We know that jefbot has a truce with some bugs and a kill-on-sight order with others. It’s because of events like the one chronicled in today’s strip that moths are most definitely on the “kill” list. And while my Max Headroom shirt was spared the jaws of the insatiable moth larvae in Real Life, my E.T. shirt was not so lucky. This is why there shall be no truce. Not now. Not ever.
Even I’ve never had a shirt spontaneously dissolve… O_O
well, the moths and their unseen larvae had something to do with it, Red, although with as old as that shirt is, spontaneously dissolving probably isn’t out of the question.
and, hey! you’ve achieved the Shades of Firsting on this one. congrats! these are better than moth balls or fresh cedar chips when stored in a closet. enjoy:
WOOT! Massive absence helps me again, I knew all those days I skipped school would go to good use. ^_^ I hope to get back to visiting again on a regular basis again soon rather than just occasionally… I hope everyone is doing okay and best wishes too all.
Come HOME! Or make thy self known!!!! *sob sob sob*
100 Boteer points if you can name the movie and the scene!
Unless I’m mistaken, Hokus Pokus, the scene where the witches wake up and the book with an eye is missing… But I could be way off….
Right Movie…Wrong scene. but 100 Boteer points anyway!
I don’t think but a few people have had that happen, Red. Did you get a new computer, or are you still using the POS?
POS but I have a fan blowing on the CPU so it doesn’t overheat.
My dad had an old track shirt that looked like that… well, like the end result. He was so upset when we finally made it throw it out!
i feel your dad’s pain, Shay! i hope you got him a new shirt after throwing his beloved one out. 🙂
Sorry ladies… no shirtless jefbot… 🙁
ha! due to his extreme Powers of Scrawn, i don’t think anyone wants to see that, Psynapse. 🙂
Thing is, due to extreme Powers of Scrawn, would we actually see anything at all?? Hahaha… and now I am looking at my elementary and middle school pics from the 90’s and wondering what made me think wearing that was okay…
true that, Psynapse – from certain angles, a shirtless bot might disappear from view altogether.
Gah, I hate when my clothes do that…
me too, ZAD-Man. time + moths + box storage = bad.
The reactions are amazing! So is the shirt… I think I had one of those too!
thanks, FunnyShaffer! yeah, Max Headroom was supercool. 😀
…… I have the entire series of Max Headroom on my computer. /not ashamed.
Nothing to be ashamed about. I thought that it was one of the more innovative series of it’s day, and it introduced us to the inimitable, incomparable Matt Frewer.
definitely one of the most innovative, reynard61, and Matt Frewer was kind of a geek god, back in the day (mostly due to this series and his voice-over work in some cool toons.) it always felt like he was on the verge of breaking out, but he never really did. loved seeing him in Watchmen, though.
So do I. It gained me extra cred points with my IT guy when my last laptop died, which almost made up for the cred points I lost when I had to admit I hadn’t backed up the last two chapters of my MS for about a week . . .
He got it all back, but he made a point of telling me he’d saved Max first.
heheh. glad your IT guy had his priorities straight, Sarah W.
I loved Max Headroom, was a huge fan. However, I liked Doctor, Doctor even better. It was one of the funniest shows ever on television. I keep looking for the box set, no luck yet. Matt Frewer is coming to the Calgary, Alberta comic con, so I might get to meet him.
Yeah, I loved “Doctor, Doctor” too. *fondly remembers the “sperm-suit” episode* (A curse on whichever network Suit cancelled it!!! May you rot in the darkest, most fetid pit in Hell!!!)
wow, i had totally forgotten about Doctor, Doctor, Roborat. had to Google it to jog my memory. good luck finding a box set!
between Max Headroom and Watership Down, it appears we share at least a couple of the same tastes, Maesonic.
dang… them’s some really hungry bugs.
yep! let’s hope (for bot’s sake) they don’t turn carnivorous, jiro. 😉
Not the E.T. shirt! Something similar happened to my favorite shirt several years ago. I attempted systematic speciecide on the perpetrators, but I couldn’t kill them all, now no bug noticed in my abode survives. There’s some things you just don’t mess with.
i understand your bug intolerance, Twigus Maximus! but, y’know, a few spiders left alive in your abode could help with moths and other bad bugs that have broken the truce…
Alright, now that I’ve got that over with, I love the reactions 😀 And, your strips are amazing as always 🙂
ha! i love your reaction, Kypress! thanks for the compliments. 😀
Better still JB, now if you get an intervirew with the church you have the perfect shirt for it. lol
i see what you did there, Anime fan – yes, his shirt is definitely quite “holy.” heheh.
‘bot oughta wear color more often. 😀 Even if it is DayGlo or neon!
funny how DayGlo and/or neon was such a popular look back then but you don’t see it anywhere now, Kate! maybe i/jefbot should try bringing it back? 😉
I love the way he holds the pose — excellent comedic method.
Plus, of course, the whole thing will probably dissolve if he moves.
i think you’re right, Sarah W – one move and that shirt will probably turn to dust. good thing bot didn’t find any ’80s shorts in that box. heheh.
A cedar chest, like the one I have for my blankets, might have been a good choice for those…
Poor ‘bot!
yeah, jefbot really should’ve done a better job protecting those old shirts, Tiana. i shudder to think what’s happened to the clothes i boxed up and stored in my parents’ attic a couple decades ago…
BWahahahahahaha!!!!! Oh this made my day.
Not only do I feel you about shirts getting eaten by stoopid bugs, but I know who Max Headrom is AND how he got his name AND used to watch the show! Suck on THAT beaches! Bow to me Your Alpha Female Geek LOL!
Ok ok Maybe not but the Alpha Female Pixie! *stomps foot* I am spending every available moment at work today watching Tales from the Crypt. Cause I has a love for it! Don’t judge me.
Judge you?
I was gonna offer to bring the popcorn and skittles . . . but I’m at work, too.
glad to hear this strip stimulated a bunch of your alpha-geek receptors, Pixie! also makes me chuckle that you were watching Tales while at work. hopefully you were there wasting even more time while commenting here!
I have a couple shirts so old, they’re reeeeeeeeally soft
i love those old, soft shirts, DJ. i have a bunch of them, too!
I have some really faded, old, over worn shirts but now that the vintage look is back in I tell everyone I paid a lot of money for that look! ;D
Good thing it wasn’t a favorite old pair of pants that you decided to wear! *snicker* Too funny. Poor ol’ Max Headroom!
As a fiber person, moths are definitely verboten! Everything else gets to stay in winter (I wouldn’t want them to freeze outside!) and get peacefully relocated outside in summer. Except mosquitoes. They die. Every last one of them. >:( Die, I say!!!
ha! i love how you think, Shanna. (i was thinking the same thing about bot’s pants, too. heheh.)
yes, as a “fiber” person, i can see why moths are on your Kill List. (god forbid i should ever see a moth near the Teddiursa and Musashi you sent my way.) mosquitoes have definitely broken the truce in my dwellings, too, as have silverfish.
i think he definitively needs a skinlifting^^
it’s funny, i drew an entirely shirtless bot underneath the “shirt” layer, Malkav, and i had him with a little belly over his pants. but without seeing him entirely shirtless, it made him look like he had a huge gut peeking out from all those moth holes in the last panel, so i redrew it a bit and give him a “tummy tuck.” but i decided to leave it as-is in that second panel for you eagle-eyed readers. 🙂
I LOVED Max Headroom. I was crushed when it was canceled.
yeah, my friend and i pored over each episode, Stan, and were so excited every time a new one would come out. definitely cancelled before its time. 🙁
Thank gods I dont belive in that I dont have this kind of experience.
And while the fact that you are staying still while the shirt creates a Bugfield aura around you is kinda awesome, I have to excuse myself to go puke. Not that I mind the bugs as long as they go arround their bussines, but when some of them decide to rest on any part of my body before continuing their journey, well, they will not live to see the next day. Disgusting tickling critters.
the only bugs i have a bad problem crawling around on me are big, crunchy bugs like roaches or walking sticks, Maryz. i mean, i don’t really like anything crawling around on my skin, but if a moth or spider (the friendly kind) is on me, i really don’t mind. that said, i probably wouldn’t be as calm as bot here if a swarm of moths started eating the clothes off of me. 🙂
I HATE moths! Maybe because you’re asian you have a “Mothrah” complex.
By the way, Great Strip.
yes, there is the “Mothra” factor to consider, twisted sister.
The TRUCEEEEE!!!! I had forgotten about it XD…here in the tropics is a different kind of truce: we let the insects stay in the garden or they eat the entire house 🙂
wow, the truce with your bugs in the tropics sounds much more important than the one jefbot has with his bugs, nicobot!
at first I thought the shirt was decaying because of the age, but the bugs and the fly trails kinda helped that out. freakin moths man….
never had a problem with moths actually. Hopefully I never do lol.
the age of the clothing probably isn’t helping matters, steve, but yeah – those bugs are making quite a meal of jefbot’s beloved shirt.
If only that would happen to everything you hoard, bot. Then you’d have so much more space for the new stuff you buy. 😉 JUST KIDDING!! Your “collection” is what makes you you and also keeps AMAZON in business. Anyway, it’s a great strip. Very funny, very expressive. and The Cornfather is still a little too fat. 😉
aagh! gods forbid that happen to anything else i hoar… um, “collect,” MC!
and if the Cornfather were to reflect the weight you’ve lost in Real Life, he’d be unrecognizable to the readers! 😉
It’s pronounce Te A Ti Me. (TERRY PRATTCHETT FTW)
heh. or Te E Ti Me, in this case, Kisame. 😀
I have a sort of truce and kill-on-sight thing with bugs as well. Some spiders and a majority of stink bugs I let live if they’re not doing anything to (and excuse the pun) bug me. Most other insects, however, are usually dead as soon as I see them (especially if I catch them in my room), unless they’re fast enough for me to not get them the first couple of times.
yeah, killing stink bugs is bad (for obvious reasons), Fijiman, and with spiders i’ll just let ’em live in my place if they’re out of the way, or i’ll put them outside in a bush. fortunately (unlike in my previous apartment), i haven’t seen much of any bugs *knocks on wood-like surface* so i haven’t had to make let live-or-kill decisions, recently.
I definitely have shirts that do that!
hey, Eptha! good to see you!
and glad to know you have some “disappearing” shirts, too. heheh.
At least you losing your clothes hasn’t been your fault. When I have to trash min, it’s usually because I over-wear it.
And hey, I started writing stuff. Weird stuff, but stuff all the same. http://www.insanesoft.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=753
i have some shirts i’ve “overworn,” NeoDarklight, but for the most part i’ve kept my tees in fairly good condition. the ones that won’t hold up for much more wear i’ve donated to the quilt project my sister’s working on.
and good luck with your writings! nothing wrong with weird. heheh. Chickenator!
Ha! I just happened to have put on my old Max Headroom shirt when I sat down and read this
nice! i hope it didn’t meet the same fate as jefbot’s as you were reading the strip, cylis. 🙂