Evil, evil, Cornfather. Actually, I used to do this kind of stuff to my friends all the time when they’d sleep over in junior high/high school. It’s a wonder I had friends back then.
Gonna cut this strip’s blog post a bit short today since A) I wrote a tome for last Friday’s strip so thought I’d give you guys a break this time, and B) I need to get some sleep tonight because tomorrow is the premiere screening of Grey Skies, the horror movie I shot with actor/producer Michael Cornacchia (the Cornfather’s inspiration) last year!!! Longtime readers may remember me posting about my experience shooting the movie, here. Woo-hoo! Look for a blog post about the screening soon.
FIRST! again. woohoo.
congrats, Jaeh! (again!) 😎
Okay, so that aside…
teeheehee, yeah, I’ve done that once to my bro (fought with him in his sleep. he was screaming my name angrily. how fun) and have asked my friends weird questions as they sleep.
and abraxas! woohoo, he’s back! xD
Ooooooh movie premiere. awesome, good luck!
ha! yep, questioning my friends was exactly what i used to do, too, Jaeh. i remember asking my high school buddy, Jake, while he was sleeping: “what do you see?” and he goes, “the people.” so i said, “what people?” and he goes, “the brown people.” and then i started laughing and he woke up and tried to hit me. heheh.
yay, Abraxas! i knew some of you would dig seeing him again. 😀
thanks for the luck! the premiere was SO MUCH FUN!
me thinks cornfather hath a deathwish.
that bein’ said, i love his sense of humour. : )
heheh. i think the Cornfather has a deathwish, too, Oddbody. either from jefbot or Abraxas. 🙂
Love the NAGAbot tag 😀
BTW awesome strip, genuinely made me laugh and of course everyone loves Abraxas.
thanks, Eddie! although the names “NAGAbot” and “Cornthulu” aren’t canon (yet!) i do like the sound of ’em!
yep, Abraxas is back! 😀
Exactly, what isnt cannon can be, in new side story. Thats what I love som much about this comic, your communication with the readers
having a ferret lick you in the face is better than one going up your pants leg!!
are you speaking from experience, t_d? 😉
Looks like the Cornfather is not taking the power of the bracelet serious…
He’ll soon find out! The color in this strip is rockin’- I LOVE the first frame!
sadly, the Cornfather doesn’t take many of jefbot’s “idiosyncracies” seriously, Funnyshaffer. glad you liked that first frame so much!
XD Well at least Abraxas is back, sort of.
Great colors in this strip too bot.
I can’t wait for Grey Skies, you’ll have to tell us when it’ll be out on DVD/the interwebs.
i knew you’d be happy with Abraxas appearing in the strip, DJ! don’t worry, we’ll get to Mu’s whereabouts soon enough. 🙂
yes, let’s hope Grey Skies gets distributed via theaters/dvd/cable/webs soon! (i’ll blog about it when it does.) and a MI premiere is apparently still on the table, though i don’t know if i’ll be able to make it out there if/when it does.
I would love to go to the MI premiere cuz that would you know be AWESOME. It would be cool if you were there though, get your autograph before your famous. And get some pokemon trades in for good measure.
Congrats on Grey Skies! Hopefully, this will be the start of more work to come!
thanks, man! definitely keeping my fingers crossed that this will lead to more acting work. 🙂
See? I would have had to beat CF (sorry CF XOXO) with in an inch of his life an let him just dangle there. Messing with La Pixie when she is sleeping is dangerous! I’ve been known to come up swinging.
But yes, if I am in a deep sleep, people have had entire conversations with me.
And yes I do have some pretty messed up nightmares. I wake up screaming and my poor Hubby is like WTF?! Takes a strong man to love the Pixie…Or maybe just a crazy one….
So Jeff I need to know…A) when can we see the movie and B) do you make it or are you bait for the beast?
OMG I am having such an off day…..
BTW JB comic is hysterical…made me LOL again! Colors and shading are epic.
glad you liked the strip, Pixie! thanks! 😀
also glad for the tip to not mess with “La Pixie” when she’s sleeping! i wouldn’t want to play my little “whisper” games and get slugged in the face. heheh.
A) still not sure as no dates have been set. i’ll post updates on the blog as i hear ’em. B) i don’t want to spoil it! 😀
also: hope your day got better!
As others have already said, the colors in this strip are fabulous! Very demon-from-hell-like. I LOVE how the Cornthulhu has his chin propped on his tentacle.
If this was my dream, the evil beast would be biting me on the foot. Whenever I have attacked-by-animal dreams, they are biting me on the foot. Don’t ask me why – I haven’t a clue!
Congrats on the opening night of Grey Skies! I am sure it’s going to be great fun to watch. Yes, please do fill us in on when we might be able to see it. It will be fun to look for the parts you described and gave us sneak peeks into while you were shooting: You running thru the snow in the woods barefooted, you in post-abduction makeup, etc. 😀
thanks, Shanna! i’m happy you liked the colors and tentacle in the strip!
pretty funny about the beasties going after your feet all the time – you sure nothing’s nibbling on your toes at night while you’re asleep?
the opening night was sOOOOoo awesome! i didn’t realize there was going to be cameras and a red carpet – i think i would’ve spent more time picking out my wardrobe and combing my hair. 😉 i’ll definitely keep you guys up-to-date on the Grey Skies release schedule!
Great strip! Especially love the first panel!
thanks, Mombot! happy you loved that panel, cuz it took way longer to draw than i was expecting. had a blast doing it, tho! 🙂
How come Abraxas isnt bitting Jefbot for ignoring him and Cornfather for holding him like that?
Kudos on the collors and the slime.
Health report: My stitches are out!
uh, cuz Abraxas likes jefbot and the Cornfather’s holding him gently?
thanks for the kudos on the colors and slime!
and, yay for getting your stitches out already! i think my health vibes had something to do with that. 😉
I just read all the archives, and this webcomic IS FANTASTIC. I laught a lot and you got a new fan. If Grey Skies is showm in Spain i will go to see you and Michael in the big screen.
thanks for reading through the archive, ContableEnorme! i’m always happy to hear from new fans!
i’d love for Grey Skies to be shown in Spain (i’m sure the producers would be happy for that to happen, as well.) i know they’re looking at foreign markets to sell the film to, so let’s hope Spain is on that list! if i hear anything, i’ll let you know.
el Jefe,
I’m interested to know what you think of the editing job on Grey Skies and how you feel about the project a year later. Also, LOVING this storyline as it gives you the opportunity to do some great art, amazing colours and ridiculous situations. Yes, more ridiculous than beach landing aliens and a LOST-esque rodent.
as always, you have the best questions for me, 11TN. i’ll try and go into more detail about it when i write the blog about the premiere, but in short: i thought the post-production on the film was excellent. i saw a rough cut a few months back and now seeing the movie with all the color-correction, special effects, score and sound done, everything about the film just works so much better!
glad you’re digging the story – it’s definitely been fun letting loose with this fantasy stuff. more to come! 😀
AWESOME! your laughter makes me feel good, E. thanks! 😀
That. Is. Awesom!!!!! B)
hey, TCG! haven’t seen you here in a while. thanks for the awesome!
Yeah it has been awhile. I’ve been keeping up on the reading, just haven’t been commenting. Good stuff my friend! Keep it up. 😀
Wonder if this is like the old fable about putting someone’s hand in a bowl of warm water while they sleep…now I’m glad I wake up whenever someone opens my bedroom door (as my siblings found out to their dismay when they tried to scare me…they should have remembered that I know the Lord of the Rings music better than they could ever hope to).
i’ve tried doing the hand-in-warm-water thing to my friends, Tiana, and i think you’re right to call it a “fable” since it’s never worked for me. waking up when siblings sneak in is a great talent to have! wish i had that when my evil sister (Xinda) snuck in and put ice in my bed when i was a kid. 🙁
Oh dear! That is truly evil…be glad you don’t live in Alaska, though, where you wouldn’t need the ice cubes in the bed. Just open the window in the middle of January. I didn’t wake up in time for that one, regretably…they got their heads chewed off for wasting the heat, but I was the one who had to sleep in the living room for the next week while my room warmed back up.
Beware the Dreamlord.
i’ll try, TD.
Ahh wait! Jefbot is not Snake man! HE BE A CHIMERA! JEFMERA!
yup, he is kinda chimera-like, Z, but – it would be more apparent if you could see his whole body – i actually patterned him more after the look of asian dragons. so, TATSUbot might be appropriate! 🙂
cornfather you evil, evil genius. Heheheh.
I remember reading about you doing that thing with michael. Have fun at your screening, dude!
yeah, the Cornfather’s good at pretending to be a nice guy but he’s definitely evil, Steve. 😉
the screening was totally cool! i’ll have a blog post up about it soon.
heh heh, thats truly inspired. Once I had a nightmare that some… THING was tearing my face apart. Turned out I’d buried my self in covers and my dog was “bravely” trying to dig me out. -touchs face and cringes-
hope your pooch didn’t do any damage, Animie fan! i love burying myself in pillows and covers. good thing i don’t have a dog. 😉
Ah, I’m gonna try that….
ABRAXAS!!!!! 😀
let me know how it goes if you try it, Rinthia. heheh.
and yes, Abraxas is back!
Adequate revenge for the dream-arm-lopping-with-a-sword-that-was-revenge-for-the-soggy-cereal/milk-drinking/”jacket-off”, or clever commentary into how the mind perceives and translates outside influences?
Just like how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop, the world may never know…
… or it could just be about a silly prank between two homie(bot)s, but what fun is it without some gratuitous over-analyzation that results from self-induced sleep depravation?
Self-INFLICTED sleep deprivation, I mean…
… I think this might be a sign. Good night, internet.
i say all three Alexander! commentary with a little dollop of revenge on top and some silly pranks on the side. heheh.
man, i’ve tried to find out about the number of licks it takes but the candy coating of tootsie pops starts getting sharp after too much licking. nothing worse than a lacerated tongue. 😛
hope you got caught up on sleep!
I used to brush my fingers on my brother’s arm and then tell him he had a spider on him. (He was EXTREMELY arachnophobic at one point.) Cruel, but hilarious.
ha! i used to do that all the time with people i knew, Takla! actually, i still do it, and people still hate it. cruel minds think alike. ;D
wahahahaha. i used to have that happened to me. always i wake up with sweat all over me. one time i wake up after a vampire biting dream and i woke up clutching my neck and looking around for the vampire because my window was opened and the moon was also full. i want to be a vampire but i dont like to be neck raped.
whenever i wake up from alien dreams i always expect to open my eyes and see an alien next to my bed, or in the corner of the room, waiting for me to see it so it can run up to me and start tapping me on the forehead with its wand. *shudder*
and now you can be turned into a vampire by “wrist” instead of by “neck” – so ask for that the next time you have the option, jf#300.
hope u have a great premiere jb.
it was AWEsome, man. thanks!
…since when do nagas have arms on the snake parts of their bodies? I’m now assuming that nagabot is actually some sort of dragonic centaur where, instead of a horse’s body, it’s a dragon’s body. Does this make him DRAGObot now?
yeah, he’s definitely more of a dragon than naga, NeoDarklight. i had to crop some of him off in that first panel, but i’ll try to post the entire image when i have some time. his body’s patterned after asian dragons, so now i’ve dubbed him TATSUbot!
I love this strip!!! I love the surreal dreamy world you get to create for us, bot. I’m sure you love it, too. It’s awesome, man. And I have to be honest, the writing is still spot on, too. I love the reveal in the last panel. Really well done, man. Really well done.
thanks, MC! yeah, drawing and writing these past couple strips has been way fun. glad you’re digging ’em!
I just wanted to say that this is by far the most shallow webcomic I’ve seen in my life, the “humor” it tries to serve it’s public is stuck and rancid, and only the most numb sesnses of humor could find it interesting, you have the idea that putting more and more pop shit is going to raise people’s interest and instead of going for an original message or format you just go for the same old shit but with.. well there’s nothing really original to this.
sorry you think so.
Man, had to play catch up again. So sad. D:
Love this story line though. I have some crazy dreams when I sleep. These dreams usually lead to some weird story lines and, admitting, interesting characters. I once had a dream where death took on a human form and worked as a world history teacher in a high school. He was partly responsible for the high teen suicide rate. Oddly enough I remember the dream being full of dark humor, but in a classy sort of way. It’s a little hard to describe without sounding like an insensitive jerk so I’ll stop while I’m ahead.
Anyway! So sorry I haven’t been leaving comments lately. I’ve been taking care of my mother who recently had hip replacement surgery. It’s a full time job, but her recovery is going very well so it’s all worth it. <3
at least when you play catch up you don’t have to wait a few days between strips, Foxmouse! 😀
glad you’re loving the storyline. i think dreams are just so interesting and cool, it’s a subject i’ll definitely be coming back to throughout the lifetime of the strip. and it sounds like you have some awesome dreams! i love it when they get complex and weird and actually have a storyline, like your “death” dream. so cool.
sorry to hear your mother had to have surgery but glad she’s doing well! now that Maryz is on the road to recovery, i’ll send some healing vibes your mom’s way if she needs ’em! 😀
Ha! love the monster Abraxas….CF you are eeeeevil….
On another note, my father also used to practice something similar to your “lucid” dreaming JB. He practiced remembering dreams(in my opinion is as exciting as “lucid” dreaming). His technique was that right before going to sleep, one stated in one’s mind several times what one wanted to dream, then just after waking up, calmly(and veeery relaxed if not it doesn’t work) one tries to remember ones latest dream, then the one before, and so on ^^.
I invite you,CF, and anyone else to try it.
happy you’re loving the “monster Abraxas,” nicobot! i shall dub him Abraximus!
sounds like your father was on to something – i’ve heard that actively trying to remember your dreams helps lucid dreams (and control of those dreams) come more easily. i’ve kept a dream journal in the past but haven’t written in it in years. i think i’m gonna drag it out again, soon. and give your dad’s practices a try. 😀
I hope you’ll like the experience^^.
Jefbot’s dream-self looks like some sort of dragon centaur.
I consider it a huge blessing that I caught Grey Skies on Chiller, introducing me to Jeff Schuetze and (thanks to Google) JEFbot. Ever since I saw the movie, I have been working my way through the strip from the very beginning, and I love it. I’m trying not to rush it, enjoying not only the strip, but also Jeff’s commentary and many of the responses. Jeff, you and your toon counterpart seem like great people, people I’d love to know in real life. Anyhow, this strip marks my break for the night – appropriately due to the blog post on Grey Skies that accompanies this strip. Keep up the great work!
hey, thanks for coming over here after watching Grey Skies, Brad L.! your kind words about the movie and strip (and reading through the archives!) are much appreciated. now get some sleep – more strips await tomorrow! 😀
never knew cf could be so evil