?
wahahaha…..Mu and CF belching together is the cutest thing ever….Not u CF just Mu…lolz………no one will get hurt after the whole AIEEEEEEEEEE thing….just not sure about CF though when the aliens are finished probing him anally…..lolz….
man, with all this belch/cornfather/mu love, i’m thinking of making a BOTton of it. whaddayathink? and as far as alien probing, you’ll just have to wait and see where they stick their tools, JF3. 😉
OMG…cue the facehugger scene…lolz
and then cue this: JEFBOT_101.xenoburp.
Cel is an alien? damn….smoky eyes…..premonition thingy……seems to be stalking JB……the truth has always been in our face….she is an alien…stranded and only able to live among us by adapting to what we love most…which is games and more games……
(cut the paranoic scene)
just kidding JB…..love ur strip…keeps me through the week,……
so true, JF3 – if aliens wanted to infiltrate the minds of our planet’s youth, video games would be the way to go. 😉
and i’m happy JEFbot helps get you through the week. awesome compliment, that.
The truth is out there, hamsters burp like the rest of us! Quite drunk myself right now so i can dig the fact that CF can’t be be bothered with the very mundane UFO experience everyone else is loving.
i don’t think even scully and mulder cracked that x-file, Deaconvorbis! and glad you could relate to the Cornfather while you were drinking. heheh. although, as a disclaimer, i do not recommend drinking and JEFbotting. 😉
Cock-blocked by aliens. And publicity seeking stom chasers.
if that UFO is explained away by the balloon boy in the next strip, you’ll know i’ve run out of ideas, Binky. 😉
Nah, you’ve only run out of ideas when the Fonz shows up.
If its green, it has to be good.
Could be worse. If you’ve never read up on UFO sighting, you’ll not know how much fun they are to read. One of my personal favourites:
“I was leaning against a lamp post, after coming home from the pub, when I looked up and saw a strange hovering light above me.”
I can’t wait for aliens!