[UPDATE! – November 18, 2010] The new strip’s up so I can finally take this down. Since the strip’s being uploaded late, I won’t waste time typing out a long blog before I post this one. It’s pretty evident, anyway – especially in the comments section of many a JEFbot strip – that Geek Girls are not to be trifled with! Also, connecting with fellow ’80s gamers is so easy due to that shared videogame experience we all had back then. I wonder if kids growing up with Halo and Call of Duty will feel the same way us older gamers feel about Pitfall! and Space Invaders?
And just wanted to post a quick thanks for all the encouraging emails, comments and tweets you guys sent my way while I was filming. They really gave me a charge while I was heading into the shoot, and helped make the experience even more awesome throughout the day.
[November 16, 2010] Although I hate whenever I can’t get the strip posted on time, being late due to an acting gig or audition is usually one of the better excuses I can give whenever such tardiness occurs. I should have a new JEFblog up before the weekend about my experiences on-set, as per usual, but if you’d like a more real-time feed of the goings on of the shoot, follow my Tweets here: Twitter.com/jefbot.
Thanks again for your patience!
Wow, 2 completely different comments hahaha, within seconds of one another!! HI AdM!!
*waves* I was only playing! ^_^ The real comment’s below so there! :p
Just kidding! ^_^ Break a leg! (Yes, I’m one of those pretentious theatre types) You’re going to rock!
i guess i’m one of those pretentious types too, AdM, ‘cuz i’m always more comfortable with “Break a leg” than anything else. 🙂
What if it was an ice-skating performance? I think that might just be tempting fate 😀
i think there should be two Shades of Firsting awarded with this strip, AdM! you get the first pair for the “I’m gonna be late” post: 😎
Congrats on the part!! We’ll always be happty to wait!! Thanks for the info!
gracias, ESQ! the shoot was a ton of fun. 😀
USE THE FORCE JB! We´ll wait all the time you need.
“The Force”?! Don’t you mean “The Power of SCRAWN!”?
thanks, ContableEnorme and StanYan! i used the Force and the Power of Scrawn during filming! 😀
Do your thing,we’ll be here.
knowing you guys would be here, even if the strip went up late, was a huge load off my mind leading up to my day on-set, t_d. thanks!
Dude, Job B4 readers. We are faithful, we wont rage just because you have other work 😀
big thanks, Eddie. that means a ton, especially when i keep hearing about how fickle webcomic readerships are. great to hear i have a solid foundation here! 😀
Well done!! Go act, we’ll be here. I trust you’ll let us know more about the film when you can?
thanks, Jed! yes, when i’m given the green light, i’ll post some details about the movie. it’s a low budget indie film, so i should be able to write something up soon.
Go rock the shoot and break a leg! We can’t wait to hear about what you’re doing (and hopefully get to see it!). Just don’t break anything hand related since you’ll need those to update us on the world of Jefbot and Wil. 😉
thanks, shanna! many legs were broken (but the hands remained safe!) and i had an absolute blast on set. no guarantees about when or even if this will make it to theaters, but i’m hoping it will at least see the light on video for you guys to see!
Congrats on getting the movie part! Hope the shooting goes well.
thanks, Sam! the shooting went extremely well! i’m still high from it!
Have a wonderful time! And I’m sure that those of us who have done such things before will agree…movie totally pwns timely updates. 😉 What movie?
ha! i won’t argue with that, Tiana! while i try not to be so late posting the strip, being on-set is a pretty darn good excuse. 🙂
i’ll fill you in on the movie when i get the thumbs up. i’m sure it wouldn’t be a problem as it’s a small movie, but i feel better waiting for the producers to tell me it’s okay first.
best of luck, hope to see it somewhere soon, have fin 😀
thanks! i’m hoping it’ll be available for all of you to see too, o0Edit0o! no guarantees in this business, though. 😛
Congratulations are in order, apologies are not! We’re all just hoping to see it in a theater close to home =) Break a leg, jefbot, and keep us updated!
well thanks for the congrats, Kate! while i probably only have about a minute of screen time in this one, i would like for nothing more than for this movie to show in theaters! i’ll take a showing on DVD or cable too, of course. 😉
Gratz on the part. Just have fun with it. Also, been following the comic for couple months now getting caught up, this is my first post, just wanted to say thanks for the entertaining story lines. 🙂
definitely had fun with the part, Kiltorea! it was a great experience where i had a lot of leeway on what i could do with the character. and thanks for following the comic strip and leaving a comment! hope to see more of your feedback in the future. 😀
Go get ’em, Jef!!!!!!
We – your rabid fans – will wait (with chips and flamethrowers!) until you can post again. We’ll behave (for now!)
*diabolical laugh of doom*
Lots of hugs of doom for ya!!!
*runs away laughing maniacally*
Wait…We have to behave? *hides the rose flogger* Umm ok but like…for how long? Cause I need adult supervision…
I can “supervise” you. BUt not sure about the “adult” part of the supervision.
*evil laugh of doom*
you ladies are so naughty. i love it.
thanks for behaving Sonitan! was nice to see this strip wasn’t burned down with those flamethrowers during my absence. heheh. *hug of doom* back atcha.
I came back no comic? oh…I might cry! Just Kidding!!!!
Congrats on the part Jeff. *is all proud of the mancub and stuff!*
And I need a huge jeffbot nerd rage on a t shirt to hide the girls! And it just has to say NERD RAGE! I’m just a fount of good ideas!
The Pirate Gathering was ok but the booking for next year was totes worth it. Dressing as a nun…It was fun seeing people who know me and the reaction once they recognized me.
Missed you all and glad to be home!
thanks for the congrats, Pixie, and glad to hear your Pirate Gathering went well! i can totally imagine the reaction people had toward you in the nun outfit. you gotta post pics from the event! 🙂
been thinking about doing a nerd rage tee, actually! now that the movie’s done (and once i get moved into my new pad at the end of November) i’ll be able to devote more time to getting some JEFbot Merch into production!
I vote to push it to friday. Make progress on next strip and come friday you may have some progress on next tuesdays strip so maybe you even start sleeping normaly.
Kudos on the movie.
You talk sense. I like that.
Seconded. ^_^
i should’ve listened to you two, Maryz and AdM! i was already exhausted from the shoot on tuesday, and working on the strip ’til the early morn last night didn’t help matters. it’s definitely gonna be rough turning another one around tonight. 😛
and thanks for the kudos, M!
Congrats, Jeff! Keep us posted on when/if we’ll be able to see what you’re acting in!
most def, Stan!
Break a leg!
thanks, Doc! i broke legs and had multiple fractures! 😀
woo! ,movie! congratz man! hows it called?
woo! thanks, kisame! i don’t think the producers would be mad about me spilling the title: it’s called The Extra. 🙂
rabble rabble *rage!!!!* kicks zombie plushie,head flys off* oh noes! *chases after dog who got plushie head in mouth.* arrrrg! * washes plushie head*…man raging is a lot of work whew.
keep your man raging in check, Prophet! or you just might end up like jefbot here and hold a lifelong grudge against TV stars from the nineties. 😉
As you are one of the few webcomic people I have known to always keep to your schedule… Apology accepted. Although I am slightly upset because I missed the shades of firsting by less than an hour. I WANT TO WEAR THEM SHADES D:
i do try to keep to schedule, Ryurei! (doesn’t always work out that way, but the effort is there. heheh.) and keep at it: the Shades of Firsting will be yours someday!
woooo! Good job jeff! good luck on the set mate.
thanks, Steve! all these well-wishes really came through for me on the set. 🙂
Which movie? I wanna see it!!
i’ll explain more soon, rinthia! right now, i can tell you that it’s a broad, indie, romantic comedy. 🙂
Its ok dude, hope the movie has ‘splosions. >:-D
ya know, i think it does, Anime fan! there are several scenes of a film-within-the-film being shot, and one of them’s a war movie. i’m not in that scene, but i’m sure it’s got to have ‘splosions!
have a good time at the set JB.
i did, jf#300! thanks. 😀
It’s wednesday NOW, give us our comic!
Dearest John,
Most of the JeffBot Harem have given him til Friday because we want him to be rested and refreshed for good comics. He works hard, he deserves it.
Just thought I would let you know.
I second that, kick back, relax, and open a Dew. You’ll live… most likely.
“The Jefbot Harem” – heh heh.
it’s up, John! (didn’t get it posted ’til Thursday, but still.) i really should’ve listened to the JEFbot “harem,” as i’m running on fumes here. <- (hilarious, Pixie.) 😀
Break a leg. Hope you bit part leads to Wil Wheaton Type fame. We try to be patient.
thanks! and i’ll keep my fingers crossed waiting for that WW fame, Will B! now i just need to get on a beloved, long-running, science fiction series. shouldn’t be too hard. 😉
Are you *sure* you want to go that route? WW became popular *despite* the character — *and* because he was willing to both acknowledge and play on the character’s unpopularity. (Loads of actual acting talent hasn’t hurt either!)
I think that there are better (and probably easier) ways to get yourself known in your chosen profession than becoming the namer of a rather negative trope.
not to worry, reynard61, i was totally kidding, hence the winky face. i don’t envy WW’s path since ST:TNG but do admire where he’s gotten to in recent years. i think he was able to do this through strength of character, smarts and – as you said – talent. and he’s a nice guy, too, which probably hasn’t hurt. 🙂
Well it looks to me like the new strip is up! Congratulations! Better late than never, as I and other shameless procrastinators like to say. This is kind of the way I thought the “showdown” would go… nothing like a little nerd-bonding to smooth things over… at least for now 🙂
and here we are with the second pair of the Shades of Firsting! since you’re the first to comment when the real strip went up, wear these with honor, Kim: 😎
nerd-bonding does tend to smooth many things over, and jefbot does seem to have let his Nerd Rage go at this point. as for whether your statement “at least for now” proves prophetic, we’ll soon find out. 🙂
And here I thought Shades of Firsting was just an expression, not Mr. Smiley with Ray-Bans! I’m indeed humbled, as a newcomer to this insular community. Fortunately, I’m not very competitive about these things, heheh. Though at one time, when I was doing theatre in high school, I could get pretty emotional about a defeat, which leads to my theory that JEFbot suffers just as much from Thespian Rage at Wil, and it may still be simmering in the back of his temporarily-distracted brain.
Hah! Come over to the Wheaton side, Bot! Nostalgia always seems to bring two people together…
jefbot does seem to have been turned by the Wheaton, o0Edit0o! or is he just suppressing the rage? well, if anything could turn bot, it’s ’80s gamer nostalgia. 🙂
I knew they would bond!!!!!
*growling evil curses of doom*
My revenge will be HORRIBLE!!! Fear it!!!!!
*goes to secret weapon vault to check for doomday devices*
they have definitely bonded, Sonitan! that’s the power of the Atari 2600, apparently. heheh. don’t boycott yet, though (and maybe put the doomsday devices down) – we still haven’t gotten to the end of this storyline! 🙂
Well….That was…unexpected. Oh Cel, you crafty girl you! I am proud.
Well we are waiting to hear all about the deets of the shoot.
*snickers* Yes yes, the ladies of the Harem are not to be triffled with! Although I’m sure we would enjoy a good triffle, witht he yummy lady fingers or angel food cake….MMMmmmmm cake!
I hope you are rested and refreshed Jeff darling. If not, go to bed young man!
funny, this strip was almost called “She’s Crafty” after the Beastie Boys song, Pixie, but i thought that might give away the punchline if readers saw the title before the actual strip. cel’s definitely a crafty one, though. 🙂
ha! your terming of the JEFbot “Harem” totally cracks me up. and now i’m hungry for some trifle. heheh.
definitely not rested but thank the GODS that tomorrow’s friday! WOOooOOOo! i’ma sleepin’ in on saturday, most def!!!
aaannd then Jefbot locks Wheaton in the store leaving him there for weeks so that he dies of malnurisment. Wheaton’s body is found on opening day clutching at the Tron game. Jefbot is smiling wrly in the background mwhahahahahaha!
do you really think it would take weeks for him to die of malnurishment…just saying 😉
maybe there’s some twinkies and red bull hidden behind the counter there, theBean. 😉
nice and evil scenario there, Prophet! that could definitely happen – we don’t know if jefbot’s motivations are 100% pure at this point, but the influence of ’80s nostalgia is hard to shake!
Ruh Roh, could the dastardly Wil Wheaton and the boyish Jefbot become…*gasp* friends????? Egads!! I dunno, I think something might happen to the space time conitnuum if that happend. Just sayin’ LOL
Again, must say, loove the separation of the back and foregrounds!!
cel’s geek powers are definitely activated, ESQ! heheh. maybe she had to yell something like what you wrote to get them going.
as for whether the space-time continuum is safe or not can’t be said at this point. for all we know, they could totally be friends now! *shock!*
I was hoping for some animosity stoping short – very short – of blood.
I like this better.
And while Underestimating legendary creature that girl gamer is is ill-advised, I think in this case its the 80s nostalgia that should take credit.
Besides nobody says they are pals now that they want to play together – or against each other -, so Sonitan, dont despair my friend.
you’re right on the money, Maryz: the ’80s nostalgia was probably the most powerful force at work in this scenario. although – cel did set the stage for that to happen, so she should at least get a small percentage of credit. 🙂
glad you liked how this turned out! while there’s still more story to be told (i.e., i’m not ruling out animosity-stopping-very-short-of-blood), it seems jefbot has found an unlikely geek-buddy. at least for now.
Yay! The strip is up! Yep, nostalgia will do it every time. It’s a great way to bond and find similarities. I agree with Maryz though that this may not be the end. There is still the chance for a little “competition”.
Wil is looking great – especially the first panel. He totally looks like Wil. Awesome job.
Ok, pleasantries over with – we want to hear about the shoot!!! What was it? Who’d you work with? Did you have fun? Come on, give us something! 😉
yay! nostalgia’s definitely a great, shorthand way of bonding with people, Shanna. especially for geeks!
and yes, you and Maryz are right to assume this won’t be the end since we still have the Opening Ceremonies to get to. should be easier for jefbot to endure now that he and Wil are pals though, right?
thanks for the kudos on Wil’s appearance. i’m making slight tweaks with each strip, trying to get a caricature that looks more and more like Mr. Wheaton. hopefully by the end of this storyline i’ll have a character that people could instantly identify as him.
i’ll have a blog post up soon, Shanna! i wish i could say it was a secret Wright/Pegg/Frost film, but in actuality it’s a low-budget, rom-com with no “names” in the cast, really. i just don’t want to put anything out there before the producers say it’s okay. 🙂
Did Cel KNOW about ‘bot’s disdain for Wil prior to this grand opening? Hmmm….
nope! she had no idea, Stan. she just found out a few strips back, when bot freaked out upon hearing that Wil was going to appear. the Cornfather may have filled her in more on jefbot’s history with Wil, but for the most part, she’s just crafty, and a quick thinker. 🙂
roflmfao priceless, and you made me nostalgia at the same time.
curse you, you made me nostalgia…
I wonder if this is to lure wheaton into a false sense of security, and get him alone, and then it’s murderin’ time! (ok, replace “wonder if”, with “hope”)
also, yay new comic!
ha! glad you got nostalgic upon reading the strip, John! does that mean you and i just bonded?
your “murderin'” scenario is very plausible, especially with jefbot’s past Wheaton rage. or maybe that ’80s nostalgia helped bot’s nerd heart grow two sizes this day. 😀
What a great strip, bot. It’s so heart warming. It reminds me of a very special “Growing Pains” episode. You have such a way with dialogue, geekdom, and of course, you artwork can’t be beat. Cel is a very lucky animated lady to have you in her life. 😀
That last sentence is priceless. 😀
I second that.
yes, i guess this could be considered a “very special” episode of JEFbot, MC. heheh. maybe Kirk Cameron will be the next guest star in the strip.*
*not gonna happen.
“*not gonna happen.”
Thank you!
Aw…. Not even a donkey kong tournament? Oh well, its still awesome!
the Opening Ceremonies have yet to come, Ember, and Wil putting that first quarter in the DK machine will be televised! (or at least published online.) 😉
somehow I feel very old, I recognize every game mentioned.
embrace it, Zolen! heheh. how do you think i feel? i didn’t have to do any research for these strips! 😉
Common ground is always a good thing
The three most destructive forces known to man kind:
Number 3: Energy of nuclear fusion.
Number 2: Fanboy Wrath.
Number 1: Fangirl Wrath.
Nerd rage diffused by geek nostalgia. Damn nostalgia. Sigh the weakness of us all. lol Good strip. Keep them coming. Just don’t play that annoying type character to make fame and fortune on the long running sci series lol.
Yet more evidence that Geek Girls are not to be trifled with.
BTW, everyone heard about the little girl who was bullied for having a Star Wars water bottle? Those boys will regret that one day. Geek girls are the best! *isn’t biased at all*
Love this strip but still think you should have listened to your Harem :p
Good for Cel; we women do have secret powers to defuse the power of geek rage. And other rages, but that does not bear going into…
“Never underestimate the power of a girl geek!” Love it. …and so true, in high school our girls chess team kicked the guys butts!