Dun dun dunnn… A cliffhanger! At least we know who The Christmas Bat’s evil eye will target now that he has been released from his makeshift tomb. No doubt Santa would be a mighty adversary, if it comes to that…
Keeping this short as I should’ve had this strip up yesterday, but once again fell into the chaos of the Holidays.
But one last thing: If you have a Christmas Bat nest of your own, take a pic and send it in! I’ve received a couple in the emails from you readers, and will post those in the next day or two, so if you have one of your own, chances are it’ll be featured in the JEFblog! If you’re new to the Legend of The Christmas Bat, making a tribute to the flying holiday mammal is easy:
1.) Make a nest of tinsel at or near the top of your Christmas Tree.
2.) Place a bat (rubber or otherwise) in this nest, preferably with just one red eye. Use some red nail polish and a black Sharpie, accordingly.
3.) You are done.
Previous Christmas Bat Strips:
• JEFBOT.24_The Christmas Bat
• JEFBOT.106_The Christmas Bat II
• JEFBOT.201_The Christmas Bat III_part one
• JEFBOT.202_The Christmas Bat III_part two
• JEFBOT.300_The Christmas Bat IV
• JEFBOT.401_The Christmas Bat V_part one
Ahhh, the suspense!!!! Great job as always! I hope your eye is better and that your family is well. I cannot wait for the next installation! Take care! 🙂
thanks, Ebony! yep, the eye’s much better this week, but still trying not to exert it too much. the family’s well, also – we had a Christmas brunch that was fun and mostly drama free, which is always a good thing. heheh.
and check you out: you just achieved the Shades of Firsting! wear these well: these may have been sent to me by that Jolly ol’ Elf himself. yep:
Is it wrong that I squealed when I read your comment? I’ll blame it on the eggnog. 😉 LOL Thank you [and the Jolly Ol’ Elf] for the Shades of Firsting; I will cherish it always! Haha But in all seriousness, I hope the new year brings you continued success. 🙂
nope, it’s not wrong at all, Ebony! (but go ahead and blame it on the eggnog all you want. i loves me some eggnog.) 😉
and thanks for the well wishes for the new year! wishing you a great one, too.
Drat! So close! But at least I should be second! I should!
TCB is awesome. But not as awesome as the Coca-Cola Christmas ads. Sorry to all Pepsi lovers. Coca-Cola RULES and in all honestly… is not Christmas wihtout the Coca-Cola ads.
Holidays are coming
Holidays are coming
Holidays are coming
Holidays are coming
Holidays are coming
Holidays are coming
Tease the season
Watch out
Look around
Something’s coming
Coming to town (Coming to your town)
Dooh dooh dooh…
Always Coca Cola (Coming to your town)
Something magic
In the night
Can’t you see it
Shining bright (Shining bright)
Always Coca Cola
Tease the season it’s always the real thing
Holidays are coming
Holidays are coming
Holidays are coming (Always Coca-Cola)
…okay. I’m gonna get me a Coca-Cola before I get all teary up.
yup, you got the Inviso Shades of Seconding, Jcb!
and glad you like TCB. Coca-cola’s one of my favorite soft drinks (along with Dr. Pepper) and i love the Coke polar bears, so i have no problem with you finding those ads so awesome. Coke is it! (and happy holidays!)
“(…)a jolly old elf(…)”
Jolly? Really?! He looks kinda pissed to me…
heheh. okay, in this case he might not be as jolly as he normally is, r61. 🙂
The reindeer look menacing. What will Santa do?
I was thinking the same thing lol They look more bad ass than the average reindeer!
they’re definitely more bad ass than your average reindeer, MissB! (the ability to fly makes it so.) 😀
as you’ll find out in the next strip, Santa’s reindeer are more playful and reckless than menacing, though they do put up a good front in this one, Lor. 🙂
I feel kinda bad for the cranky old bat.
the tables have turned a bit on him in this one, Silver C., so i’m glad you’re feeling some sympathy for the little guy.
I just realized…you’re the Christmas bat this year, Jeff! With the one red eye and all… ohdeargod, runrunrunrun! 😉
I haven’t gotten around to making a nest for the Christmas Bat yet, but that’s in my plans in the next couple days.
ha! i was thinking the same when i was drawing The Bat this year, T! (but more the part where our flying friend’s eye looks like it’s swollen shut on one side.) now if my other eye started turning red… *shudder*
Oh No TCB! ACK Oh No Santa! S**T! Who do I cheer for?!
Dear TCB, PLease don’t maul Santa. Thank you.
Dear Santa, Please don’t smush TCB. Thank you.
Phew I think I covered my….bases! I was gonna say bases!
Good Morning Botillians! Hope everyone had a Very Merry!
I’m confused too. ACK! I’m gonna run away and hide until it’s all over. *scampers*
i have a feeling whoever destroyed TCB’s cave dwelling should scamper away and hide, too, KB!
after reading the next strip, let me know who you end up cheering for, Pix – TCB? Santa? Both? or maybe just the Reindeer? 😉
hope you had an awesome christmas and new year, too!
Eight enormous reindeer? Are these different reindeer from “Twas the Night Before Christmas” or is this due to the “Gulliver Syndrome” from the perspective of the bat?
The fact that there are only 8 reindeer, rather than 9, leads me to believe that Rudolph is, in fact, the Christmas Bat, and that Robert L. May (author of “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”) got it wrong…
very astute of you to notice the reindeer count, Ed! this little tale does tie into the Rudolph storyline, actually, as you’ll see in the next strip.
in this version of the tale, they’re actually much more enormous than your average flying reindeer, Rainey.
I think I’m with Pixie on not knowing who to cheer for.
i say always bet on Bat, Fijiman. 😉
This is the awesomest Christmas Bat story ever!!! Thanks JEFbot!!!<3
thanks, DAS! i’m glad you’re finding it awesome! the writing and drawing took way longer than a regular strip, so that makes me happy. 🙂
Time for Jack Skellington to step up…
Kidnap the Sandy Claws
Throw him in a box
Keep him there for 90 years
And see if he will talk!
We just watched that a few days ago, and my kids are still going around singing that song. My son TaranChilla has an amazing memory for lyrics, so he is the leader of the frequent family sing-along of Kidnap the Sandy Claws. 🙂
ha! TaranChilla’s awesome!
and i’m digging your new avatar. did you make that apparel yourself?
i’m thinking of maybe bringing The Christmas Bat storyline out early this year, GeekGirl to maybe coincide with halloween. i think he’d fit right in. 🙂
Woot! Started reading a couple days ago. Finally caught up. Yay for christmas break. Would just love to say to u, jefbot, that the comic is hilarious, and that u can bet I will be checking on update day. Congratulations on the new reader.
Welcome aboard Destructur 25! Have some cocoa and we still have christmas cookies around and Oh there’s truffles in the fridge. We’re glad you’re here!
What lead you to us if I might ask? I’m just a curious little Pixie.
You did the same thing I did when I found this place. I read them from start to finish and that was what? 3 years ago? Maybe 2? Oh who can remember. Anyway, enjoy your stay!
Well, what led me here was an advertisement for it on The Book of Biff.com. One good web comic leads to another.
good to know! Book of Biff’s a great strip.
wow, 2 or 3 years ago, Pixie!? that seems like such a short time, especially since i feel like you’ve been here from the start! 😀
hey, thanks coming by and catching up, Destructur25! always fun to have new readers onboard, so glad you’re finding the comic to your liking. 🙂 hope to see your comments in future strips!
Anyone else hearing the theme from High Noon? ‘Cause I am.
well, now i am, Sarah W!
Dont worry Christmass bat, the scary fat man isnt there to hurt you. Those reindeers on the other hand…
heh. actually, those reindeer are big softies, Maryz. 😉
Awwww! Does this make you BatGirl? That is so cool. Isn’t there a woman in Fremont who runs a bat shelter? I realcl reading about her in the paper a few years ago. If I find anything about her, I’ll comment here again.
Damn! Is it just me or does Old Saint Nick look badass in that last panel? Ditto with the Reindeers. And here I thought it was the Christmas bat that flew into Bruce Wayne’s window lol
ha! that’d be pretty awesome if TCB’s the actual bat that flew into Bruce Wayne’s window, Jiro. i might have to make that canon. 😉
Oh noes! The Christmas bat was trapped! Thanks, Santa for freeing him, but please don’t hurt each other. I would be scared of that Santa if I saw him coming down my chimney! I can’t wait to see what happens next!
I spotted the Christmas bat at my house – I sent you a pic of him. Luckily, he seemed to be pretty chill from eating all those cookies, and he didn’t attack. Whew! 😉
thanks for sending me that pic of the Christmas Bat’s visit to your home, shanna! i think he looks pretty rad. (i’m just glad no harm came to your family.) 😀
Santa doesn’t look too happy here. I think the bats days are numbered…..
Perhaps the bat messed with the wrong elf?
i bet you’re right, TCG – The Bat really wouldn’t wanna mess with Santa, as no doubt he has some powers of his own. besides, The Bat’s pretty messed up from the cave collapse and the gift wrapping storm, as you’ll see in the next strip.
Have a good new year JB! As usual, I’ll be hanging around to see what develops.
Also, good luck Xinda. A friend of my grandmother’s (Justice Dee Anna Farnell) was recently afflicted with breast cancer. They think they got it in time, but she’ll still have to undergo chemo and stuff. Here’s hoping she’ll pull through like you.
happy to know you’ll be around in 2012, KB! i hope you have a great one.
and thanks for the luck sent to Xinda. she’ll need all she can get, no doubt. hope everything turns out well for your grandmother’s friend, as well.
Found this: http://portraitdex.tumblr.com/page/3. Don’t know whether I should laugh or cry.
those are pretty cool, KB! i wanna make one! 😀
Dude, I just dropped by to say that on Friday at 10 PM, Chiller channel (channel 257 on DirecTV) will be showing Grey Skies. I’ve set my dvr to record it.
Seriously, I just want to know what your acting is like.
Like this Friday? The 6th? To FaceBOOK!
As far as I know, yes. I did set my DVR to record it so I can watch it if I’m not home at that time. Schuetze makes his debut to the public at large! As well as those other guys.
I keep seeing the commercials and they keep showing Michael (the real like inspiration for Cornfather) on them and all I can think is I Know him!
wish i could watch it with you guys! let me know what you think. 😀
thanks for putting the word out, NeoD! i don’t get Chiller from my cable provider, but i’m glad to know Grey Skies is getting out there!
The lines, the color the writing all fantastic in these most recent Christmas Bat strips. Kudos my friend.
awww, thanks for the kudos, Javis! much appreciated. one more part left in this storyline!
So, I’m behind on updates but I was just thinking the other day – “I wonder when Christmas Bat will show up?”
There was much rejoicing when I saw this page and the last one.
i’m happy there was much rejoicing, RitoruIkko! (especially since this storyline’s running a little longer past Christmas than i’d hoped.) 🙂
Angry santa! Love this strip! The color is beautiful!
9 against 1? I feel bad for the fat man and his reindeer XD