Surprisingly, the biggest threat to the pristine nature of my iPad’s beautiful screen isn’t chicken wing grease or barbecue sauce – it’s skin oils. I’m not sure if the screen protector i put on the device is amplifying the issue or if my hands have just been extra greasy lately, but the screen gets oily pretty fast. The good thing is that you can’t see the fingerprints when the screen is on, the bad is that the smears are totally obvious when the screen’s off. I keep a little cloth tucked away in the case now, to wipe the screen down after almost every use. It also doesn’t help that I’m a bit obsessive about keeping the screen looking like new, so needless to say, Michael (the Cornfather’s counterpart in real life) only gets supervised, brief encounters with the iPad for now.
I love the Cornfather’s definition of “clean.”
his definition does leave much to be desired, Shay. heheh.
and you get the goggles of firstness: 😎
Yay! First!
I’m the same way with people touching my books. You just ate? Go wash your hands! If I loan someone a book, I except to get it back in the same condition I lent it in… that means no folded pages, no bent or broken spines, no water damage, no food stains… I stopped lending books to certain people because they looked like they came from a war zone when they were returned. 🙁
Yea, I’m with you on the book issue. My son is now old enough that we share some books (he’s 11 but he likes books older than are intended for him and I like a lot of books for younger people), and he is murder on books. I have to think twice about letting him read some of them.
i rarely loan my books out for just this reason, Shay: people almost never treat them as well as i do. my book spines almost never get creased, even my paperbacks, and the pages don’t get folded. if you take a look at my sister Linda’s books, though, she puts them through the ringer! thing is, she doesn’t collect many books. she normally just inhales them in a day or two, then is on to the next one.
and Shanna, just don’t let your son read any of your signed, first edition hardcovers! only let him read through the well-read, used paperbacks. 😉
My response “Dude, back up or I’ll dissect you with your own silverware set.”
So, you’re going to dissect Cornfather with his own fingers? ‘Cause I’m not seeing anything else used as silverware! LOL
Now who said that he has to be currently using the silverware?
I’m sure there’s a nice neat drawer full of dissection devices.
if the Cornfather had splashed any of that bbq sauce on jefbot’s spotless iPad screen, i think there would’ve been some dissecting goin’ on, most definitely, rinthia. if no silverware was around, bot would’ve had to make do with the chicken bones. 🙂
I think JB require the cleanliness of an operating room near his new toy.
I got a problem with skin oil too. I will never commit a crime because my fingerprints are everywhere. My criminal career has ended before it began.
you ain’t joking about the “operating room” conditions for jefbot to be comfortable using his iPad, ContableEnorme! you’ll see some of this theme in the next strip, but suffice to say, it’s easy to ignore dust in the air until you’re trying to apply a screen protector! and with my oily fingers, it’s a good thing i’m not leading a life of crime, either. 😉
Just like when you’re playing a pass the controller game at a party and someone before you eats the messiest thing before hand… EW! >.<;;;
ha! SO true, Tanya! i’ve had to break out the windex after many a Wii party to get the stickiness off those controllers. 😀
Wait, is The Cornfather eating solid foods again? This was too funny! There is nothing worse that nasty smudge marks all over a beautiful work of machinery!
if he was ever on a liquid diet, the Cornfather’s back eating solid foods again, with gusto, Funnyshaffer!
lolzzzzz. i seem to get the same problem here on my iphone jb. why is my hand so sweaty and oily? feels like im the walking equivalent of the leaking oil well of bp.
uh-oh. as i’m sure you’ve heard, the iPhone 4 doesn’t like moist hands, jf#300! that’s why i’m gonna wait for them to fix the hardware before i buy one.
and how do our hands secrete so much oil, anyway? lately, i’ll have to wash my hands 2-3 times to cut down on all the smears on my iPad!
Shay is right, there is no way thats clean.
So, Jefbot you only let Cornfather and iPod meet with parental supervision? Have you consider y letting them be? After all kids these days grow up fast you need to learn to let them go.
This strip made me hungry.
heh. yeah, the Cornfather at the very least needs a Wet Nap before his hands even get close to being clean.
and as far as letting him have unsupervised visits with the iPad: no way. you know he’s probably got a big plate of baby back ribs and a couple snickers bars just waiting to be snacked upon while playing with the iPad while jefbot’s away. the Cornfather just can’t be trusted. 😉
and now reading about you being hungry has made me hungry.
This comic. SO this comic, Yes. >>
even on touchpads on netbooks and iPod shuffles, on screens. and on keyboards. just…. argh.
yeah, they need to make 100% smudgeless, dustless screens and surfaces on our tech, Jaeh! i’m tired of having to wipe down all this stuff. 🙂
I’ve also learned this is a problem with comic books. That’s why I must think long and hard before printing a book with a black cover anymore. Did I give you a copy of my “Free Guilt Trip” comic in NY when we met at Mocca? If not, I need to get you one — it specifically addresses this issue.
ooh, good tip, Stan. i’d hate to see one of my books covered with fingerprints. and i didn’t get a copy of “Free Guilt Trip” from you but i’d love to have one! 😀
You making a return trip to the NE Webcomics Weekend? If by chance we’re invited to join, I’ll get you one there!
i don’t think i’m gonna make it there this year, sadly. but i’m sure i’ll see you at a con (once my book’s out) sooner or later!
My new conspiracy theory is that Steve Jobs hate fleshy human bodies and is trying to drive this point home by creating things with touch screens that show up oils and fingerprints so clearly. He’s probably using the funds from Apple to secretly construct a machine that downloads consciousness into itself. And that will be how Cybermen are created in this reality (but because it’s Apple they’ll be much more stylish than in Dr. Who). (Also I may have been watching too much said Dr. Who lately.)
heh. and since the iPhone 4 hates sweaty palms and fingers, i think you may be onto something there, Sharra! wishing i had more time for Who. just got through one of the Eccleston episodes this weekend, where the Doctor investigates a distress signal coming from an underground bunker in Utah. awesome stuff.
I hope the Cornfather has lots of those shirts cause that sauce is going to leave some major stains! (Yes I’m a mom and yes, that’s the first thing I thought of when I saw this strip. I know Jefbot can protect his iPad from the sauce, but that shirt…!)
I don’t blame Jefbot for not wanting the Cornfather anywhere near his iPad if this is his idea of clean! Ick! I’m not sure I’d even want to be his roommate! And I am not a neat freak – more of a slob really – but that’s just gross. I hope Michael is not as bad as the Cornfather. 🙂 I once had a roommate who used to leave her used tissues all over the appt. I got out of there as fast as I could!
My mum does the same thing with her tissues. She even leaves them in her pockets! Imagine working in garden or something in a piece of clothing she previously wore and having to deal with the fact that its full of it. Uhgr…
And she doesnt even think its a problem what makes it even bigger problem for me…
ewwWWww! i can see leaving some clean tissues in pockets, but if they’re used!? gross. 😛
luckily, the Cornfather has a whole closetful of those shirts, Shanna! funny that’s where your mind went. heheh.
and Michael’s much neater than the Cornfather. i think it’d be safe to say that i’m a much messier guy than Michael. don’t tell him i told you that, though. 😉
Yay, my new avatar worked. It’s a piece of artwork from Ursula Vernon. If you aren’t familiar with her stuff, check her out here:
cute avatar, Shanna! and a lot of great artwork at that site.
I know someone just like that!
Cornfather 2.0? You decide!
ha! who is that, Alexander!? he and the Cornfather should definitely have lunch together sometime.
You’re way too obsessive, jef. It’s a darn iPad, who cares about the oily finger smudges?!!! Die, iPad! Die Apple!!!!
*evil laugh of doom*
(It doesn’t help that I’m deadly allergic to apples. Don’t look at me like that! I have no idea how that even happened in the first place. Complain to my parents for their messed up defective genes!!!! >____>
Still… die apple, die!!!!!!!
*evil laugh of doom*
who cares, Sonitan? WHO CARES!!? I WILL NOT ABIDE FINGERPRINTS TAINTING THE PURITY OF MY DEVICE!!! okay, maybe i’m a bit obsessive…
i’ve never known anyone allergic to apples! no apple juice? no applesauce? no apple pie?! no wonder you have such an evil laugh of doom. 😉
Just a “bit” obsessive? Who would have guessed.
*diabolical laugh of doom*
Yep, I upgraded! 8D <—- insane smile. Fear me.
i’m afraid. VERY afraid!!!
I love this strip, bot!! Really funny. …and it made me a little hungry. 😉 Seriously, the facial expressions, along with The Cornfather “cleaning” his hands, and the dialogue make this a winning strip. I wonder what you would do if you ever found out that I use your iPad when I’m on the toilet. :p
ooooooo the secret is out! I smell trouble!
No Jury in the world would convict…. 😉
if… no, WHEN he reads that you’re so gonna be screwed 😀
i almost threw up in my mouth a little. revenge will be mine. i know where you keep your toothbrush.
JB, I am just like you with my iPad….and iPhone for that matter. I HATE the fingerprints all over it and I keep a cloth close by all the time for that very reason. I am surprised you even had it around all that flying chicken wing sauce. If I were you, I wouldn’t let CF touch the iPad for a week after eating that mess!
…and only if he scrubs his hands with borax every day of that week, Slave1!
For my iPad, the screen protector made it worse. I’m back to the plain glass top and a microfiber cloth to clean it off.
you let your iPad run around naked, Jen!? 😉
so far, my screen protector seems to pick up ‘prints a bit more than the naked screen, but i just can’t get myself to let my iPad go without it.
It’s not naked, it’s got a nice case. There’s just a strategic cut out for the naked screen 🙂
it’s my precious!!!!!
filthy Cornfathers can’t have the preciouSSsss!
First, PASTA!!! 🙂 Second, NO!! Third, invest in a sink, some soap and papertowels.
mMmm… pasta. and the sad thing is, the Cornfather and jefbot have soap and papertowels, Animie fan!
oh god i totally understand that. i got a new camera and every time i pick it up my thumb leaves a mark on the display, so i wipe the hell out of it with my glasses cleaning cloth (which has now become my camera cleaning cloth) or my shirt, SOMETHING. i despirately need to get it a case…. and a bigger cloth to wrap it in maybe…
yeah, the display on my camera has the same fingerprint-attracting properties too, Steve. even with a case, i still manage to get smudges on that screen!
maybe he shoulda asked nicely 😛
nice job!
heheh. i think, somehow, jefbot’s response would still be the same, Leithal. 😉
EEEEwwwww! I hate it when people try to touch my tech with greasy nasty food hands!
i agree, Eptha: EEEEwwwwwww!!! dang Cornfather!
That would be a big f-……Err. big, SICK no.
Sorry ._.
i appreciate you catching yourself, Z, but the sentiment comes through loud and clear! 🙂
Nyeheheh. I wonder what would happen if the Cornfather made JB’s iPad “disappear” for a short while as revenge? And when it turns up again, it has mysterious brown streaks here and there?
That’s pretty awesome right there. I tend to be a little like that when I get new electronics.
Jefbot there is a new event for pokemon HG and SS that started Saturday and goes to the end of August, makes it so you can get the other Lati dragon that isn’t native to your game.
yes! i got the enigma stone over the weekend, DJ, but haven’t done the mission yet. still playing voltorb flip to raise money for some cool TMs. 😛 must get one of those dragons, tho!
Well even if you activate it, Latias will just sit there outside of the building until you want to catch her.
And if you’re looking for those TM’s still try
lots of people would be willing to trade pokemon for TM’s and evolutionary stones, I might have those TM’s buried somewhere and I could trade them to ya. I’d take Arceus back but you can keep shiny pichu.
cool! i’ll keep that site in mind for the future. already have 8000 coins and just need 2000 more, at the moment. then i’ll be off to get a Latias!
woo! my trainer and shiny pichu have gotten quite attached. 😉