It all comes back to the Star Wars arcade cabinet, and jefbot wouldn’t want it any other way.
Let’s hope cel and bot make the most of their alone time, because even as this strip wraps up the current storyline, new events will be set in motion in the epilogue, which begins this Friday!
Awwwww, what a great way to kick back and relax, nerd style. I approve. And want to find my own cabinet to settle back in now…
thanks, T! and yeah, if i ever see a Star Wars arcade cabinet for a reasonable price, i’m totally picking it up (even though i’d probably have to get rid of my couch to make room for it in my apartment.)
and hey! two-in-a-row! the Shades of Firsting are yours, once again: 😎
Woot! I wondered if I’d made it in time…whew!
I’d have to persuade my new roommates to move things around…or get rid of my dresser, whichever works. But I’ll bet having a Star Wars arcade cabinet would be worth that, and more. 🙂
Now go get some sleep!
gonna try, but at this point i have to wake up in a couple hours to go to work anyway. *blegh*
Oh yuck…been there, done that, got the tee-shirt. I’ve found that those 5-hour energy drinks kinda work. Do NOT combine with Starbucks, though, as I discovered when I almost vibrated right through a wall on the caffeine buzz.
my sister Laura swears by those 5 hour energy drinks, T, but i haven’t tried ’em – i’m already having enough probs breaking my coffee habit. 🙂
I started using them when I was doing 24-hour days during the shoot in Anchorage. I’d be up at 4:30 to shower, arrive at 6, shoot (or sit around) all day, then make the 6-7 hour drive back home after 6 pm. Vibrating with energy was preferable to crashing my mom’s Subaru…
Aah – and then there were just two.
indeed, Rod! will events transpire that leave only one!? dun dun DUUUUUN. 😉
Oh noes!!! Are the aliens gonna come and take cel???????? That would be SO unfair to poor Jefbot!
Ah, but remember, Cel knows something very big about the whole situation. My guess is that she’s going to board the ship willingly in an effort to persuade Musashi NOT to alter the timeline so that hamsters have opposable things and the ability to game.
it would be awesome if one-by-one, the JEFbot characters all get abducted until jefbot’s the only one left, shanna. the last comic will be the one where bot finally gets beamed up. 😉
and persuading Musashi not to pursue a timeline where his kind gain opposable thumbs will require quite an argument, TINTWYLF!
Back I am, and loving the current storyline! JB definitely has the whole nerd factor going on with this “date”/ quality time with cel, but he did everything right and was all romantical! (My kinda stuff!) Hooray for another double decker strip! *hugs for all*
Spanky’s back! WOOOooOooOOOO! heheh. so happy to see you back here, and glad you’re loving the storyline! yep, another double decker, although this one technically could’ve been done on one line. i just wanted a little more breathing room and a better reveal for that last panel. welcome back! 😀
I’ve been wondering what happened to you Spanky! Glad to see you back. I think you clearly get instant Harem membership if you want it (see comments from previous weeks if you don’t know what I’m talking about).
Hey, Shanna! Thanks for the warm welcome back, and instant access sounds good to me! Sign me up! 😀
HURRAY! *hugs* Welcome Back Spanky!
Dawww! Thanks for the super warm welcome back, Pixie! *super hugs back* 😀
Yay! It’s the Star Wars cabinet. Isn’t nerd love awesome?
Great strip. And great wrap up. Although I think promising free pretzels to the Cornfather “anytime” could be bad for the bottom line! 😉
nerd love’s totally awesome, shanna! if i had released this one a day early it would’ve been perfect for Valentine’s Day. 🙂
and yes, cel may learn to regret her promise to the Cornfather. heheh.
yeah 😀 hope boot woudnt screw it up with his old school nerdyness and just stays away from the buttons on that machine
Just got a huge nerdgasm. Oh they are so effin awesome, I laugh so hard I can hardly catch breath.
That was awesome Eddie. Good find.
yeah, would be nice if my friday D&D games were this funny/epic!
i almost had bot drop a quarter into the machine, Eddie, but didn’t want to ruin the mood (and i thought them being in the Star Wars cabinet was enough of a callback.) so yeah – i’ll try and keep him away from those buttons, Eddie! at least for now. 😉
Woohoo. Jb 1 ww 0
heh. although don’t forget: WW has a flying car, Jf#300, which gains him many win points!
*Happy Pixie Squee!!!!!*
OMG Adorkable!!! Nerd Love! *Pixie Joy!!!!!*
Again, your attention to detail is astonishing…right down to the black nail polish on cel’s toes.
hooray for “Happy Pixie Squees”!!!
and thanks for noticing the little details – cel’s toenails are actually blue, but the texture i used darkened the color a bit. 🙂
Pizza & beer, the breakfast for champions
yep, and the “late night snack” of champions, too!
Cel and ‘bot better watch out, there’s a slim chance the only way they can get close is if they’re in the Star Wars game…LOL If their relationship “went to the next level”, there would have to be Star Wars theme music to get them in the mood HAHAHAHA!!
How adorable are the bare feeties?? A nice way to end this storyline, very very cute!!
WOW, haven’t seen the name Spanky in quite some time!! Welcome back!!
ha! yes, we wouldn’t want that to happen, ESQ! at least it’d be cheaper than viagra, tho. 😉
and the “bare feeties” seem to be a thing with those two.
This is true romance, right here. The right place, the right caring gesture, and the right footwear.
Perfect! 🙂
thanks, Sarah W! i’m glad you’re feeling it!
How did I not see this coming??!?!
Awesome work Bot. Fantastic ending for a fantastic story.
woo! thanks for the fantastic compliments, TCG!
Anytime buddy. Have a [i]fantastic[/i] day. 😛
lmao Awesome! Love that they kicked off the shoes lol. And, it still fits under the Valentine’s Category lol. Now..if only the opening actually took place on V-Day… lol. But Kudos =D Great work. Can’t wait for the next arc! ^_^
thanks, BJT! and it was just a happy coincidence that this one came out during Valentine’s week – i’ll take that as a sign that cel and bot were meant to be. 😀
Hey! found your comic last Friday, just finished reading from the beginning. I love your humor, and I currently have #121 as my background. I’ll be sure to keep reading.
glad you like my comic, NateNexus, and thanks for reading through the archives! i see you’re a pokéfan, huh? i’m amassing some Furrets named “Abraxas” to give away to JEFbot readers, so if you want one, just let me know. 😀
that wins on so many levels. You have my eternal respect.
I mostly obsess over Zelda and Kingdom Hearts, though, they’ve shaped my life in many ways.
He shoots, he scores!!! YES!!! Totally awesome!
I LOVE the last panel! It’s PERFECT!
aww, i appreciate that, Funnyshaffer!
That is so adorable. A little late for Valentine’s day but still fitting.
thanks, DJ! i’m happy you found it adorable. 🙂
and i take it by your “Sneaky Witch Thief” avatar that you’re getting hyped for DA2?
Oh good, it wasn’t just my imagination then, that is from DA…that’s right, that was one of Alistair’s early lines. *having one of THOSE days*
Great style indeed.
And people say romance is dead.
big thanks, Maryz! i’m happy there was some romance to be found for you here. 🙂
I wonder if all this “special time” at the arcade will cause Jeffbot to get all fired up when he hears those oh so recognizable arcade noises in the future.
it’s definitely a possibility, David, although i suspect jefbot gets “fired up” when he hears that score, already. 😉
and hive mind in effect: you and ESQ (see her post above) share the same concerns.
Yahoo, let’s blow this thing and go home!!
Great shot, kid! That was one in a million. 😀
Awesome. My only problem is that from now on I’ll be looking for a cel in my life…you’ve set high standards there, bot. 😛
heheh. there’s a cel out there for you, ZAD-Man! don’t give up hope! 😀
Heh heh, J.B. knows what the ladies like. And no Jef, it was the last one I had, but I made him pay out the ass for it. 😈
not sure if jefbot knows what the ladies like or if he’s just the luckiest-guy-in-the-world in that cel is cool with his tastes, Anime fan!
and, darn it. well, if you ever have another one, send me an email before you put it on eBay. 😉
Get? Don’t insult me I manufacture. Benifets of being a dimension walker.
Ha! Cornfather would do quite a few things if free food was involved. I’m confused. Are Jefbot’s and Cel’s legs crossed or something? Look at their pants, and then look at the silhouettes. If that’s the case please tell me Jeff, my brain is tired and I don’t need t o be confused any more than normal. Also, am I the only one concerned by Sonitans recent lack of commenting?
Uhhhgg! I am so tired. I just recently got home from play practice and it was tiring. And it’s not even tech week.(the week leading up to the first show if you were wondering) So because of the play, don’t be surprised if you don’t hear from me as often.
Oh, I found this Saturday but wasn’t able to post it due to several inconveniences.
I know what you mean; I’m in a show too, and we’re a long way off from Hell Week (what we always call Tech Week). Tiring work, innit? What show are you doing?
Indeed it is tiring, Tiana, but worth it in the end. However, it’s even more tiring when some of the actors have forgotten their lines or messed up the dance and they take 30 minutes to take care of it.(I’m a grip by the way) The current play is the Wizard of Oz. Last year we did Peter Pan and that was awesome so we’re hoping for an even better turn out this year.
I know what you mean…we’re doing Winter’s Tale right now. We’ve done it a little oddly; we spent three weeks on tablework before getting up (yesterday) and starting to stage it. So we were supposed to be off book yesterday. Ha…yeah, about that…we stumbled and stuttered and generally looked like idiots. It wasn’t as bad as it could have been, and that’s the thought I’m holding onto…
Perhaps she is sitting in his lap?
Break a Leg Fijiman and Tiana!
You might be right. And thank you.(Ha. I just thought of the song from the Producers, which we did two years ago.)
Thanks! Always good to get good vibes from friends. 😉
that leg thing troubles me also.. there are some possible explanations though:
1) As Pixie mentioned.. Cel may be sitting in his lap
2) they might have switched pants!
and my favourite and absolutely universal explanation
3) 42!
I think that #1 might be the closest because I doubt Jefbot has blue nail polish.
#1 is correct, supersonic cucumber, though “42” is also technically correct. 🙂
There is nothing wrong with their legs.
And I DO miss Sonitan! You have some serious explanation when you come back girl.
i’m missing her too, Maryz. if i hear anything from her, i’ll let you guys know.
yep, cel could probably get the Cornfather to do quite a bit more for the arcade if she added pizza or burgers to the menu there, Fijiman. heheh.
hope you get some rest, and we’ll miss you but don’t worry about any lack of commenting: we’ll be here when you come back from the show! break legs!
and Pixie’s correct: cel’s sitting on bot’s lap. 😀
definitely concerned about Sonitan. i’m hoping we hear her *diabolical laugh of doom* soon.
(WARNING! Rant alert!) I should probably change that to if you don’t hear from me for a while, it’s because my mom wont stop trying to use Farmville on this computer. Seriously, this thing is at least ten years old and Farmville is a huge program. You’d think that a smart person would have figured out by now that the reason it takes hours to do ANYthing on Farmville is because it’s too large a program to be using on such an old computer, but I guess that my mom just wants something else to complain about because she’s been doing this for about a week now. And of course the next two days might be the only time I’ll get to have a chance to get on the Xbox for a while, seeing as my brother has been on from the time he gets home till he goes to go to bed all week. Sometimes I REALLY hate my family.
as DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince once said, “Parent’s just don’t understand,” Fijiman. i’ll keep my fingers crossed that it all works out and you can get some computer and XBOX time in soon!
Considering that I played Xbox most of yesterday afternoon and for like nine hours today, I’d say that Ill be good for at least a few more days. Wish that I could talk to some of my friends online more often, but they always seem to either get off shortly after getting on or get on just before I need to get off. >B(
The perfect end to an amazing day.
the perfect end to an amazingly long day. from my view 😀
think of it like a “Ferris Bueller” day, sc. 😉
thanks, Angela! and now that the day’s over – bring on the night! 😀
Yep. I agree.
Classy bot… reaaaal classy. Happy V day everyone! Here’s looking forward to the next strip
hope you had a happy v-day too, Jiro! i’ll be working on the next strip in t-minus 2 hours.
D’oh! I guess I was premature on my previous epilogue kudos, since you haven’t officially gotten to it yet. Bad, Stan.
Wait, I take that back — I looked back and gave you DENOUEMENT kudos, not epilogue kudos.
heheh. either way, i’ll take them kudos, Stan! thanks! 😀
Oooooooh. I wish i could find a girlfriend like cel. There are not many nerd-girls out there…
I just recognised that this is my first comment. Sooo… thanks for all the great comics, and im looking forward for new episodes! 🙂
Greetings from germany!
Welcome redeye, and greetings from America.
greetings from the U.S., redeye! with “Schuetze” for a last name, i always welcome the Germans here!
and yeah, cel’s definitely special, but there are some awesome geek girls out there (i know cuz a lot of them comment on this site!) so keep your eyes open and let us know how the search goes! 😀
Now Mu arc? You promissed Mu after Cel… ok not right away, but after, and i can´t wait.
Took me a minute to figure out what you were saying there.
not quite yet, Daniel, but i appreciate the enthusiasm for Mu! he’ll return this year, i promise.
HA!! Told you it would end “spicy”.
Uuuu…new arc, I wonder what things has destiny prepared for JB.
yep! things are getting spicy in that arcade cabinet, nicobot, and not just ‘cuz of the pepperoni pizza! 😉
first the epilogue, then some standalones, then new arc! (but not giving any hints as to what’s going to happen in it. heheh.)
Next we learn Cel’s secrets?
nope! cel’s keeping those secrets to herself for now, Anonymous. 🙂
I admit you’ve got me stumped, Jeff… this strip looks pretty “epilogical” to me; so where can you go from here that’s not a brand new storyline? The only thing I can imagine is one of them stepping into the pizza or knocking over a beer bottle. 😉
ha! while i’m not ruling out spilled beers or stepped-on pizza, Kim, the epilogue will be more in spirit with the epilogue to the Beach storyline (which readers are still speculating about. *evil chuckle*) so it will pretty much cap this arc with something new to think about. stay tuned!
it’s a good thing she didn’t say her shirt lol.
also I like his style too