They haven’t made an appearance in the strip for a while so it’s understandable if you aren’t familiar with their characters, but that’s Xinda’s daughter, Akira, and husband, Ted, talking to jefbot in today’s strip! Here are some of their past exploits:
• JEFBOT.29_Bad Uncle
• JEFBOT.38_Parachutes
• JEFBOT.98_Chain Reaction
And although I’ve tried to “keep things real” over the course of this storyline, I must tell you that I had to tone down my sister’s “terms of endearment” for my niece and brother-in-law. When I asked her what her pet names were for them, her answers could not be shared in a “PG” comic. Or even a “PG-13” one. Heck, they’d even be pushing the boundaries of a hard “R.” Anyway, enjoy!
So much for fragile!
My first comment here ever even though I’ve been reading this comic for ages. Am just not very much of a comment person maybe?
But the reason why is to let you know that the last few comics really moved me.
And to wish your sister and all your family the best!
heheh. yes, “fragile” is a word rarely used to describe Xinda, Nahiyana!
and check you out: you got the Shades of Firsting on your first comment! glad to hear you’ve been reading the strip for some time (maybe now that you’ve commented, we’ll be seeing more of you here?), and thanks for the kind words and wishes for my sis and family! that makes awarding you these Shades that much sweeter – wear them well, especially if you have Man/Woman Servants or Hellspawn of your own!:
Wow, I didn’t even notice I was the first!
I didn’t realise that when you were typing a comment all the previous ones were visible, just assumed there were more comments but just couldn’t see them! But yay shades!
There, I even set up an avatar now so I’m more likely to keep commenting! (not sure that’s logical to everyone but it is to me!)
And then I posted at the bottom of the page instead of here. I’m so sleepy! I blame the sleepy!
i blame the sleepy all the time, Nahiyana. when in doubt, blame the sleepy!!!
Welcome To the Comments section! Come on in, take yer shoes off, have some hot cocoa and cookies. Stay a while
Cookies! *munch munch nom nom*
Pixie’s cookies are the best. 🙂
just when you think it’s safe….
…Xinda pulls you back into her hospital room!
although i’m not sure one ever feels 100% safe when Xin’s around, Geoff. 😉
I felt my soul rattling around in my rib cage when she yelled. Eep.
heh. after her recent surgery and being all drugged up, you just know it took a lot of effort for Xin to yell like that, Anime fan, so i think “soul rattling” is an apt description!
So . . . the drugs wore off and she’s back to normal? 🙂
not just yet, Sarah W – but Xin’s will and attitude are apparently stronger than any drugs! 😉
I’m thinking they might be used to it, considering Xinda…
in many ways, they definitely are, GG.
I love Ted and Jefbot’s reactions contrasting with Akira’s “oop, she’s back” look.
thanks, Joe! glad you liked it – originally, i had them all with the same alarmed expression, but changed Akira’s later, as it seemed funnier/more true to her character.
Now that’s the Xinda we all know and fear
yup, yup!
Y’know it’s like this, JB wouldn’t be the same without her so we appreciate her for all she’s done for and to JB. Besides, she may be a demon spawn from the 9th level of hell but she’s OUR demon spawn from the 9th level of hell right?
Incidentally I hope the real Linda is doing fine
THERE’s the Xinda we know and love! i was getting worried.
Are you guys SURE we aren;t related in some weird way? I was born in Cali after all. Cause really? Hellspawn! I called my Nieces (and come to think of it thier kids) The DeamonSpawns. I still call them that when they are being crazy.
Big term of endearment from me for kids? Coconuthead. I don;t even remember where it started but I love love love coconut so I call all the kids in my life coconutheads.
Wait…..Xinda’s gots kids?! *is floored* Nuh un! She’s too young! Holy Crap I feel like I’m watching Hook again for the first time when Peter Bannung finds outhe’s Peter Pan and has kids.
My niece on Mr Pixie’s side is also Arika…Coincidence? Amazing.
yep, the Xinda we know is still in there, kickin’ and fightin’, Pixie!
and perhaps we are related – in mutual geekery and evilness, if nothing else. 😉
i like “Coconuthead”! i know Linda and Ted call my niece “Squid” or “Squidkid” or something, too. and, yup – Xin/Lin’s got a hellspawn, and she’s all grown up and everything! think of how old that makes me feel. 🙂
and, wow. we’re totally living parallel lives in some way. my niece’s real name is “Airica.” crazy!
People said I was pretty much my normal self when not passing out in the middle of a sentence, or watching the pretty horses ride across the room, so yeah, she should be just fine!
sounds like you had some amazing drugs, Oz! that, or you were in a lot of pain and trauma. or both.
Little from column A, little from column B… if you have the option, try not to get blown up, it’s not as glamorous as the brochure makes it out to be!
Wow. It’s like nothing happened at all. I’m go back into the corner and cower in fear. ><
cowering in fear is a good response to have when Xinda’s around, TCG. whether she’s in a hospital bed or not. 🙂
Poor parents. One of the reasons I have managed to avoid becoming one is that I know much of my life would be spent at the uncaring beck and call of my offspring. I feel sorry for you and them.
but think of the rewards, Spike! waking up at all hours, feeding, changing diapers, cost of school, worrying, college…
oh, yeah. now i remember why i don’t have kids.
Those are the best pet names ever.
With emphasis on “pet”…
heh. you should hear the censored versions, Striker. 😉
Your sister sounds crazy in all the right ways.
she totally is, Sharra. and all the wrong ones, too. 😉
Hellspawn? No wonder Akira writes dark poetry if she is called that. And thats supposed to be downplayed, publishable endearment? Oh, my.
Great lightning change in second panel. Totaly conveys the mood.
yeah, Akira’s Real Life counterpart even had a poem tattooed on the side of her body, Maryz. (much to the disapproving glares of her uncle bot.)
thanks for the lighting notice!
THAT was scary! Remind me to NEVER get on her bad side.
never get on her bad side, KB. neverevereverever!
I can get behind my hubby Man Servant (just kidding, sweetie, if you read this!) but I could never call either of my kids Hell Spawn! Hopefully your niece takes after her dad and this term of endearment doesn’t really fit!
Ted must be one tough dude to handle her!
CALLING my hubby Man Servant
(stupid typos)
i’m pretty sure Ted has some choice, unprintable pet names for his daughter, too, Shanna! but yes, he’s pretty tough to be handling two ladies with Schuetze blood in ’em. heheh.
“Don’t leave.” That gave me a nice vocal laugh out loud! I LOVE the look on everyones face in the last panel! OUTSTANDING!
thanks, FS! glad you got an LOL out of it!
Dammit! now I’m gonna spend the rest of the day thinking about your sister’s R-rated petnames XD
best to not think too hard about those pet names, F_F! doing so may drive you insane.
I love how the 3rd panel when jefbot’s eye pops out and akira eye’s close!
Excellent job!
thanks, pinkee! i’m happy you liked the expressions.
Man servant and Hellspawn made me laugh…especially since Akira is Xinda’s child.
Also, is Akira wearing an Anarchy shirt? 😀
Meant to reply with my username but totally spaced….
glad you noticed that about the “Hellspawn,” Ember West, since basically, it means either Xinda’s a demon, or she coupled with one. 😀
and, yep: that Anarchy sign is Akira’s symbol in the strip.
LOL! I love how the room darkens when she says that.
thanks for the LOL, Insectoid! and glad you liked the “darkening” of that 2nd panel.
Nice to know that even cancer can’t keep Xinda’s temper in check.
true dat, dj. if there was any cancer cells left in Xinda, hopefully that yell scared them into submission.
In the second panel, Akira’s pained look of long-suffering resignation is priceless!
I also love how Xinda’s voice changes the color of the hospital corridor. She obviously doesn’t need to be dubbed by Mercedes McCambridge (will anyone still know that reference?).
“The Exorcist”?
glad you liked Akira’s pained look, Kim Fugal! sadly, i’ve seen that look on her face in Real Life too many times to count. 😉
if people don’t get the Mercedes McCambridge reference (although it looks like reynard61 did), a quick trip to Google should enlighten ’em. heheh.
Bwahaha I love Linda!!! I call DorkKing “Fat Boy”… lmao
ha! surprised you don’t call him “Snow Angel” after he was sporting those wings and diaper (and little else) on FB, ESQ. 😀
manservant and hellspawn… thats terrifying.
would you expect anything less from Xinda, steve?
is akira as terrifying as her kick ass mother? and if shes hellspawn does that make xinda the queen of hell? (i’m scared)
i would say – being diplomatic here – that yes, Akira is as terryifying as her mother, but in a completely different way, jacob. actually, i think Xinda would say that her daughter’s even more terrifying. heheh.
and yes, it’s possible that Xin’s the Queen of Hell. 😉
Glad to see that Xinda is still charming as ever JB :D….How is it living with her, and did Airica inherited some of her mothers fighting spirit?
about 12 years separates me from my sis, nicobot – you should ask my parents’ or my other sis for the definitive answer on that! 🙂
and i would say yes, most definitely – Airica inherited much of her mother’s fighting spirit, but as i mentioned to jacob above, it’s a different sort of spirit.
hey. I haven’t been around much lately. sending well wishes to Xinda and hope for a quick recovery.
been missing your comments here, supersonic cucumber! thanks for the well wishes for my sis. 🙂
Ofcourse clearing the browsercache removed my name and stuff from here, silly me!
i’ll assume you blame the sleepy? 😉
And now I want to know what Linda really calls her husband and child! *taking notes*
what she calls them is best left unsaid, T. 🙂
Awww, reminds me of the nicknames me and my sister had for each other when we were younger…
evil nicknames just means you care. right, Maddgodd81?
Just curious about the age difference between Jeffbot and Xinda, as Akira doesn’t look much younger than Jeffbot, and she is married.
mirroring Real Life, Mom & Popbot had Xinda 12 years before jefbot, and Xin had Akira pretty young, so she’s only about 7 years younger than bot, Roborat. so how’d you know Airica was married!? (in the strip Akira’s still single, as i’m contemplating making the marriage a future storyline.) 😀
I didn’t know, I screwed up and managed to get it right by accident, apparently. Anyway, thanks for the clarification, I figured it was something like that.