Chris is right, Animie fan – it’s not a sawed-off shotgun, it’s Deckard’s blaster from the movie Blade Runner, as seen here. i actually got to hold this amazing piece a long time ago, as i was friends with the son of Jeff Walker, the guy who sold it at auction.
kk i just saw the double trigger and my Fallout instinct kicked in lol, those two have an interesting relationship don’t they? and yay she’s back!! lol
I just love Michael’s expression in the last panel. BUt for some reason or another his crossed arms put me off. Perhaps because it makes it that his shocked expression isn’t as shocked as I wanted? No idea why. I may be in serious need of my coffee, so don’t mind me.
WOW. It’s been AGES since I was anywhere near the first 5 posts! This most be a sign! If Cel is anything like me… the moment she sees Jef’s stuff she’s gonna take all she can, if not for herself then to help her parents “supply” their store. *LOL*
I think comparing the first and third panels it’s just that Cornfather hasn’t had time to react. His jaw has dropped and that’s all. So far….
(And aren’t I clever to reply to your (third position) post getting mine (number 18, I think) in position 4. Bwahaha! (OK, so maybe the lamest nefarious scheme ever.))
ha! being as much of a geek as jefbot is, cel would definitely be interested in some of his hoard there, Sonitan. doubtful she’s a thief though, but you never know! heheh.
and as Stonefoot conjectured, the Cornfather hasn’t had time to react in that third panel, and is basically shocked that cel just kicked down the door.
Cel’s a total badass, and I love it! Feel bad for JB though. *gives him a hug, some aspirin, and an ice pack* So good to see her return, and hopefully now she can answer some questions about the whole beach deal awhile back.
My son read this with me today, and he got a kick out of it. (A budding JB fan, I say! 🙂 ) Already looking forward to Tuesday’s strip!
Ha ha. My son has read them all now and waits for the next strip to arrive. He think Jeff is too cool since he’s a grown up who loves video games AND writes comics! Two things he loves too.
Im going to kill you, I just came home from the bar we were together at and you havent said a word about this to me, instead you were going on and on about cutted off monkey head, you sick creep.
*The Amazing Mr. Fox* and *9* with some Scrabble, lots of talking and music in between. And tea. Lots of tea, like 6l. No alcohol. Realy, Im not kidding …and I know its weird. All in all, great night, almost 7 hours of good time.
YAY Cel is back and BAD ASS! And she understood the message so that makes her a genius. She’s awesome.
I think CF’s crossed arms are more the “OMG I’m going to die in this place with no one I can express my love to.” Or maybe that’s just me reading too much into it…Oh look sparkly!
Bendito Jeff. GO lie down and rest. You’ve had a trying week.
yes! with that gun cel’s a TOTAL bad ass, Pixie! not sure we know enough about her to classify her as a genius just yet, though she’s definitely a Pokémaniac, apparently. heheh.
as for Corn’s crossed arms: if that works for you, i say go with that interpretation! 😀
funny, i got a number of emails and tweets asking the same thing, JHGR, since the article about his Blade Runner gun came out just a few days before this strip. here’s the link.
yep, cel’s a total pokénerd; you know she’s caught them ALL, DJ! and yeah, i’ve come to terms with cel being more bad ass than bot. i mean, there’s just no way he could look as cool holding that blaster! thanks for the love, tho. 🙂
yep, looks like jefbot sent it to the right poképerson, Shanna!
glad you liked this one’s simplicity – sometimes these strips don’t need a lot of words to communicate. just another reason i love working in this medium! 😀
hey, thanks for the “7” Stonefoot! and you’re right – chances are, jefbot’s not gonna be too upset when he finds out what caused the door to fly at his face. 🙂
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeee’ssssssssss baaaaaaacccckkkk! I LOVE Cel! I knew she’d come thru for you! Too bad she knocked you out doing so! Awesome strip Jefbot!
I love the 2nd frame; the color is outstanding and the action is excellent!
Hysterical and painful kick-to-the-face expression in the second panel. There are very few that actually understand Jefbot-speak. I’m glad Cel’s one of ’em.
Jefbot needs to be careful opening doors, otherwise he’s going to keep breaking them. The powers of scrawn are no match for large heavy objects moving at warp speed. At least on the bright side he never has to worry about getting locked in again.
And yes I’m aware cel kicked the door down, I’m just adding my own interpretations. 😉
Also: “Yeah. cel’s back” That description made the comic six times funnier.
very true, Alexander – i think cel just fixed the problem with that door “sticking a bit.” heheh.
and glad you liked the post for the strip – normally, i’ll expound on the thoughts behind the strip or digress about the process, but with cel’s return in this one, i thought those three words were enough. 🙂
Hello true believers I return from the mystical and far off land of “Oregon,” where I apparently had a hard time finding a free moment to bum around on the computer. Had to check the archives for a back log of awesome. Lovin’ the hoarder storyline, BOT!
The *Oregon* remark made me LOL. Welcome back. I would hug you too but I belive that intruding on someones personal space should be done in preson or not at all. So Im just sending my best regards and warm greetings your way.
What was it you liked the most abut strips that came to be during your iprisonment at Oregon?
Invading someone’s personal space is nothing my friend, it’s making them feel grossly uncomfortable that’s a true art form. Instead of just standing to close to that guy in line at the supermarket try mentioning to yourself you didn’t get enough beef tongues and condoms for your sister’s sweet sixteen. Not only will that guy look visibly violated, but you have the opportunity to gross out anyone within ear’s reach. Bravo!
Also, favorite strip so far is in a lock between jefbot’s Choice and Narrow Escape. They’ll be fighting to the death for the title.
Well, I’m from So Cal, so I’m not exactly used to things getting any colder then 40 degrees. It was like that almost every night in February while I was there. Needless to say this black foot hippy got reacquainted with socks. Lots and lots of socks.
I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. My aunt is from San Francisco and it practically takes an act of God to get her up here during the winter, so you’re definitely hardier than some breeds of Californian.
The funny is that that was one of the warmest Februarys I can remember… XD
hey! welcome back, Foxmouse!!! and just in time for cel’s return, too! glad you’re likin’ the hoarder storyline – it’s been been fun (and a bit cathartic) writing and drawing this one. hope you had a nice time in oregon, but it’s good having you back. 🙂
jb…there is a trojan program hiding in ur website. HEUR.trojan.script.iframer. not sure if its a false alarm though coz im using kaspersky. BTW… to see cel back…also, Alexander, there are two trigger because one is for lethal force and the other is for stun.
thanks for notifying me about this last week, JF#300. the site’s clean now, but if it weren’t for readers like yourself notifying me, the problem could’ve been a whole lot worse.
I know that it’s just whistful thinking on my part, but I’m with JHGRedekop. (Sad I typed this out and ALMOST hit Submit before scanning the comments. Great minds blah blah.) Until otherwise explained Cel’s gun is actually a replica of the Blade Runner pistol.
Prediction: Due to getting an Akira-postered door to the face, when asked if he’s alright, he will respond with “KANEDAAAAAH” or something to that affect.
i love that this one got to you, Maryz! and i think it’s awesome how you soaked in the details after reading through the strip. i don’t even know what to say. when readers respond to a strip like you just did, it makes me even happier to be doing this webcomic. 🙂
and yep – cel’s back! for now, at least. she never seems to stay around long, does she?
Too bad, I was hoping to see another storyline starting with her in it.
And you still owe us all that Cel poster you promised us waaaay back under the pier.
Maybe you could use third panel from this? But I still would like it more to be a whole cast poster from under the tier like I mentioned back then. Just instead of knife in Xindas hand should be Reicht Gart.
cel will be back in a big way in the next few months, Maryz, so hold tight!
i know i still owe you guys a bunch of stuff. i swear i need to make this webcomic a full-time gig so i can devote more time to it. my day job and freelance work gets in the way sometimes but they’re paying the bills for now. BUH. hoping to get some new items in the botSHOP soon!!!
heheh. yes: poor jefbot. whenever something good happens to him, bad stuff seems to balance it out, Steve. i suppose that’s just my own sensibilities bleeding into the strip.
HAHA Great strip. The expression on JBs face in panel 2 is simply priceless. Can’t wait to see the appology that Cel gives JB!! I think a good “kiss to make it better” is in order here.
? If you don’t like his comic, then don’t read it. That seems pretty obvious to me! And it is also obvious that there are a lot of us who DO like this comic, so get lost!
Action, suspense, beauty…and I’m just talkin about The Cornfather, here. 😉 Seriously, this strip is a scene outta “Die Hard,” bot. I can actually “hear” it. Great work, man. Really enjoyed this strip. Can’t wait to see Jefbot and Cel making babies in the next strip. The Cornfather should be filming it.
LoL nice expression upon entering into oblivion there Bot. Cel’s got kindof a Lara Croft thing going on….except better ’cause she’s a gamer and not a game….wait did that come out right?
After seeing the ad for this site on damn near every other webomic I read (ok, not all of them, but I read a ton, so a decent amount) I finally gave it a click and just finished reading through the archives. Great comic, love the art, love the characters. Will definitely be bookmarking and back for more.
welcome, MasterVayne! glad to know advertising works sometimes. heheh. thanks for the kudos and for reading through the archives. hope to hear what you think in future strips!
Welcome back, Jeff. Glad things are up and running again. Hope the evil hacker is dead and gone. We’re having similar problems on our end, but hopefully I have gotten them taken care of!
We miss some of you guys over at SubCulture–we hope you stop by and comment sometime soon!
thanks, man. i finally seem to have gotten the problem contained. glad to hear your site’s ok! been keeping up with SubCulture, but just haven’t had time to comment with all the fires i’ve been putting out here.
huzzah!!!!! jefbot’s back on!!!!!! :D….da site’s back AND my lousy exams are almost over (yea yea i had exams wich is y i went m.i.a) AND blue haired girl is back! cool.
ha! thanks for the “Legend… ary” status, Ricky! glad you dug cel’s return. and yeah, she does have a certain gothiness to her. i think it’s them smoky eyes.
love the new page layout…. and now we have a third member of the Jefbot superteam…. Cel, the crack operative… or crack monkey…. we’re still figuring that one out…
is that a sawed off shotgun? … sweet i’m first
It’s not… NOT a sawed-off shotgun. I’m glad she’s back, with a vengeance.
too bad, sawed-off shotguns rock
Chris is right, Animie fan – it’s not a sawed-off shotgun, it’s Deckard’s blaster from the movie Blade Runner, as seen here. i actually got to hold this amazing piece a long time ago, as i was friends with the son of Jeff Walker, the guy who sold it at auction.
wear these with pride this week: 😎
kk i just saw the double trigger and my Fallout instinct kicked in lol, those two have an interesting relationship don’t they? and yay she’s back!! lol
I thought it was “That Gun”…
door to the face!!!! that’s gotta hurt!
yep, i think jefbot’s gonna need some aspirin when he wakes up, t_d. 🙂
I just love Michael’s expression in the last panel. BUt for some reason or another his crossed arms put me off. Perhaps because it makes it that his shocked expression isn’t as shocked as I wanted? No idea why. I may be in serious need of my coffee, so don’t mind me.
WOW. It’s been AGES since I was anywhere near the first 5 posts! This most be a sign! If Cel is anything like me… the moment she sees Jef’s stuff she’s gonna take all she can, if not for herself then to help her parents “supply” their store. *LOL*
I think comparing the first and third panels it’s just that Cornfather hasn’t had time to react. His jaw has dropped and that’s all. So far….
(And aren’t I clever to reply to your (third position) post getting mine (number 18, I think) in position 4. Bwahaha! (OK, so maybe the lamest nefarious scheme ever.))
(Not at all I did the same thing to Eddie. Though I had a really good reason!)
ha! being as much of a geek as jefbot is, cel would definitely be interested in some of his hoard there, Sonitan. doubtful she’s a thief though, but you never know! heheh.
and as Stonefoot conjectured, the Cornfather hasn’t had time to react in that third panel, and is basically shocked that cel just kicked down the door.
Cel’s a total badass, and I love it! Feel bad for JB though. *gives him a hug, some aspirin, and an ice pack* So good to see her return, and hopefully now she can answer some questions about the whole beach deal awhile back.
My son read this with me today, and he got a kick out of it. (A budding JB fan, I say! 🙂 ) Already looking forward to Tuesday’s strip!
Ha ha. My son has read them all now and waits for the next strip to arrive. He think Jeff is too cool since he’s a grown up who loves video games AND writes comics! Two things he loves too.
you’re right, Spanky: cel has a LOT of splainin’ to do! as for whether or not she’ll spill the beans in this arc remains to be seen. 🙂
that’s so awesome you’ve introduced your kid to JEFbot! you rock. and sorry tuesday’s strip got delayed by a week. dang hackers!!!
Sooner than Maryz
Im going to kill you, I just came home from the bar we were together at and you havent said a word about this to me, instead you were going on and on about cutted off monkey head, you sick creep.
bars? monkey heads!? what’s going on over there, Eddie & Maryz!? 😉
And of yourse Cel FTW
This is me Eddie, I am at Maryz’s house for a moovie night. Hopefully we will have fun.
And it was AWSOME.
what movie did you watch?
*The Amazing Mr. Fox* and *9* with some Scrabble, lots of talking and music in between. And tea. Lots of tea, like 6l. No alcohol. Realy, Im not kidding …and I know its weird. All in all, great night, almost 7 hours of good time.
still haven’t seen “Mr. Fox” yet, but i hear it’s, yes, “Amazing.” 😉
At least Cel understood the message…
true, Rinthia! at least enough to know jefbot needed rescuing. 🙂
YAY Cel is back and BAD ASS! And she understood the message so that makes her a genius. She’s awesome.
I think CF’s crossed arms are more the “OMG I’m going to die in this place with no one I can express my love to.” Or maybe that’s just me reading too much into it…Oh look sparkly!
Bendito Jeff. GO lie down and rest. You’ve had a trying week.
yes! with that gun cel’s a TOTAL bad ass, Pixie! not sure we know enough about her to classify her as a genius just yet, though she’s definitely a Pokémaniac, apparently. heheh.
as for Corn’s crossed arms: if that works for you, i say go with that interpretation! 😀
Is that Adam Savage’s Blade Runner gun?
That’s my guess, you beat me to it!!
Awesome JB!!
funny, i got a number of emails and tweets asking the same thing, JHGR, since the article about his Blade Runner gun came out just a few days before this strip. here’s the link.
LOL! Way to make a re-entrance into the story, Cel!
@JHG: I think you’re right!
@Sonitan: Personally, I LOVE that CF’s expression and body position hasn’t changed at all — it’s like nothing will phase him anymore today.
Well, I guess he’s opened his mouth…
yes, i think it can be said that cel definitely knows how to appear in a room (or on a beach or sidewalk) dramatically, Stan. heheh.
and i like that there’s a lot of different interpretations on the Cornfather’s “acting” in that last panel, and yours is no less valid.
@JHG: It’s definitely the 2019 Detective Special: you can tell by the double-trigger (which Adam Savage forgot when he built his).
you got it, Tomb Gnome. i SO want one!
She must be a diehard Poke-nerd if she understood that mail. XD of course she’s totally more bad ass than you botXD but don’t worry we still love you
yep, cel’s a total pokénerd; you know she’s caught them ALL, DJ! and yeah, i’ve come to terms with cel being more bad ass than bot. i mean, there’s just no way he could look as cool holding that blaster! thanks for the love, tho. 🙂
Cel’s back. Oh yea! I knew she’d understand the Poke-mail!
This strip is beautiful in its simplicity. The colors and facial expressions are perfect, especially jefbot’s face in the middle panel. 🙂
yep, looks like jefbot sent it to the right poképerson, Shanna!
glad you liked this one’s simplicity – sometimes these strips don’t need a lot of words to communicate. just another reason i love working in this medium! 😀
I.. am jealous of her entrance
me too, chris. someday, i hope to make this entrance. maybe at work. maybe at home. maybe at a wedding (possibly my own). someday.
Cel is now my favorite character. I was seduced by cute animals before, but nothing can beat that kind of badass entrance.
woo-hoo! not sure what it is about cel that people love so much, but her badassery must be near the top of her traits that people dig, Sharra!
Yeah, Cel REALLY knows how to make an entrance. Taking the door off the hinges with a single kick.
On a scale of 1-5, this strip is AT LEAST a 7.
(And i can imagine Jefbot after he’s had time to heal: “I never thought I’d be glad to be hit in the face with a door.”)
hey, thanks for the “7” Stonefoot! and you’re right – chances are, jefbot’s not gonna be too upset when he finds out what caused the door to fly at his face. 🙂
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeee’ssssssssss baaaaaaacccckkkk! I LOVE Cel! I knew she’d come thru for you! Too bad she knocked you out doing so! Awesome strip Jefbot!
I love the 2nd frame; the color is outstanding and the action is excellent!
it’s so much fun to draw action, Funnyshaffer. glad you liked it!
Hysterical and painful kick-to-the-face expression in the second panel. There are very few that actually understand Jefbot-speak. I’m glad Cel’s one of ’em.
heheh. yes, cel understands pokéspeak probably better than jefbot, sis. 🙂
Jefbot needs to be careful opening doors, otherwise he’s going to keep breaking them. The powers of scrawn are no match for large heavy objects moving at warp speed. At least on the bright side he never has to worry about getting locked in again.
And yes I’m aware cel kicked the door down, I’m just adding my own interpretations. 😉
Also: “Yeah. cel’s back” That description made the comic six times funnier.
Also also: Why does the gun have two triggers?
it has two triggers cuz it would appear cel has a replica of this gun.
very true, Alexander – i think cel just fixed the problem with that door “sticking a bit.” heheh.
and glad you liked the post for the strip – normally, i’ll expound on the thoughts behind the strip or digress about the process, but with cel’s return in this one, i thought those three words were enough. 🙂
Cel’s not the only one who’s back. >:3
Hello true believers I return from the mystical and far off land of “Oregon,” where I apparently had a hard time finding a free moment to bum around on the computer. Had to check the archives for a back log of awesome. Lovin’ the hoarder storyline, BOT!
I was wondering where you had gone off to! Welcome back! *hugs*
Oh boy, hugs! That’s where I’m a Viking! *hugglecling* x3
The *Oregon* remark made me LOL. Welcome back. I would hug you too but I belive that intruding on someones personal space should be done in preson or not at all. So Im just sending my best regards and warm greetings your way.
What was it you liked the most abut strips that came to be during your iprisonment at Oregon?
Invading someone’s personal space is nothing my friend, it’s making them feel grossly uncomfortable that’s a true art form. Instead of just standing to close to that guy in line at the supermarket try mentioning to yourself you didn’t get enough beef tongues and condoms for your sister’s sweet sixteen. Not only will that guy look visibly violated, but you have the opportunity to gross out anyone within ear’s reach. Bravo!
Also, favorite strip so far is in a lock between jefbot’s Choice and Narrow Escape. They’ll be fighting to the death for the title.
Personaly I like Narrow escap just a teensy bit more.
Ooo, Oregon is my homeland! Hope you managed to be here while it was relatively warm and sunny and missed most of the sudden cold front we just got.
Well, I’m from So Cal, so I’m not exactly used to things getting any colder then 40 degrees. It was like that almost every night in February while I was there. Needless to say this black foot hippy got reacquainted with socks. Lots and lots of socks.
I snark, but I did have a wonderful time. <3
I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. My aunt is from San Francisco and it practically takes an act of God to get her up here during the winter, so you’re definitely hardier than some breeds of Californian.
The funny is that that was one of the warmest Februarys I can remember… XD
hey! welcome back, Foxmouse!!! and just in time for cel’s return, too! glad you’re likin’ the hoarder storyline – it’s been been fun (and a bit cathartic) writing and drawing this one. hope you had a nice time in oregon, but it’s good having you back. 🙂
jb…there is a trojan program hiding in ur website. HEUR.trojan.script.iframer. not sure if its a false alarm though coz im using kaspersky. BTW… to see cel back…also, Alexander, there are two trigger because one is for lethal force and the other is for stun.
thanks for notifying me about this last week, JF#300. the site’s clean now, but if it weren’t for readers like yourself notifying me, the problem could’ve been a whole lot worse.
13/03/2010 4:27:39 Firefox Denied: HEUR:Trojan.Script.Iframer
this is what it says…..
scary dude
it was totally scary!
Looks like Cel took more than one level in BadAss…
ha! i think you’re right, r61! 😀
YAY!!!!!!!!! CEL TO SAVE THE DAY!!!!!! Girls kick ass…tyvm Jefbot!! TY!
WOO! glad you liked cel’s kickassery in this one, ESQ!
I know that it’s just whistful thinking on my part, but I’m with JHGRedekop. (Sad I typed this out and ALMOST hit Submit before scanning the comments. Great minds blah blah.) Until otherwise explained Cel’s gun is actually a replica of the Blade Runner pistol.
…Don’t judge me. You’re not my real daddy.
you’re right, Thin – it is a replica of Deckard’s blaster. either that or she has the real thing! 😉
Prediction: Due to getting an Akira-postered door to the face, when asked if he’s alright, he will respond with “KANEDAAAAAH” or something to that affect.
Or perhaps an obscure quote.
Or maybe just unintelligible gibberish.
I’m really just fishing now.
heh. yeah, that or “TETTSSUUOOO!!!” 😉
next strip you’ll find out what he says when he awakes, Raiser.
I was staring at this strip with my mouth open for five minutes or so, before I snaped out of it. THATS when I realized Cornfather was doing the same.
And other details came later, the tongue of concentration, your knocked out face, cel with a gun
I dont know, what it was exactly, but this just got to me. A strip, or rather three strips that just defined epicness each on its own.
Wow. Just,… WOW.
Oh does that gun have two hairtriggers? And I love the foot in the door. And the skull on it almost just as much…
I need to calm down.
i love that this one got to you, Maryz! and i think it’s awesome how you soaked in the details after reading through the strip. i don’t even know what to say. when readers respond to a strip like you just did, it makes me even happier to be doing this webcomic. 🙂
and yep – cel’s back! for now, at least. she never seems to stay around long, does she?
Too bad, I was hoping to see another storyline starting with her in it.
And you still owe us all that Cel poster you promised us waaaay back under the pier.
Maybe you could use third panel from this? But I still would like it more to be a whole cast poster from under the tier like I mentioned back then. Just instead of knife in Xindas hand should be Reicht Gart.
Anyway, we all want a Cel poster.
cel will be back in a big way in the next few months, Maryz, so hold tight!
i know i still owe you guys a bunch of stuff. i swear i need to make this webcomic a full-time gig so i can devote more time to it. my day job and freelance work gets in the way sometimes but they’re paying the bills for now. BUH. hoping to get some new items in the botSHOP soon!!!
YES!!!!!!!!!! She’s back!
indeed, Annie! WITH A VENGEANCE.
Wow…. it worked! And once again poor jeffbot is stuck under something…. Man he can’t catch a break.
wait what the hell is the gun for!?
heheh. yes: poor jefbot. whenever something good happens to him, bad stuff seems to balance it out, Steve. i suppose that’s just my own sensibilities bleeding into the strip.
and cel’s gun’s for shooting things, of course! 😉
@TombGnome: Savage forgot the double trigger on his first version, but he got it right on the latest:
dude, that thing’s so awesome.
Holy crap I totally forgot it was Friday (aka new Jefbot day) so once the light turned on I happily hopped over.
All I can say, as usual, is, AWESOME!!! 8)
I hope the bot is okay after that door to the face. I hear those tend to hurt….. a lot. 😛
ha! yes, i wouldn’t recommend a door to the face if you can avoid it, TCG. well, unless cel was the one kicking it down, of course.
HAHA Great strip. The expression on JBs face in panel 2 is simply priceless. Can’t wait to see the appology that Cel gives JB!! I think a good “kiss to make it better” is in order here.
i make no promises of kisses, Slave1! that said… you never know. 😉
You are not funny.
Please stop making comics.
I could not be more serious than I am being now.
? If you don’t like his comic, then don’t read it. That seems pretty obvious to me! And it is also obvious that there are a lot of us who DO like this comic, so get lost!
Please don’t feed the trolls.
sorry you don’t enjoy my strip, Anon.
Action, suspense, beauty…and I’m just talkin about The Cornfather, here. 😉 Seriously, this strip is a scene outta “Die Hard,” bot. I can actually “hear” it. Great work, man. Really enjoyed this strip. Can’t wait to see Jefbot and Cel making babies in the next strip. The Cornfather should be filming it.
if you were writing this strip i fear i’d have to put an age-gate on it, MC.
thanks, D! glad you approve!
Well, shotgun diplomacy always works.
sometimes, Alex. i’m just glad cel didn’t bust in, gun blazing, in this case, tho. 🙂
Cel is my favorite character! along with your ferret who’s name I can’t quite remember anymore >.<
i’m glad you dig cel so much, Cocostix! and yep, as Raiser below mentioned: jef’s ferret’s name is Abraxas.
@Cocostix: It’s Abraxas.
LoL nice expression upon entering into oblivion there Bot. Cel’s got kindof a Lara Croft thing going on….except better ’cause she’s a gamer and not a game….wait did that come out right?
i got the meaning of your drift, Eptha! all she needs now is an english accent, a pony tail and a bigger set of… uh, guns. 😉
After seeing the ad for this site on damn near every other webomic I read (ok, not all of them, but I read a ton, so a decent amount) I finally gave it a click and just finished reading through the archives. Great comic, love the art, love the characters. Will definitely be bookmarking and back for more.
if you’re coming back you should get yourself an avatar 😀
good idea. i’m so much better at remembering visuals than names. 🙂
welcome, MasterVayne! glad to know advertising works sometimes. heheh. thanks for the kudos and for reading through the archives. hope to hear what you think in future strips!
Welcome back, Jeff. Glad things are up and running again. Hope the evil hacker is dead and gone. We’re having similar problems on our end, but hopefully I have gotten them taken care of!
We miss some of you guys over at SubCulture–we hope you stop by and comment sometime soon!
thanks, man. i finally seem to have gotten the problem contained. glad to hear your site’s ok! been keeping up with SubCulture, but just haven’t had time to comment with all the fires i’ve been putting out here.
huzzah!!!!! jefbot’s back on!!!!!! :D….da site’s back AND my lousy exams are almost over (yea yea i had exams wich is y i went m.i.a) AND blue haired girl is back! cool.
glad to see you’re back, faehiir! yeah, the site’s back and so far, things seem to be okay. *fingers definitely crossed*
hope you do well on those exams!
Legend……. Wait for it, wait for it…….Ary….. Comic as always 🙂
Love the fact Cel came back like everyone else did, she just seems to be so Bad Ass, maybe it’s because she looks slightly gothic?
and isnh’t Mushashi (sp?) Still missing? Can’t wait to see the next strip keep up the good work 🙂
Forgot to mention that at the end when Cel say’s “Who’s ready to get rescued ” It reminds me of Darkwing Dark, “Let’s get Dangerous”
ha! thanks for the “Legend… ary” status, Ricky! glad you dug cel’s return. and yeah, she does have a certain gothiness to her. i think it’s them smoky eyes.
Musashi’s definitely still missing…
Glad you back!
thanks! it’s good to be back, evilbot!
love the new page layout…. and now we have a third member of the Jefbot superteam…. Cel, the crack operative… or crack monkey…. we’re still figuring that one out…