I’m not sure if one could classify it as a phobia per se, but I’ve had an irrational fear of driving other people’s cars for years (actually, I’ve never particularly liked driving in L.A., period). I can’t even have someone riding in my car with me without freaking out a bit unless they’re a close friend. And I hate caravanning too, so don’t ask me to do it. First thing to happen when I have enough money to do so: hire a chauffeur. Next on the list is a 24 hour masseuse, because massages are awesome.
Love the visual build-up in the consecutive panels – very animated. Lovin’ it as always, Jeff!
thanks, David! i’m lovin’ that you’re lovin’ it. 🙂
Haha–Cornfather’s hungover/pissed-off face on the last panel is awesome.
amazingly, the Cornfather doesn’t get hungover – but he does get pissed. glad you dug it, JM. 🙂
so…what happens when you have to rent a car??
i try and get one as similar to mine as possible, Hans. and i’m pretty much freaking out the whole time i’m driving.
I get very nervous when driving in the city out here on the East Coast, so I can kinda relate to you and JB in this one. I’m more of an anxious driver, mostly when it comes to new places and I only have written and/or printed directions on how to get there. In fact even with a gps system, I still question it (directions and gps), as well as myself. “Did I miss a turn?” “Am I going the right way?” etc. So yeah.. a Xanax is much needed when driving at times. (But then again that would probably be pretty dangerous 😛 )
Anyway… moving on to the strip! Gotta love CF’s sand facial (Gently exfoliates!), and the progression of nervousness from JB. Only question I have is, where did Mu go during all of this? He was in JB’s shoulder in the first panel, and then once he’s in the car.. you don’t see him after that. I Would really hate to see what JB looks like when he’s in a blind rage.. oof.. scary thought. This was another great one! The last panel had me laughing so hard with CF waking up surely hungover, and realizing that they haven’t even moved an inch. Think JB needs to be put in a padded cell with some nice meds to help him sleep at the moment. 😉
a GPS definitely helps curb my anxiety, Spanky – i borrowed my dad’s when i went to new england for webcomics weekend earlier this year – but like you, it didn’t relieve my nervousness 100%
off-panel, jefbot put Mu on passenger seat to sleep. i thought it might be a bit distracting for the little guy to be clinging there for the 6-8 hours or so it took bot to try turning that key. and yes, the Cornfather’s face is probably soft as a baby’s butt with the sand buffering he got – at least until his sunburn starts peeling. heheh. glad you got a kick out of this one! 😀
His head explodes.
Oh, and Mister Schuetze, if it makes you feel any better, in the fantastically unlikely event that the opportunity ever arises, you will be lucky if you get to *touch* my car. Sadie is a lady, and what’s more, she’s a stick-shift and a classic–and a considerable money-sink to restore.
Hey, if you had a ’71 Spider, you’d feel the exact same way.
Stop judging me!
no judgment here, Drakey – i have enough anxiety trying to drive Michael’s several-years-old Matrix, i think my head really would explode if i were to be behind the wheel of a classic! i’m sweating just thinking about it.
Ha! The gradually rising sun effect throughout is lovely, as is the gradually pressurizing eyeball effect.
Personally I’ve never understood all the DUI’s among hollywood celebs. The second I get enough scratch, I’m hiring a driver. Wouldn’t you think it’d be the first status symbol everyone would want?
Drink all you want, someone else is driving! Woo-Hooooo!
thanks for the compliments on the artwork, Skipperdee. glad you dug it. and yes, i’ve thought the same thing about celebs, especially all these young starlets – just hire a driver or get your agent or manager to drive!!! problem solved and all of us living around hollywood would feel a lot safer. 🙂
OMG! OUTSTANDING! I love that horror that turns into hatred by sun up! Excellent work…
thanks, funnyshaffer. it’s not a party until horror turns to hatred. 😉
Love the colors from night to day, plus bot looks like he’s going to die in that last panel 😉
thanks, scotticus! yeah, jefbot’s about thisclose to having an aneurism.
conversely, i know a lady who is paranoid about being in a car that she ISN’T driving. but she’s crazy. lpving the growing intensity and insanity on jefbots face in these panels. and the fact that cornfather waited the whole night through before deciding enough was enough.
yeah, she just sounds crazy, Jed (but i can kinda relate). 🙂
…..okay…I hate to say it….but that’s kinda sad….
kinda sad but hopefully kinda funny, ZachLight?
And the sun rises over the horizon… no wonder Michael is annoyed. HA!! But at least he and JEf got to another day safe and sound. He should be grateful.
*runs away laughing hysterically*
Wow. We could do a book about your phobias, Jef!
true that, Sonitan: any day we make it through safely is another day to be thankful for. or something. heheh.
and about my phobias: you don’t know the have of it yet! but maybe you will in another couple hundred strips from now. 😉
“Driving Mr. Shootzee (crazy).” Coming soon to a theater near you…
heh. i hope morgan freeman’s in it, r61. 🙂
For those who believe that Cornfather waited all night–I think it was implied he was asleep.
yep, you got it, Drakey.
why are you afraid to drive other people’s cars?
i don’t know… 🙁
I DON’T KNOW!!! *sob*
Seriously, I hate it when someone I know is either in front of or behind my vehicle…um is that what you meant by “caravanning’?? I also hate hate hate driving other people around, unless it’s my mom, I like scaring more grey hairs onto her head hehehe…
yep, that’s totally what i meant by caravanning, ESQ, and i HATES IT!!! my friends always wanna do it, too. it’s like their favorite thing or something. and i rarely drive mombot around – although i think i’d be the one getting grey hairs.
Somehow i’m not sure if Jef is able to move by now. ^^ He became past tense? 😆
he’s probably still there, Cemalidor, clutching that key… at least until friday’s strip. 😉
huahuahua….damn…so funny…..i have the similar problem as u JB…i wont drive it if its not my own car…my reason? i dont want to pay up if there are some fender bender happenings…wahahahhahaha…thats why…besides, driving your own car means u know whats the car attitude….
True story, i just bought a car and when i took my friends out in it and they gave bullshit comment, it suddenly started to shake as if it heard their comment. my friends just STFU at that time…and i wasnt even playing with the throttle…i was going at a fast speed at that time….so until this day most of my firends just keep their mouth shut rather than bad mouth the car…FYI its a perodua Viva…google it up to see pics of it….
totally agree, JF3 – i think a big percentage of my anxiety has to do with not wanting responsibility for a messed up car. the rest of the percentage, i can’t explain. 🙂
i googled your car and that thing is way cute. it’d be something i’d drive as i hate driving anything bigger than my honda civic hatchback. and yeah, i never badmouth my car while i’m in it! bad mojo. bad.
…Patethic whelp, you should just ask Evan to drive you.
Just kidding I have same fear, for me its because Im afraid of wrecking others property.
Cant belive there is someone else like me. Does that fobia even have a name?
jefbot would’ve asked him, but it looks like Evan took off. had another party to attend or something. 😉
seems like every phobia has a name! i’ll look it up the next time i have some free time at the computer.
Ha! Well I guess that’s one way to sober up Cornfather. I love the transition from completely hammered to annoyed. Even if it does occur over 8 hours 🙂 Great strip!
thanks, dude! glad you dug that transition – now it’s back to writing the Cornfather without the drunk dialect. i ahlreadee kinda mishit. 🙂
This one is perfect. I love the set up and punchline of this strip, bot. Super FUNNY. So simple, so perfect, and soooo funny. That’s all I can say…perfect and funny. The only thing missing is a drink in The Cornfather’s hand as a “hair of the dog.” 😉
wow, that’s quite some praise! thanks, MC. hmm… maybe i’ll have to give the Cornfather a permanently filled flask he carries around. or a plastic, red dixie cup. readers seem to like that. 🙂
For the benefit of Mister J…
I have to say thanks for running a classy site, and making a damn fine strip!
Also, thankee for the wallpaper. I *just* grabbed mine. 🙂
Any word yet on when we can see Grey Skies?
i try and keep it classy, Holaved. at least some of the time. heheh.
thanks for the compliments! and glad you could use that wallpaper – i’m going to try and make a new one that ties into this storyline, soon. maybe this weekend.
no word on Grey Skies yet, although i hear they’re cutting together the trailer as i type this. 😀
Its perfectly normal to have a fear of driving cars that do not belong to you, especially when they belong to friends. Me, its less of a fear, more of an aversion to driving a car that isn’t mine.
There are countless idiots on the roads of the world, which makes driving hard enough already, without the added stress of drivig property that does not belong to you, and wont be covered by insurance if there is an accident.
Hell, considering all the accident fraud going on (people deliberately having accidents for the cash payouts) I’d want to drive a frigging TANK. “Oh I drove over his car officer? Well maybe the little prick shouldn’t have braked so hard in front of a 20 ton vehicle, when he didn’t have to. Screw him.”
those “countless idiots” are why i hate driving, period, Binky, but add in driving someone else’s car and you’ll see one freaked out webcartoonist!
and yeah, i’m down with driving a tank, too. hopefully my ’95 honda civic won’t be a target for those stupid accident fraud criminals. something else to worry about…
Oh, my God – BRILLIANT!!! I was lol’ing at work…. Your writing and timing are PERECT, dude. So funny!
big thanks, dude! glad you got some lol out of it. 😀
The first panel with the Cornfather’s sandy face is just plain funny. I thought that would be the end of the funny, but it wasn’t.
In panels 3 and 4 you have a PRETTY creepy face. Please note that I called it pretty. Anyways this storyline is sweet, and Cornfather drunk is just maximum awesomeness!