Continuing with the movie references in this storyline, which have so far included Raiders of the Lost Ark and A.I. among others, today’s strip gives a shout-out to, arguably, the most referenced movie series of all, the Star Wars saga. Specifically, The Empire Strikes Back, but if you’re reading this strip, chances are you knew that already.
Also wanted to give a shout-out to the inspiration for the Cornfather, Michael Cornacchia, who just happens to be celebrating his birthday today. Happy Birthday, buddy!
… wow… and I thought I was bad with the corny movie references… teehee… btw… happy birthday, Cornfather!
if you’re like me, your mind is a constantly churning, nightmare factory of movie references, Psynapse! a day can’t go by where i don’t quote something from the Aliens, Star Wars, Die Hard or Indy films. 😛
Oh yeah and about the movie quotes…I thought I was the only one with that “problem”. Constantly quoting lines of some of the most amazing movies ever. Some times people catch it, other times I pull something obscure from my repe…repi…My Arsenal!
glad you’re a movie-quoter too, Pixie! fortunately, most of my friends are movie geeks, so we’re always trading lines back and forth from the movies i mentioned and others such as dune, time bandits and blade runner. very amusing to us, not so amusing to outsiders, i’m sure. 🙂
Monty Python, Princess Bride, Spaceballs, 10 Things I Hate About You… the list continues… If I keep it up I’m going to end up like Ms. Who in “A Wrinkle In Time” where I only speak in quotes.
Does anyone else quote The Jerk? I can’t say “all I need” without rattling out a list of things: “…is this lamp, and that potato peeler, … and this dog” “Woof!” “I don’t need the dog…” 🙂
What about Space Balls? I used to quote that entire movie with my friends. “What the hell am I looking at? Now, you’re looking at now sir.” LOL I love that movie.
‘How Many Assholes are on this ship?’
‘I knew it! I’m Surrounded by Assholes!’
Yeah that thing!
And YES I quote all those movies and more! Young Frankenstein…I can’t hear “Puttin on the Ritz” with out doing the voice..And of course “Ohhhh sweet mistery of life at last I found you”
Mystery Men!
Men in Tights (LOTS of Mel Brooks…the man is a genius!)
Hannible Lecter from the Three Anthony Hopkins was in.
The list is endless!
*covers up her Geek*
Ouch! That must hurt… ;-P
Add in Monty Python and Princess Bride, and some Disney… 😉
totally, aretoo. 🙂
Holy crap, I can’t believe I missed Princess Bride. That has to be one of the best quotable movies ever!
I constantly am quoting movies, as well as taking every day situations and getting a good laugh out of them when I think back to certain movies and the same things that had happened in them. I go so far as to narrate sometimes, kinda like Morgan Freeman for MOTP. Yeah, it’s that bad. *hides*
wow! narrating a la Morgan Freeman, Spanky!? that’s pretty awesome. the closest i get to that is singing absurd lyrics to a situation, like i’m living in some twisted musical.
Oh, trust me.. I do that too. :/
Sometimes when I’m surrounded by alot of flowers, I hear songs from the musical “Oliver” ie: “who will buy”….
This is Spinal Tap is up there, too. could be my #1 quoted-most-often, actually.
Oh noes! “Big Bottom” comes to mind when you mention that movie. *face palm* Now it’s going to be stuck there all night, and probably all day tomorrow!
Hehehe I can just see Cornfather got “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” with Sylvester Stallone or Milo Ventimiglia lips.
ha! well the Cornfather, Sly and Milo are all italian, Liam, so it makes perfect sense!
Ha Ha , I am commenting before Maryz 😀
Corfather must be punished! What he have done is an insult to all the geegks around the world.
BTW great Vader mask 😀
you beat Maryz by just over 20 minutes, Eddie! and thanks – that vader mask was fun to draw. now that vader, kit fisto, kenobi and darth maul have been represented in the strip, i’ve gotta figure out a way to get some other star wars characters in here soon. 🙂
I sugest someone from Knights of the Old Republic, as it is my favourite part of the franchise. Zayne Carryk or Rohlan Dyre would be cool, but seeing as you seem to preffer the Darth Characters, I guess Malak fits better.
I would have to suggest Darth Sion. I mean what is cooler than force zombie? I know it would be hard to incorporate it somehow in to the story, but fun 😀
i’m not very familiar with KOTOR, Maryz. my only exposure to the lore would be from the first video game by BioWare, which i thought was fantastic. and a force-powered ZOMBIE, Eddie!? what the heck? i’m going to have to read up on this Darth Sion. 😯
Just stay away from crybaby Luke. It will ruin your strip and you will lose your entire fanbase 😛
Cornfather may be a prick, but that Vader mask move is just priceless.
I love how you change the lighting in this when mask takes its rightfull place. All thats to do now is to rip your surroundings appart and call Padme.
have you too imagined the imperial match playing in the second picture when Corn’ is putting the mask on Jeffbots head?
I was practicaly expecting some storm troopers to show up.
PS: Happy birthday Cornfather, sorry I forgot. Than again if I wasnt asked by my mum what I want for mine on 25 I would probably not notice Im a Year older myself…
So, Yeah, Happy birthday CF.
25th is today, so happy birthday dude. Tomorrow the city awaits us and we shall celebrate.
glad you liked the vader mask move, Maryz! you were definitely on the right track when you wanted to see the Cornfather put the box back over bot’s face in the last strip. heheh.
we’ll see if jefbot succumbs to the dark side in friday’s strip. 🙂
He better … or I am disowning you! Haven’t I taught you anything?
come to the darkside cornfather…well,the cool darkside from the first 3 movies not the latest 3.
ha! true that, t_d. while the prequels had some moments, episodes iv – vi are where it’s at!
Hehe this was hilarious and also cute. I could hear the “shunk” as CF put the Vader mask/helmet over JB’s head. My boyfriend has one of those helmets, and when you turn it on it says a bunch of Vader phrases. He has that Vader helmet, and a Storm Trooper helmet as well.
That third panel really had me laughing out loud. No words were needed, and it was still priceless. Was JB trying to pull a Jedi mind trick on CF there? 😛 Looking forward to Friday and the possible escape of JB. This was awesome!
By the way: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MICHAEL! I hope it’s a good one, and you get everything you want!
glad you could hear the shunk, Spanky! ooOOooh – a stormtrooper helmet? pretty cool. i’d love to get a boba fett helmet, but then of course i’d have to get the entire outfit and i really don’t have the space. *sigh*
and i’m happy you dug that 3rd panel. the strip was conceptualized as just 3 panels initially, but once i started sketching it, it needed that extra beat of jefbot taking in the situation and coming up with a retort. i think it gives that last panel a little more “oomph.” 🙂
He’s on the lookout for a Fett helmet, so only time will tell. Funny thing is, he got them at Goodwill, mint condition and super cheapo.
Happy birthday to Michael! Hope you have a blast (not literally, of course. Unless you like to be blasted away.)
Cornfather: “You threatened me with violence.”
You DON’T say?!! Please, if anyone knows of other ways to threaten, let me know, ok?
That line was hillarious. I’m gonna steal it for next time I may need to excuse my behavior to certain people (*glares at over-friendly-baby-sister*)
Jef was taken over by the dark power of his toys. We can’t blame him, though.
ha! yes, feel free to use that line if you’re ever threatened and need to justify your retaliation, Sonitan! heheh.
and although jefbot at least tries to be more jedi than sith, he does fall to the dark side every so often. and yeah, his toys may unduly influence him in that regard. heheh.
Poor Jefbot. He deserves it, but it still sucks =(
hey, Shan! true, jefbot isn’t completely innocent in all these shenanigans but the Cornfather did take bot’s sacred collectibles (or at least said he did). “poor jefbot,” indeed!
Happy birthday, Michael!
Also, rad comic. 🙂
thanks for the raditude, Kate!
Hahahahah! That’s just awesome. Jefbot’s darkside is showing…. somewhat. >:)
someday we’ll see jefbot fall completely to the dark side, TCG. that day hasn’t happened yet, but someday. 😀
U allways promise and never deliver…
CF “Nooooooo It’s not TRUE! That’s Impossible!”
OH does this mean Jefbot will be cutting stuff off of CF? *eye twitch*
Another amazing Strip.
And happy Birthday Michael!
ha! the Cornfather and jefbot have remained friends through a lot of crazy situations, Pixie, but i think severed appendages might just test the limits of that friendship.
unless, of course, bionic replacements are an option. 😉
Only one way to find out …… 😛
Nothing wrong being an adult with toys…nope…I don’t have a problem, I swear…don’t look at me like that…they’re mine, all mine…
Happy Birthday Cornfather!!!
you’ll get no judgment from me, ESQ! just don’t take your eye off any opportunistic family members or friends. 😉
Happy Birthday, Michael!
Great strip, Jeff — the Empire Strikes Back (ahem, the BEST of the Star Wars movies) reference had me LOLing!
you’ll get no argument from me, Stan – Empire’s most definitely the best of the Star Wars films, imho! glad you got a lol from it!
-roflsnort- awesome bot. hell hath no fury like a cornfather scorned
very true, DJ – but never underestimate the fury of a geek scorned, either! heheh. ah, if only jefbot really had “force” powers.
“Darth”!!!! LOL… The Cornfather is on a rolll! Jefbot, I just can’t get over how talented you are, I love your animation!!!!
thanks, Funnyshaffer! yep, the Cornfather’s definitely been getting in some major licks, lately. we’ll see if jefbot can even the score soon.
Happy Birthday Michael! May your call backs be plentiful, your bank account always full, and your curl never straighten. Many happy returns!
i’ll take your cackling as a sign you liked the strip, malificent. 🙂
Happy Happy Cornfather!!!! How Old are YOU????
I’d not have threatened. I’d have inflicted. Without warning.
People sell my stuff without permission and they’re gonna get hurt.
jefbot’s not in much of a position to do any inflicting, Drakey, although he does have one hand free…
Just…. wow….. Buried under boxes and you still managed it…
heheh. there’s never a bad time for a good Star Wars quote, Steve. 🙂
Can’t argue that one.
I’m really scared….Like REALLY scared…I’m about to say something that could get me maimed, killed, severed, or a combination of all of them…
I have never seen a Star Wars movie.
Waitwaitwait! Okay, I’ve sort of seen ’em. I’ve seen a few bits and pieces…That counts right? ….Right?!
GOOMAN!!! I hope you do not consider yourself a geek. This saddens me. I recommend you rent them right now! NETFLIX IF YOU MUST! and reply that you have finally, not only, seen them but loved them as well! Do this before more people read your post! This is life or death here man!
i’m tempted to hide your comment so as to protect you from any death threats, GMT! and while i can understand you not embracing Star Wars, especially if you were exposed to Episodes I-III first, i fear i’m going to have to agree with both Maryz and Slave1, here: “bits and pieces” do not count and you must get thee to a video store and at least rent Star Wars (A New Hope, if i must), Empire and Jedi – STAT!
*hyperventilating* Nooo It’s not true!!!! that’s IMPOSSIBLE…Oh wait…I already said that!
Please tell me you are kidding? They are on TBS ALL the time. Rent then shuga dahlin…Come to the Geek Side…We have cookies and our parties are way more fun!
P.S. to get most of those references, you want the First three..which Technically are episodes 4, 5, and 6. but were made first…Ow my brain.
The prophecy was right, the one has been found, THE ONE THAT HAVENT SEEN STAR WARS really exists. The end of the world is upon us.
You’re totally right! The bits and pieces I saw were from the first 3 movies (I, II, and III). One of those bits was the final battle before Anakin became Darth Vader. My parents have told me that the first three made were the best, but they never got into it so they never showed them to me.
I don’t know if it makes a difference, but I saw about half of the first season of the new Clone Wars series…?
Looks like I’m going to be searching for the movies on TV! I’ll be sure to let you guys know once I’ve seen one. And thanks for the concern about my well-being after posting this xD
Haha I love this one. xD Good job Jeff, happy belated birthday Corn Father!
thanks for lovin’, Nat!
THANK YOU TO EVERYONE FOR THEIR AWESOME BIRTHDAY WISHES!!!! I am so honored to be a part of jefbot. I think this is one of the best things on the web. And that includes porn. This strip is a clear example of why jefbot RULEZ!! Great artistry, dialogue, mixed with awesome pop culture references are what strikes the chord in all of us. These strips really are amazing! Jefbot will go down in history as one of the greats. And it’s mostly cause of me. 😉
There you go again with your delusions of greatness. For an imaginary friend of a cartoon haracter you have an ego worth of the great artist that created you. By the way, are you going to have a party with Fig, C-shel and Z? (Jefbot.158)
Best wishes!
CF what porn?
Internet – Porn = 4 DVDs
2 of those are youtube videos of kittens and 1 disc of Wiki pages. And the rest you can fit on one disc 😀 The net would be so boring without porn 😀
Let’s not get carried away CF!!! Jefbot is the SECOND best thing on the internet. First only if you are NOT including porn 😛
you can view PORN on the INTERNETS!? wha…?
OH NOES! All those back alley porn stores are going to be put out of business cause of the internets! Think of all the people who will be made unemployed and those that will have to close their businesses! DAMN YOU INTERNETS! DAMN YOU STRAIGHT TO HECK!
*sings* The Internet is really really great… (Avenue Q anyone)
Not really into muppet porn.
Happy Birthday, Cornfather! Hope your day was great.
This may just be the best one yet!!! LOL I LOVED THIS STRIP! CF will learn his lesson and JB is finally doing the right thing…Dark Side 4 Life!
thanks, Slave1! i’m glad you liked this one so much, although with a name and avatar like yours, i think you might be a little biased. heheh.
remains to be seen if bot goes to the dark side! the hatred is definitely flowing through him at this point. 🙂
do not worry Darthbot….he will return when he is stronger. and when he is stronger, he will return to the darkside.
yyEEeessSSss… YESSS!
Use the Force to escape the boxes. Foolish Cornfather
not sure if bot has enough midichlorians to escape the boxes, IDTMRB. 😉
Woo hoo! Homerun on this strip.
thanks, sis! 😀