It’s been a long time since jefbot and cel got cuddly (the last time was way back during the Beach storyline), but now that they’re back in close proximity to each other, will they make out or play some Star Wars Arcade? Such difficult decisions…
That being said…we’re going to have to do a “hand check” and make sure no one is doing anything inapropriate!! Woo hoo *geek mating dance* You go ‘bot!! Hehehehehehe come on and kiss de girl….
Umm…wait…and uh…please don’t tell me Cornfather is running the arcade…oh noes LOL
Do either of you remember the old Star Wars Atari game? I was quite young when it came out, but I tried to play the heck out of that game ha! I remember shooting alot of AT-ATs!! Ah those were the days!
how could I forget? It was a great early example of an arcade game ported to a home console, and the challenges developers of the time faced in doing so. In the case of SW, in particular, it was more an example of the gaming industry (of that time) sucking as much profit as possible out of a movie-game, without giving much work to the actual gameplay. See: E.T. for the Atari. or Ironman for Xbox 360. Both prime examples, from very different times, of movies that could have made for great games… but didn’t.
also, battlefront was great, but fundamentally flawed in that there was no lightsaber action (until the sequel). Who wants to play a Star Wars game without being able to dismember the enemy, limb by limb? really.
i totally agree to the awesomeosity of a bunch of the games listed here. especially:
• the Star Wars arcade game (obviously)
• Battlefront
• Atari 2600 Star Wars games
• PC X-Wing games (especially X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter)
and i’ll also include:
• PC Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
• SNES Star Wars
• Gamecube Rogue Squadron
• XBOX 360 Force Unleashed (can’t wait for the sequel!)
• Playstation Masters of Teräs Käsi (kidding. this game was awful.)
oh my. *getting flustered and feeling awkward and also letting my imagination run wild* what did Cel meant by ” how cold am i now?” what did she do? what? what? what??!!?!?!?!?!?!!!!
ahem. sorry, i tend to forget about myself some time. hit the ball out of the park for a home run for us JB. after all the dancing around with her its time you earn your reward. woohoo. also love Cel’s close up. woohoo.
your imagination certainly ran away with this one, jf#300! since cel and bot are pretty well obscured inside that cabinet though, i guess you can imagine anything you want to. heheh.
glad you liked the strip and the art, man. thanks!
Heya! Been a long time since I read Jefbot coics… I kinda stopped when Cel was introduced because it didn’t sit right with me to have a compeltely fictional character in a comic that is (at least at it’s core) based on true people and events. I feel that a comic needs to be either real or fictional, but combining the two jut feels weird to me. It’s also why I stopped reading Inktank. But I will say this,your art has iproved. Alot. It was great before and its completely awesome now. Chel loos great and the arcade is beautiful. Keep it up, I’ll check back every so often.
hey, Tomixcomics! thanks for stopping by to check in on the strip again.
thing is, everything is fictionalized in the JEFbot Universe, right down to Xinda and the Cornfather. sure, those characters share some traits with their real-life counterparts, but so does cel with people from my past. i think i should probably change the “semi-autobiographical” moniker of the strip to the “kind of, but not really, semi-autobiographical,” especially considering where this strip is headed in the future.
thanks for the kudos on the art and it’s great to see you back here! did you see your artwork in the FANart gallery, btw? 😀
I think to answer your question about whether you make-out or play the game, the answer is clearly make-out WHILE playing the game. I had a friend get top score on asteroids that way, needless to say the girlfriend was not impressed as she was doing her best to distract him. Lol
Could a Star Warsian, Luke/Leia kiss for luck be forthcoming? If so, I just hope its the lusty, full-on, open-mouth, tongue whipping, spit-swapping, mack daddy, hot, makeout session from the giant-sized comic book, rather than the brother/sister-like peck in the movie. What? They were brother and sister? Are you sure? Damn Lucas!!!
They’ll probably double play and cuddle at the same time. She’ll play the right hand side of the controller with her left hand on his left hip. He’ll be playing the left hand side of the controller with his left hand with his right hand on her shoulder.
And then, while they are running through the trenches their faces are pressed side by side for better eye-hand control and mutual snugginess at mid maximum results. Safe for Cornfather, because he’d probably barf at the site of Jefbot getting past first base so quickly.
Then after they launch the plasma torpedoes into the airshaft, they face each other, eyes half lidded over from exhaustion of space flight, she says, “Save me Obi-Bot” and they kiss as the Death Star explodes on screen.
Then historians will debate weather the flashing of the screen induced an epileptic seizure in the Cornfather, or the site of Jefbot getting a kiss.
if cel ‘n bot could sync brainwaves to play that game at the same time with the same controller they’d be unstoppable, Bl4ckw0lf! unfortunately, the government would probably have to get involved to stop them from taking over the world.
i do like the “save me Obi-Bot” scenario – i’d rather see that (even if it induced seizures) than The Prequels anyday. 😉
*diabolical laugh of doom*
I love to say that. Makes some guys very uncomfortable and that makes ME happy.
*evil laugh of doom*
I have a frekin’ question… how in the world is jefbot going to “quit’ if he’s not really employed by the Arcade? Weird things happens in this web universe!
the “Perv!” accusation mixed with your *diabolical laugh of doom* has made me totally uncomfortable, Sonitan, so mission accomplished! 😉
and you’re right – jefbot saying he’d “quit” is just as absurd as cel saying she’d “fire” him! it would all be figurative for sure, but either way, it would end in jefbot angry and leaving the arcade.
Wow! Things are getting hot for Jefbot! LOVE IT!!!! Really amazing strip, bot. It has everything: drama, love, video games. 😉 Great work, as always, bot. Way to go, man.
this has actually always been a geek dream of mine, when i used to play that in the arcade i would dream of making out with a woman in one, sadly that never happened, it did happen in a star trek:borg attack, just wasnt the same, did not meet my expectations, still was good though, just not star wars good
ha! yes, i can see how a Star Trek: Borg Attack make-out would be awesome, just maybe not quite as awesome as a Star Wars: Arcade make-out, mrwafflesorig87. 😀
Upon reading this comic, geeks throughout the world have all either gone “Woooooooooo!”, gone “Squeeeeeeeeeee!”, giggled childishly, giggled dirtily, had perverted fantasies about what -they- would do if they were in cel/jefbots place right now (in which case, you need to have the deviance spanked out of you!… What do you mean “that’s not helping matters”?) or a combination of the above.
As for me… I’m not telling. :p
Nothing gets the heart racing like a heady combination of jealousy, battling for your mans honour then fighting with said man for being so clueless.
Cel isn’t cold; she got *click, click* ssssssssssteam heat.
(Don’t judge me, I was in a production of The Pajama Game as part of my old college course)
dear angie…(may i call u angie?) spanking leads to arousal…
arousal leads to friction.
friction leads to heat
therefore spanking deviance would actually heat it up and leads to not being cold anymore…anyone up for some spanking?
NicBuxom can spank me anytime….
*sternly* It’s MISS Angela to you.
I am well versed in the effects of spanking – with and without impliments.
Why do you think I like the works of Miss Buxom?
I must admit, I know the exhileration that comes from winning a truly epic battle, and how easily that exhileration can lead to … more physical encounters. That’s all I’m saying on the matter. :p
Grab her and kiss her Jefbot, if it was meant to be she’d return the favor and maybe straddle you, if not she will slap you and walk away. Its how I got my current Girl friend. Then again we were watching Rocky Horror and drinking rum.Also she can whoop my ass in COD and L4D all while keeping up with me on the dance floor in stilettos all night. Its safe to say it takes a special kinda dame for it to work.
wow! kickin’ ass in COD and L4D, watching cool movies and dancing all night? sounds like you have an awesome “cel” of your own, Prophet! hold onto her!!!
Ah, The Rocky Horror Show. My favourite childhood movie. ^_^
So she kicks your butt at COD & L4D, then you both go dancing in stiletto’s?! That sounds like an AWESOME date! ^_^
Oh 😮
hey, ESQ! guess who gets the Shades of Firsting?
That being said…we’re going to have to do a “hand check” and make sure no one is doing anything inapropriate!! Woo hoo *geek mating dance* You go ‘bot!! Hehehehehehe come on and kiss de girl….
Umm…wait…and uh…please don’t tell me Cornfather is running the arcade…oh noes LOL
O_O Good point, ESQ.
there will definitely need to be some “hand checking” going on in that Star Wars cabinet, ESQ!
ah. and now i see why AdM had “Kiss the Girl” stuck in her head the other day. it was all your fault!!! 😉
Nope. I’m blaming you. :p
Us girls have to stick together! :p
dang it.
:p *giggles* ^_^
Haven’t you learned? It’s “always” the man’s fault, no matter what! *Girl Power*
Guess now we now what happens when Cel wins at Joust. Hmmm…..I call next!
put your quarter up on the cabinet, Dudewise! there’s a line. 🙂
Oh my!
“Oh my!” indeed, Chris.
Ha! No way, I want some specifics on what goes on in there! and a solid 4th for me!!!
happy 4th!
and don’t worry, o0Edit0o, we’ll see more of what’s happening in that cabinet in the next strip!
hate…love….two sides of the same quarter. (upright games..quarter..this thing on?)
but which side will the quarter land on, t_d? i gots ta know! 😉
We were waiting for her to make a move for so long 😀
yep, cel definitely kept jefbot (and us!) waiting, Eddie. 🙂
Oh wow. Way to reverse-psycologize your way into that one, Bot! 😀
my thoughts exactly
maybe jefbot’s not as clueless in the relationship department as he appears, rinthia.
nahhh. 😉
Good for jefbot for speaking up!
yup! he just needed a little push, Sarah W.
Damn it, Jefbot forget games for a moment and kiss the girl already!… Oh, right, its Jefbot we are talking about.
And now I have that song from the Little Mermaid stuck in my head…
Don’t be scared
You got the mood prepared
Go on and kiss the girl”
Just what I needed… 😉
aAGH! i had just gotten that song out of my head from when EvilStepQueen alluded to it, Tiana!!!
you’re right: there are too many distractions in that arcade for jefbot, Maryz! but maybe he can come to some sort of compromise.* 😀
*hint for next strip.
Hmm… A Star Wars… Was there ever a good Star Wars game? Beside Battle Front that is. And even then it was nothing to write home about.
PSX’s ‘Jedi Power Battles’ PC’s ‘KotOR’ 1 AND 2!!
y’all must be younglings, because that sit-down star wars arcade game was out. of. control. with it’s levels of pure amazingness
Hell yeah, Callum!
I fed that thing more quarters in the day… now all I gotta do is find one to go with the Joust in my basement 😀
(And then hire Cal to get them both to work!)
Do either of you remember the old Star Wars Atari game? I was quite young when it came out, but I tried to play the heck out of that game ha! I remember shooting alot of AT-ATs!! Ah those were the days!
how could I forget? It was a great early example of an arcade game ported to a home console, and the challenges developers of the time faced in doing so. In the case of SW, in particular, it was more an example of the gaming industry (of that time) sucking as much profit as possible out of a movie-game, without giving much work to the actual gameplay. See: E.T. for the Atari. or Ironman for Xbox 360. Both prime examples, from very different times, of movies that could have made for great games… but didn’t.
also, battlefront was great, but fundamentally flawed in that there was no lightsaber action (until the sequel). Who wants to play a Star Wars game without being able to dismember the enemy, limb by limb? really.
Actually, there is one starwars themed game I can think of that had no lightsabers whatsoever, yet was such an oh so satisfying game to play.
Here’s the link.
The star wars arcade game was pretty darned epic. Just sayin. Also, old school X-Wing? great game.
Old school X-wing, definitely awesome!!! 😀
i totally agree to the awesomeosity of a bunch of the games listed here. especially:
• the Star Wars arcade game (obviously)
• Battlefront
• Atari 2600 Star Wars games
• PC X-Wing games (especially X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter)
and i’ll also include:
• PC Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
• SNES Star Wars
• Gamecube Rogue Squadron
• XBOX 360 Force Unleashed (can’t wait for the sequel!)
• Playstation Masters of Teräs Käsi (kidding. this game was awful.)
oh my. *getting flustered and feeling awkward and also letting my imagination run wild* what did Cel meant by ” how cold am i now?” what did she do? what? what? what??!!?!?!?!?!?!!!!
ahem. sorry, i tend to forget about myself some time. hit the ball out of the park for a home run for us JB. after all the dancing around with her its time you earn your reward. woohoo. also love Cel’s close up. woohoo.
dude…. i think you were right with last strips comment :O!!!!!11!!!!
no, really. in all seriousness… WTF!!!!!! didnt see that one coming >_> <_<
lolz…..unless there was a sticking of things in certain orifices??????woot?
dear lord…JF comic is really messing my head…
And I thought -I- was pervy… :p
heheh. everything’s relative, AdM. 😉
*sniggers* You said “coming”…
I am very mature, obviously.
your imagination certainly ran away with this one, jf#300! since cel and bot are pretty well obscured inside that cabinet though, i guess you can imagine anything you want to. heheh.
glad you liked the strip and the art, man. thanks!
Very nice, Cel! Nice to finallly see something happening with them…
glad you approve, Tiana!
Heya! Been a long time since I read Jefbot coics… I kinda stopped when Cel was introduced because it didn’t sit right with me to have a compeltely fictional character in a comic that is (at least at it’s core) based on true people and events. I feel that a comic needs to be either real or fictional, but combining the two jut feels weird to me. It’s also why I stopped reading Inktank. But I will say this,your art has iproved. Alot. It was great before and its completely awesome now. Chel loos great and the arcade is beautiful. Keep it up, I’ll check back every so often.
hey, Tomixcomics! thanks for stopping by to check in on the strip again.
thing is, everything is fictionalized in the JEFbot Universe, right down to Xinda and the Cornfather. sure, those characters share some traits with their real-life counterparts, but so does cel with people from my past. i think i should probably change the “semi-autobiographical” moniker of the strip to the “kind of, but not really, semi-autobiographical,” especially considering where this strip is headed in the future.
thanks for the kudos on the art and it’s great to see you back here! did you see your artwork in the FANart gallery, btw? 😀
ha! *cue prairie dog looking over its shoulder* 😉
Alright! Things are getting straightened out now (I hope) with cel. Romance in the Star Wars game – how geekily cute!
I really love the angry Jefbot panel and the last one. Very cool. And I’m glad you got to be earlier even though it is a double strip! 🙂
That was supposed to be “got to bed earlier” not “got to be earlier”. 😛
now let’s just hope things stay “straightened out” with cel ‘n bot for at least as long as it takes for them to get some smooches in, shanna! 🙂
and, thanks! glad you liked the artwork and geekiness of the romance in the Star Wars cabinet.
the next strip isn’t going to be nearly as time-intensive to draw as this one was, so i’m crossing my fingers i can get some decent sleep tonight!
I think to answer your question about whether you make-out or play the game, the answer is clearly make-out WHILE playing the game. I had a friend get top score on asteroids that way, needless to say the girlfriend was not impressed as she was doing her best to distract him. Lol
i’m happy you feel that way, theBean – i think you might just approve of what happens in the next strip. 🙂
your friend got a top score on Asteroids while making out with someone!? most impressive.
Wooooo. (Sorry, I feel like this needs a studio-audience moment.)
it totally did, Sharra, and you filled that need admirably. 😀
Could a Star Warsian, Luke/Leia kiss for luck be forthcoming? If so, I just hope its the lusty, full-on, open-mouth, tongue whipping, spit-swapping, mack daddy, hot, makeout session from the giant-sized comic book, rather than the brother/sister-like peck in the movie. What? They were brother and sister? Are you sure? Damn Lucas!!!
dude! this strip is totally PG-rated! that lusty Luke/Leia kiss from the comic would totally bring this webcomic into R-rated territory! 😉
Finally!!! The heat is on!
now you got that Glenn Frey song stuck in my head, Funnyshaffer.
It’s going to end up with them playing Star Wars and nothing else. 🙁
you think cel and bot are so geeky they’d forsake some physical contact for a round of Star Wars Arcade, TCG!?
you’re probably right. heheh.
Being a fellow geek, yes. 😀
I vote make out!! Either that, or kill Jason Todd…wait…which vote is this for again…?
no, this one’s for who gets voted out of the arcade, Charles.
They’ll probably double play and cuddle at the same time. She’ll play the right hand side of the controller with her left hand on his left hip. He’ll be playing the left hand side of the controller with his left hand with his right hand on her shoulder.
And then, while they are running through the trenches their faces are pressed side by side for better eye-hand control and mutual snugginess at mid maximum results. Safe for Cornfather, because he’d probably barf at the site of Jefbot getting past first base so quickly.
Then after they launch the plasma torpedoes into the airshaft, they face each other, eyes half lidded over from exhaustion of space flight, she says, “Save me Obi-Bot” and they kiss as the Death Star explodes on screen.
Then historians will debate weather the flashing of the screen induced an epileptic seizure in the Cornfather, or the site of Jefbot getting a kiss.
if cel ‘n bot could sync brainwaves to play that game at the same time with the same controller they’d be unstoppable, Bl4ckw0lf! unfortunately, the government would probably have to get involved to stop them from taking over the world.
i do like the “save me Obi-Bot” scenario – i’d rather see that (even if it induced seizures) than The Prequels anyday. 😉
I feel a dream sequence coming on.
Good God, I loved that Star Wars arcade game. Played it at Chuck E. Cheese’s like 200 times.
me too, Felix Omni! i think Chuck E. Cheese’s might have been where i saw that game for the first time.
*diabolical laugh of doom*
I love to say that. Makes some guys very uncomfortable and that makes ME happy.
*evil laugh of doom*
I have a frekin’ question… how in the world is jefbot going to “quit’ if he’s not really employed by the Arcade? Weird things happens in this web universe!
the “Perv!” accusation mixed with your *diabolical laugh of doom* has made me totally uncomfortable, Sonitan, so mission accomplished! 😉
and you’re right – jefbot saying he’d “quit” is just as absurd as cel saying she’d “fire” him! it would all be figurative for sure, but either way, it would end in jefbot angry and leaving the arcade.
Wow! Things are getting hot for Jefbot! LOVE IT!!!! Really amazing strip, bot. It has everything: drama, love, video games. 😉 Great work, as always, bot. Way to go, man.
arigato, MC! glad you’re digging what’s going on in the JEFbot U. 😀
In the words of Grif, BOW CHICKA BOW WOW! Oh, and if you want to you can have that lol copter-tosses keys- go nuts kid.
always good to have a LOLcopter (and a BOW CHICKA BOW WOW, for that matter) on hand, so thanks, Anime fan!
this has actually always been a geek dream of mine, when i used to play that in the arcade i would dream of making out with a woman in one, sadly that never happened, it did happen in a star trek:borg attack, just wasnt the same, did not meet my expectations, still was good though, just not star wars good
ha! yes, i can see how a Star Trek: Borg Attack make-out would be awesome, just maybe not quite as awesome as a Star Wars: Arcade make-out, mrwafflesorig87. 😀
I can see it now…
“Are you two gonna be in there long…? I kinda wanna play this real bad!”
oh boy…
heheh. yes, let’s hope nothing too risqué happens in that cabinet, Steve!
Snogging in a Classic Sit Down Star Wars Cabinet… Geek-vana!
total geek-vana, SamuraiArtGuy. cel ‘n bot better not waste this opportunity!
Duhhh bot. Duhh. How did you not see it as flirting?? But he got Cel so it all work out.
all’s well that ends well, right, Will B? maybe bot will learn something about more than just video games after what happened in the past few strips.
I don’t know what to say! I love this!
your “!!!” says it all, Spaarfor! glad you enjoyed this one! 😀
Upon reading this comic, geeks throughout the world have all either gone “Woooooooooo!”, gone “Squeeeeeeeeeee!”, giggled childishly, giggled dirtily, had perverted fantasies about what -they- would do if they were in cel/jefbots place right now (in which case, you need to have the deviance spanked out of you!… What do you mean “that’s not helping matters”?) or a combination of the above.
As for me… I’m not telling. :p
Nothing gets the heart racing like a heady combination of jealousy, battling for your mans honour then fighting with said man for being so clueless.
Cel isn’t cold; she got *click, click* ssssssssssteam heat.
(Don’t judge me, I was in a production of The Pajama Game as part of my old college course)
dear angie…(may i call u angie?) spanking leads to arousal…
arousal leads to friction.
friction leads to heat
therefore spanking deviance would actually heat it up and leads to not being cold anymore…anyone up for some spanking?
NicBuxom can spank me anytime….
*sternly* It’s MISS Angela to you.
I am well versed in the effects of spanking – with and without impliments.
Why do you think I like the works of Miss Buxom?
forgive me Misstress Angela. lolz. thanks for introducing me to the world of nic buxom. another bookmark site for me.
am i going to have to hose you two down with some cold water!? 😉
I wasn’t being naughty for once! I was just being firm! So :p to you! OK, now I’m being bratty ^_^
i have a feeling you went through a “combination of the above,” AdM, if not “ALL of the above”!!! 😉
and in that second paragraph, are you speaking from experience? methinks you know a thing or two about getting hearts racing. heheh.
and i don’t judge! i think it’s awesome you’re mixing some Pajama Game into the comments!
I… erm… *shifty eyes* Maaaaaaybe… *blushes* Bad, AdM! -_- *sighs*
I must admit, I know the exhileration that comes from winning a truly epic battle, and how easily that exhileration can lead to … more physical encounters. That’s all I’m saying on the matter. :p
Really? No judging? Awesome! You rock! *hugs* ^_^
OMG I totes LOVE musicals!
I love you guys!
Grab her and kiss her Jefbot, if it was meant to be she’d return the favor and maybe straddle you, if not she will slap you and walk away. Its how I got my current Girl friend. Then again we were watching Rocky Horror and drinking rum.Also she can whoop my ass in COD and L4D all while keeping up with me on the dance floor in stilettos all night. Its safe to say it takes a special kinda dame for it to work.
wow! kickin’ ass in COD and L4D, watching cool movies and dancing all night? sounds like you have an awesome “cel” of your own, Prophet! hold onto her!!!
Ah, The Rocky Horror Show. My favourite childhood movie. ^_^
So she kicks your butt at COD & L4D, then you both go dancing in stiletto’s?! That sounds like an AWESOME date! ^_^
no she rocks the Stilettos, I like flats personally.
Hmmm my comment from last night didn’t post. Wait…did I post last night? I know the site was all wonky and I was sick so….wait what?
Anyway, Bot uber cute comic!
Wow….Cel is my dream girl….it has become totally apparent with this strip!