Sometimes these strips just write themselves. During the real life incident in which a bunch of friends and I saw a couple of strange, colored lights flying at high speeds in the night sky, one of the guys (no, not the Cornfather) that had a video camera on his cellphone was so drunk he was recording our reactions instead of the UFOs speeding around above us.
I wonder if he still has that footage…
First? Wow.
well, i can understand Cornfather there. ^^ The Ufos might be something else, but that face… 😆
heheh. yes, maybe the Cornfather will regret it later, but in his current state, the faces are much more entertaining than the lights, Cemalidor.
and congrats on “first” – i got a late start on the strip so ended up posting it just as the sun was coming up. 🙂
I’m gonna have to side with the Cornfather, the faces BOT is making are positively hilarious. Plus he really seems like the kind of person who’d find BOT having a conniption far more interesting then an ET encounter.
Personally I think you should come up with an original image to go with this UFO part of the arch and offer that as a background; star gazer/space like backgrounds are beautiful. C:
Oh and thanks for the complement on my avatar! I made it for Halloween. Sometimes I think we should be able to reply to your comments, but then that’ll just cause huge comment trees to grow, and you’ll have to do some illegal foresting and I don’t think you want that on your conscience. xD
gracias, Foxmouse! glad you like bot’s faces as much as the Cornfather. 🙂
and as far as your suggestion about the wallpaper: most def. i have an idea for it that expands the first panel from the previous strip and will have a big, starry background so i think you’ll dig it. now, just need to find the time to work on it. 🙂
also, about the “illegal foresting” – i’ve actually been thinking about changing the comment system to allow for replies to specific comments. my concern is that this would allow for readers to be more easily targeted by griefers, on the other hand, it might encourage more dialogue between readers. might be worth a trial run. would anybody else like to see this system implemented?
“My does.” Hahahaha…
glad you liked the drunken Cornspeech there, JM. 😀
Love ‘Bot’s angry face. Reminds me of playing “Poke the Bear” When I was little. XD You should release a real life version of Bot’s shirt (Or reprint the Black JefBot ones ^^)
i love “poke the bear,” DJ! it’s still one of my favorite games to play with some of my more tightly wound friends. 😉
as far as jefbot’s shirt goes – i’ve received several requests for this. enough of ’em that i’m considering doing a small, initial run to gauge interest. if i go through with it i’ll let you know.
The facial expressions for this one are out of this world! Pun intended! The second panel JB looks like he’s working on his “Mick Jagger lips” impression for Halloween! Are those veins popping out of his neck in the second panel as well?
Did you purposely make that 3rd panel the way you did so it can easily be turned into a wallpaper? Because it would make a nice one too! CF is hilarious in this strip, and it’s not his fault that he’s so drunk that he thinks JB is more fun than the flying lights. And it looks like JB is about to rip CF’s throat out. Wow what a face! (My favorite is still the one in the 2nd panel.) Now I’m really looking forward to the shenanigans everyone is going to get into come Tuesday!
Sometime next week I will send an email your way telling you about my close encounter, and with it some pics of the BOTtons that I promised awhile back. (I like DaughterJudy’s idea for making a real life version of Bot’s shirt. Then everyone who orders can be JB for Halloween!) Another great strip! 😀
thanks, spanky! glad you liked those expressions. and yep, those are indeed veins popping out of jefbot’s neck (a la Ren & Stimpy) in the second panel.
as far as a wallpaper goes, i’ll either take jefbot’s stance in that 3rd panel, or the first panel from the previous strip and expand the background to fit on a monitor. hopefully i’ll be able to get to that this weekend.
looking forward to your email; i always love hearing other peoples’ stories about encounters with the unknown and i definitely wanna see those BOTtons! and since you threw in another vote for a jefbot’s shirt-shirt, i’ll definitely try and make that happen in the next month or two. not enough time to have them in the botSHOP by this halloween, but no excuse is necessary to walk around as jefbot year round!
But, I bet his footage helped you land the acting job doing Grey Skies!
quite possibly, Stan. since i’m related to Xinda, i can do “anger” and “crazy” quite well. 😉
I thoroughly enjoy the facial expressions of Jefbot!!! Excellent strip as always!
glad you enjoyed ’em, FS!
dear lord…seeing JB face in 2nd and last panel really cracks me up……i alm ost expect JB to grow wings and horn…..keep up the good work JB….hahahaha….
any DV listeners among JB readers here???
thanks, JF2! i’m happy bot’s faces cracked you up but you’ll have to wait for him to grow wings and horns in another storyline. 😉
Kinds me of more Keanu Reeves films. Instead of focusing on the good stuff, they instead aim the camera at the (supposedly good) actor as he goes throught several stages of “This is me acting, I swear!”.
well, hopefully this is more the quality of Keanu’s Speed, Matrix, Constantine and Bill & Ted films, rather than some of his lesser efforts, Binky. 😉
Haha, all of the expressions on Jeffbot make me giggle. xD
thanks for the giggles, Nat!
What a riot! You ought to sell those expressions as Halloween masks!
P.S. I finally got my BOTton!!! Yay! 😀
ha! those would be some pretty freaky masks there, reynard61!!! and YES! happy your BOTton arrived safely! 😀
….well…C.F. is right….these are like three new expressions…so….yeah…last one is funniest.
yep, i don’t think we’ve seen these expressions before, ZachLight – and glad you dig that last, evil, vampiric one, although i think i’m kinda partial to the one in the second panel. i keep flip-flopping. 🙂
I wonder if Cel ran off to talk to the aliens!
wow. i continue to be amazed at what you’re able to glean from these panels, Annie. while she isn’t necessarily off talking to aliens, you’re on the right track in wondering where she is…
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Great work, bot. I love the faces, the colors, and I say the “writing;” if this wasn’t so true to life. 😉
thanks, MC! glad you got such a big chuckle out of this one!
I love the title.
The joke is hillarious, and as funny as Jefbot is in this, I wouldnt want to be there myself, he is creeping me out.
I finaly remembered what those lights remind me of – Wall-E and EVE dancing among the stars. I totaly adored that sceene.
I wonder where Cel has gone too, Annie, but on the other hand Im glad she didnt see Jefbots facial mutations, might be a wrong thing for relationship this early on…
agreed, Maryz: when jefbot gets exasperated, he tends to look and act a little freaky. definitely a good thing he didn’t make one of those faces during/after the kiss or that definitely would of been the end of that. heheh. glad you found it funny, though.
also agreed: that scene with WALL-E and Eve was great! one of the best in the film.
Jef’s long promised “I’m-gonna-kill-Michael” situation seems closer by the second XD
I thought Jef was having a heart attack on the second panel
*evil laugh of doom*
Oh my. And that last panel… oh, if “someone” had Wolverine’s claws somebody else face would already be ripped off!
So much funny expressions! 😆
HA! i think that “i’m-gonna-kill-cornfather” situation probably won’t happen until maybe like, the final strip of the entire comic. that, or Xinda will get to him first. 😉
and yes, it’s a good thing jefbot doesn’t have Wolverine claws, or the proportional strength of a spider or heat vision or anything like that, since he would probably be locked away in some government containment vault at this point. 🙂
Happy birthday, Xinda!
i’ll let her know you sent birthday wishes her way, um, Anonymous. 🙂
Ah, hilarity. Those light effects are beautiful. It’s hard to get good glows to work right, especially if you want them to have a form. You’re lucky: those are far away.
thanks, Drakey! helps to do “glows” with a cintiq or a tablet, too, since the amount of color can be controlled with a fair amount of precision.
Huh… Bizzare. Me and my friends saw UFOs at a beach party too!
They weren’t glowy lights, but they were very close and they did manouvers that norma airplanes can’t.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not an Alienhead, I’m not declaring that it was a spaceship(also not declaring it wasn’t…). I’m just saying whatever those things were, me and my friends could not explain what the heck they were, despite getting a fairly good look at them.
that’s how i feel about my UFO experiences too, tomixcomics – not saying they’re alien craft but not saying they aren’t. fun to see them and wonder, though. 🙂
That anonymous wishing happy b-day to Xinda was me, not sure what happened…
Some belated best B-day wishes from me as well to Xinda. ^^
thanks for the bday wishes for Xinda, peeps! i’ll pass ’em along. 🙂
God! I love the Cornfather’s dialog. So funny.
arigato, sis! i always appreciate it when people like the dialogue. 🙂