Yes, my sister Linda/Xinda painted the walls of my apartment orange (at least in the living room). She even put some orange drapes up early on, but later decided to take them down. I might just have to post some pics once this storyline’s done, showing the extent of what she has wrought on the interior of my apartment.
Ha that’s the color orange i picked to paint my bathroom.
the paint my sister used in my apartment has a bit more red in it than the stuff in the strip, Jason, but i didn’t want it to look like blood. heheh. hope your bathroom looks cool!
and, congrats! looks like the Shades of Firsting are yours this time. wear them well, as these not only protect your eyes from the sun, but from paint as well:
woooooooo shades of firsting on my second post ever! but my bathroom is super bright so ill need them lol
sounds like they’re a perfect fit, then, Jason!
Shades of Firsting? YAY!!!
Never mind… *walks away while “Lonely Man” plays, a la David Banner*
heheh. so close, Maddgodd81! from the time stamps, looks like you and Jason were posting within mere seconds of each other. but for your efforts, you get the Invisible Shades of Seconding!:
Alright!!! Awesome!!! Spectac….
Oh No!! I dropped them!!! And they’re invisible! Great, now I have to crawl around and search for them…
Heh, turns out I was wearing them the whole time. Well, now I feel silly. 🙂
Thats what happens when you piss of an evil sister with a bucket of paint 😀
evil sisters are so sensitive, Eddie!
sometimes. not all the time! *gulp*
bot, *RUN*!
We should all be grateful that Xinda decided to show her displeasure with paint alone. Especially ‘bot.
my thought exactly, lucky he have just received a paint treatment instead of PAIN treatment, considering her history of “stabby incidents” 😀
No kidding. She could have easily shown her displeasure with a knife, or a bat…. or a spoon.
yes, a “pain” treatment would be very bad, Eddie. and… ugh. i can only imagine the pain she’d inflict with a spoon, Fijiman.
Too true. Especially when you consider that knives are designed to cut things, whereas a spoon is not designed to do so in any way, shape, or form.
yes, it’s a good thing she wasn’t holding a paint trowel or something sharper when bot went in there, Maddgodd81!
Orange you glad it wasn’t purple? Sorry. I could not resist.
Yeah, that’s pretty much what my sister would do too.
I love that she was so carried away that she kept right on painting! You’ve gotta give her credit, she’s a force!
i know i shouldn’t encourage you but i’m glad you couldn’t resist, Funnyshaffer. heheh.
Haha, goodness sakes…only color change I’ve had is white to yellow…it’s worked out pretty well so far. 😛
throughout my years, i don’t think i’ve ever had my walls any color besides white, ZAD-Man, so my colorful apartment interior is quite a change!
And this is what happens when you let your evil sibling paint your room. 😀
(For the record, I picked out the colors for my bedroom myself when we re-did the walls and floors a year or so ago. Emerald-green on two walls, pale-green on the other two, and white ceiling. Very nice.
So basically, you sleep in an emerald room?
That’s about it, yeah. 😉
yeah, it’s really my own fault, Insectoid. heheh. and funny – my original request was for her to paint the walls either an olive or lime green but of course, my sis had plans of her own. 🙂
Couldn’t help but crack up a little, I’ve heard of red in the face but this is just silly.
And hey, if you anchor down the orange with some earthy tones or warm colors it can look extremely classy.
thanks for the crack up, HaywireKnight! it definitely looks way cooler than i thought it would as it blends well with my black couch (w/ orange throw pillows), entertainment center and shelves. 🙂
Better orange in your walls than purple in your eyes or red in her “slasher killer” axe. 😛
very true, CE. also, my face wouldn’t look good in black and blue.
Orange. Nice fruit. Tough word to rhyme with…
purple and silver would be hard words to rhyme with, too, 11TN. hopefully, Xinda has no plans for those colors in bot’s apartment.
I’m not done yet!
ps. The color is called Koi! (Behr premium/primer/paint)
I’m guessing this is a point where the phrase “I have not yet begun to paint!” would come in handy?
aww, that sounds like such a cute color of paint! I assume there are more evil things to come yes?
there’s nothing left to paint, Xin – i think you’ve got everything covered! (but thanks for the details, in case any readers out there want to paint their own places “koi.”) 🙂 you aren’t thinking about painting the bathroom, are you?
NOT poo brown! Oh a loverly robin’s egg blue or something…Maybe a seafoam green?
Of course my FIRST thought was pink but then I remember JB is no a girlie!
Real men are not afraid of the color pink. It’s my second favorite color, after forest green.
Interestingly, at one time, pink was considered a more “manly” color for a boy’s room, and light blue was for girls. Red was seen as a very masculine color (the color of blood, what one spilled to protect your family and land), and so very young male children were surrounded by a softer version of red… pink! 🙂 At least this is how it was explained to me in high school by my art teacher when several boys refused to participate in a project that demanded they only use shades of pink. 😛
This is really weird, my dad and I are getting ready to paint my room RIGHT NOW.
I think I should go help him now, instead of reading web comics…
Unless you were just taking a break from painting, yes you should.
although you could always leave this particular comic strip up, so when your dad finds you at your computer, you could say you were doing “research” for painting, Tyrone. 😀
so what color are you guys painting your room?
White, with a yellow feature wall
We painted the bedroom in our old place something called terra cotta — we were frightened when we opened the can (okay, only one of us was frightened, the other one was stoked), but once it dried, it was gorgeous.
that was kinda my reaction when my sister first brought the paint(s) over, Sarah W – at first i was like, “whaaa??” as it looked very red when she first got it on the walls, but now that it’s more orange-y, it looks cool. same thing with the french blue paint she brought after. it almost looked black at first. 😯
In our old house, I painted my tiny office this dark, peacock blue. Everyone told me it would be cave-like, but it wasn’t — it was like writing by the ocean.
Don’t look a gift redecorating in the mouth, I guess. Orange would definitely NOT be my first choice of colors – or second, or third, or tenth. But I lived in a rental house with an orange living room and it wasn’t as bad as I would have thought.
So in real life, will you have to re-paint before you move out?
yeah – Linda just had this whole koi/french blue color scheme in her head, shanna. i kinda debated with her about it at first, but then i just had to trust she knew what she was doing. was scary. heheh.
and, yep: must repaint when i move out. my sister says she’ll help, but she lies sometimes.
Pics please? I want to see what the color scheme looks like
“But she lies sometimes.” *snort* And threatens people with forks. 😉
My room was painted a sort of sky blue when we were going to put my youngest brother in there shortly after he was born. The closet is still pink from whoever the previous residents of my house were, which I find kind of odd. Oh well. Hope the painting goes well and that you sister doesn’t decide to paint your room neon rainbow. 😉
if i had come home and my bedroom was “neon rainbow” i probably would’ve sobbed, Fijiman, but i wouldn’t have been surprised. 🙂
I think just about anyone would sob if they saw that. That or they would lash out in a fit of rage.
At least it’s not brown. My Bestfriends soooooon to be ex husband (not soon enough!) painted the guest bathroom brown…because his sister’s entire house is that color so it must be a good color. And not only brown but poo brown. HIDEOUS!
Oh and the living room is pink….Now…while that isn’t a bad thing….I love pink. But it’s the color of pepto bismol!
Orange is definately not my favorite color.
wow. i love the color brown (i think it’s actually my dad’s favorite color) but i don’t think i could deal with my living room that color, Pixie. a cool brown, maybe, but definitely not poo brown. at least it didn’t stink like poo, right?
I was allowed to paint my bedroom light blue when my roommates and I moved into our apartment; we worked out an agreement with the landlord so he paid us for painting the apartment, and as long as we picked light colors that were easy to paint over, we could pick out anything we wanted. Great landlord! 😀
i did clear this painting thing with my building manager first, Tiana, and while he gave me the okay, i think he was a bit reluctant when he heard about the color choices. it’s definitely going to take a few coats to cover this up! (which is why i don’t plan to leave here for many years.)
Orange can be a really good color: warm and inviting, but sunnier than red.
But probably not for more than an accent wall. Hopefully she didn’t do your entire room orange!
heh. yeah, i think a completely orange room would’ve driven me insane, Sharra! (and sometimes i feel like i’m teetering on the edge of sanity as it is.) in Real Life, she painted two walls in the living room orange (plus my headboard) and two walls in my bedroom dark blue.
I hate citrus fruits so that color would mess with me.
then you probably wouldn’t like the orange-scented candles she bought and placed around my apartment either, Anime fan. 🙂
Never interfere between the artist and its work. Especially if the artist is your maniac killer sister of doom . Good luck JB!
On another note…how strict is your rental agreement?
it’s true, nicobot: jefbot should’a known better. heheh.
i think the rental agreement in my old apartment was pretty strict. at my new one, the rule is that i have to repaint the walls white before i leave. (which will be pretty hard with orange and dark blue walls.)
Actualy, depending on shade orange can be quite nice as wallpaint.My Mom painted part of my parents bedroom with orange… and other 3 collors too, all leftovers from painting other walls. It meshes surprisingly well together.
And Jefbot should have known better than to leave Xinda unsupervised. Not that it would help any, but still.
Painted Bot? Thats an artists hand I tell ya!
you’re right, Maryz – orange in a room is a way better color than i would’ve thought. and this “koi” orange (it has a little more red in it) my sister got for the BOTcave is very cool, especially in sunlight.
and funny you could tell Xinda’s artistry by the paint strokes on bot’s face… 😀
I would like if I said I wouldn’t do the same thing she did
Be lying* stupid autocorrect
yeah, it was kind of an inevitable outcome; bot should’ve known to have his guard up before he went charging in there. at least Xinda left his Dr. Pepper unmarred.
Well at least it wasn’t a can of Reichgart in her hands this time 😛
That would have been bad.
very bad, Fijiman.
ooh. true that, Kaze. heheh. at least he can just wash the paint off, and she didn’t get it in his eyes. 🙂
It looks like now that bot’s joined the Schuetze ranks of getting banned from places, Xinda wants to get in on a brother-sister banning. Aww, gotta love those touching family moments, especially the kind you can celebrate with M-80s in the rent drop slot.
unfortunately, if there’s a brother-sister banning from the apartment after she’s done painting, E. A., the Cornfather will be banned along with them, and methinks he wouldn’t be too pleased. 😉
oh yeah… proper pre reaction indeed…
red huh? Funny my office is painted red and gray. actually looks pretty good.
red and gray sounds pretty cool, steve; i was kinda angling for lime green and gray here, but suffice to say, it didn’t happen.
We do not appreciate spammers here. Post a real comment or go look up another web comic that IS about space aliens.
thanks, Fijiman. i couldn’t tell if E was a troll or just overly enthusiastic. i decided to believe it was the latter.
E might just be overenthusiastic, but to ask for the exact same thing twenty times out of a web comic that isn’t all about that thing, it’s spam. Also, the fact that whoever E really is chose the name everyone to imply that whatever he/she writes is what everyone is wanting to be in no way cute or funny. Do you hear that E? I’m on to you.
while i appreciate the enthusiasm, E, i must say: patience. “more space aliens” will come when they’re ready.
Who in their right mind would sell her paint?!?!
People who don’t like getting stabbed and/or people who don’t know about her.
this is also true.
i sometimes wonder whether Linda/Xinda has been banned from any home improvement stores, TCG. she’s done a lot of work on her own home, so chances are she has. i might have to ask the next time i see her.
Well, that explains the poor choice of paint then! 😉
In college I painted my frat room light blue with a bright green trim. People always wanted to study in there because it was impossible to fall asleep. 😉
ha! that’s awesome, Richtpt, but it would be horrible for me, as i don’t get enough sleep as it is! 😀
as long as it’s not /neon/ or anything that would kill your eyes, orange for a room isn’t such a bad idea…
there was a time in the ’80s that i probably would’ve loved neon paint, Jaeh, but yeah: those times have passed, thankfully.
Well.. here’s my comment in brief:
– like Bot’s new colorful appearence
– was Xinda’s paint attack a one move swing or a two move combo?
– great Pictures from Phoenix. Especially the one with Popbot. Love it 🙂
1) so you think i should draw jefbot that way with the orange stripe now, all the time, supersonic cucumber?
2) two swipe combo.
3) thanks! yeah, Popbot and Mombot had a great time and people loved seeing them. will have to invite them to more conventions in the future and put ’em to work! 🙂
Just realized, in the last panel, jefbot may, in fact, be commenting on the FLAVOR of the paint! Looks like Xinda got him in the mouth with her “Angry Paintbrush of Displeasure” attack.
Hope she’s using non-toxic paint.
knowing Xinda, probably not. 🙁
that occurred to me, too, Maddgodd81. i almost changed it, but i liked the way it could be taken both ways, so it was a happy accident i decided to keep. 🙂
Someone called it in an earlier strip upon seeing Xinda with a paint roller. All things said and done though she’s my kind of evil… not that it means I’ll let her near my room though